Request had invalid authentication credentials, what to do? R Studio - r

Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See [authError]
Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See [authError]
1. bigrquery::bq_table_download(...)
5. bigrquery:::bq_check_response(...)
6. bigrquery:::signal_reason(json$error$errors[[1L]]$reason, json$error$message)
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see the full context.
Can someone please help, how to fix this? I'm downloading a huge table with millions of lines, it stuck in 12% and returns this error.


How to use directus /auth/refresh correctly?

I'm using directus to grant users access to ressources required by an SPA written in Angular. To authenticate users I created an auth service and interceptor to handle sessions and attach the "Authorization" header. Those services work fine and login as intended. But here comes the problem:
Directus session times are configured with default values (15 min validity for access_token, 7d for refresh_token) but as soon as the access_token expires I cannot retrieve a new one using the refresh token. This bugs me, because the goal is to keep users logged in for the next 7d (refresh_token lifespan) or until logout if they check this option.
My attempts at achieving this:
Since i'm using graphQL, i tried the "auth_refresh" mutation from the authentication documentation. While the access token is still valid, refreshing works fine. After the access token expired there is no way to retrieve a new one via a valid refresh token.
Alternatively I tried to achieve a refresh via the POST request specified by the docs (to double check if it was some sort of config error with graphql) but I encounter exactly the same problems as with graphQL. Directus returns either "401 unauthorized : Token expired."
if i extend the lifespan of the access token for longer than the server defined lifetime,
Response: Sending a token with prolonged life
or "401 unauthorized : Invalid user credentials." if I request a new token without an
"Authorization" header.
Response: Sending no access token
The refresh token is correctly loaded and sent to the server as specified in the docs in both
Now my questions are:
Am I missing something? I haven't found any further specification in the docs and the Auth0 protocol specifies that a new access token should be retrievable with a valid refresh token.
If this feature is not intended: How could I achieve a "keep me signed in" option with directus? I would like to keep user rights management in one place and do not really want to handle user auth redundantly for my current use case.
2b. Why is the lifespan of the refresh token so much longer than the lifespan of the access token if this isn't intended?
One of my thoughts is, that it has to do with access rights of the "public" role on the "directus_sessions" table. But I can't think of a way to grant only read rights for owned/received tokens, since there are no payload variables available inside the filters. Could this be the cause? Would there be a way to achieve this?

FCM Push - Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential

I am trying to send fcm message to specific topic by using cURL command but it says error like
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See",
I used server key from firebase console
I followed this FCM Documentation
How to resolve this 401 error.
Actually I think why, this is because you need a Service account that will handle it for you.
So follow the steps here and this will make you generate a new key pair. With this key, you can get the access token from a code (see in python below but the documentation has support for NodeJS / Java) :
def _get_access_token():
"""Retrieve a valid access token that can be used to authorize requests.
:return: Access token.
credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
'service-account.json', SCOPES)
access_token_info = credentials.get_access_token()
And you just have to print this value, copy-paste it and use it as the Bearer OAuth 2 access token.

Invalid CSRF token

In certain flows in my web application I am getting csrf token invalid exception as follows:
HTTP Status 403 - Invalid CSRF Token 'ac6a93fd-6903-40f8-a5e2-00b9e830618b' was found on the request parameter '_csrf' or header 'X-CSRF-TOKEN'.
Here CSRF token is present, it is not null, but invalid.Session did not expire.Faced similar issue as here CSRF token not found and solved the same.
But here I am stuck.
This issue crops up when we open multiple tabs in browser and from one of the tabs we logout and from another tab try to login from login page.
Delete browser cookie and try again.
Generally token information is stored in cookie, in your case it seems old csrf token is still being used from cookie.

RGA Invalid Credentials

I try to use the RGA Package ( to get Data from Google Analytics core API.
So the cache is set to something like /User/foo/bar/daToken. I can see the file and everything works just right, I can access the data for now. After 30-60 minutes however the token expires it seems. Now on a new attempt there will be the error message Error : client error: (401) Unauthorized Auth error: Invalid Credentials
Why is the token not working any more? How to setup a longer live time? Plus: why is there an error and why does RGA don't try to get a new token?
Please read Google Oauth 2.0 documentation properly.
Access Token has lifetime of only 3600 seconds. After that you have to use Refresh Token to get new Access Token.
I have not used RGA package but I am sure there must be some mechanism to validate and refresh the Access Token.

Hybridauth LinkedIn API - Invalid Token issue

I have configured HybirdAuth for social logins as my all other social logins are working but suddenly linkedIn stop working and shows this error.
Original error message: Authentication failed! LinkedIn returned an invalid Token.
I have search and try different methods but nothing worked out.
I have change keys, create new apps, make some changes in the code.
Please help.
Seems like you are using invalid consumer key.
[`message] => [unauthorized]. The token used in the OAuth request is not valid. consumerKey: 77zl215zorlwwd`
Double check your app settings for consumer key.
