Use Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 simultaneously - css

I have a single page web application that still uses Bootstrap 3, which is getting rather annoying in parts. So I'd like to switch to Bootstrap 4, but not the entire application at once. I'd like to convert some parts of the application first, without disturbing other parts that still use Bootstrap 3.
The Bootstrap 3 CSS is added globally in the application right now. The parts I'd like to convert to Bootstrap 4 first are children of the main application, I can't cleanly separate the Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 parts into separate hierarchies just yet.
The problem is that I obviously can't just embed both stylesheets, as the selectors will conflict. I can think of some really ugly hacks to solve this like manually modifying all selectors for one of the Bootstrap versions, but that is not really something I would like to do unless absolutely necessary.
Is there a reasonable way to gradually migrate an application from Boostrap 3 to 4? Essentially some way to declare that Bootstrap 4 should be used inside a specific HTML element and all its children, with Bootstrap 3 being used outside of it?

You can add a namespace to one or both of the Bootstrap CSS files. For example, you could prefix all of your Bootstrap 4 class names with .bs4, so the .btn class would look like this:
.bs4 .btn {
display: inline-block;
font-weight: 400;
Then on your page, wrap the content where you want to use Bootstrap 4 in a container with your namespace's class. E.g.
<div class="bs4">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Test</button>
It doesn't need to be as onerous to achieve this as it might sound. I followed the instructions on this page a while back to recompile the Bootstrap LESS files to add a prefix and it was pretty straightforward.


Change standard selectors in Bootstrap

I have a marketing tool (Pardot) that I'm using to build forms. It creates its own markup which makes it impossible for me to apply bootstrap classes to form element, although I can create them for surrounding containers (spans/divs).
Is there a way to quickly "alias" default Boostrap classes without writing a ton of duplicate CSS for the 50 or so different form-related classes?
I've already put in some CSS, just duplicating the Boostrap CSS, but that's labor intensive and obviously won't work for Bootstrap's JavaScripts.

How to apply bootstrap css to Primefaces custom compoents

I am using Primefaces 5.0.I want to use or bootstrap css to Primefaces custom components like List, table, selectOneListbox.
I am to apply css to normal component like button, link etc.
It's possible, but due to reason that a internal structure of Primefaces's components are different from a plain HTML components with which Bootstrap supposed to work you will need to make hard job to accomplish that. You will need to debug every Primefaces component to see its internal structure and change Bootstrap's css file that it will correspond to internal classes of Primefaces's component.
Actually you have three alternatives (maybe more):
Like BalusC mentioned, Primefaces has its own implementation of Bootstrap theme: you can see it here: IMHO, best option
Use Bootfaces JSF library: Pay attention that it's pretty new library and possible buggy. There isn't big community support like for Primefaces library.
Make you own Composite (or Custom) Components with desired structure and styling.

Suggest how to convert wirefy css framework to bootstrap css framework

In our project we are using WIREFRAME( Base 16 columns) css framework, we want to change the framework to Bootstrap, IS there any easy way to change, or do we need to re write entire css again.
You shouldn't have to convert to Bootstrap unless there are particular styles that Bootstrap offers that Wirefy doesn't. Wirefy is meant to work as a foundation that you can build your entire app on. This means that you can include additional frameworks or stylized classes on top of it without having to convert.
If you still feel you need to convert then it really depends on the types of classes you've included into your wireframe and how they align with that of Bootstrap.

Selecting specific components in Twitter Bootstrap

I am trying to implement bootstrap in my current code which is built over existing codebase for few years. The current codebase has several stylesheets and all.
I am using nav-pills and nav-tabs from bootstrap. However, icnluding the bootstrap.css, bootstrap.responsive.css messes up with the current layout elements like header, footer, input etc. I have tried removing some of the properties from bootstrap css files but they are over 7000 lines of code and it is not a good idea to go through every line of code in bootstrap.
Is there a version of bootstrap or way where i can select which component of bootstrap i want to use and my css files are populated accordingly. For eg i want nav-pills and nav-tabs and i believe including lal dependencies code should not be over 50-100 lines. Which is easy to debug and modify as well.
I believe this is what you are looking for:
You can deselect the base CSS to not have it interfere.
You should use the LESS Code from the Bootstrap GitHub Repository. Just download the latest tagged version. You also need a LESS compiler.
In addition you should first include your bootstrap file and afterwards your own stylesheets to make sure it overrides if necessary.
You can customize your 'needs' on project page.

How do I change Twitter Bootstrap grid widths?

I'm using Twitter Bootstrap right now ver 2.0 and notice that the space is not enough using the 12 column grid.
I think they're using 940px.. so how do I use a custom width without breaking the 12 column grid?
The simplest way would be to customize your own download. Focus on the Grid section.
Alternatively you could edit the LESS or compiled CSS files directly.
You can also create a new stylesheet (or add to an existing one) that simply overrides the values of those variables. This way you don't have to worry about bootstrap updates rewriting your changes. Just make sure you declare the variables after the bootstrap CSS and JS have loaded.
In fact, personally I think that's a better option otherwise you have to remember to re-edit the CSS file every time you install a bootstrap update and this is never a good idea.
This is especially problematic if you're using bootstrap as a gem (say for Rails). That's why I never like overwriting include files directly.
