Connecting AI-Thinker ESP32-cam to Adafruit PCA9685 servo controller board - arduino

I am new to Arduino and Esp32 programming. I need to connect PCA9685 controller to ESP-32 cam to be able to control multiple servo motors but the SCL and SDA pins are occupied by the UART control board.
I searched for this and found something related to Wire.h library and wire.begin() and TwoWire but unable to implement it.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
// called this way, it uses the default address 0x40
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();
#define SERVOMIN 150 // This is the 'minimum' pulse length count (out of 4096)
#define SERVOMAX 600 // This is the 'maximum' pulse length count (out of 4096)
#define USMIN 600 // This is the rounded 'minimum' microsecond length based on the minimum pulse of 150
#define USMAX 2400 // This is the rounded 'maximum' microsecond length based on the maximum pulse of 600
#define SERVO_FREQ 50 // Analog servos run at ~50 Hz updates
// our servo # counter
uint8_t servonum = 0;
void setup() {
Wire.begin(2,15,100000); // this is to map new SCL and SDA pins to 2,15
Serial.println("8 channel Servo test!");
pwm.setPWMFreq(SERVO_FREQ); // Analog servos run at ~50 Hz updates
// You can use this function if you'd like to set the pulse length in seconds
// e.g. setServoPulse(0, 0.001) is a ~1 millisecond pulse width. It's not precise!
void setServoPulse(uint8_t n, double pulse) {
double pulselength;
pulselength = 1000000; // 1,000,000 us per second
pulselength /= SERVO_FREQ; // Analog servos run at ~60 Hz updates
Serial.print(pulselength); Serial.println(" us per period");
pulselength /= 4096; // 12 bits of resolution
Serial.print(pulselength); Serial.println(" us per bit");
pulse *= 1000000; // convert input seconds to us
pulse /= pulselength;
pwm.setPWM(n, 0, pulse);
void loop() {
pwm.setPWM(0, 0, 250);
Here is the test code that I am trying to run.
I got the implementation idea from
There are a few problems that I encounter along with no response from the code-
When PCA9685 is connected to esp32-cam and I try to upload the code, it doesn't work and gives fatal error.
When the reset button is pressed before upload the built-in flash blinks. This is presented as a problem because while trying to upload the code without PCA9685 attached, the code is uploaded without any fatal error and there is no 'flash blink'.
I tried a code from the same website mentioned above that looks for I2C devices and prints their address. It shows no devices even though the servo controller is connected to it.
PS- I am an absolute beginner in this field.


Arduino: Oled not working when SD library is included

I'm currently trying to put together a datalogger with an OLED screen and am having issues when adding the SD library to the script. I've seen that others have gotten error messages when combining Oled and SD cards that is related to RAM. Though in my case, the code runs, there is no error message, but the screen doesn't display anything. The code below shows the "OLED code" where the Oled display wouldn't show anything when I added the "#include <SD.h>". Also, since I quite new to this, some constructive criticism of the code itself is also welcome
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include "Adafruit_MCP9808.h"
#include <Adafruit_BME280.h>
Adafruit_BME280 bme; // use I2C interface
Adafruit_Sensor *bme_temp = bme.getTemperatureSensor();
Adafruit_Sensor *bme_pressure = bme.getPressureSensor();
Adafruit_Sensor *bme_humidity = bme.getHumiditySensor();
//oled definitions
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height, in pixels
// Declaration for an SSD1306 display connected to I2C (SDA, SCL pins)
#define OLED_RESET 4 // Reset pin # (or -1 if sharing Arduino reset pin)
// Create the MCP9808 temperature sensor object
Adafruit_MCP9808 tempsensor = Adafruit_MCP9808();
void setup() {
display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3D); // Address 0x3D for 128x64
// Clear the buffer
display.setCursor(0, 0);
while (!Serial);
if (!tempsensor.begin(0x18)) {
Serial.println("Couldn't find MCP9808! Check your connections and verify the address is correct.");
while (1);
Serial.println(F("Found MCP9808!"));
tempsensor.setResolution(3); // sets the resolution mode of reading, the modes are defined in the table bellow:
// Mode Resolution SampleTime
// 0 0.5°C 30 ms
// 1 0.25°C 65 ms
// 2 0.125°C 130 ms
// 3 0.0625°C 250 ms
if (!bme.begin()) {
Serial.println(F("Could not find a valid BME280 sensor, check wiring!"));
while (1) delay(10);
void loop() {
float temp = bme.readTemperature(); // get temperature in degree Celsius
float humi = bme.readHumidity(); // get humidity in rH%
float pres = bme.readPressure(); // get pressure in Pa
//Serial.println (tempsensor.getResolution());
float c = tempsensor.readTempC();
float f = tempsensor.readTempF();
//float sensor=analogRead(A4);
display.setCursor(0, 0);
display.print(F("Temp_1: "));
display.print(c,2);display.println(" \tC ");
display.print(F("Temp_2: "));
display.print(temp,2);display.println(" \tC ");
display.print(F("Humidity: "));
display.print(humi,2);display.println(" %RH ");
display.print(F("Pressure: "));
display.print(pres/100,2);display.println(" kPa ");
Its just memory problem. I fix it by decrease the resolution only for usage area.. Its not the best solution however good enough for me
This was apparently a memory issue.
I've now connected an Arduino Mega instead of a Nano, and the code ran nicely. I've also added the remaining piece of code that was necessary to log the sensor readings.
According to what I've read on other forums, the SD and SPI libraries take up quite a lot of memory.

SPI Arduino Interface with Absolute Encoder

I am trying to retrieve data from an RLS absolute rotary encoder via SPI through Arduino Uno. I have managed to learn the basics of SPI, but I can't seem to get this working. I keep printing the transfer data and keep getting 255.
I also use the recommended pins for Arduino Uno here:
Here is the link to the Absolute Encoder DataSheet:
Any help is appreciated.
Here is my code I have been trying:
#include <SPI.h>
unsigned int data;
int CS = 10; //Slave Select Pin
// The SS pin starts communication when pulled low and stops when high
void setup() {
int RTC_init() {
pinMode(CS, OUTPUT);
SPI.setBitOrder(LSBFIRST); // Sets Bit order according to data sheet (LSBFIRST)
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE2); // 2 or 3, Not sure (I have tried both)
digitalWrite(CS, LOW); // Start communications
Commands List:
Command "1" (0x31) – position request (total: 3 bytes) + 4 for multi-turn
Command "3" (0x33) – short position request (total: 2 bytes) + 4 for multi-turn
Command "d" (0x64) – position request + detailed status (total: 4 bytes) + 4 for multi-turn
Command "t" (0x74) – position request + temperature (total: 5 bytes) + 4 for multi-turn
Command "v" (0x76) – serial number (total: 7 bytes)
unsigned int data = SPI.transfer(0x33); // Data
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH); // End communications
void loop() {
First, you forgot to set your CS pin to output. That won't help.
void setup()
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH); // set CS pin HIGH
pinMode(CS, OUTPUT); // then enable output.
SPI is a two way master/slave synchronous link, with the clock being driven by bytes being sent out by the master. This means that when transacting on SPI, you are expected to send out as many bytes as you want to receive.
As shown on the timing diagram on page 14 of the datasheet, you are expected to send one byte with the command, then as many null bytes as the response requires minus 1.
The diagram shows the clock being low at idle, and input bits being stable when the clock goes low, that's SPI mode 1.
To read the position, for a non-multiturn encoder.
unsigned int readEncoderPos()
// this initialization could be moved to setup(), if you do not use
// the SPI to communicate with another peripheral.
// Setting speed to 1MHz, but the encoder can probably do better
// than that. When having communication issues, start slow, then set
// final speed when everything works.
SPI.beginTransaction(SPISettings(1'000'000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE1));
digitalWrite(CS, LOW);
// wait at least 2.5us, as per datasheet.
unsigned int reading = SPI.transfer16(0x3300); // 0x3300, since we're sending MSB first.
digitalWrite(CS, HIGH);
// not needed if you moved SPI.beginTransaction() to setup.
// shift out the 2 status bits
return reading >> 2;

Arduino RFID (Wiegand) Continuous reading

I have this RFID reader "Rosslare AY-X12", and it's working with Wiegand 26bit. I have an arduino mini Pro and connected together it's working fine but it only reads the card one time and then I have nothing.
When I put on the card arduino reads that card but only one time during the card is near by the reader and it again reads that card when I put off the card and then I put on. But I want to read that card continuously, I mean when the card is near by the Reader still reading the card, every 1ms reads that card.
Do you have any idea how to do that ? Is there any RFID arduino library which can do that? I had got the Mifare and its can do that. But this 125Khz reader which can communicate over Wiegand can't do that or I don't know how to do that.
I'm using this library :
My previous answer was deleted. I am going to make another attempt to answer the questions.
Do you have any idea how to do that ?
This cannot be done by Arduino because Arduino in your case is just reading the D0 and D1 pulses from your RFID reader. Since your RFID reader Rosslare AY-X12 does not send out continuous output of wiegand protocol, there is no way Arduino can read more than what was not sent to it.
The common RFID readers will not send continuous data of the same card because in the common use case (entry/exit/attendance), normally one tap is to check-in and another tap is to check-out. If the RFID reader sends continuous data of the same card, the main system receiving the multiple wiegand data will be confused and will not be able to determine if the user actually wish to check-in or check-out.
Is there any RFID arduino library which can do that?
No. There is no such RFID Arduino library. If the RFID reader is not sending out continuous data, there is no way the receiver (Arduino) can receive them.
Is there a way to achieve this?
Yes, there are some readers that has the option to turn on the continuous output of data, for example 714-52 Mifare® ID Reader with selectable outputs. In its specification :
Continuous output with tag in field or single transmission
With this reader configured to continuous output, you can then use Arduino and the monkeyboard wiegand library to read the data.
I wrote my own wiegand code. Its not that difficult. I attached interrupts to the data pins and when they change I log the zero or one. You then build up the binary string and once timed out because no bits coming in. Then you convert the binary to decimal.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
int data0 = 2; //set wiegand data 0 pin
int data1 = 3; //set wiegand data 1 pin
unsigned long bit_holder; //unsigned long (positive 32 bit number)
unsigned long oldbit = 0;
volatile int bit_count = 0;
LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13);
unsigned long badge;
unsigned int timeout;
unsigned int t = 800;
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print("Present Badge");
Serial.println("Present Badge");
pinMode(data0, INPUT);
digitalWrite(data0, HIGH);
pinMode(data1, INPUT);
digitalWrite(data1, HIGH);
attachInterrupt(0, zero, FALLING); //attach interrupts and assign functions
attachInterrupt(1, one, FALLING);
void zero(){
bit_count ++;
bit_holder = (bit_holder << 1) + 0; //shift left one and add a 0
timeout = t;
void one(){
bit_count ++;
bit_holder = (bit_holder << 1) + 1; //shift left one and add a 1
timeout = t;
void loop() {
timeout --;
if (timeout == 0 && bit_count > 0){
Serial.print("bit count= ");
Serial.print("bits= ");
oldbit = bit_holder; //store previous this value as previous
bit_count = 0; //reset bit count
bit_holder = 0; //reset badge number
You may need to find a reader that offer a continuously reading, as I know almost of Wiegand Reader in the market can't perform a continuously reading because they have a "onboard" control that controls this...
Maybe you can try with Arduino Serial RFID Reader...
try a this timer libary Timer1 and mayby try this code it worked for me, my tags and cards now reads continuously.
Greetings from Denmark
#include <Timer1.h>
// ATmega168, ATmega328:
// - Using Timer 1 disables PWM (analogWrite) on pins 9 and 10
// ATmega2560:
// - Using Timer 1 disables PWM (analogWrite) on pins 11 and 12
// - Using Timer 3 disables PWM (analogWrite) on pins 2, 3 and 5
// - Using Timer 4 disables PWM (analogWrite) on pins 6, 7 and 8
// - Using Timer 5 disables PWM (analogWrite) on pins 44, 45 and 46
unsigned int lastTime;
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial RFID = SoftwareSerial(2,4);
char character;
String our_id;
void setup()
// Disable Arduino's default millisecond counter (from now on, millis(), micros(),
// delay() and delayMicroseconds() will not work)
// Prepare Timer1 to count
// On 16 MHz Arduino boards, this function has a resolution of 4us
// On 8 MHz Arduino boards, this function has a resolution of 8us
lastTime = readTimer1();
void loop()
unsigned int now = readTimer1();
while (RFID.available()>0)
character =;
our_id += character;
lastTime = now;
if (our_id.length() > 10) {
our_id = our_id.substring(1,13);
our_id = "";

Connecting Servo to Arduino (branded) Robot

I am trying to attach a servo on an Arduino (branded) Robot but not sure whhich pin to use for the bellow code.
Most people seem to recommend to use pin 9 and 10 to control the servo for arduino Unos.
However, I can't use Pin 9 because that is already used as the Slave Select pin for the LCD.
I have tried attaching it to pins TKD0-TKD3 by calling them pins 19-22 in myservo.attach(). The code runs but the servo doesn't rotate and only gets hot and/or twitches.
Could the problem be something other than incorrect pin connection?
I have been referencing these for the Control board pin mapping:
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
int pos = 0;
void setup()
myservo.attach(19); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
void loop()
for(pos = 0; pos < 60; pos += 1)
for(pos = 60; pos>=1; pos-=1)
You have this robot, right?
Arduino Robot
And you are using a classic servo (3 pins, yellow red and black cable)? If so.... Watch out. According to the schematic, the pinout of the connector on the board (e.g. TKD0) is
While usually servos have
So.. you have to make a short cable to invert the pins.
If that's not the problem.. Are you sure that 19 is the right number for the pin? I can't find references, but i suggest you to call it TKD0 (which is probably a macro defining the right pin), as arduino designers suggest you.

Speed measurement with arduino and ultrasonic hc-sr04 sensor?

i want made speed detection "device" using with Arduino and two ultrasonic hc-sr04 like this link. but I want to make it with ultrasonic instead by LDR.
from that link. how lasers and ldr work, like this
The resistors are used as pull-down resistors and I wired the sensors and put them in a case, to avoid them detecting surrounding light. For each case, a hole was drilled so that the laser beam can light the sensor while the ambient light does not affect the sensor.
The working principle is easy: an object that passes by will "cut" the laser beams, this means the LDR sensor will detect this sudden drop of light intensity. First I defined a threshold value under which the sensor is considered triggered, once the value is under threshold for the first sensor then Arduino waits for the second one to be triggered. During this waiting time it counts the elapsed time between the two events. When the second beam is interrupted, the timer stops and now is just simple math. The distance between the 2 sensors is known, the time between the two events is known, and speed can be computed as speed = distance/time.
Below the Arduino code:
by Claudiu Cristian
unsigned long time1;
int photocellPin_1 = 0; // 1st sensor is connected to a0
int photocellReading_1; // the analog reading from the analog port
int photocellPin_2 = 1; // 2nd sensor is connected to a1
int photocellReading_2; // the analog reading from the analog port
int threshold = 700; //value below sensors are trigerd
float Speed; // declaration of Speed variable
float timing;
unsigned long int calcTimeout = 0; // initialisation of timeout variable
void setup(void) {
// We'll send debugging information via the Serial monitor
void loop(void) {
photocellReading_1 = analogRead(photocellPin_1); //read out values for sensor 1
photocellReading_2 = analogRead(photocellPin_2); //read out values for sensor 2
// if reading of first sensor is smaller than threshold starts time count and moves to calculation function
if (photocellReading_1 < threshold) {
time1 = millis();
// calculation function
void startCalculation() {
calcTimeout = millis(); // asign time to timeout variable
//we wait for trigger of sensor 2 to start calculation - otherwise timeout
while (!(photocellReading_2 < threshold)) {
photocellReading_2 = analogRead(photocellPin_2);
if (millis() - calcTimeout > 5000) return;
timing = ((float) millis() - (float) time1) / 1000.0; //computes time in seconds
Speed = 0.115 / timing; //speed in m/s given a separation distance of 11.5 cm
how to implement the code with ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensors?
the coding is problem for me. hopefully someone can help me...... :(
Please excuse my poor English !
There are already lots of examples on the internet, so if all you want to do is copy, google arduino sr04
But if you want to know how to do it...
The sr04 has 4 pins, vin, gnd, trigger, and echo.
Connect vin and ground to +5 and gnd
Connect trigger to a digital output pin
Connect echo to a digital input pin
Trigger by going low for 2 microseconds (us) and then high for 10 us then low again
Then get the results with a pulseIn from the echo pin
Read the data sheet for more information
