flyway - how to backup table before migration - flyway

How can I take backup of tables before flyway migrates the table in oracle.?
I want to make sure table DDL are captured before new script gets executed


Flyway init new db

I have existing database postgres which not using Flyway and i need replicate it.
How to move existing database state to new empty database?
I don't have any migration sql.
So I am expecting command like generateChangelog in Liquibase but it seems in Flyway not existing command like that.
Flyway currently only manages the scripts that you create. It doesn't create scripts for you. So, in order to take an existing database and get it into Flyway processing, you'll need to generate the scripts for that database. You can use the methods outlined here to get the scripts for your database. Then, just rename them to the Flyway standard. You'll be off and running.

Updating tables with dotnet ef database update doesn't create tables

I've been following a tutorial to create a database by having a context class, and running the following commands:
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration
dotnet ef database update
This did initially work for me, and the expected database was created. Since then I have deleted the migration file and ran the process again, the update command seems to run fine, but when I check the database, the tables have not been created.
If I look in the migration file, I can see that it looks fine and appears to have the correct code in it to create the tables I want.
I don't think I've actually changed anything, so why has the update command stopped working as it did before?
deleting you migration file didn't delete your database
so your database must be still existed however , if your create a new migration with the same name and update your database this will not effect you database since the migration is have been applied to your database
try to delete your database manually from SQL explorer then try update-database
Remove all migrations from your Migration folder in dot net project.
Create a new migration from CLI or from wherever you are making. (dotnet-ef migrations add..)
In the .cs file of this new migration file, comment all the CREATE TABLES commands for existing tables i.e. migration.Create...this one (These will be in the Up method of your migration file)
Just keep CREATE commands for only required tables.
Apply the update.(dotnet-ef database update)
Will work like a charm.

Doctrine migrations start in the middle of the project

I am working with Symfony and Doctrine. In the middle of the project I need to implement the Doctrine migrations, because the DB changes were too much and I need a better way to handle it.
How is the best way to start with the migrations, when there is already data on prod and it need to stay there and not to be touched?
My plan will be:
On my test system
drop all tables
run php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
The new automatic migration file, which I become holds all the table structures of my current state
go live to the table "migration_versions" and add the ID of this migration, so it will be skipped by the first run of the
run the migration php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
In this way, I have all the structures from my entities, but I will not destroy my live data.
What do you thing?
If there is already some data on production, then your best take is to do a make:migration or doc:mig:diff from the current schema state. That will generate only the necessary sql that will update the new changes, but nothing else. Your first migration version will countain only the sql to update from the current state, and not from the beginning of times.
And also, once you have adopted this, you have to do every database modification under migrations. For example, if you need to add a non-nullable field, you usually add the new field with not null, then fill all the rows of that field with a default or calculated one, and then alter the table to make the field not nullable. Migrations will generate some boilerplate code to make your life easier, but it also requires a lot of care from the development team. Always test them first in a database that you can get rid of. And you will run into FK constraints and lots of other issues, but basically you have to solve them doing SQL.
Old thread here, but what I do in cases like this:
Backup dev database (structure and data, but with table create statements protected with checking so they are only created if they don’t already exist)
Drop all tables so the database is empty
Generate migration (since database is empty, the generated migration will constitute all commands necessary to generate your entire schema)
Run migration you just generated to build schema
Import test data from your dump
That puts you right back where you started but with an initial migration that can build your schema from nothing.

Any way to "compress" Flyway migrations?

We are using Flyway to migrate the database schema and we already have more than 100 migration scripts.
Once we "squashed" multiple migrations into a single first-version migration, this is ok during development, as we drop and recreate the schema. But in production this wouldn't work, as Flyway won't be able to validate the migrations.
I couldn't find any documentation or best practice of what to do in this case. The problem is that the file quantity increases constantly, I don't want to see thousands of migration files everytime, essentially if production is already in the latest version. I mean, the migration scripts that have a version number that is lower than the version in production are irrelevant to us, it would be awesome if we could squash those files into a single migration.
We are using MySQL.
How should we handle this?
Isn't that what re-baselining would do?
I'm still new to flyway, but this is how I think it would work. Please test the following first before taking my word for it.
Delete the schema_version table.
Delete your migration scripts.
Run flyway baseline
(this recreates the schema_version table and adds a baseline record as version 1)
Now you're good to go. Bear in mind that you will not be able to 'migrate' to any prior version as you've removed all of your migration scripts, but this might not be a problem for you.
Step by step solution:
drop table schema_version;
Export database structure as a script via MySQL Workbench, for example. Name this script V1__Baseline.sql
Delete all migration scripts and add V1__Baseline.sql to your scripts folder, so it is the only script available for Flyway
Run Flyway's "baseline" command
We do this to allow us to compress scripts for building new DB in dev environments but also run against existing production DB without having to log on and delete the flyway_version_history table, and we can keep the scripts (mainly for reference):
Compress all the scripts to a new script e.g. V1 to V42 into a new scripts V43.
Convert V1 to V42 to text files by putting .txt on the end.
Set the baseline to 43.
Set flyway to ignore missing migrations.
In script V43 use an 'if' block to protect the create/insert statements so that they don't run for the existing production database. We use postgres so it is something like this:
DO $$
flywayVersion INTEGER;
SELECT coalesce(max(installed_rank), 0) INTO flywayVersion FROM flyway_schema_history;
RAISE NOTICE 'flywayVersion = %', flywayVersion;
IF flywayVersion = 0 THEN
RAISE NOTICE 'Creating the DB from scratch';
The flyway command looks something like this:
I haven't tried this, but what if you deleted all the migrations, create a new migration that creates the new starting point as version 1, set it as the baseline version -- and then modify your configuration to use a different table (e.g. flyway_schema_history_2)?
In existing databases, Flyway will see that you have a non-empty schema with no (recognized) flyway table and ignore the baseline migration. In new environments it will run the baseline migration too.
Am I missing anything?
(Of course a separate problem is how to generate the "compressed" migration. If you don't need any seed data you can just do a schema-only backup of your database and use that. If your migrations populate data too you will probably have to work that out manually.)
I think this article answers your question best:
For postgres a reusable script has been created that you could execute every so many months for instance. You can of course adapt the script to MySQL specific things instead of postgres:

Symfony2 doctrine2 migration script into table instead of file

I am working with doctrine:migrations:diff in order to prepare database evolutions.
This command creates files into app/DoctrineMigrations
Thoses files contains sql commands in order to upgrade or downgrade database scructure.
I want to store those sql commands into the database itself. In fact, i have several instances of databases. If sql commands are store into files, it is a big problem.
I have read somewhere that DoctrineMigrations bundle can create a table called "migration_versions", but i do not manage to find where i have read this...
I cannot really understand what you're trying to do.
Migrations are used when your code needs altered database structure. For example, a new table or a new column. These new requirements for a table or column comes from your newly written code, so it's only natural to place the migrations also as a code in your repository.
How and when would migrations even get to your database? How would you guarantee that migration is executed before the code changes, which use that new structure?
Generally, migrations are used in this way:
You develop your code, add new features, change existing ones. Your code needs changes to database.
You generate doctrine migration class, which contains needed SQL statements for your current database to get to the needed state.
You alter the class adding any more required SQL statements. For example, UPDATE statements to migrate your data, not only the structure.
You execute migration locally.
You test your code with database changes. If you need more changes, you either add new migration, or execute migration down, delete it and regenerate it. Never change the migration class, as you'll loose what's supposed to be in the database and what's not.
You commit your migration together with code that uses it.
Then comes the deployment part:
- For each server, upload the code, clear and warm-up cache, run other installation scripts. Then run migrations. And only then switch to the new code.
This way your database is always in-sync with current code in the server that uses that database.
migration_versions database table is created automatically by doctrine migrations. It holds only the version numbers of migration classes - it's used for keeping track which migrations were already run and which was not.
This way when you run doctrine:migrations:migrate all not-yet-ran migrations are executed. This allows to migrate few commits at once, have several migrations in a commit etc.
