Automatically populate view with heterogeneous values from a model - reflection

Let's pretend I have a model like the following:
struct Coupon: Identifiable {
let id: Int
let code: String
let totalAmount: Double
let spentAmount: Double
let rate: Double
let validFrom: Date
let validTo: Date
let supplier: Supplier
My intent is to build a SwiftUI card-like view displaying all the formatted information using a helper function like the following:
private func entry(for label: LocalizedStringKey, value: LocalizedStringKey) -> some View {
HStack { Text(label); Spacer(); Text(value) }
I know I can use reflection to loop through the properties, and start doing some type checking to format dates, for example, but for doubles things are more complicated because some represent amounts but others don't. Another problem would be how to render the label for each property. Is there some even complex way to achieve this idea?


Crossfilter for Date for string values

I've a JSON model that contains strings instead of dates (the model is generated via T4TS, so I cannot change that).
The code is currently using an expanded model extending the original json, where the dates are recalculated on new fields.
I was wondering if it would be possible to apply the filters on the fields being string without adding that additional step of extending the model.
private makeNumeric(label: string, property: string) {
return {
label: label,
key: property,
prepareDimension: (crossfilter) => (CrossfilterUtils.makeNumeric(crossfilter, property)),
prepareGroup: (dimension) => {
if (!this.values[property]) {
var group = CrossfilterUtils.makeNumericGroup(dimension);
this.values[property] = group;
return this.values[property];
valuesAreOrdinal: false
I haven't used the crossfilter library much before and by looking at the documentation I can't seem to reconcile it with the code (heritage code, to put it that way).
The incoming date format looks like this: "2020-10-22T07:26:00Z"
The typescript model I'm working with is like this:
interface MyModel {
CreatedDate?: string;
Any idea?
The usual pattern in JavaScript is to loop through the data and do any conversions you need:
data.forEach(function(d) { = new Date(;
d.number = +d.number;
const cf = crossfilter(data);
However, if this is not allowed due to TS, you can also make the conversions when creating your dimensions and groups:
const cf = crossfilter(data);
const dateDim = cf.dimension(d => new Date(;
const monthGroup = => d3.timeMonth(date))
.reduceSum(d => +d.number);
I find this a little less robust because you have to remember to do this everywhere. It's a little harder to reason about the efficiency since you have to trust that crossfilter uses the accessors sparingly, but I don't recall seeing this be a problem in practice.

App crashes when I attempt to have a dynamic value in spinner

I have the following code and was wondering why it crashes the app, I was hoping you could help me figure out what was going on.
The code below is not exact aside from the spinner code.
The idea is to have the spinner racePicker's array populated by FireStore document IDs, as shown below:
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
val raceArray = ArrayList()
raceArray.add("Select race...")
db.collection("races").get().addOnSuccessListener {
DocumentSnapshot ->
for (document in DocumentSnapshot) {
Log.e("info", "raceArray contains values $raceArray")
This is a rough approximation. I may have set it .toString() or maybe used .addAll vs .add in the raceArray statement.
(I honestly don't remember exactly if this is how I coded it, but it's close enough to give an idea, I'm typing from memory at the moment).
My intention was to use it like so:
racPicker.onSelectedItemListener = object :
OnItemSelectedListener {
override fun onNothingSelected() {
override fun onItemSelected(parent: AdapterView<*>?, view:
View?, position: Int, id: Long) {
val selection = parent?.getItemAtPosition(position).toString()
when (selection) {
"$selection" -> raceArray.remove("Select race...").also{
statAllocator(selection) }
For some reason it crashes, but if I assign a literal such as "race name" -> fun, "2nd race name" -> fun, etc it works.
Would it be better to use
if (selectedItem.equals("$selection") {
// do stufd
instead? Or is it absolutely necessary to call each and every when case/statement as a literal string? I essentially am looking for a way to have the spinner's selected item (which is an array of document names generated from FireStore database) then "check for itself" and trigger the other functions.

How to combine data model types with document ids?

I'm working with Firestore and Typescript.
For the data models I have types definitions. For example User could be this:
interface User {
name: string;
age: number;
The users are stored in the database in the users collection under a unique name/id.
In Firebase when you query a collection, the ids of the documents are available on the document reference, and do not come with the data. In a common use-case for front-end, you want to retrieve an array of records with their ids, because you probably want to interact with them and need to identify each.
So I made a query similar to the code below, where the id is merged into the resulting array:
async function getUsers(): Promise<any[]> {
const query = db.collection("users")
const snapshot = await query.get();
const results = => {
return {, id: };
Now the problem is, that I have a User type, but it can't be used here because it does not contain an id field.
A naïve solution could be to create a new type:
interface UserWithId extends User {
id: string
And write the function like:
async function getUsers(): Promise<UserWithId[]> {}
But this doesn't feel right to me, because you would have to potentially do this for many types.
A better solution I think would be to create a generic type:
type DatabaseRecord<T> = {
id: string,
data: T
Thus keeping data and ids separate in the returning results:
const results = => {
return { data:, id: };
... and use the function signature:
async function getUsers(): Promise<DatabaseRecord<User>[]> {}
I would favour the second over the first solution, because creating new types for each case feels silly. But I am still not sure if that is the best approach.
This seems like such a common scenario but I didn't manage to find any documentation on this. I have seen developers simply write the id in the model data, essentially duplicating the document name in its data, but that to me seems like a big mistake.
I can imagine that if you don't use Typescript (of Flow) that you just don't care about the resulting structure and simply merge the id with the data, but this is one of the reasons I really love using type annotation in JS. It forces you think more about your data and you end up writing cleaner code.

How to avoid using literal strings to narrow disjoint unions in flow

All the examples I find online for narrowing the disjoint union in flowtype uses string literals, like the official one. I would like to know if there is a way to check against a value from an enum like:
type ActionA = {
// This is not allowed
type: ACTION_A,
// type: 'LITERAL_STRING_A' is allowed
dataA: ActionAData,
type ActionB = {
// This is not allowed
type: ACTION_B,
// type: 'LITERAL_STRING_B' is allowed
dataB: ActionBData,
type Action = ActionA | ActionB;
function reducer(state: State, action: Action): State {
// Want to narrow Action to ActionA or ActionB based on type
switch (action.type) {
// case 'LITERAL_STRING_A': -- successfully narrow the type
case ACTION_A: // doesn't work
// action.dataA is accessible
Unfortunately you can't do these because strings are ineligible as type annotations.
If there is any other way around this that doesn't force typing the string literals everywhere I would love to know.
If there isn't a way around this, also accept suggestions on a higher level how to not need to define these disjoint sets for redux actions.
I'm not in my best shape right now, so sorry if I read your question wrong. I'll try to help anyway. Is this what you're looking for?
const actionTypes = {
type ActionType = $Keys<actionTypes> // one of FOO, BAR
function buzz(actionType: ActionType) {
switch(actionType) {
case actionTypes.FOO:
// blah
This should work. Sorry if my syntax is a bit off.
If you're asking how to avoid listing all action types in type Action = ActionA | ActionB then sorry, I don't know, I think this is the way you do it. If I recall correctly, a slightly nicer syntax for defining long unions was recently introduce in Flow:
type Action =
| ActionA
| ActionB
| ActionC
Also, if you don't need individual action types, you can just do
type Action =
| {type: ACTION_A; dataA: ActionAData;}
| {type: ACTION_B; dataB: ActionBData;}
The better way would be to use string literal types for const values:
Try flow...

Different data types in form and database and forward and backward conversion

I thought it'd be easy but, yeah... it wasn't. I already posted a question that went in the same direction, but formulated another question.
What I want to do
I have the collection songs, that has a time attribute (the playing-time of the song). This attribute should be handled different in the form-validation and the backend-validation!
! I'd like to do it with what autoform (and simple-schema / collection2) offers me. If that's possible...
in the form the time should be entered and validated as a string that fits the regex /^\d{1,2}:?[0-5][0-9]$/ (so either format "mm:ss" or mmss).
in the database it should be stored as a Number
What I tried to do
1. The "formToDoc-way"
This is my javascript
// schema for collection
var schema = {
time: {
label: "Time (MM:SS)",
type: Number // !!!
// ...
SongsSchema = new SimpleSchema(schema);
// schema for form validation
schema.time.type = String // changing from Number to String!
schema.time.regEx = /^\d{1,2}:?[0-5][0-9]$/;
SongsSchemaForm = new SimpleSchema(schema);
And this is my template:
My desired workflow would be:
time is validated as a String using the schema
time is being converted to seconds (Number)
time is validated as a Number in the backend
song is stored
And the way back.
I first tried to use the hook formToDoc and converted the string into seconds (Number).
The Problem:
I found out, that the form validation via the given schema (for the form) takes place AFTER the conversion in `formToDoc, so it is a Number already and validation as a String fails.
That is why I looked for another hook that fires after the form is validated. That's why I tried...
2. The "before.insert-way"
I used the hook before.insert and the way to the database worked!
formCreateSong: {
before: {
insert: function (doc) {
// converting the doc.time to Number (seconds)
// ...
return doc;
docToForm: function (doc) {
// convert the doc.time (Number) back to a string (MM:SS)
// ...
return doc;
The Problem:
When I implemented an update-form, the docToForm was not called so in the update-form was the numerical value (in seconds).
How can I do the way back from the database to the form, so the conversion from seconds to a string MM:SS?
Is there a better way how to cope with this usecase (different data types in the form-validation and backend-validation)?
I am looking for a "meteor autoform" way of solving this.
Thank you alot for reading and hopefully a good answer ;-)
I feel like the time should really be formatted inside the view and not inside the model. So here's the Schema for time I'd use:
function convertTimeToSeconds (timeString) {
var timeSplit = timeString.split(':')
return (parseInt(timeSplit[0]) * 60 + parseInt(timeSplit[1]))
time: {
type: Number,
autoValue: function () {
if(!/^\d{1,2}:?[0-5][0-9]$/.test(this.value)) return false
return convertTimeToSeconds(this.value)
This has a small disadvantage of course. You can't use the quickForm-helper anymore, but will have to use autoForm.
To then display the value I'd simply find the songs and then write a helper:
Template.registerHelper('formateTime', function (seconds) {
var secondsMod = seconds % 60
return [(seconds - secondsMod) / 60, secondsMod].join(':')
In your template:
{{ formatTime time }}
The easy answer is don't validate the string, validate the number that the string is converted into.
With simpleschema, all you do is create a custom validation. That custom validation is going to grab the string, turn it into a number, and then validate that number.
Then, when you pull it from the database, you'll have to take that number & convert it into a string. Now, simpleschema doesn't do this natively, but it's easy enough to do in your form.
Now, if you wanted to get fancy, here's what I'd recommend:
Add new schema fields:
userValue: Match.Optional(Function),
dbValue: Match.Optional(Function),
Then, add a function to your time field (stored as Date field):
userValue: function () {
return moment(this.value).format('mm:ss');
dbValue: function () {
return timeToNumber(this.value);
Then, make a function that converts a timeString to a number (quick and dirty example, you'll have to add error checking):
function timeToNumber(str) {
str.replace(':',''); //remove colon
var mins = +str.substr(0,2);
var secs = +str.substr(2,2);
return mins * 60 + secs;
Then, for real-time validation you can use schema.namedContext().validateOne. To update the db, just send timeToNumber(input.value).
