Synchronous vs Asynchronous in Microservice pattern - asynchronous

What is the meaning of Synchronous and Asynchronous in general?
What are the use of Synchronous and Asynchronous communication in microservice? When to use synchronous and when to use Asynchronous.
Please explain with example thanks in advance.

Under synchronous, the communication between components is live all the time. An example would be a service making a GET/ POST call and waiting for the response to proceed to the immediate next step.
Asynchronous meaning one component does not wait for the other components to react. An example would be a service publishing message to a Kafka topic. The service which creates the event does not know when the clients will consume it.
I would start thinking about the application end-user use case to decide when I should use what.


async/await with HTTP method

If you use a fetch method for HTTP communication in a code that does not consider asynchronous processing at all, all functions (even the main function, to take it to the extreme) that include a fetch method, even if only a little, will need to use async/await (asynchronous processing) Is it necessary to think about
Or can we limit the scope of asynchronous processing?
It is normal to go async all the way.
If you use a hexagonal / ports-and-adapters architecture, you can (sometimes) extract the I/O operations into "ports" and keep your core business logic synchronous. But the composition of the synchronous business logic and the asynchronous ports is asynchronous, so your main entry points are almost always asynchronous.

when to use Synchronous and Asynchronous Request?

can any one explain. when to use Synchronous and Asynchronous request with example.enter code here
Generally speaking, asynchronous requests do not block the running environment until they get a response. This keeps your UI responsive while waiting for the response, and enables your user to use it. With synchronous requests, the UI would feel like it would be frozen.
I would say that while developing a web application, you would probably use asynchronous requests 99.9% of time.
From a software engineering stand of point, synchronous code is using one process, while asynchronous code executes a concurrent process. That is exactly how your UI is enabled to be responsive. It's like as if the asynchronous code ran as another program, if you will.

Invoking timed tasks in asynchronous Jax-RS requests

I've joined a project that uses Jax-RS (and originally there was quite a bit of Spring-based Controller code in there too, but all URL handlers use Jax-RS now). Now we want to be able to fill in a queue of tasks that should be run with a small delay between each of them. The delay can be specified in ms. I've avoided Thread.sleep, as I've heard you should not manage threads manually in Java EE. Before I came in there was already a busy wait loop implemented.
I would like to switch this to an asynchronous background task. I could of course let the client poll the server with the given delay, and just have an AsyncResponse that can be resumed. But can the same AsyncResponse be resumed/suspended multiple times? The resource does have state, so it would be possible to drop the asynchrony completely and just do client polling to handle all of it.
A lot of example code for showing off asynchronous tasks use Thread.sleep. How bad is it to do this in a background task on an ExecutorService or something similar?
The point of the delay is to simulate human interaction, and post a long list of JMS messages to a queue but ensure that two listeners don't pick up and handle messages that depend on one another.
Is it easier/better to handle this on the client side rather than the server side? Writing some JavaScript that handles all the polling would be quite simple, so if this seems like a bad idea for handling on the server side, it's not that big a deal.
The tool is only going to be used by a single user, as it's a developer testing tool. Therefore we went for solving this on the client side, pushing the messages onto the queue through AJAX calls. This works fine for our purposes, but if anyone has a solution that might help someone else. Feel free to drop a new answer.

Which is better in this case - sync or async web service?

I'm setting up a web service in Axis2 whose job it will be to take a bunch of XML and put it on to a queue to be processed later. I understand its possible to set up a client to invoke a synchronous web service asynchronously by creating a using an "invokeNonBlocking" operation on the "Call" instance. (ref
So, my question is, is there any advantage to using an asynchronous web service in this case? It seems redundant because 1) the client isn't blocked and 2) the service has to accept and write the xml to queue regardless if it's synchronous or asynchronous
In my opinion, asynchronous is the appropriate way to go. A couple of things to consider:
Do you have multiple clients accessing this service at any given moment?
How often is this process occurring?
It does take a little more effort to implement the async methods. But I guarantee, in the end you will be much happier with the result. For one, you don't have to manage threading. Your primary concern might just be the volatility of the data in the que (i.e. race/deadlock conditions).
A "sync call" seems appropriate, I agree.
If the request from the client isn't time consuming, then I don't see the advantage either in making the call asynchronous. From what I understand of the situation in question here, the web-service will perform its "processing" against the request some time in the future.
If, on the contrary, the request had required a time consuming process, then an async call would haven been appropriate.
After ruminating some more about it, I'm thinking that the service should be asynchronous. The reason is that it would put the task of writing the data to the queue into a separate thread, thus lessening the chances of a timeout. It makes the process more complicated, but if I can avoid a timeout, then it's got to be done.

what is the difference of calling a Web Services using Asynchronous Call vs. Asynchronous Task

What is the difference between Web Services Asynchronous Call and Asynchronous Task's.
We are working an a ASP.NET application that requires to make a call to a Web Service Method that will process thousand rows of data. This process usually takes between 2 to 3 minutes (maybe more maybe less it depends of the amount of Data). So we run all the time in Timeout's on that specific page.
So we decided to go in rout of calling this Web Service Method Asynchronously, but we had a conflict caused by HTTP handler of one of the UI component's that we are using. Well lucky on that case we could remove the page from the httphandler directives.
So far no issues, but here it comes the question, a coworker find out that we can use instead of Asynchronous Webs Services Call, wrap a Synchronous call in a Asynchronous Task in the ASP.NET page and be able to keep the directives to the component, and execute the Web Service Method with out getting a Timeout.
So now my concern is what kind of issues we can find using Asynchronous Task's instead of an Asynchronous Call.
Thank you in advance.
Web services should not be used in this manner by the way. There's a reason HTTP timeouts are so low. You should have the Web service trigger the task either by setting a flag in the DB that an actual service picks up on or the web service should spawn a process.
If I understand your scenario, there should be no issues. In both cases, your page is asynchronous. In both cases, you don't wait for the service to complete - you give up the request thread while the service is running. In both cases, your page takes the same amount of time to execute as it would if you had called the service synchronously.
