Why my Wordpress website is showing nothing? - wordpress

My Wordpress is only showing me the following in the picture "My First Heading" and "My First paragraph". I tried to add themes and customise it but it is not changing. Also, I have added another page and I made it as homepage of the website, but still it does not work. Besides I reset my whole website and nothing happened.

I do not have enough points to put a comment, so I will post here. It is not possible to give a straight-forward answer to this, since there may be many reasons why this is showing. Here are some general tips that may help:
Check via ftp if your root directory contains any index.html files. If yes, remove them. WordPress uses index.php to load.
Go to WP Admin and switch off all plugins.
Turn on the default WordPress theme (Twenty Twenty or Twenty One, depending on your WordPress version)
Contact your host (send a ticket)
If none of this work, create a full site backup, then reinstall WordPress (make sure there are no other files on your server that can mess with the installation)


I changed my Wordpress theme folder. Now it's not finding my stylesheet after I changed it back

I hope this is a quick fix, but I've been searching for a solution and haven't found one.
Quick background:
I've been developing my Wordpress website locally using WAMP. I'm getting the site ready to deploy to a production server, and before deploying it I wanted to simply rename my theme folder from "naked-wordpress-master" to "My Portfolio" or something different.
First, I went to my theme folder and changed the name. I refreshed the Appearance > Themes page in the wp-admin site and got an error that the stylesheet could not be found.
I got a bit worried, so what I did next was rename the theme folder back to "naked-wordpress-master" and refresh the page. Same error.
I then tried deleting the theme from the wp-admin site and re-uploading it. I got an error the upload failed because the stylesheet couldn't be found.
FYI I'm using SCSS that outputs a style.min.css, but that shouldn't matter. I didn't change anything else from the header, functions.php, or stylesheet linking and it was all working just fine before.
Any ideas on what's going wrong and why my stlyesheet is failing to get recognized?
Thanks a bunch.
I'm noticing my index.php loads fine, but sub-pages look like this
In your database find the "_options table (table prefix could be what ever you have set while installing wordpress). In options table, find the entries for "template" and "stylesheet" (both are different entries) and check their corresponding values. If that is not your theme name, change it manually to your theme name.
Also, make sure your theme has style.css at its root location. That's a technical requirement for enabling the theme.
After Update
Seems like its a rewrite issue. Check if the .htaccess file exists.
If it doesn't, in admin are, go to settings->permalinks, change the permalinks settings to something different, save the settings and revert back to what ever you had set before. (Ideally you should select the "post name" setting, which generates pretty permalinks which are also SEO friendly)
This will flush the permalink rules and also create the .htaccess file if its missing.
Hope this helps.

Malicious link added to website in wordpress

So I have a wordpress website that has a malicious link being added in the navigation of my site but when I log in it disappears and I can find no trace of it in the code at all. I am wondering if anyone has had this issue before and how they took care of it.
First thing to do is change to the default twentyfifteen or twentyfourteen theme and disable all plugins and see if the link is still there. If it's not, reactivate your theme and see if the link returns. If it does, it's from the theme; the theme is either hacked (see below) or it's a free (or junk) theme and the author added the link.
If the theme is not adding the link, reactivate plugins one at a time to see which one may be adding the link.
Depending on above: this sounds like you got hacked. Time to fix it right the first time, or you will get hacked again. You need to replace all core WP files/folders (except wp-config.php and wp-content), but scan the uploads folder and theme for exploit code and modified files or added files, comparing to a copy of your original theme. Replace all plugins, too.
Also scan the database for eval code and added administrators. (See "My Site was Hacked" below).
Change all host, FTP and WordPress passwords in the process. Scan your own PC for malware that might have grabbed logins and passwords.
Tell your web host you got hacked; and consider changing to a more secure host.
Carefully follow FAQ - My Site Was Hacked at WordPress.org.
Then take a look at the recommended security measures in Hardening WordPress and Brute Force Attacks at WordPress.org.

Moving down entire wordpress installment one folder

I've been developing a wordpress website on the same place where it's supposed to go live, just in a /beta folder to keep it from regular visitors. Now it's done, I need to put it live, by moving the entire wordpress installment I have in the /beta folder, down into the root of the domain.
The problems I encountered when I first tried this were that everything automatically links back to the /beta folder, for example my stylesheets link to the right location but the /beta/ folder is included in the link, and I can't seem to find out where to change this. I've tried the Yoast wordpress move tutorial but that seems to be made for entirely different domains, and this is inside the same domain.
So, how would I change the automatic linking? It's not all in the .htaccess file, that's just for in-site permalinks.
The Wordpress Codex has a canonical document for this, Moving WordPress.
Whether you're moving from domain to domain, or inside the same domain, doesn't matter. The process is always the same.

wordpress theme doesn't appear

I'm having a very basic problem: I'm trying to create a new theme for a wordpress installation locally on my computer.
I've created a styles.css and index.php file and put it in a folder in wp-content/themes. But it doesn't appear in the Wordpress themes page.
As a test, I made a change to the description of one of the existing themes (Twenty-Ten) in its style.css, and refresh the Wordpress themes page, but the old description continues to be shown. This suggests to me that I'm simply using the wrong folder, but that's not possible! Any ideas on this problem much appreciated.
UPDATE: In fact, even when I delete Twenty Ten from the Themes folder, it's still available as an option in the Wordpress backend, and I can activate it... Very strange...
I agree with your diagnosis. You are either looking at the wrong folder or in fact the wrong computer. There's no other way that you could change the theme to one that has been deleted.
I suggest that you confirm you are in the same universe you think you are in. Create a simple file localserver.txt in your WordPress directory and then confirm that you can access that file.
If you can't, you have your answer. You are somehow accessing a different location.
If you can access that text file, you need to go further and look to see if something like the site url setting is redirecting you to the live site, without you realizing it, when you access wp-admin.
Beyond that, I'd need to know more about your setup. Something like having www.example.com in your /etc/host file and not example.com can cause similar confusion...
Are you using Wordpress Multisite?
In that case you have to 'enable' that theme in the Network admin manager

WordPress with Yahoo! Hosting... Almost there

Yeah, so this problem is really unsolvable. Yahoo prevents access to .htaccess, even from WordPress itself trying to change it. I had to settle for writing a script on the default homepage that redirects browsers to "www.abc.com/index.php" if they go straight to "www.abc.com". You always have to deal with "index.php" being in the address bar but it's better than not having permalinks...
Yahoo! Small Business hosting seems specifically engineered to make WordPress difficult-- but it's my client's host and there's not much I can do about it. I'm trying to move WordPress into the root directory, and I'm sooo close to having it done.
I've read and read and read about how to get the Permalinks to work right, and since Yahoo! hosting doesn't let you modify htaccess I am pretty much up s*** creek. I'm using the simple permalink structure of "/%postname%/", which once I moved to the root, stopped working. I have changed it to "/index.php/%postname%/", which allows you to see the pages if you manually type in index.php before the page name or if you are logged into the admin area and "View Page". Also, the correct permalink shows on all of the pages in the editor.
However, WordPress doesn't let you change the permalink of the static page you use as the front page.
Long story short, if I go to "www.abc.com/index.php", the links in the menu all work fine. However, if I just got to "www.abc.com", the links don't pick up the "index.php" from the permalink structure. I need to fix this, so if anyone knows how to either:
Change the permalink of the static front page
Fix something in the database if I install PhpMyAdmin
Work around not having access to .htaccess
Put a small script somewhere on the index page to append "index.php" to the url
Any other suggestions
It seems it would work if I was NOT using a static front page but rather the blog, but this isn't an option. I've tried changing the "Tag base" setting to no avail, as well as deactivating the Yahoo! Custom Permalinks plugin (and reactivating it again after that failed...). Could really use some help!
Check out Giving Wordpress its own directory. I can see how this could solve your problem. Also make sure that you have done the obvious, and change your url for WordPress address (URL) Site address (URL) inside the general settings page. Perhaps the static homepage should be developed outside of wordpress, and then you can follow the steps provided in the link I provided. Hope this solves your issue.
Yahoo doesn't allow users access to the htaccess file which means that you can't the mod_rewrite rules needed for custom permlinks. The Only way around it that i've heard it works (never tried it myself) is to add /index.php/ to the beginning of your custom structure so: Go to Permalink Settings > Select Custom Structure. And set the value as /index.php/%postname%/ or what ever you want as long as you add /index.php/ before it.
Hope this helps.
I had a similar problem with this host (in 2018! 4 years after your question) that I finally solved by changing the permalink settings.
Settings > Permalink Settings > Custom Structure: /index.php/%postname%/
I wish there was a better solution but Yahoo Small Business still doesn't allow .htaccess files - after several frustrating rounds with customer service, I finally admitted defeat and used this work around.
