Add a logging entry to appsettings.json via a custom NuGet package - .net-core

I have a NuGet package that I have created for my company. It works great. But it includes some code in the System.Net.Http.HttpClient.OAuthClient namespace that is very chatty in the logs at the Information level.
I would like to have my NuGet package automatically add the following line:
"System.Net.Http.HttpClient.OAuthClient": "Error"
At the end of the Logging->LogLevel section of the appsettings.json file of the project it is installed in (if its not already there).
Or failing that, is there a way to suppress these logs down to the Error LogLevel in code?

It's just my personal opinion, and it doesn't answer your question directly, but it did not fit into a comment, so posting it here.
I don't think it's up to your package to decide, what will be in the appsettings.json. There may be let's say production and test appsettings, and in test developers of some projects would actually want to see as many logs as possible.
If your package would modify it, you would take away the decision from developers who use your package. Or, imagine, the project that uses your package also used System.Net.Http.HttpClient.OAuthClient namespace, but for its own purposes. And developers again might want to see logs coming from that namespace.
I'd suggest just to put this info into your package's documentation, and than developers of each project shall decide for themselves, whether they want to suppress logs or not.
Update after comment:
Probably this will get you somewhere:
The basic idea is that you can distribute init.ps1 script together with your nuget package that will run on installation of the package. And with powershell you could do pretty much anything, including replacing strings in text files.
Have a look also at this SO question: Execute an action after my nuget package is installed


How Visual Studio discover NuGets with source symbols?

I prepared a symbol package successfully using dotnet pack's --include-symbols and --include-source switches. Now I wonder how to tell Visual Studio to use that package when trying to step into code of the corresponding non-symbol one.
I tried to place the symbol package to a local folder and configuring solution-level nuget.config file to use this folder as a package source. Idea is that there is maybe some name convention that looks for packages like {name}.symbols in all configured packages sources... but that doesn't work.
Oficial docs (especially the older ones) are talking a lot about configuring "Symbol Servers", but if I understand correctly, that's something different and older, right? If I wanted to set-up an internal symbol server, I wouldn't do that through NuGet. (I really don't want to set up an internal symbol server.)
They are also suggesting to push to, but I can't do that with internal code, obviously. Also, I can't believe there are hard-coded URLs in .NET toolbox.
I didn't find a way to meaningfully use source included by dotnet build.
There are alternatives though:
SourceLink offers a way to configure mapping between source code build paths and HTTP locations. Unfortunately, that does not work for private repositories without a specific support for source control server authentication method. Bitbucket Server, for example, is not yet supported.
You can embed sources directly into PDBs. I will probably go that way.

How can I find unused libraries in a Symfony project with PhpStorm?

I try to find and also to delete all the unused libraries in a project. For example I have a folder lib/ with lot of other folder which are the famous libraries. I want to know how I can identify which libraries are not used.
I asked the same question here but the only response I received suggests to me to check each file one by one ...
Can you help me?
I don't think that is possible, as some libraries may be lazy loaded depending on some internal state of your application.
So even if you could somehow find all strong typed references inspecting the code, you have no way of finding out if a library is loaded via magic methods, custom class loaders, dynamically generated include or require statement, eval-ed code and so on.
Without having tests with 95%+ coverage for your non-library code, it is very risky to remove anything from your lib folder. You code may appear to run fine, but still fail in some edge cases.
There's an open source project that can help you to do that:
composer require composer-unused/composer-unused-plugin
composer unused
And if you want to use it inside phpstorm, you can look at their composer documentation:

Type or namespace could not be found AFTER Package is restored

We are really struggling with this error with our nuget packages when we are using TFS. A team member will add a package and it will inevitably not be found when we pull it. In the past, we've manually added the packages but we stumbled upon Package Restore! This is an awesome tool but it doesn't seem to work always as I would expect.
These are the steps I have been taking when a simple "Enable Package Restore" and rebuilding doesn't fix it.
Delete the Nuget and Packages folder from the solution.
Restart Visual Studio
Clean solution
Rebuild solution
Now, this gets me there with probably 90% of the packages but there are still some that won't resolve. The weird part is, I've looked in the packages folder and I SEE the missing package installed after I build/rebuild even though it still shows that it is missing.
So, barring a better method to get these to automatically be restored, is there a way I can force it to look at the package location?
I have seen this too, but so long ago I don't remember how it was solved.
I would carefully check that the specific version listed in the project matches exactly the version that was pulled down into packages. That no hint path or other magic was applied to the assemblies, that they are overridden in some way in the web/application config to look somewhere else or a different, now missing value.

How to write the scripts for Qt Installer

I'm trying to write my first Qt installer and having trouble. In my installer, in one of the packages, I need to run an .exe file at the end of the installation and add an environment variable as well.
I think the way to do it is with the script option in the package.xml file but I don't know how to write that script, I cannot find a step by step explanation of how to do it anywhere.
Can someone help?
I have been recently suffering the same fate as yourself but have managed, for the most part, to achieve what you are trying to do from the Qt installer framework examples and documentation found here and
The information provided on these pages is a little ambiguous but with a little experimentation you should be able to create the install script that you require.
The package.xml file you would like to implement the install script requires that you add a
tag and that the installscript.qs its self should be located in the meta folder of that package. The installscript.qs will then contain, among a few other things, a
command which will execute your required .exe. The same process for the environment variable could be implemented using the execute operation to run a batch file which creates the variable on the users system.
I have been trying over the last few weeks to implement the custom operations detailed in the qt installer framework documentation but have so far been unsuccessful so if you make any progress in this area feel free to pass the information on ;)

Updating MiniProfiler.MVC3 NuGet package after editing MiniProfiler.cs in App_Start

In the MiniProfiler.MVC3 NuGet package, it creates a file in App_Start that is used to control MiniProfiler settings (the SqlFormatter to use, modifications to the ViewEngines, when to start MiniProfiler, etc.).
There are a lot of TODO comments in this file talking about how to change the code to perform how you want. This is great, but when the NuGet package is updated, it will see that I've changed the file and not pull down the updated version. The problem here is that I lose any updates to that file, and depending on what else updated in the package, making it unusable (for example, when upgrading MiniProfiler.MVC3 from version 1.9 to version 2.0.1 after modifying MiniProfiler.cs in App_Start, the project will no longer build because of needed changes to that file in the 2.0.1 version).
What is the best way to handle this? Should I create my own file in App_Start and not modify the one in the NuGet package, ensuring that I will always get the full update when upgrading to the latest version of the NuGet package?
You could backup the file in App_Start, update it, then merge the files manually, or using a merge tool. You'd probably end up doing this anyways if you're using source control.
Quick-and-dirty: create the file you want. Then copy over/merge every time you upgrade with nugget. Or with every compile. The added build time is negligible.
Slightly better: use the precompile event in visual studio and compare the files. If they differ - either copy over or tell the user. I can't figure out a way to show a message box, or similar, on the top of my head but one could always create a new file with a compilation error and some text nearby "discrepancy in the xxx file".
try using mercurial queues. You can get your code to the point you want (excluding the file you refer to), and then commit. Make changes to your file, and push it to a queue. Make sure to exclude it from any future updates (manually), and then when you want to update your package, pop it off your code base. This will make it look like it used to, and run the nuget update. Then you can push the queue back to the code, and your changes will re-applied. It might take a bit of fiddling, but worth a look.
For reference:
