Will firebase hosted websites show up in search results? - firebase

I'm pretty new to firebase hosting and wanted to know if the static websites hosted using firebase will show up in search results with the domain name provided by Firebase. For example the website hosted as 'abc.firebaseapp.com' or 'abc.web.app' will show in the search results after getting a good number of hits or should I go for a custom domain?

Yes they will show up in search results. There is not much difference than other hostings you could use beside the free website URLs abc.firebaseapp.com and abc.web.app.
Your SEO has not much to do if it is hosted on Firebase or elsewhere. Just try to do your best following the Google instructions.
I would also recommend a custom domain because it would improve your overall SEO performance.


UTM tracking across sub-domains

I have a main website (e.g. mybrand.com ) with static pages mostly developed on Wix.com and I have a full application hosted on AWS on a sub-domain, e.g. app..com.
For tracking the traffic coming from different social media channels, we are building UTMs. My understanding is that the UTM tracking doesn't work when you hop between the sub-domains. Can you please suggest some clever options?
One option for us is to re-do the Wix website in WordPress and host WordPress ourselves on AWS next to our WebApp to completely avoid the domain hoping. But if we have a more elegant solution while keeping the Website, it would be preferred.
You can use a simple parameter in querystring (i.e. subdomain.com/page?from=domain1) then in Analytics count unique page with that parameter in the URL.

Is WordPress's API not accessible for free accounts?

I signed up for a free WordPress account with the intent of integrating their blogging capabilities as a 'feature' into my React-based app. However, after signing up for the WP account and creating a few blog posts, I attempted to acccess the API by appending "/wp-json" to my WP account, as per the official documentation.
Everytime I use this method to access, however, all I get is a 404 error. I've seen elsewhere on Stack Overflow that this might have to do with Permalinks not being set properly. However, Permalinks cannot be altered in 'free' accounts, only in 'Pro' accounts. I therefore suspect that WP has disabled the API capabilities for the free accounts. I can understand why they would do this, since they want to get people pay to use their platform (and not get everything for free via an API). Am I correct in this?
Or can anyone who has a free account who has access to the API correct me here?
Thanks in advance,
On the WordPress.com platform the REST API is actually hosted and structured at https://public-api.wordpress.com/wp/v2 for all sites. In addition, there's a /sites/ endpoint that will namespace your specific site.
For example, the root endpoint for your site would be https://public-api.wordpress.com/wp/v2/sites/dsgasdgfsa.wordpress.com/. The other endpoints behave the same way as they would on a self hosted platform.
For example, your pages would be found under https://public-api.wordpress.com/wp/v2/sites/dsgasdgfsa.wordpress.com/pages
More info https://developer.wordpress.com/2016/11/11/wordpress-rest-api-on-wordpress-com/

Are firebase hosted websites indexed by google?

I was wondering if firebase domains: .web.app and .firebase.app are indexed by Google.
I hosted my website at myprojectname.web.app but when searching after the name on google nothing comes up.
Do I have to do something to make it work? I'm not very familiar with SEO stuff.
Sites on Firebase Hosting are not automatically indexed by Google search. If you want your web site to show up, you'll have to submit it yourself. For more on this, see the documentation on asking Google to recrawl your URLs.

Static html/css blog as firestore backend SEO optimization

Hi developers and support managers.
I'm trying to make a blog using pure HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
Here I've implemented a design check readersmess.
I just needs a guide which backend should I use to store my blog posts. I already tried to use firestore but my post was not indexing to google.
I was reading id from url to fetch data from firestore.
Kindly suggest me the best method. I don't want to move from firebase hosting. How can I use other libraries to store and fetch posts so that post should be indexed in google?
To make your site discoverable, try to follow the basic steps that optimize your site for search engines (such as referrals on other sites, using descriptive titles, etc.) as described in the Google's basics guide.
After that, you can take an active approach in your URLs management and create and submit a list of your URLs (sitemap) to Google that can improve the discovery of your site:
By providing our systems a direct list of URLs to your content, known
as a sitemap, our ability to find your pages no longer relies solely
on your page's relationship to other referring pages on the wider web.
This speeds up the process of our systems discovering your content.
Typically, you host the sitemap on your domain in a place accessible
by Googlebot.
For the general overview and instructions on how to create and submit a sitemap, refer to the Sitemaps guidelines.

Does google automatically index Firebase hosted sites?

I'm relatively new to Firebase Hosting. I have a web app that I'm working on and I have 2 Firebase Projects setup: 1 for my Production environment and 1for my Staging environments.
Ideally, I would want my Staging environment to NOT be indexed by Google.
Does anybody know if Google crawls Firebase hosted sites by default? If so, is the best way to prevent that to add a robots.txt that disallows all?
Any information would be much appreciated.
I don't think Google treats a web app hosted on firebase any differently than a web app hosted anywhere else; Google automatically indexes everything it can find. Officially, Google finds websites by looking for links and sitemaps. So, if your staging environnement is not linked to anywhere and you don't submit a sitemap directly to Google, in theory you shouldn't get indexed.
But, I wouldn't just count on the fact that you're not putting links out there. Links might find themselves online for some reason at some point in the future.
You could add a robots.txt to your staging site with this value:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
But in my experience, an even better solution is to make your staging site unaccessible without a username/password. That way, Google's bot won't be able to index anything else than a login form. And if people do find your staging URL, they won't be able to see what's going on there.
Most people actually try hard to be indexed very high and it's not that simple. Since your goal is to NOT rank high, should be very easy. It's like trying to not win a game.
