I am new to Common Lisp and I am using SBCL, Slime and Emacs to learn.
While reading the book Common Lisp: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation, the author mentions the STEP tool which is helpful for debugging and able to do this:
It is not 100% clear if the italic text is coming from the author or the tool itself. Probably, just the author's comments.
However, even if I do not consider the italic, I am unable to generate descriptive info like this.
If I use just SBCL's REPL, I get:
* (step (if (oddp 5) 'yes 'no))
If I use the REPL inside Emacs with Slime on, I get:
CL-USER> (step (if (oddp 5) 'yes 'no))
The author says that:
Each implementation of Common Lisp provides its own version of this
tool; only the name has been standardized.
If I try the same thing in Emacs/Slime with a function, I get more info:
(defun my-abs (x)
(cond ((> x 0) x)
((< x 0) (- x))
(t 0)))
Using the definition above and the command bellow on the REPL:
CL-USER> (step (my-abs 10))
I get:
Evaluating call:
(MY-ABS 10)
With arguments:
[Condition of type STEP-FORM-CONDITION]
0: [STEP-CONTINUE] Resume normal execution
1: [STEP-OUT] Resume stepping after returning from this function
2: [STEP-NEXT] Step over call
3: [STEP-INTO] Step into call
4: [RETRY] Retry SLIME REPL evaluation request.
5: [*ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
0: ((LAMBDA ()))
3: (EVAL (STEP (MY-ABS 10)))
Unfortunately, none of those options seem to give me what I want (which could be an error of interpretation on my side).
I would like to see something like:
SLIME seems to be a thorough tool. I might be missing something.
Is there a way to generate the same output described by the book using SLIME or SBCL?
As someone suggested above, SBCL does optimize away a lot by default, and compiles by default as well. Here's what I did to create an example:
I first made up "a bad value" for the "suggested optimization" by running
(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (space 0) (speed 0)))
Then, I defined a function with something more than an if condition, since that sort of thing is always inlined, unfortunately (though you might try (declaim (notinline ...)), I haven't. One way is to create a function that calls another one, like:
(defun foo () "hey!")
(defun bar () (foo))
Now, when I run (step (bar)), I see the debugger pane that you shared in your question above, and if I now select option #3, step into, I get the same pane but now focussed, as hopefully expected, on the call to foo.
Good luck!
Some references:
SBCL manual on "Single stepping": http://www.sbcl.org/manual/#Single-Stepping
SBCL manual on "Debugger policy control": http://www.sbcl.org/manual/#Debugger-Policy-Control
It looks like the author is using LispWorks' stepper.
With LispWorks
Here's my step session, using :s to step the current form and all its subforms.
CL-USER 5 > (step (my-abs -5))
(MY-ABS -5) -> :s
-5 -> :s
(COND ((> X 0) X) ((< X 0) (- X)) (T 0)) <=> (IF (> X 0) (PROGN X) (IF (< X 0) (- X) (PROGN 0)))
(IF (> X 0) (PROGN X) (IF (< X 0) (- X) (PROGN 0))) -> :s
(> X 0) -> :s
X -> :s
0 -> :s
(IF (< X 0) (- X) (PROGN 0)) -> :s
(< X 0) -> :s
X -> :s
0 -> :s
(- X) -> :s
X -> :s
Help is on :?:
:s Step this form and all of its subforms (optional +ve integer arg)
:st Step this form without stepping its subforms
:si Step this form without stepping its arguments if it is a function call
:su Step up out of this form without stepping its subforms
:sr Return a value to use for this form
:sq Quit from the current stepper level
:bug-form <subject> &key <filename>
Print out a bug report form, optionally to a file.
:get <variable> <command identifier>
Get a previous command (found by its number or a symbol/subform within it) and put it in a variable.
:help Produce this list.
:his &optional <n1> <n2>
List the command history, optionally the last n1 or range n1 to n2.
:redo &optional <command identifier>
Redo a previous command, found by its number or a symbol/subform within it.
:use <new> <old> &optional <command identifier>
Do variant of a previous command, replacing old symbol/subform with new symbol/subform.
For compiled code it also has a visual stepper, where you can press a red button to set a breakpoints, see the intermediate variables changing etc. It looks like this:
LispWorks is a proprietary implementation and IDE that has a free but limited version. I just wrote a review that should be merged on the Cookbook.
trace and printv
Do you know trace? printv, an external library, is a trace on steroids. They resemble the output you appreciate.
(defun factorial (n)
(if (plusp n)
(* n (factorial (1- n)))
(trace factorial)
(factorial 2)
3: FACTORIAL returned 1
2: FACTORIAL returned 1
1: FACTORIAL returned 2
0: FACTORIAL returned 6
(untrace factorial)
printv prints the code and the returned values.
(+ 2 3)
(let* ((x 0) (y (1+ x)) (z (1+ y)))
(values x y z)))
;;; (+ 2 3) => 5
;;; (LET* ((X 0) (Y (1+ X)) (Z (1+ Y)))
(VALUES X Y Z)) =>
[ [X=0] [Y=1] [Z=2] ]
;;; => 0, 1, 2
Ok, I'm been learning COMMON LISP programming and I'm working on a very simple program to calculate a factorial of a given integer. Simple, right?
Here's the code so far:
(write-line "Please enter a number...")
(setq x (read))
(defun factorial(n)
(if (= n 1)
(setq a 1)
(if (> n 1)
(setq a (* n (factorial (- n 1))))
(format t "~D! is ~D" n a)
(factorial x)
Problem is, when I run this on either CodeChef or Rexter.com, I get a similar error: "NIL is NOT a number."
I've tried using cond instead of an if to no avail.
As a side note, and most bewildering of all, I've seen a lot of places write the code like this:
(defun fact(n)
(if (= n 1)
(* n (fact (- n 1)))))
Which doesn't even make sense to me, what with the 1 just floating out there with no parentheses around it. However, with a little tinkering (writing additional lines outside the function) I can get it to execute (equally bewildering!).
But that's not what I want! I'd like the factorial function to print/return the values without having to execute additional code outside it.
What am I doing wrong?
One actually needs to flush the I/O buffers in portable code with FINISH-OUTPUT - otherwise the Lisp may want to read something and the prompt hasn't yet been printed. You better replace SETQ with LET, as SETQ does not introduce a variable, it just sets it.
(defun factorial (n)
(if (= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(write-line "Please enter a number...")
(finish-output) ; this makes sure the text is printed now
(let ((x (read)))
(format t "~D! is ~D" x (factorial x)))
Before answering your question, I would like to tell you some basic things about Lisp. (Neat fix to your solution at the end)
In Lisp, the output of every function is the "last line executed in the function". Unless you use some syntax manipulation like "return" or "return-from", which is not the Lisp-way.
The (format t "your string") will always return 'NIL as its output. But before returning the output, this function "prints" the string as well.
But the output of format function is 'NIL.
Now, the issue with your code is the output of your function. Again, the output would be the last line which in your case is:
(format t "~D! is ~D" n a)
This will return 'NIL.
To convince yourself, run the following as per your defined function:
(equal (factorial 1) 'nil)
This returns:
1! is 1
So it "prints" your string and then outputs T. Hence the output of your function is indeed 'NIL.
So when you input any number greater than 1, the recursive call runs and reaches the end as input 1 and returns 'NIL.
and then tries to execute this:
(setq a (* n (factorial (- n 1))))
Where the second argument to * is 'NIL and hence the error.
A quick fix to your solution is to add the last line as the output:
(write-line "Please enter a number...")
(setq x (read))
(defun factorial(n)
(if (= n 1)
(setq a 1)
(if (> n 1)
(setq a (* n (factorial (- n 1))))
(format t "~D! is ~D" n a)
a ;; Now this is the last line, so this will work
(factorial x)
Neater code (with Lisp-like indentation)
(defun factorial (n)
(if (= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(write-line "Please enter a number...")
(setq x (read))
(format t "~D! is ~D" x (factorial x))
Common Lisp is designed to be compiled. Therefore if you want global or local variables you need to define them before you set them.
On line 2 you give x a value but have not declared the existence of a variable by that name. You can do so as (defvar x), although the name x is considered unidiomatic. Many implementations will give a warning and automatically create a global variable when you try to set something which hasn’t been defined.
In your factorial function you try to set a. This is a treated either as an error or a global variable. Note that in your recursive call you are changing the value of a, although this wouldn’t actually have too much of an effect of the rest of your function were right. Your function is also not reentrant and there is no reason for this. You can introduce a local variable using let. Alternatively you could add it to your lambda list as (n &aux a). Secondarily your factorial function does not return a useful value as format does not return a useful value. In Common Lisp in an (implicit) progn, the value of the final expression is returned. You could fix this by adding a in the line below your format.
For tracing execution you could do (trace factorial) to have proper tracing information automatically printed. Then you could get rid of your format statement.
Finally it is worth noting that the whole function is quite unidiomatic. Your syntax is not normal. Common Lisp implementations come with a pretty printer. Emacs does too (bound to M-q). One does not normally do lots of reading and setting of global variables (except occasionally at the repl). Lisp isn’t really used for scripts in this style and has much better mechanisms for controlling scope. Secondarily one wouldn’t normally use so much mutating of state in a function like this. Here is a different way of doing factorial:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (< n 2)
(* n (factorial (1- n)))))
And tail recursively:
(defun factorial (n &optional (a 1))
(if (< n 2) a (factorial (1- n) (* a n))))
And iteratively (with printing):
(defun factorial (n)
(loop for i from 1 to n
with a = 1
do (setf a (* a i))
(format t “~a! = ~a~%” i a)
finally (return a)))
You can split it up into parts, something like this:
(defun prompt (prompt-str)
(write-line prompt-str *query-io*)
(read *query-io*))
(defun factorial (n)
(cond ((= n 1) 1)
(t (* n
(factorial (decf n)))))
(defun factorial-driver ()
(let* ((n (prompt "Enter a number: "))
(result (factorial n)))
(format *query-io* "The factorial of ~A is ~A~%" n result)))
And then run the whole thing as (factorial-driver).
Sample interaction:
CL-USER 54 > (factorial-driver)
Enter a number:
The factorial of 4 is 24
I am trying to format an arbitrary expression, say (+ 2 3), and at the same time, its result, 5.
I have the following:
(defun expr-and-result (expr)
(format t "~a returns ~a~%" expr (eval expr)))
CL-USER> (expr-and-result '(+ 2 3))
(+ 2 3) returns 5
Though it's a simple matter by using eval, I'm curious if this effect can be accomplished without it (because I heard a lot that eval is to be avoided).
I understand that quoting the argument is necessary, because otherwise the given expression will be evaluated as the first step in calling expr-and-result, and only its result could be used inside expr-and-result. Therefore, any possible solution requires the input to be quoted, right?
I thought a bit about macros but I feel like it's the wrong approach to what I am looking for.
Edit: My intent was to construct a simple test-suite, such as:
(mapcar #'expr-and-result
'((= (my-remainder 7 3) 1)
(= (my-remainder 7 3) 2)))
(= (MY-REMAINDER 7 3) 1) returns T
(= (MY-REMAINDER 7 3) 2) returns NIL
After reading Paulo's comment, it seems that eval is the shortest and cleanest solution for my purposes.
Here is a simple macro:
(defmacro exec-and-report (form)
`(format t "~S returns ~S~%" ',form ,form))
(macroexpand '(exec-and-report (+ 1 2)))
(FORMAT T "~S returns ~S~%" '(+ 1 2) (+ 1 2)) ;
(exec-and-report (+ 1 2))
(+ 1 2) returns 3
PS. I second #Sylvester's suggestion not to reinvent the wheel
I have a problem in understanding the performance of a Common Lisp function (I am still a novice). I have two versions of this function, which simply computes the sum of all integers up to a given n.
Non-tail-recursive version:
(defun addup3 (n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ n (addup (- n 1)))))
Tail-recursive version:
(defun addup2 (n)
(labels ((f (acc k)
(if (= k 0)
(f (+ acc k) (- k 1)))))
(f 0 n)))
I am trying to run these functions in CLISP with input n = 1000000. Here is the result
[2]> (addup3 1000000)
[3]> (addup2 1000000)
*** - Program stack overflow. RESET
I can run both successfully in SBCL, but the non-tail-recursive one is faster (only by a little, but that seems strange to me). I've scoured Stackoverflow questions for answers but couldn't find something similar. Why do I get a stack overflow although the tail-recursive function is designed NOT to put all recursive function calls on the stack? Do I have to tell the interpreter/compiler to optimise tail calls? (I read something like (proclaim '(optimize (debug 1)) to set the debug level and optimize at the cost of tracing abilities, but I don't know what this does).
Maybe the answer is obvious and the code is bullshit, but I just can't figure it out.
Help is appreciated.
Edit: danlei pointed out the typo, it should be a call to addup3 in the first function, so it is recursive. If corrected, both versions overflow, but not his one
(defun addup (n)
"Adds up the first N integers"
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(sum 0 (+ sum i)))
((> i n) sum)))
While it may be a more typical way to do it, I find it strange that tail recursion is not always optimised, considering my instructors like to tell me it's so much more efficient and stuff.
There is no requirement for a Common Lisp implementation to have tail call optimization. Most do, however (I think that ABCL does not, due to limitations of the Java virtual machine).
The documentation of the implementation should tell you what optimization settings should be chosen to have TCO (if available).
It is more idiomatic for Common Lisp code to use one of the looping constructs:
(loop :for i :upto n
:sum i)
(let ((sum 0))
(dotimes (i n)
(incf sum (1+ i))))
(do ((i 0 (1+ i))
(sum 0 (+ sum i)))
((> i n) sum))
In this case, of course, it is better to use the "little Gauß":
(/ (* n (1+ n)) 2)
Well, your addup3 just isn't recursive at all.
(defun addup3 (n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ n (addup (- n 1))))) ; <--
It calls whatever addup is. Trying a corrected version in SBCL:
CL-USER> (defun addup3 (n)
(if (= n 0)
(+ n (addup3 (- n 1)))))
CL-USER> (addup3 100000)
Control stack guard page temporarily disabled: proceed with caution
; ..
; Evaluation aborted on #<SB-SYS:MEMORY-FAULT-ERROR {C2F19B1}>.
As you'd expect.
Using GNU CommonLisp, GCL 2.6.12, compilation of addup2 will optimize tail calls, here is what I got:
>(compile 'addup2)
Compiling /tmp/gazonk_3012_0.lsp.
End of Pass 1.
;; Note: Tail-recursive call of F was replaced by iteration.
End of Pass 2.
OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=0 (No runtime error checking), Space=0, Speed=3
Finished compiling /tmp/gazonk_3012_0.lsp.
Loading /tmp/gazonk_3012_0.o
start address -T 0x9556e8 Finished loading /tmp/gazonk_3012_0.o
#<compiled-function ADDUP2>
>>(addup2 1000000)
>(addup3 1000000)
Error: ERROR "Invocation history stack overflow."
Fast links are on: do (si::use-fast-links nil) for debugging
Signalled by IF.
ERROR "Invocation history stack overflow."
Broken at +. Type :H for Help.
1 Return to top level.
>>(compile 'addup3)
Compiling /tmp/gazonk_3012_0.lsp.
End of Pass 1.
End of Pass 2.
OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=0 (No runtime error checking), Space=0, Speed=3
Finished compiling /tmp/gazonk_3012_0.lsp.
Loading /tmp/gazonk_3012_0.o
start address -T 0x955a00 Finished loading /tmp/gazonk_3012_0.o
#<compiled-function ADDUP3>
>>(addup3 1000000)
Error: ERROR "Value stack overflow."
Hope it helps.
In SBCL User Manual:
The compiler is “properly tail recursive.” [...] The elimination of tail-recursive frames can be prevented by disabling tail-recursion optimization, which happens when the debug optimization quality is greater than 2.
And works as is in the REPL of a fresh image:
(defun sum-no-tail (n)
(if (zerop n)
(+ n (sum-no-tail (- n 1)))))
(defun sum-tail (n &key (acc 0))
(if (zerop n)
(sum-tail (- n 1) :acc (+ n acc))))
CL-USER> (sum-no-tail 10000)
50005000 (26 bits, #x2FB0408)
CL-USER> (sum-no-tail 100000)
Control stack guard page temporarily disabled: proceed with caution
; Debugger entered on #<SB-KERNEL::CONTROL-STACK-EXHAUSTED {10026620A3}>
[1] CL-USER>
; Evaluation aborted on #<SB-KERNEL::CONTROL-STACK-EXHAUSTED {10026620A3}>
CL-USER> (sum-tail 100000)
5000050000 (33 bits, #x12A06B550)
CL-USER> (sum-tail 1000000)
500000500000 (39 bits, #x746A5A2920)
CL-USER> (sum-tail 10000000)
50000005000000 (46 bits, #x2D7988896B40)
Hope it helps in SBCL.
I want to count the number of moves of the diskc. but Instead As a result I get something else.
(setq x 0)
(defun towersOfHanoi (n from to help)
(if (> n 0)
;progn evaluates multiple forms and returns the result from the last one.*/
(towersOfHanoi (- n 1) from help to)
(format t "~d ----> ~d~%" from to)
(towersOfHanoi (- n 1) help to from)
(+ 1 x)
;(towersOfHanoi 3 'A 'B 'C)
When I run it I get
(towersOfHanoi 3 'A 'B 'C)
A ----> B
A ----> C
B ----> C
A ----> B
C ----> A
C ----> B
A ----> B
why it is one instead of 7, I guess with every recursive call is resetting the value of x to 0 but, how can I get the number of moves of the disks. Thanks.
In lisp if takes at most three arguments; the condition, the form to evaluate when the condition is true, and the form to evaluate if it is false.
Se http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/s_if.htm for details.
In order to evaluate more than one form in a branch, you can use progn that evaluates multiple forms and returns the result from the last one.
Also, princ expects just one argument to be printed. In order to print several things at once, you may use format
In your case (remark also the placement of the parentheses):
(defun towersOfHanoi (n from to help)
(if (> n 0)
(towersOfHanoi (1- n) from to help)
(format t "~d ----> ~d~%" from to)
(towersOfHanoi (1- n) help to from))))
Having no false branch, you may also use when that can evaluate more than one form:
(defun towersOfHanoi (n from to help)
(when (> n 0)
(towersOfHanoi (1- n) from to help)
(format t "~d ----> ~d~%" from to)
(towersOfHanoi (1- n) help to from)))
In order to count the moves, you can use a local counting variable (introduced with let), and an inner working function (introduced with labels) that updates this variable:
(defun towers-of-hanoi (n &optional (from 1) (to 2) (help 3))
(let ((counter 0)) ; local variable
(labels ((towers-of-hanoi-core (n from to help) ; local function
(when (> n 0)
(towers-of-hanoi-core (1- n) from to help)
(incf counter)
(format t "~d ----> ~d~%" from to)
(towers-of-hanoi-core (1- n) help to from))))
(towers-of-hanoi-core n from to help)) ; leave work to inner function
(format t "Moves: ~d ~%" counter)))
Here, from, to, and help is made optional as well, defaulting to 1, 2, and 3.
Again: The details are found in the Hyperspec: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Front/
Is it possible to trace a closure in CL? For ex., can I trace foo-3 below?
(defun foo (n)
(lambda (i) (incf n i)))
(setf foo-3 (foo 3))
(funcall foo-3 2)
(funcall foo-3 2)
(trace ???)
I don't think this is possible: as far as I know, the trace macro generally works by replacing the function at a given symbol by a wrapper that calls the original and also prints out the tracing bit.
If you're interested in the (complicated) implementation details, the SBCL code is in src/code/ntrace.lisp (you probably want to look at the trace-1 function).
Of course, if all you want to do is print something out when foo-3 is called, you could always put a print statement inside the lambda form in foo...
It is indeed possible to do so. Trace looks for functions in the function-namespace, so make sure to not mix values and functions.
(setf (symbol-function 'test)
(let ((n 0))
(lambda (x)
(incf n x))))
#<Interpreted Closure TEST>
(trace test)
(test 4)
0[2]: (TEST 4)
0[2]: returned 4
(test 3)
0[2]: (TEST 3)
0[2]: returned 7
I think the problem here is that trace requires a function name, rather than there being a problem with tracing closures. Continuing from your example above, you can call foo-3 from a named function, and trace that:
(defun call-foo-3 (i)
(funcall foo-3 i))
(trace call-foo-3)
(call-foo-3 2)
0: (CALL-FOO-3 2)
0: CALL-FOO-3 returned 15