Efficiently mutating large table using ifelse in R - r

Say I have a large data frame for e.g.
Block Subject Stim
10 100 1
11 100 2
12 100 1
24. 101 1
25 101 3
26 101 1
27 101 3
28 101 3
29 101 3
For every subject, every stim appears in either 2 or 4 blocks.
My objective is to mutate a column that determines for each row whether this is the first half of the blocks that this stim appears for this Subject (so if a stim appears in 2 blocks then I'm checking if its first block, and if in 4 I'm checking if this is within the first two blocks).
So my desired output would be
Block Subject Stim BlockType
10 100 1 1
11 100 2 1
12 100 1 2 # already learned in block 10
24. 101 1 1 # block 10/12 dont count since its a different subject
25 101 3 1
26 101 1 2 # already learned in block 24
27 101 3 1 # in four total blocks so still in bottom half
28 101 3 2
29 101 3 2
I know i can do this with a forloop for each row but thats incredibly slow. Any suggestions for how i can speed it up would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT thanks to suggestion I try
df %>%
group_by(Subject,Stim) %>%
mutate(BlockType = rep(c(1,2), each = n()/2, length.out = n())) %>%
ungroup() -> result
Most of the outputs are correct but then sometimes I get a strange mistake
Block Subject Stim BlockType
13 1 2 1
13 1 3 1
13 1 2 2
Where that third row should be Blocktype 1. Any idea what could be tripping it up?

You can try with rep :
df %>%
group_by(Subject, Stim) %>%
mutate(BlockType = rep(1:2, each = n()/2, length.out = n())) %>%
ungroup() -> result


How many times does the value for column B appear for a value in column A?

I am having the hardest time coming up with a code that lets me match a topic (Column B) to a name (Column A) and create a frequency column for the times B has matched with A (or how many times both have appeared together). Col A and B are codes for longer names.
I thought maybe using the count function from plyr but cant make it work. Maybe you can give me an idea of what I could use for a code?
For example I have a table:
**Col A
Col B**
The result that I am looking for is
**Col A
Col B
So the number 38 has appeared in "1" two times. 6 has appeared one time. and so on.
I have 600 rows of data and cant come up with a useful or even a close call code.
Thank you so much for your help!
Summarise and count using dplyr:
df2 <- df %>%
group_by(col1, col2) %>%
summarise(count = n()) %>%
col1 col2 count
<dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 1 6 1
2 1 38 2
3 2 7 3
4 2 8 1
5 2 38 1

How can i create a new column that indicates if in a certain household there is a "child" between an interval of age

Hello, i'm using R
So i come here with the hope that someone can help me with this. I have an id for every household in the data base(id_vivienda is the name of that variable) and also the ages of every person within or without a certain household and i want to create 1 dicotomic variable that take the value 1 if a person within a household has less than 3 years of age.
Thanks for reading.
You could use dplyr and group_by to group by household. Then, if any edad within that household is less than 3, then set the new variable to 1. In this case, any will return TRUE if any value within the group is less than 3. Adding the + in front will make this 1 or 0 instead of true or false.
df %>%
group_by(id_vivienda) %>%
mutate(nino = +any(edad < 3))
A similar approach can be taken with data.table:
df[, nino := +any(edad < 3), by = id_vivienda]
id_vivienda edad numper nino
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 1101100202 56 1 0
2 1101100203 21 1 0
3 1101100204 24 2 0
4 1101100204 28 2 0
5 1101100205 26 3 1
6 1101100205 26 3 1
7 1101100205 1 3 1
8 1101100206 62 2 0
9 1101100206 36 2 0
10 1101100209 59 4 0

Panel Data in R: Get complete cases of data based on individuals

I'm working on an unbalanced panel dataset. Data came from a game and for every user (user_id) in the record I have data for every level (level) of the game. As recording data started some time after introduction of the game, for some users I don't have data regarding the first levels, that's why I want to throw them out in a first step.
I've tried the complete.cases-function, but it only excludes the rows with the missing values (NAs), but not data for the whole user with missing values in level 1.
panel <- panel[complete.cases(panel), ]
That's why I need a code that excludes every user who has no record in level 1 (which in my dataset means he has an "NA" at one of the dependent variables, i.e. number of activities).
Update #1:
Data looks like this (thanks to thc):
> game_data <- data.frame(player = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), level = c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3), score=c(0,150,170,80,100,110,75,100,0))
> game_data
player level score
1 1 1 0
2 1 2 150
3 1 3 170
4 2 1 80
5 2 2 100
6 2 3 110
7 3 1 75
8 3 2 100
9 3 3 0
I now want to exclude data from player 1, because he has a score of 0 in level 1.
Here is one approach
Example data:
game_data <- data.frame(player = c(1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), level = c(2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3), score=sample(100, 8))
> game_data
player level score
1 1 2 19
2 1 3 13
3 2 1 65
4 2 2 32
5 2 3 22
6 3 1 98
7 3 2 58
8 3 3 84
game_data %>% group_by(player) %>% filter(any(level == 1)) %>% as.data.frame
player level score
1 2 1 65
2 2 2 32
3 2 3 22
4 3 1 98
5 3 2 58
6 3 3 84
I think I now find a solution with your help:
game_data %>% group_by(player) %>% filter(any(level == 1 & score > 0)) %>% as.data.frame
This seems to work and I just needed a little adjustment from your code thc, thank you very much for your help!

Group-specific ID numbers using group_indices or similar in R

I am trying to group a series of observations by two columns, and then create a third column with an id number. I've tried group_indices, but that gives each combination of observations a unique number. I want the number to revert to 1 for the first observation of each group.
In my data there are a series of Sites with a number of rows showing the calendar Day when an observation was collected. I want to calculate the chronological day within a Site.
# Make some data
df <- data.frame(Site = rep(c("A", "B", "C"), each = 70),
Day = as.integer(rep(c(21,22,23,24,25,26,27,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,
24,25,26,27,28,29,30), each = 10)))
# Create Day Number column (this doesn't actually work, but is the sort
# of thing I'm looking for...)
df <- df %>% group_by(Site, Day) %>%
mutate(Day.Number = group_indices(Day))
# Desired output
Site Day Day.Number
1 A 21 1
2 A 21 1
3 A 21 1
11 A 22 2
12 A 22 2
13 A 22 2
14 A 22 2
15 A 22 2
141 C 24 1
142 C 24 1
143 C 24 1
144 C 24 1
151 C 25 2
152 C 25 2
153 C 25 2
154 C 25 2
155 C 25 2
This is just a toy dataset to demonstrate the problem. Although most sites will have ten observations of seven days it is not always a given, so I can't just use a sequence of rep() etc.
There is a bit of a discussion about this on github here and here but it doesn't seem to have been resolved. Any suggestions for workarounds are much appreciated.
Here's one way to do it:
df <- df %>%
left_join(unique(df) %>% group_by(Site) %>% mutate(Day.Number=1:n()))
# Site Day Day.Number
# 1 A 21 1
# 2 A 21 1
# 3 A 21 1
# 4 A 21 1
# 5 A 21 1
# 6 A 21 1

Subset specific row and last row from data frame

I have a data frame which contains data relating to a score of different events. There can be a number of scoring events for one game. What I would like to do, is to subset the occasions when the score goes above 5 or below -5. I would also like to get the last row for each ID. So for each ID, I would have one or more rows depending on whether the score goes above 5 or below -5. My actual data set contains many other columns of information, but if I learn how to do this then I'll be able to apply it to anything else that I may want to do.
Here is a data set
ID Score Time
1 0 0
1 3 5
1 -2 9
1 -4 17
1 -7 31
1 -1 43
2 0 0
2 -3 15
2 0 19
2 4 25
2 6 29
2 9 33
2 3 37
3 0 0
3 5 3
3 2 11
So for this data set, I would hopefully get this output:
ID Score Time
1 -7 31
1 -1 43
2 6 29
2 9 33
2 3 37
3 2 11
So at the very least, for each ID there will be one line printed with the last score for that ID regardless of whether the score goes above 5 or below -5 during the event( this occurs for ID 3).
My attempt can subset when the value goes above 5 or below -5, I just don't know how to write code to get the last line for each ID:
Data[Data$Score > 5 | Data$Score < -5]
Let me know if you need anymore information.
You can use rle to grab the last row for each ID. Check out ?rle for more information about this useful function.
Data2 <- Data[cumsum(rle(Data$ID)$lengths), ]
# ID Score Time
#6 1 -1 43
#13 2 3 37
#16 3 2 11
To combine the two conditions, use rbind.
Data2 <- rbind(Data[Data$Score > 5 | Data$Score < -5, ], Data[cumsum(rle(Data$ID)$lengths), ])
To get rid of rows that satisfy both conditions, you can use duplicated and rownames.
Data2 <- Data2[!duplicated(rownames(Data2)), ]
You can also sort if desired, of course.
Here's a go at it in data.table, where df is your original data frame.
df[df[, c(.I[!between(Score, -5, 5)], .I[.N]), by = ID]$V1]
# ID Score Time
# 1: 1 -7 31
# 2: 1 -1 43
# 3: 2 6 29
# 4: 2 9 33
# 5: 2 3 37
# 6: 3 2 11
We are grouping by ID. The between function finds the values between -5 and 5, and we negate that to get our desired values outside that range. We then use a .I subset to get the indices per group for those. Then .I[.N] gives us the row number of the last entry, per group. We use the V1 column of that result as our row subset for the entire table. You can take unique values if unique rows are desired.
Note: .I[c(which(!between(Score, -5, 5)), .N)] could also be used in the j entry of the first operation. Not sure if it's more or less efficient.
Addition: Another method, one that uses only logical values and will never produce duplicate rows in the output, is
df[df[, .I == .I[.N] | !between(Score, -5, 5), by = ID]$V1]
# ID Score Time
# 1: 1 -7 31
# 2: 1 -1 43
# 3: 2 6 29
# 4: 2 9 33
# 5: 2 3 37
# 6: 3 2 11
Here is another base R solution.
df[as.logical(ave(df$Score, df$ID,
FUN=function(i) abs(i) > 5 | seq_along(i) == length(i))), ]
ID Score Time
5 1 -7 31
6 1 -1 43
11 2 6 29
12 2 9 33
13 2 3 37
16 3 2 11
abs(i) > 5 | seq_along(i) == length(i) constructs a logical vector that returns TRUE for each element that fits your criteria. ave applies this function to each ID. The resulting logical vector is used to select the rows of the data.frame.
Here's a tidyverse solution. Not as concise as some of the above, but easier to follow.
lastrows <- Data %>% group_by(ID) %>% top_n(1, Time)
scorerows <- Data %>% group_by(ID) %>% filter(!between(Score, -5, 5))
bind_rows(scorerows, lastrows) %>% arrange(ID, Time) %>% unique()
# A tibble: 6 x 3
# Groups: ID [3]
# ID Score Time
# <int> <int> <int>
# 1 1 -7 31
# 2 1 -1 43
# 3 2 6 29
# 4 2 9 33
# 5 2 3 37
# 6 3 2 11
