SilverStripe CMS interface is it possible to make the table editable? - silverstripe

SilverStripe CMS interface you can make the table editable, such as add and remove rows, as well as edit text and information inside the cells. Is there any component that can help?
Just for example
this is the result I would like to achieve
Thank you

Posting my comment as an answer as it seem to have helped the questioner.
Here's a useful module for extending the grid field functionality According to the documentation there's a component which allows inline editing GridFieldEditableColumns - allows inline editing of records. I've not used that specific component myself so I can't give any details on how it works, but it can be worth to check it out.


how can i make a datagrid value searchable using dexterity in plone?

I have a custom content type built with dexterity and I have a datagrid on it. What I want to do is make the fields in the datagrid searchable with plone search engine. Please provide some sample if possible. im a noob.
Have you tried this?
For best results I think you shold read the section "Registering a custom field converter".
In addition you may find interesting reading this similar SO question:
Extending SearchableText using collective.dexteritytextindexer
It's really well written and contains link to code examples in github.

customizing bootstrap-wysihtml5 text editor with more features

i am using bootstrap-wysihtml5 as per the recommendation & suggestion of most of the people world wide. but i am finding many of the features missing in its tool bar,like adding table,smiles, changing font name, view as a code etc.
how to add and customize the toolbar so that i my it up and customize the toolbar with additional features up to my requirement.
Wysihtml5 is kept simple on purpose, to keep it lightweight. For example, as of now there is no plan to add HTML table support (See this Github issue for Wysihtml5 itself).
It is possible to include a View as HTML option, see this StackOverflow question and answer.
As mentioned in another answer, if you need more sophisticated options, you might want to look at a different editor.

Drupal Search in Block View

i need to create a block View with a search box attach to the header in order to search nodes for one specific content type. I don't know how to achieve this, so i ask for your help. Something like the attached photo.
I'm not exactly sure here, but it sounds to me like you want to:
Create a view;
add a "filter" which limits the view to only your desired content type;
add an "argument," and then expose this argument, for either title, body, or one of your text fields.
This alone will not search the whole node. If most of your content is in body, this would probably be a good way to do it. But, for example, if for some reason you have a title like "Bicycles in Timbuktu" with a body that does not contain the word "Timbuktu" - were your users to search for Timbuktu, this item would not appear. That said, it's probably a rather rare case, and if you are simply aiming for happy users, and not rigorous perfection, this will likely be enough.
That said, Kniganapolke's suggestion of checking out Custom Search is excellent. The advice here is more applicable if you want to do this as you've designated and using the power you have with Views (and the other possibilities they offer), rather than a more dedicated-type module. If you don't have other specifications which require you to use Views, I'd guess that Custom Search will likely be the better solution.
Have you tried Custom Search module?
If anybody is interested, i have edited the header block view and load a custom_search_block inside it.
Thanks anyway
create a view with the content you want and then filter it by content. Expose the filter.

How to add additional fields to a file field/widget in Drupal7

I have a file field in Drupal 7 that I need to add additional fields to.
Currently the only available field is the file upload itself and a description. I would like to add a title field and a dropdown with some hard-coded options. I still require all the functionality of the file field.
How can I do this? I think I need to create a new file widget but not sure how to begin.
One solution is to use
It basically allows you to group a number of fields together to a single "thing". is a different approach, which makes images, videos and so on to separate entities to which you can attach fields.
You could also create your own field, but it's probably overkill,
Personally I would recommend the Media module, sadly it's a little buggy right now.

Drupal Hooks (hook_form_alter)

I’ve a question about Hooks. Being kind of new to Drupal I haven’t had much experience with hooks but a friend of mine suggested to get familiar with it and learn it to solve one of my problems on my site.
The thing is, that I have a module fbconnect which I use for users to connect via Facebook and use their profile picture at Facebook, on my site.
Everything is working, I’ve two checkboxes which and the connection and profile images works quite well but the problem is that above the two checkboxes I want a descriptive text to appear.
The only way I so far have to put in this text is to create a “description” field to the first checkbox. Unfortunately, it chooses to display this text beneath the checkbox so now it look kind of strange with a checkbox, a 3-4 lines descriptive text to the entire Facebook function, and then another checkbox.
If hooks are the right way to go to solve this problem, how do I actually do it and where do I actually insert the hook? I can imagine that it is the hook_form_alter function I need to have and in my fbconnect module the function fbconnect_form_alter exists but where I go from here I really have no idea.
I’ve tried to read up and see some instruction videos about hooks but I’m still puzzled about this apparently very nice feature in Drupal.
I'm using Drupal 6 for this site.
Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
It sounds like you might also need to look at the Theme system in Drupal. In particular, take a look at theme_checkbox. From glancing at the code, there seems to be a label that is rendered after the actual checkbox. In your custom theme function or theme file you can try changing the order of the two.
In drupal, a "hook" is the way to interact with some piece of code.
In you have a hook_bar() hook, and is your module named 'foo' implements foo_bar(), then this function is executed.
In your case, you'll need to create a module, and impletements hook_form_alter()
You can find a tutorial there that show you how to add a checkbox. If you need to add some text, you can use the same method, except instead of adding a checkbox, of course, you just add a textfield
Here is an awesome beginner's video about adding custom hooks with the example of hook_form_alter from Drupalcon Chicago 2011 which is perfect for this situation and will hopefully help you in this. As a newbie to Drupal it surely helped me and I would highly recommend watching other videos. Thanks to the drupal community for posting these.
