I have a set of events that have been refactored to another package. This works as is until I execute the event replay. Digging deeper I noticed a payloadtype in the domainevententry table and figure changing this would be sufficient but alas it seems the xml root element of the event needs to be changed as well. I am hoping there is a simple way to do this.
I cannot find any examples on upcasting to different packages or using XStream aliasing so any help would be greatly appreciated.
As you noticed, the default payload type stored in events is the fully qualified class name. This ensures that out of the box serialization and deserialization work as intended. However, moving classes around thus means the payload type can no longer be found, requiring some adjustment to be made.
You could have used the EventTypeUpcaster, as referred to in the Reference Guide. The EventTypeUpcaster is dedicated to adjusting the payload type, and thus can also be used to deal with changing package names.
When using (the default) XStreamSerializer, aliasing the tags would indeed also work. How to set aliases can be seen here for example. AS noticed in that sample, the alias is added to the XStream instance. The XStreamSerializer uses an XStream instance to support de-/serialization from/to XML. To adjust the XStream instance, you can simply use the builder paradigm on the XStreamSerializer. The JavaDoc of the builder should be specific enough to help you out how to use it.
Went the long way round with this but it seems to work. As always, backup your database before executing large volume changes. I also restarted the service using the database on completion. Needless to say I will make sure the events are in logical packages before deploying next time :)
Database Engine: Postgres 10
Table: domainevententry
update domainevententry
payloadtype = '<new.package.Classname>',
payload = lo_from_bytea(0, decode(REPLACE(
), 'escape'))
from (
SELECT eventidentifier, payloadtype, encode(lo_get(payload::oid), 'escape') as output FROM domainevententry
WHERE eventidentifier in (
'<event guid 1>',
'<event guid 2>'
AND payloadtype = '<old.package.Classname>'
) as subquery
where domainevententry.eventidentifier = subquery.eventidentifier;
Once that is completed I needed to update the OWNER of the large object:
ALTER LARGE OBJECT <LargeObjectId> OWNER TO database_role;
Probably not the most elegant solution but based on the time constraints I have, it did the job. There are probably encoding issues with this solution for the large object but it all worked out for me in the end. Feel free to share any optimizations that would make the above more suitable.
Firing off the Axon Framework replays rebuilt the projections and everything lined up.
Upgrading AngleSharp from 0.9.6 to 0.9.9 I have this line of code no longer compiling:
return configuration.With(LoaderService(new[] { requester }));
It complains that LoaderService does not exist in the current context. So what happened to LoaderService? Is there a replacement? Does it still exist but just somewhere else?
Good question. Sorry for being late to the party, but even though you may have solved your problem someone else is having a hard time figuring it out.
LoaderService was essentially just a helper to create a loader. But having a service for anything creating a little thing would be overkill and not scale much. Also AngleSharp.Core would need to define all these. So, instead a generic mechanism was introduced, which allows registering such "creator services" via Func<IBrowsingContext, TService>.
However, to solve your piece of code I guess the following line would do the trick:
return configuration.WithDefaultLoader(requesters: requester);
This registers the default loader creator services (one for documents, one for resources inside documents) with the default options (options involve some middleware etc.).
Under the hood (besides some other things) the following is happening:
// just one example, config.Filter is created based on the passed in options
return configuration.With<IDocumentLoader>(ctx => new DocumentLoader(ctx, config.Filter));
I have run into a problem working with Realm migration blocks and the strategy for migrating realms.
Given an object MyObject with a number of properties:
In version 1 we have the property myProperty
In version 2 we change the property to myPropertyMk2
In version 3 we change the property to myPropertyMk3
Given following migration block:
private class func getMigrationBlock(realmPath: String) -> RLMMigrationBlock {
return { migration, oldSchemaVersion in
if (oldSchemaVersion == RLMNotVersioned) {
NSLog("No database found when migrating.")
} else {
NSLog("Migrating \(realmPath) from version \(oldSchemaVersion) to \(RealmMigrationHelper.CURRENT_DATABASE_VERSION)")
NSLog("Upgrading MyObject from version %d to %d", oldSchemaVersion, CURRENT_DATABASE_VERSION)
if (oldSchemaVersion < 2) {
migration.enumerateObjects(MyObject.className(), block: {
oldObject, newObject in
newObject["myPropertyMk2"] = oldObject["myProperty"]
if (oldSchemaVersion < 3) {
migration.enumerateObjects(MyObject.className(), block: {
oldObject, newObject in
newObject["myPropertyMk3"] = oldObject["myPropertyMk2"]
NSLog("Migration complete.")
When I was version 2 of the DB this worked just fine (obviously without the oldSchemaVersion < 3 block), but when I introduced version 3 I started getting the problems because it does not recognise the newObject["myPropertyMk2"] in oldSchemaVersion < 2 block. If I change it to newObject["myPropertyMk3"] it works just fine.
From reading the RLMMigration code this makes perfectly good sense as we work with the old schme and the new scheme, but based on the documentation on realm.io I do not think it makes sense. Then I would have expected it to be scheme less.
I have an idea about making a scheme less migration within the block by simply using a dictionary and then finally apply this dictionary to the newObject.
Are there any thoughts on the migration strategy of realms that deals with this? It is mentioned on realms website, but only very briefly.
Thank you :)
thanks for your question and report of your issue.
From reading the RLMMigration code this makes perfectly good sense as we work with the old schme and the new scheme, but based on the documentation on realm.io I do not think it makes sense. Then I would have expected it to be scheme less.
As you correctly recognized from the code in RLMMigration, migrations are not scheme-free. The migration closure which you provide should handle migrations from any version in the past to the current version. If your user didn't update your app in between and so skipped one version, there is no chance, that Realm could been aware of your intermediate schema version, as the schema is reflected at runtime. You're generally free to break the backwards-compatibility with existing old versions deliberately, but you would need to take care to reset the configuration to a defined state.
You're for sure right about the point, that this could been better documented. I have created an internal ticket about that.
I have an idea about making a scheme less migration within the block by simply using a dictionary and then finally apply this dictionary to the newObject.
Are there any thoughts on the migration strategy of realms that deals with this? It is mentioned on realms website, but only very briefly.
Depending on your scheme and the amount of data you have, you can reorganize it object-wise in memory via a dictionary and then apply it to newObject as you describe. The current API makes relatively few assumptions and allows an approach like this. But it wouldn't work in that way good for everyone, e.g. if you have large lists of related objects.
I have the need to construct a WorkflowTaskQuery with a custom workflow model date as criteria. The criteria needs to be "currentDate >= myCustomDate".
I have noticed that it is possible to add custom properties to the WorkflowTaskQuery but looking into the implementation it seems like those properties all are added as equals-criterias. (reference(4.2.x): org.alfresco.repo.workflow.activiti.ActivitiWorkflowEngine.addTaskPropertiesToQuery)
To get all active tasks and do the filtering on the returned result will not be a good approach since there will be thousands of running workflow tasks in this implementation.
The only other approach I can think of would be to subclass both WorkflowTaskQuery and ActivitiWorkflowEngine and rewrite some private methods (like createRuntimeTaskQuery) and handle my special cases on my own there. (Activiti has methods like greaterThan and so on when searching for tasks based on variables....)
If anyone have any better suggestions, please feel free to share them with me :)
We are implementing a solution that drives Activiti using the Rest interface and have successfully implemented task queries using the POST /rest/service/query/task
The body of the request contains the conditions and the operator to use in query can have the following values: "equals", "notEquals", "equalsIgnoreCase", "notEqualsIgnoreCase", "lessThan", "greaterThan", "lessThanOrEquals", "greaterThanOrEquals" and "like".
Now, with that said.....I'm not sure I understand your query.
currentData >= customDate, obviously currentDate is self explanatory, but is customDate a process instance variable or a task local variable? It may impact the format of the query.
In Meteor, I got a collection that the client subscribes to. In some cases, instead of publishing the documents that exists in the collection on the server, I want to send down some bogus data. Now that's fine using the this.added function in the publish.
My problem is that I want to treat the bogus doc as if it were a real document, specifically this gets troublesome when I want to update it. For the real docs I run a RealDocs.update but when doing that on the bogus doc it fails since there is no representation of it on the server (and I'd like to keep it that way).
A collection API that allowed me to pass something like local = true this would be fantastic but I have no idea how difficult that would be to implement and I'm not to fond of modifying the core code.
Right now I'm stuck at either creating a BogusDocs = new Meteor.Collection(null) but that makes populating the Collection more difficult since I have to either hard code fixtures in the client code or use a method to get the data from the server and I have to make sure I call BogusDocs.update instead of RealDocs.update as soon as I'm dealing with bogus data.
Maybe I could actually insert the data on the server and make sure it's removed later, but the data really has nothing to do with the server side collection so I'd rather avoid that.
Any thoughts on how to approach this problem?
After some further investigation (the evented mind site) it turns out that one can modify the local collection without making calls to the server. This is done by running the same methods as you usually would, but on MyCollection._collection instead of just on Collection. MyCollection.update() would thus become MyCollection._collection.update(). So, using a simple wrapper one can pass in the usual arguments to a update call to update the collection as usual (which will try to call the server which in turn will trigger your allow/deny rules) or we can add 'local' as the last argument to only perform the update in the client collection. Something like this should do it.
DocsUpdateWrapper = function() {
var lastIndex = arguments.length -1;
if (arguments[lastIndex] === 'local') {
Docs._collection.update(arguments.slice(0, lastIndex);
} else {
(This could of course be extended to a DocsWrapper that allows for insertion and removals too.)(Didnt try this function yet but it should serve well as an example.)
The biggest benefit of this is imo that we can use the exact same calls to retrieve documents from the local collection, regardless of if they are local or living on the server too. By adding a simple boolean to the doc we can keep track of which documents are only local and which are not (An improved DocsWrapper could check for that bool so we could even omit passing the 'local' argument.) so we know how to update them.
There are some people working on local storage in the browser
You might be able to adapt some of their ideas to provide "fake" documents.
I would use the transform feature on the collection to make an object that knows what to do with itself (on client). Give it the corruct update method (real/bogus), then call .update rather than a general one.
You can put the code from this.added into the transform process.
You can also set up a local minimongo collection. Insert on callback
#FoundAgents = new Meteor.Collection(null, Agent.transformData )
Meteor.call 'Get_agentsCloseToOffer', me, ping, (err, data) ->
if err
console.log JSON.stringify err,null,2
_.each data, (item) ->
FoundAgents.insert item
Maybe this interesting for you as well, I created two examples with native Meteor Local Collections at meteorpad. The first pad shows an example with plain reactive recordset: Sample_Publish_to_Local-Collection. The second will use the collection .observe method to listen to data: Collection.observe().
I'm trying to use Flex Compile Time Constants to include the date and time the SWF was built (source control revision/timestamp such as SVN:Keywords is not sufficient for our needs, we need to know the actual build time, not the commit time).
I've tried using actionscript (like the documentation suggests you should be able to):
-define+=COMPILE::Timestamp,"new Date()"
But this gives "The initializer for a configuration value must be a compile time constant"
I've tried getting it to drop to shell and use the date command (using various single and double quote configurations), for example:
-define+=COMPILE::Timestamp,`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`
I can only get it to work with simple strings and simple constant expressions (eg, I can do 4-2 and it'll be 2 at runtime. But I can't get it to do anything whose value wouldn't be explicitly known at the time I declare the define.
Has anyone had any luck with something like this?
I had the same problem and ended up using this blog post as a starting point. Worked really well for me. Just had to update a few bits of the class to flex 4. Pulled the date right out of the complied swf.
The key to your problem is most likely in the following statement by Adobe referring to Compile Time Constants:
The constant can be a Boolean, String, or Number, or an expression that can be evaluated in ActionScript at compile time.
I would assume that the Timestamp is not available at compile time.
However, you may try using a string instead (something like this)
public function GetUnixTime():String{
var myDate:Date = new Date();
var unixTime:Number = Math.round(myDate.getTime()/1000);
return unixTime.toString();
Another thought is that you could get the information from the compiled file.
Hope this helps.
After extensive research, I've concluded that this simply isn't doable.
If you don't use FlexBuilder to do your builds you can do it quite easily.
I do something like this with FlexMojos in Maven.
In the relevant config section:
FlexBuilder pretty much sucks as a build environment for reasons like the one you mention