roku sending request, but nginx not responding or logging - nginx

I am trying to display a series of short mp4's on my Roku. The idea is to serve them from nginx running on a local host. The Roku hangs on "retrieving" the video. I have used wireshark to witness the requests coming from the roku, and they continuously repeat. Though nginx does not respond, nor does it log the request in access.log or error.log.
I feel that the roku scripts are sufficiently coded as I can confirm that the playlist is received by the video node, the screen is focused, and the request for the video is being made through port 80. I can request the url through a browser and the mp4 plays in the browser if made with http: or in a player if made with rtmp:.
This is the simple nginx configuration in conf.d;
server {
listen 80 default_server;
location / { # the '/' matches all requests
root /myNginx/sites; # the request URI would be appended to the root
index 01_default_test.html; # the index directive provides a default file or list of files to look for
location /videos/ { # for testing use ''
mp4; # activates the http_mp4 module for streaming the video
root /VODs; # allows adding 'videos' to the uri and the file name
I appended this to the nginx.conf file;
rtmp {
server {
listen 1935;
chunk_size 4000;
# Video on demand
application VOD { # rtmp://
play /VOD/videos/;
Not sure where to go from here. Does anyone know why nginx seems to be ignoring the requests? I am using Ubuntu, and the firewall is currently inactive.


nginx path omitted and sources cannot be found

I am currently configuring a nginx reverse proxy.
The docker instance of nextcloud is available on Port 8891
server {
listen 8888 ssl http2;
location /nextcloud/ {
however when I try to navigateto the url, I have the problem, that the stylesheets etc. are not available under /nextcloud/*
instead they are getting fetched from /core/*.
How can I archive, that the sources like server.css is getting fetched from /nextcloud/, and basically the whole nextcloud web app is available under /nextcloud/?

Nginx: Setting up SSL-passthorugh

I'm trying to configure SSL-passthrough for multiple webapps using the same nginx server (nginx version: nginx/1.13.6), but when restarting the nginx server, I get an error complaining that
nginx: [emerg] "stream" directive is duplicate
The configuration I have is the following:
2 files for the ssl passthrough that look like this:
stream {
upstream workers {
server {
proxy_pass workers;
and server2.conf:
stream {
upstream workers {
server {
proxy_pass workers;
If I remove one of the two files, then nginx starts correctly.
How can this be achieved?
Streams work on Layer 5, and cannot read encrypted traffic (which is Layer 6 on the OSI model), and thus cannot tell apart requests hitting and unless they are pointing to different IPs.
This can be solved by one of the following solutions
Decrypt the traffic on nginx, then proxy-pass it to backend processes/wockers using HTTP.
Bind to a port that is different to
Get an additional IP address and bind on that.
Get an additional load balancer and move there.

rtmp Nginx use control endpoint for record?

I have nginx compiled with the rtmp module. I start nginx and run the following to start streaming my webcam which works:
ffmpeg -i /dev/video0 -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/test
I then try to use the control module to start recording:
curl "http://localhost:8080/control/record/start?app=application&name=test&rec=rec1"
But the recording event doesn't seem to trigger.
Here is a simplified version of my nginx.conf file:
rtmp {
server {
# ... more code here
recorder rec1 {
record all manual;
record_suffix all.flv;
record_path /tmp/rec;
record_unique on;
http {
server {
listen 8080;
server_name localhost;
location /control {
rtmp_control all;
# ... more code here
Note: checked both port 8080 and 1935 are open with nmap.
I noticed that if I change app= to live I get an actual error message:
<head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></center>
As opposed to the command with the actual app name which returns nothing. This tells me it is working to some extent but I still don't end up with a recoding.
I'm also trying to switch name=test to name=live neither causes an error response.
Complete nginx.conf file.
Update #2:
I'm watching /var/log/nginx/error.log while I use the curl command above. Everytime I use it the following is logged:
client closed keepalive connection
I eneded up fixing this. The problem was two fold.
application wasn't my application name, it was live.
the rec1 block wasn't inside the live application block, it was an unrelated block of code for hls.

Nginx reverse proxy.. dynamic hostname with header key and value or url path

I have got some nginx problem.I hope you will help me to solve this problem.
There are sevral servers
User PC internet networked;
Nginx proxy, hostnamed "nginxproxy", located in internal network, and it has only server which has Public IP "" but jumphost, 8090 listen.
server1 hostnamed "tomcat1" located in internal network (only has private IP "")
server2 hostnamed "tomcat2" located in internal network (only has private IP "")
and 5, 6, ... There are more servers hostnamed apache1, apache2, redis1 etc...
Now my client wants to send http request call to server located in internal network directly. but it is not possible (because there don't have Public ips..) so the call has to passed in to nginx proxy first.
I just wander that when i call request from user pc, destination server hostname put on the request's header or url, the nginx can parse it and combine to there destination in internal network?
for example i call like this,
http://nginxproxy:1888/[destination hostname]/[path, files like index.html, some keys and values.&k1=v1. etc....]
i hope nginx pass and convert it and call there destination host like this
http://[destination hostname]:8888/[path, files like index.html, some keys and values.&k1=v1. etc....]
i tried to do this. there were some errors..
error log printed
"localhost could not be resolved (10060: Operation timed out), client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /localhost/8080/index"
server {
listen 1888;
server_name localhost;
location ~^\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+) {
proxy_pass http://$1:$2/$3;
and one more..
in the java code,
i set like this
import org.apache.http.HttpMessage;
HttpMessage request;
request.addHeader("destinationHost", "tomcat2");
request.addHeader("destinationPort", "8888");
and call to this url
http://nginxproxy:1888/[path, files like index.html, some keys and values.&k1=v1. etc....]
can nginx convert url to
http://tomcat2:8888/[path, files like index.html, some keys and values.&k1=v1. etc....]
and pass to there??
if so, how can i set nginx.conf
thank you so much and have a nice day..

Using nginx to serve local files instead of remote files

Say I'm accessing
This website fetches the following asset:
I want to access the website exactly as I normally would, with one exception:
Whenever my browser makes a request to /styles/app.css, instead of fetching it from, I want to fetch it from http://localhost:3000/mywebsite/.
So instead it should be fetching:
Is this possible with nginx?
I tried to do it using the following server config:
server {
listen 80;
location /styles/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/mywebsite/styles/;
But even after restarting nginx (sudo nginx -s quit, sudo nginx), nothing seems to have changed.
When I browse to, I still get the same old app.css being retrieved from the server, rather than my local one.
