User can't see server - networking

The user is reporting the issue has an IP address of The server has an IP address of The user's machine has an IP address of Can anyone explain to me based on this why he can't get to the file? This users has full permissions.

The first IP address belongs to network 10.10.15. The other two, to 10.19.16.
Do the first machine not being in the same subnet cannot talk to the two others. Use ping to confirm that.
You can use the subnet calculator here:


Physical address to an IP address

I have a theoretical question here on IP's.
We all know how to do a simple trace on a IP address ether in the cmd or via a web application to find a Physical Geo location linked to that ip. My Question is can this be reversed?
For example if i know the address of my house and i am on holiday how would i find my ip?
My line of thought is that there is a massive data base of ip to Geo location can you just reverse the search ? if not why and what would be the kinda of problems to overcome. Is there another way of doing it?
There is no way you can do it, because it is one-directional relationship. IP address does not depend directly on your physical location. Think about it that way: if you connect to your wifi from your neighbour's home, does it mean that your IP has changed? Your address depends on location only in the way that your ISP operates within certain area only and some IP address range is reserved for him.
In theory you could determine the IP address based on physical address if you had access to your ISP's customers database, but unless you are e.g. a police officer working on some case, you have no legal access to it.
The problems to overcome would be breaking into databases of every ISP in the world ;)
If you want to have access to your computer while on holiday, it's enough to have a static IP or use a service like dyndns.

IP Comparison between 2 Locations

can one location have more than 1 IP address? I have 2 IP addresses and need to know if they originate from the same source. Thanks
You're missing clear definitions of "location" and "source" in your question but lets go with the assumption that you mean "physical machine" for both (as it's obvious that multiple machines will have different addresses and that a single machine can change its IP address over time).
In that case, the answer is yes. The operating system may bind as many IP addresses to a physical network port (and a single MAC -- the physical addressing used by Ethernet) as it wishes.
Binding multiple IP addresses was the standard way of doing "virtual web hosting" before HTTP/1.1 arrived with the "Host" header. The provider would use DNS to map different host names to different IPs on the same network (usually the same subnet as well) and then assign all of them to the same interface. The webserver would get address information from an incoming connection and based on the local IP address would know which virtual host was being accessed.
This led to a higher-than-typical use of public IP addresses but the practice is now gone with the proliferation of HTTP/1.1.
I'm not sure how Windows presents it, but Linux will present a physical interface with multiple IP addresses as multiple logical interfaces such as "eth0", "eth0:1", "eth0:2", etc. Each logical interface has a unique IP address even though they share the same physical interface.
This is hard to tell. Especially it is hard to tell if these IP addresses are from different times. Today I may have a different IP address than tomorrow.
Even they are from the same time, a load balancer im my internal equipment might send my packets over the fail-over line if the 1st one is overloaded or broken down.
One network adapter normally has only one IP address at once and a typical end user only has one network connection active, but even then the IP address can change. The user could switch from wireless to wired and back or a power outage might reset the ISP's DHCP server (assigning everyone a new IP address).
If you want to identify the user even if his IP address changes, you need to identify the user by his session id, stored in cookies. As two users can have the same IP address (a whole company could be behind a NAT), you should never rely on IP addresses for identification.

Can I track Activities , if i know the IP?

Say if i have the IP of a user x.x.x.x , then using the IP can i track all the activities that the user is doing ? How can i do this ?
how can i check which web pages is the user opening or something similar
please guide
No, you cannot. Traffic is point-to-point and knowing the address of a point is not enough to know the traffic going to/from that point. It's like asking if you can read someones (snail) mail just because you know their house address.
In order to "snoop" that fully, you need to be in the middle where all traffic passes through your node (liking having the postman give you the mail and then you giving it to the owner of the house).
If you have a machine, the traffic from the user is reaching it (e.g. you're connected to the same switch) then probably yes. The most trivial way is using network sniffer (Wireshark for windows, tcpdump for Linux).
However if the used surf SSL secured site (a.k.a https) than you will see only encrypted content
Geolocation is not accurate because the primary source for IP address data is the Regional Internet Registries. They do not hold a database for information about individual IP addresses, but information about ranges of IP addresses that have been assigned to certain organizations. Such an organization has free reign over the IP addresses they get and they do not need to give location information to the RIRs. In other words, only your ISP knows your exact location. If you want to find the location of a user you will have to ask your ISP, and they will most probably deny your request.
You can't sniff packets sent from someone, unless you are part of the same subnet - you would have to be connected to the same switch and be on the same Virtual LAN as that user. Even if you somehow find the physical location of a user and connect to the same switch, the ISP has most likely sat up port security, which would deny access to your MAC address.
In conclusion, unless you are already connected to the same switch, you can't track that user's activities.
If you are connected to the same switch, you can install one of the popular packet sniffer utilities such as Wireshark and set it to promiscuous mode.

how to get mac address from ip address from client site in

i want to store details of visitor in site like
ip and mac address
i got ip address of client
but how can i get mca address of client ?
Simple answer: you can't. The MAC address is never transmitted. The best you can hope is to get the IP but remember that this IP could be the one of a proxy server situated anywhere in the world if the user configured some proxy to access the internet.
If your website has been compromised you will have to contact the authorities in order to attempt to catch the person who did it. In most countries regular citizens do not have the power or authority to request the type of information you need from ISPs.

Finding the IP Address of my system on page

I need my system IP address. I've used Request.ServerVariables["remote_addr"] but it is being provided IP address of my network(intranet) not my local system ip.
Actually I've set session state off and want to identify the user request. So i want to fetch the system IP not router/network IP.
Please tell me the appropriate solutions.
Try this.
try this
how to get ip address of machine in c#
You should be able to use:
As seen on:
