Pixelated gif in QT - qt

I'm trying to show a gif file in QT app, using the approach provided in the link: https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtbase.git/tree/examples/widgets/widgets/movie?h=5.15
Approach makes use of QMovie object set in a QLabel.
The example works well and fine.
But if I enable High DPI scaling for the app, the gif becomes all pixelated. Please see the screenshots below.
This is the line that I add to enable High DPI scaling.
Any ideas to get this fixed ?
I have tried the following fixes already:
setScaledSize for the QMovie object
setScaledContents(true) for the QLabel
QT version I'm using is 5.15.2 and platform is Windows.

A GIF picture cannot have more than 256 unique colours. When you load such an image into Qt, it is internally represented in that exact format with the palette (of 256 colours) from the GIF representation, even if your hardware might be able to display many more colours.
This also means that when you scale such an image, Qt is not allowed to extend the colour space to render in-between colours - This means that scaled GIF pictures generally have to look much worse than scaled high-colour images.
The solution to this is either to transform the QImage you created from a GIF picture into a format with a larger colour space before scaling it (with QImage::convertToFormat) or, better still, don't use GIF images at all. After all, GIF is a format developed 30 years ago and has never really been updated to adapt to modern hardware, and using it, you artificially limit your programs to the capabilities of that format.

It seems at this moment there is no way to render sharp gifs when scaled using QMovie and QLabel. I have filed a bug for the same in QT bug tracker.
Meanwhile I have found a workaround that works fine. It is done making use of QML in the QWidget system, using QQuickWidget.
Let me add the full steps here, so that it is helpful to anyone else who run into this problem:
First we need to add support for Qml and QuickWidgets. I use CMake and Visual Studio. Hence I add the below lines in the CMakeLists.txt file. Equivalent changes needs to be made in the .pro file, if QT Creator is used instead.
# I'm only adding the relevant lines for brevity
find_package(Qt5 COMPONENTS Qml QuickWidgets)
# Note the --qmldir switch
add_custom_command (TARGET ${APP_TARGET_NAME} POST_BUILD
COMMAND ${QTDIR}/bin/windeployqt
Then create a spinner.qml file inside a folder named qml:
import QtQuick 2.15
Rectangle {
width: 12
height: 12
AnimatedImage {
y: 5
width: 12
height: 12
id: spinner
source: "img/spinner.gif"
speed: 1.0
And then load the qml file using QQuickWidget and add the QQuickWidget instance to the QWidget layout.
QHBoxLayout *main_layout = new QHBoxLayout();
auto *spinner_gif = new QQuickWidget(QUrl::fromLocalFile(":/spinner.qml"));
The gif that shows up won't be pixelated even when scaled and we can see the GPU in use, in the Task Manager, as expected for a QQuickWidget.


Qt Designer mainwindow size anomaly

I'm trying to get a Designer fixed size mainwindow to display as it looks at its minimum size in Designer. If I set its sizePolicy to 'Expanding, Expanding', and adjust the size as small as it will go, the geometry is shown as [(0,0), 1378 x 756]. When I run the program it displays bigger than it needs to be, but I can resize it to its smallest and it looks good enough (picture on the left), although the bottom of the Random frame doesn't perfectly align with the label to its left.
If I use QSettings; the size from the .config file is 'size=#Size(1368 727)', but I can't set it to that in Designer. If I set the sizePolicy to 'Fixed, Fixed' at 1378 x 756 then it looks wrong when I run it and I obviously can't resize it (picture on the right).
two images as described above
What could be causing it and/or how can I fix it?
(I tried adding QApplication::setStyle(QStyleFactory::create("Fusion")); and its #include, from the first answer here, but no change)
Qt Creator 7.0.0 Based on Qt 6.2.3, Linux Mint 21 Cinnamon (ubuntu 20.04).
Eta: Typically; a bit more effort on my part has got it right. Mainly I think the label was too big for the space available for it. All looking perfectly aligned now and no more discrepancy between Designer's size (of the main window) and the .conf file.

QPixmap with .svg "couldn't create image from"?

i try to get an .svg to an QPixmap and i get the Error "couldn't create Image from".
QString test = "/home/ftp/DM262-WIF-269-0.svg";
QPixmap design(test);
is there a Resolution for my Problem?
The SVG loader of Qt supports only a subset of SVG. It seems that embedding of raster graphics images in SVGs is not supported. (If I remember right embedding of SVGs in other SVGs doesn't work as well. – Too sad.)
To prove that I don't tell something wrong, I tested an icon of our software.
The following image shows how the Explorer Preview plug-in (based on Qt) shows the image:
The same image loaded into Firefox:
When I import this image in GIMP, the embedded image is considered as well.
So, if you don't want to re-design your SVG icon I see only one solution: render the SVGs into raster graphics images (e.g. PNG or JPEG) which are better supported in Qt – may be, with multi-resolution icons (QIcon – High DPI icons) for a better result.

How to avoid adding excess 1 pixel spacing by Qt Designer

I'm working on application for embedded and we have 256x64 grayscale screen. Qt 5.3 perfectly renders on that screen with -platform linuxfb option. Obviously, we save every pixel of space, so I faced with trouble: Qt Designer adds excess 1 pixel spacing for every layout element deeper in hierarchy. So they accumulate for the most deep widgets. More precisely, for some reason child element of layout components gets coordinates (1,1) relative to parent. So, it's true for every widget except for root widget. Picture below demonstrates accumulated spacings (thin and thick red lines), and (1,1) coordinates of the very first child widget.
I believe it's Qt behavior itself, not just Qt Designer issue (not tested yet). But I can't work further even if it's shown in Designer only: I need to have pixel-exact view while designing.
Of course, every spacing and margin of every component in form set to 0.
Manual coordinates assigning (from code) eliminates the problem of course, but I need to generate code by uic.
So, my question is: how to avoid such spacings? Fixing Qt core sources can be (hard) option too, since anyway we recompile Qt for the project.
Mirror post on Qt forums
If you select Form > View Code, you can see that the geometry is not actually used for widgets which are inside a layout. So the numbers you see in the Property Editor are purely informational and have no relevance to the eventual code that is generated from the ui file (which is why they are greyed out).
The one pixel offset is there because Qt Designer needs space to draw the red boxes around layouts. They have to be be represented somehow, so I don't see how this can be avoided given the way Qt Designer currently works. If you want a more accurate reprentation of the final results, I suppose you will have to show a preview.
There is a facility in Settings > Preferences > Embedded Design that allows you to specify device profiles (which determine things like style, font, and screen resolution). This will add a new entry to the Preview In menu, which should allow you to refine the accuracy of the previews even further.

How to change logical DPI for QML app?

I want to control the pointSize-to-pixel scaling of all Text elements in my Qt 5.2.1 QML/C++ app.
I have a QML singleton component with target display properties like width, height and dot pitch that calculates appropriate pixel sizes for common dimensions such as the recommended size in pixels for a touchscreen button. This works fine for controls I write, but the Text element has a perfectly good font.pointSize that I would like to use if I could just set the logical DPI used for text scaling.
I use this to simulate target devices with very different screen DPI while debugging on my 96 DPI development screen. For example, I would like to run my app that targets a 1280x720 133DPI display and has an element like:
Text { font.pointSize: 72; text: “Xy” }
display 133 pixels tall, not the 96 pixel tall text I get because the OS tells Qt that I have a 96 DPI monitor attached. I want to override the logical DPI scaling for my application.
I can see the logicalDotsPerInchX through the QGuiApplication QScreen list. There is tons of documentation on how to get the logical DPI. But I cannot find any information on how to change it.
How can I change the logical DPI for my Qt app?
I don't think you can simply change the DPI values in the QScreen class (there are only public getter methods).
Maybe there are some "hacks" for that problem if you modify the QScreen class and add a public setter or something yourself and then recompile Qt, but that might be some work and takes a lot of time...
Another solution might be to just add a scale factor to your font sizes? I don't know how many you have but that can be simply done in QML and I use something like that even for production setting to scale the fonts and other sizes properly to the device.
You could use Screen.pixelDensityor just define your custom QML property and multiply that to all font sizes? if you do that you can dynamically change the sizes while the app is running.

Fit QML file to screen

I have created an application with a screen resolution of 640 x 360 for the nokia n8. It includes a lot of flickables, labels, etc. I want it to run on the nokia e6 with a resolution of 640 x 480.
Up to now I have simply copied the the QML file and modified it for the new resolution but it's getting a little tiresome to do it for each update. I want to know if there is any simple way I can get it to automatically fit the output to any screen resolution? Or if there is something else I can do to simplify my task. I would prefer not to use anchors because it makes it too complicated to design the QML file.
How about using QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry() to set the geometry of your application window?
From the docs:
Returns the available geometry of the screen with index screen. What is available will be subrect of screenGeometry() based on what the platform decides is available (for example excludes the dock and menu bar on Mac OS X, or the task bar on Windows).
Addressing your comment below:
does it re size the entire screen
The const in QDesktopWidget::availableGeometry() const tells you that you can be pretty sure that the function doesn't alter anything. You'll need to do the resizing yourself.
Edit: The QML docs should give you the information you need to automatically change your application geometry. You could either change the geometry of the QML object from C++ or define your available screen geometry as a Q_PROPERTY and access it from QML. I'd recommend the former, as hooking up to the signal QDesktopWidget::workAreaResized might help you on mobile devices where your available geometery may change.
Actually you should avoid hardcoding the interface pixel by pixel and start using anchors. Ther will be some phones that have yet another screen resolution and then you have to create new QML for each of them. With anchors you can let the content fill all available space
