R: What happens if randomForest() generates boostrapped constants? - r

The algorithm implemented in randomForest() generates bootstrapped data. It is possible that it generates variables with zero variation. In this case, are these bootstrapped constants dropped before mtry candidate variables are selected or are they drawn then dropped from the pool of candidate variables?
Relatedly, we can imagine a case where all of the bootstrapped variables exhibit zero variation. What does the package do in such edge cases?

Based on the original paper from Breiman (2001), nothing excludes the possibility that bootstrap may generate variables with near-zero variance. BUT..., this is not a big issue in the contest of random forests algorithm, which is based on the growth of numerous decision trees that are weakly correlated with each other.
In random forests, the bagging (bootstrap aggregation) procedure is used to reduce the variance for those algorithms that have high variance, like decision trees (CART for instance). Decision trees are sensitive to the specific data on which they are trained. If the training data is changed (e.g. a tree is trained on a subset of the training data) the resulting decision tree can be quite different and in turn, the predictions can be quite different.
But, when bagging with decision trees, we are less concerned about individual trees overfitting the training data. This is why the individual decision trees are grown deep (e.g. few training samples at each leaf-node of the tree) and the trees are not pruned. These trees will have both high variance and low bias. These are important characteristics of sub-models when combining predictions using bagging.
There is at least one problem when dealing with bagged decision trees like CART: they are greedy. They choose which variable to split on using a greedy algorithm that minimizes error. As such, even with Bagging, the decision trees can have a lot of structural similarities and in turn, have a high correlation in their predictions.
Is here that Breiman finds a solution, by injecting even more randomness into the construction of the trees. In CART, when selecting a split point, the learning algorithm is allowed to look through all variables and all variable values in order to select the most optimal split-point. The random forest algorithm changes this procedure so that the learning algorithm is limited to a random sample of features of which to search (this number is selected by the mtry parameter).
All this to say that, even if a variable with zero-variance is produced, the algorithm is built specifically to be resistant to the weaknesses of individual decision trees. All this to say that, even if a zero-variance variable is produced, the algorithm is purpose-built to be resistant to the weaknesses of individual decision trees. In the voting process, the erroneous prediction of the single tree is dampened by the rest of the forest.
This not respond to your question "how the algorithm deal with the near-zero variance predictors" but it serves to say that it is actually not a real problem in random forests


Review performance of smaller model subsets of a large Random Forest model?

I'm constrained by the memory footprint / size of my Random Forest model so would prefer the number of trees be as low as possible and the depth of trees to be as shallow as possible while minimizing any impact on performance. Rather than needing to set-up hyperparameter tuning to optimize for this, I am wondering whether I can just build one large Random Forest composed of many deep trees. From this, can I then get an estimate of the performance of hypothetical smaller models enclosed within (and save myself the time of hyperparameter tuning -- again I'm looking to just tune on those parameters that generally just need to be "big enough" for the data/problem)?
For example, if I build a model with 1500 trees, could I just extract 500 of these and build a prediction from these to give an estimate of the performance of using just 500 trees (if I do this repeatedly, each time evaluating performance on a holdout set, I figure this should give an estimate of the performance of building a model with 500 trees -- unless I'm missing something?) I should be able to do this similarly with max tree depth or minimum node size, correct?
How would I do this in R on a ranger model?
(Would appreciate any examples, with parsnip would be a bonus. Also guidance / verification that this is a reasonable approach to use to avoid hyperparameter tuning for Random Forest models for those hyperparameters that simply need to be "big"/"deep" enough would also be helpful.)

Can training set be used to determine variable importance using randomForest in R although the prediction of testing set is quite low?

I am using randomForest in R, I have a training model with R^2 of 0.94 , however , the prediction capacity for testing data is quite low. I would like to know if I can still use this training model only for determining which variable is more important/effective for output prediction.
Based on what little information you provide, the question is hard to answer (think about providing more detail and background). Low prediction quality can result from wrong algorithm tuning, or it can be inherent in the data, i.e. your predictors themselves are not very strongly related to the outcome. In the first case, the prediction could be better with different parameters, e.g. more or less trees, different values for mtry, etc. If this is the case, then your importance measures are just as biased as your prediction (and should be used with caution). If the predictors themselves are weak, that means that your low quality prediction is as good as it gets. In this case, I would say the importance measures can be used, but they only tell you which of your overall weak predictors are more or less weak.

What does seed do in random forest?

I know that seed is set in general is used so that we can reproduce the same result. But, what does setting up the seed actually do in random forest part. Does it change any of the arguments of randomForest() function in R like nTree or sampSize.
I am using different seeds for my random forest model each time, but want to know how different seeds affect a random forest model.
Trees grow from seeds and so do forests ;-) (scnr)
There are different ways to built a random forest, however, all in common is that multiple trees are built. To improve classification accuracy over a single decision tree, the individual trees in a random forest need to differ, as you would have nTree times the same tree. This difference is achieved by introducing randomness in the generation of the trees. The randomness is influenced by the seed and what is most important about the seed is that using the same seed should always generate the same result.
How does the randomness influence the tree build? There are multiple ways.
- build the tree for a random subset. This is for each individual tree of the forest a subset of training example are drawn and then a tree is build for this subset
- at each decision point in the tree, the decision attribute is selected randomly.
Often these two elements are combined.

random forest gets worse as number of trees increases

I am running into difficulties when using randomForest (in R) for a classification problem. My R code, an image, and data are here:
The observer is presented with either a faint image (contrast=con) buried in noise or just noise on each trial. He rates his confidence (rating) that the face is present. I have categorised rating to be a yes/no judgement (y). The face is either inverted (invert=1) or not in each block of 100 trials (one file). I use the contrast (1st column of predictor matrix x) and the pixels (the rest of the columns) to predict y.
It is critical to my application that I have an "importance image" at the end which shows how much each pixel contributes to the decision y. I have 1000 trials (length of y) and 4248 pixels+contrast=4249 predictors (ncols of x). Using glmnet (logistic ridge regression) on this problem works fine
However randomForest does not work at all,
fit <- randomForest(x=x, y=y, ntree=100)
and it gets worse as the number of trees increases. For invert=1, the classification error for randomForest is 34.3%, and for glmnet it is 8.9%.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong with randomForest, and how to fix it.
ridge regression's only parameter lambda is chosen via internal cross-validation in cv.glmnet, as pointed out by Hong Ooi. and the error rate you get out of cv.glmnet realtes to that. randomForest gives you OOB error that is akin to an error on a dedicated test set (which is what you are interested in).
randomForest requires you to calibrate it manually (i.e. have a dedicated validation set to see which parameters work best) and there are a few to consider: depth of the trees (via fixing the number of examples in each node or the number of nodes), number of randomly chosen attributes considered at each split and the number of trees. you can use tuneRF to find the optimal number of mtry.
when evaluated on the train set, the more trees you add the better your predictions get. however, you will see predictive ability on a test set starts diminishing after a certain number of trees are grown -- this is due to overfitting. randomForest determines the optimal number of trees via OOB error estimates or, if you provide it, by using the test set. if rf.mod is your fitted RF model then plot(rf.mod) will allow you to see at which point roughly it starts to overfit. when using the predict function on a fitted RF it will use the optimal number of trees.
in short, you are not comparing the two models' performances correctly (as pointed out by Hong Ooi) and also your parameters might be off and/or you might be overfitting (although unlikely with just 100 trees).

class importance for random forest in r

I'm using randomForest pkg in R to predict the binary class based upon 11 numerical predictors. Out of the two classes, Hit or Miss, the class Hit is of more importance, i.e. I would like to know about how many times correctly predicted Hit.
Is there a way to give the Hit a higher importance in training the random forest? Currently the trained random forest predicts merely 7% of the Hit cases correctly and definitely would like an improvement.
Higher importance? I don't know how to tell any algorithm "I'm not kidding this time: I want this analysis to be accurate."
You're always fighting the variance versus bias battle. If you improve the training accuracy too much, you run the risk of overfitting.
You can adjust random forest by varying the size of the random sample of predictors. If you have m predictors, the recommendation for random forest is p = m^1/2 for the number of splits in the tree. You can also vary the number of trees. Plot the test classification error versus # trees for different values of p to see how you do.
You can also try another algorithm, like gbm (Generalized Boosted Regression Models) or support vector machines
How does your data look when you plot it? Any obvious groups jumping out at you when you look at them in scatterplots?
Regardless of algorithm, I'd advise that you do n-fold validation of your model.
