I have a chr-vector (filenames) cointaining a series of text strings eg. ("file1.csv", "file2.csv", "file3.csv"). These strings match the file names of csv-files in my working directory, that I wish to read in. Is there a way for me to (programmatically) read in these files and create them as new objects in my global environment?
I think you can use the following code:
# First you create a character vector of file names with `.csv` extension
tmp <- list.files(pattern = ".csv")
# Then you use `lapply` to apply `read.csv` on every file name to be read.
# The output is a list whose elements are data frames
dt <- lapply(tmp, read.csv) %>%
setNames(gsub(".csv", "", tmp))
# Split the list based on the names of the elements
list <- split(dt, names(dt))
# Save them as objects in the global env
list2env(list, envir = globalenv())
For more thorough information refer to the link I put above your question yesterday.
Thank you Anoushiravan!
I finally came to this solution:
filenames <- gsub("\\.csv$", "", list.files(pattern = "\\.txt$"))
for(i in filenames) {assign(file, read.csv(paste0(i, ".txt"))}
I have a folder with more than 500 .dta files. I would like to load some of this files into a single R object.
My .dta files have a generic name composed of four parts : 'two letters/four digits/y/.dta'. For instance, a name can be 'de2015y.dta' or 'fr2008y.dta'. Only the parts corresponding to the two letters and the four digits change across the .dta file.
I have written a code that works, but I am not satisfied with it. I would like to avoid using a loop and to shorten it.
My code is:
# Select the .dta files I want to load
name <- list.files(path="E:/Folder") # names of the .dta files in the folder
db <- as.data.frame(name)
db$year <- substr(db$name, 3, 6)
db <- subset (db, year == max(db$year)) # keep last year available
db$country <- substr(db$name, 1, 2)
list.name <- as.list(db$country)
# Loading all the .dta files in the Global environment
for(i in c(list.name)){
obj_name <- paste(i, '2015y', sep='')
file_name <- file.path('E:/Folder',paste(obj_name,'dta', sep ='.'))
input <- read.dta13(file_name)
assign(obj_name, value = input)
# Merge the files into a single object
df2015 <- rbind (at2015y, be2015y, bg2015y, ch2015y, cy2015y, cz2015y, dk2015y, ee2015y, ee2015y, es2015y, fi2015y,
fr2015y, gr2015y, hr2015y, hu2015y, ie2015y, is2015y, it2015y, lt2015y, lu2015y, lv2015y, mt2015y,
nl2015y, no2015y, pl2015y, pl2015y, pt2015y, ro2015y, se2015y, si2015y, sk2015y, uk2015y)
Does anyone know how I can avoid using a loop and shortening my code ?
You can also use purrr for your task.
First create a named vector of all files you want to load (as I understand your question, you simply need all files from 2015). The setNames() part is only necessary in case you'd like an ID variable in your data frame and it is not already included in the .dta files.
After that, simply use map_df() to read all files and return a data frame. Specifying .id is optional and results in an ID column the values of which are based on the names of in_files.
in_files <- list.files(path="E:/Folder", pattern = "2015y", full.names = TRUE)
in_files <- setNames(in_files, in_files)
df2015 <- map_df(in_files, read_dta, .id = "id")
The following steps should give you what you want:
Load the foreign package:
library(foreign) # or alternatively: library(haven)
create a list of file names
file.list <- list.files(path="E:/Folder", pattern='*.dat', full.names = TRUE)
determine which files to read (NOTE: you have to check if these are the correct position in substr it is an estimate from my side)
vec <- as.integer(substr(file.list,13,16))
file.list2 <- file.list[vec==max(vec)]
read the files
df.list <- sapply(file.list2, read.dta, simplify=FALSE)
remove the path from the listnames
names(df.list) <- gsub("E:/Folder","",names(df.list))
bind the the dataframes together in one data.frame/data.table and create an id-column as well
df <- rbindlist(df.list, idcol = "id")
# or with 'dplyr'
df <- bind_rows(df.list, .id = "id")
Now you have a data.frame with an id-column that identifies the different original files.
I would change the working directory for this task...
Then does this do what you are asking for?
# get file names where year equals "2015"
# read in the files in a list
# remove ".dta" from file names and
# give the file contents in the list their name
names(files)=lapply(name,function(x) substr(x, 1, nchar(x)-4))
#or alternatively
# optional: put all file contents into one data-frame
#(data-frames (vectors) need to have the same row counts (lengths) for this last step to work)
mydatafrm = data.frame(files)
I load all .csv files from a given folder and store all the names in the filenames variable.
# Loading files
filenames <- gsub("\\.csv$", "", list.files(pattern = "\\.csv$"))
# Reading files
for(i in filenames)
assign(i, read.csv(paste(i, ".csv", sep = ""), sep = ","))
Now I'd like to access any dataframe with name that is in filenames. How can I do that?
I would not recommend using the function get() as this can have bad consequences. I'd suggest using a more structured approach by mean of a list containing all you csv files. I don't have any data here so I will build upon your code.
# Loading files
filenames <- gsub("\\.csv$", "", list.files(pattern = "\\.csv$"))
# create a list with NULL
file_list = vector("list", length(filenames))
# name each element according to filenames
names(file_list) = filenames
# Loop over the list
# Please note that the iterator "i" now loops over the elements
# and does not take the real values in filenames
for (i in seq_along(file_list)) {
current_file = read.csv(paste0(i, ".csv"))
file_list[[ i ]] = current_file
Now you can access each element either with the standard indexing ([[) or via the names with the $ operator.
For an example about why you should avoid get(), please refer to this SO post.
How can I read many CSV files and make each of them into data tables?
I have files of 'A1.csv' 'A2.csv' 'A3.csv'...... in Folder 'A'
So I tried this.
link <- c("C:/A")
listA <- c()
for(x in filename) {
temp <- read.csv(paste0(link , x), header=FALSE)
listA <- list(unlist(listA, recursive=FALSE), temp)
And it doesn't work well. How can I do this job?
Write a regex to match the filenames
reg_expression <- "A[0-9]+"
files <- grep(reg_expression, list.files(directory), value = TRUE)
and then run the same loop but use assign to dynamically name the dataframes if you want
for(file in files){
assign(paste0(file, "_df"),read.csv(file))
But in general introducing unknown variables into the scope is bad practice so it might be best to do a loop like
dfs <- list()
for(index in 1:length(files)){
file <- files[index]
dfs[index] <- read.csv(file)
Unless each file is a completely different structure (i.e., different columns ... the number of rows does not matter), you can consider a more efficient approach of reading the files in using lapply and storing them in a list. One of the benefits is that whatever you do to one frame can be immediately done to all of them very easily using lapply.
files <- list.files(link, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv$")
list_of_frames <- lapply(files, read.csv)
# optional
names(list_of_frames) <- files # or basename(files), if filenames are unique
Something like sapply(list_of_frames, nrow) will tell you how many rows are in each frame. If you have something more complex,
new_list_of_frames <- lapply(list_of_frames, function(x) {
# do something with 'x', a single frame
The most immediate problem is that when pasting your file path together, you need a path separator. When composing file paths, it's best to use the function file.path as it will attempt to determine what the path separator is for operating system the code is running on. So you want to use:
read.csv(files.path(link , x), header=FALSE)
Better yet, just have the full path returned when listing out the files (and can filter for .csv):
filename <- list.files(link, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv$")
Combining with the idea to use assign to dynamically create the variables:
link <- c("C:/A")
files <-list.files(link, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv$")
for(file in files){
assign(paste0(basename(file), "_df"), read.csv(file))
I have a bunch of data frames that are named in the same pattern "dfX.csv" where X represents a number from 1 to 67. I loaded them into seperate dataframes using following piece of code:
folder <- mypath
file_list <- list.files(path=folder, pattern="*.csv")
for (i in 1:length(file_list)){
read.csv(paste(folder, file_list[i], sep=',', header=TRUE))
What I'm trying to do is merge/rbind them into a single huge dataframe.
for (i in 1:length(file_list)){
df_main <- rbind(df_main, df[[i]].csv)
However using that I'm getting an error:
Error: unexpected symbol in:
"for (i in 1:length(file_list)){
df_main <- rbind(df_main, df[[i]].csv"
Any idea what might be causing an issue & whether there's a simpler way of doing things.
If file_list is a character vector of filenames that have since been loaded into variables in the local environment, then perhaps one of
do.call(rbind.data.frame, mget(ls(pattern = "^df\\s+\\.csv")))
do.call(rbind.data.frame, mget(paste0("df", seq_along(file_list), ".csv")))
The first assumes anything found (as df*.csv) in R's environment is appropriate to grab. It might not grab then in the correct order, so consider using sort or somehow ordering them yourself.
mget takes a string vector and retrieves the value of the object with each name from the given environment (current, by default), returning a list of values.
do.call(rbind.data.frame, ...) does one call to rbind, which is much much faster than iteratively rbinding.
Here I use map() to iterate over your files reading each one into a list of dataframes and bind_rows is used to bind all df together
df <- map(list.files(), read_csv) %>%
If you have a lot of data (lot of rows), here's a data.table approach that works great:
basedir <- choose.dir() # directory with all the csv files
file_names <- list.files(path = basedir, pattern= '*.csv', full.names = F, recursive = F)
big_list <- lapply(file_names, function(file_name){
dat <- fread(file = file.path(basedir, file_name), header = T)
# Add a 'filename' column to each data.table to back-track where it was read from
# this is why we set full.names = F in the list.files line above
dat$filename <- gsub('.csv', '', file_name)
big_data <- rbindlist(l = big_list, use.names = T, fill = T)
If you want to read only some columns and not all, you can use the select argument in fread - helps improve speed since empty columns are not read in, similarly skip lets you skip reading in a bunch of rows.
I'm currently trying to use R to combine dozens of .txt files into one single .txt file. Attached below is the code that I've been experimenting with so far. The files that I'm trying to combine have very similar names, for example: "e20171ny0001000.txt" and "e20171ct0001000.txt". As you can see, the only difference in the file names are the different state abbreviations. This is why I've been trying to use a for loop, in order to try to go through all the state abbreviations.
statelist = c('ak','al','ar','az','ca','co','ct','dc','de','fl','ga','hi','ia','id','il','in','ks','ky','la','ma','md','me','mi','mn','mo','ms','mt','nc','nd','ne','nh','nj','nm','nv','ny','oh','ok','or','pa','ri','sc','sd','tn','tx','ut','va','vt','wa','wi','wv','wy')
for (i in statelist){
file_names <- list.files(getwd())
file_names <- file_names[grepl(paste0("e20171", i, "0001000.txt"),file_names)]
files <- lapply(file_names, read.csv, header=F, stringsAsFactors = F)
files <- do.call(rbind,files)
write.table(files, file = "RandomFile.txt", sep="\t")
When I run the code, there isn't a specific error that pops up. Instead the entire code runs and nothing happens. I feel like my code is missing something that is preventing it from running correctly.
We need to create a list to update. In the OP's code,files is a list of data.frame that gets updated in the for loop. Instead, the output needss to be stored in a list. For this, we can create a list of NULL 'out' and then assign the output to each element of 'out'
out <- vector('list', length(statelist))
for (i in seq_along(statelist)){
file_names <- list.files(getwd())
file_names <- file_names[grepl(paste0("e20171", statelist[i],
files <- lapply(file_names, read.csv, header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
out[[i]] <- do.call(rbind, files)
As out is a list of data.frame, we need to loop over the list and then write it back to file
newfilenames <- paste0(statelist, "_new", ".txt")
lapply(seq_along(out), function(i) write.table(out[[i]],
file = newfilenames[i], quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE))