Turn deserialized/denormalized entity into doctrine proxy? - symfony

I am persisting some entities to a json based db using the symfony serializer.
When retrieving them from the json db they are deserialized again.
Not all fields are serialized before persisting to the json db.
Is it possible to turn deserialized entities into doctrine proxies, so their relationships can be queried?
App\Entity\Employer and App\Entity\Employee (Employee --ManyToOne--> Employer), Employer is not null on Employee.
The relationship is not serialized before persisting Employee to json db.
$documentFromJsonDb = ...;
/** #var App\Entity\Employee */
$employee = $this->normalizer->denormalize($documentFromJsonDb, 'json');
$employee->getEmployer(); // This returns null :( not making a db call
$employee = MagicMethod($employee);
$employee->getEmployer() // This returns an instance of App\Entity\Employer :)
I had a look into the Doctrine\Common\Proxy\ProxyGenerator so far.
Is there a non hacky way to do this without too much overhead?
Thanks for reading!

I think what you want to do is to merge your decoded entity to be able to use Doctrine abilities ?
📖 Take a look on this documentation of Doctrine : https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/2.8/reference/working-with-objects.html#merging-entities
It would be something like :
$documentFromJsonDb = ...;
/** #var App\Entity\Employee */
$employee = $this->normalizer->denormalize($documentFromJsonDb, 'json');
$mergedEmployee = $em->merge($employee);
$mergedEmployee->getEmployer(); // Would this work ? :)
Please tell me if it will do the job ? I did not have time to test it 🤔


Set up non-persistent relation in Doctrine 2

I have an object $user that has a one to many relation with $establishment. I can use:
The user can select a stablishment to work on. I have this method that I call in the controller:
And this one that I call in the view:
$establishment = $user->getCurrentEstablishment();
I want to be able to call:
$user->setCurrentEstablishmentBy Slug($establishment_slug);
where the slug is a string, and let the user object look for the establishment.
Doctrine discourages the practice of accessing the Entity Manager inside the Entity object, but I think that using it in the controller is even worse.
I suspect that some special Doctrine annotation exists that takes care of non persistent relations like this, or some method other than serving the Entity Manager through a service should be used here. Some easy way of referencing other entities from inside the model.
¿Is there any? ¿How could I do that?
There is no Annotation in Doctrine which could convert slug into object.
What can help You is ParamConverter, with it you can automatically convert slug from query into object. But it still must be used in Controller.
Example usage:
* #Route("/some-route/{slug}")
* #ParamConverter("object", class="AppBundle:Establishment", options={"id" = "slug", "repository_method" = "findEstablishmentBySlug"})
public function slugAction(Establishment $object)
Docs about param converter: http://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/SensioFrameworkExtraBundle/annotations/converters.html

Can i use getDoctrine and getManager in an entity? I'm sorry but i don't understand how this works

I want to use the getDoctrine and getManager functions in an entity. Is this possible? or is there any way arround this? I want to insert something in a database like this :
$history = new Policy();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
With Doctrine ORM, Entities have an unique role : data containers!
According to Doctrine architecture, there is no reason to inject EntityManager inside.
If you need to do that, you're trying to put some code of the Business layer into layer.
So try to move your code into a service, like a manager for your Entity or if you're lazy in a controller but it's a bit crapy.
I would venture to first answer the question, and then give out advice.
If you look into source code of Doctrine2, you may to find this method in Doctrine\ORM\UnitOfWork:
* #param ClassMetadata $class
* #return \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManagerAware|object
private function newInstance($class)
$entity = $class->newInstance();
if ($entity instanceof \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManagerAware) {
$entity->injectObjectManager($this->em, $class);
return $entity;
So... it means, if your entity implements \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManagerAware you will have EntityManager inside Doctrine2 entity. That's it.
Now advice:
From PhpDoc of \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManagerAware interface:
Word of Warning: This is a very powerful hook to change how you can work with your domain models.
Using this hook will break the Single Responsibility Principle inside your Domain Objects
and increase the coupling of database and objects.

How to handle SQL triggers in Symfony2?

I have a User entity in my Symfony2/Doctrine2 webapp. This user has an attribute last_updated to identify the latest time, anything has changed. I set this attribute to NOT NULL in my database. So far, so good.
I would consider it to be good practice to create a SQL trigger in the database, that sets this last_updated to NOW() on every INSERT or UPDATE. So you don't have to care about this in your application. So that's what I did, I implemented this trigger in my database.
But if I now create a user in my app
$user = new User();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
I get an error message by Symfony:
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO User (username, ..., last_updated) VALUES (?, ..., ?)'
with params ["johndoe", ..., null]:
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'last_updated' cannot be null
The problem is clear: Symfony is trying to fire an INSERT-statement to the database with the parameter null for last_updated, which is not allowed - as this attribute may not be null.
I could quickly think of two workarounds:
One workaround would be to take the last_updated field out of the entity description. Then Symfony would not try to pass anything to the database for this column, and the trigger would set the appropriate value. But I don't think this is a good way, because as soon as I would try to update the db schema (doctrine:schema:update --force) I would loose my last_updated-column.
Another workaround: Simply do $user->setLastUpdated(new \DateTime()) before I persist() and flush(). But this would minimize the advantage of using a trigger on my database to avoid having to care about it in my application.
Is there any way to let Symfony/Doctrine know that there is a trigger running on my database? If not, (how) can I hook into Symfony/Doctrine to implement a proper workaround?
To quote a response to this question from a google group:
Database side code (such as Triggers and Functions) tend to break the benefits of developing software using an ORM like Propel or Doctrine as one of the biggest advantages of using ORM's is to be database agnostic. By having database side Triggers and Functions you are tying yourself to the database and therefore gain little to no benefit using an ORM. -GarethMc
For this it is best to use the Life Cycle Callbacks as Faery suggests. One simple function will handle updating that field so that you dont have to worry about it if you decide to change databases in the future.
//In Your Entity File EX: SomeClass.php
* #ORM\Entity
* #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks()
class SomeClass
* #ORM\PrePersist()
* #ORM\PreUpdate()
public function prePersistPreUpdate()
$this->last_modified = new \DateTime();
See also references for lifecycle callbacks
Symfony reference
Doctrine reference
In your case you would add the lifecycle call back function and annotation to your User entity class. SomeClass is simply an example class showing that lifecycle callbacks are good for more than just your User entity.
Another (easier and more generalized) option would be to use the Timestampable Doctrine extension by Gedmo. In this way, you could simply annotate your entity fields to be timestamped on create or on update.
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Gedmo\Mapping\Annotation as Gedmo;
class MyEntity
* #var \DateTime $lastUpdated
* #Gedmo\Timestampable(on="update")
* #ORM\Column(name="last_updated", type="datetime")
private $lastUpdated;

Doctrine one-to-many situation: how to easily fetch related entities

To simplify, two entities are defined: User and Comment. User can post many comments and every comment has only one user assigned, thus Comment entity has:
* #var \Frontuser
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Frontuser")
* #ORM\JoinColumns({
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="ownerUserID", referencedColumnName="id")
* })
private $owneruserid;
However, when in action:
$orm = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$repo = $orm->getRepository('CompDBBundle:Comment');
$repo->findBy(array('owneruserid' => $uid);
Error occured, that there's no such field like owneruserid.
How can I fetch all the user's comments then? The same happens to similar relations in my DB - looks likes you cannot run find() with foreign keys as parameters. I believe a function $user->getComments() should be automatically generated/recognised by Doctrine to allow efficient, quick access to related entities.
The example's simple but, what if there are more entities related to my User in the same way? Do I have to declare repositories for each and try to fetch them by it's owneruserid foreign keys?
Using doctrine, when you define a related entity it's type is the entity class (in this case FrontUser). Therefore firstly your related entity variable name is misleading. It should be e.g.
private $ownerUser;
Then, in order to do a findBy on a related entity field you must supply an entity instance e.g.
$orm = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$userRepo = $orm->getRepository('CompDBBundle:FrontUser');
$user = $userRepo->findById($uid);
$commentRepo = $orm->getRepository('CompDBBundle:Comment');
$userComments = $commentRepo->findByOwnerUser($user);
If you don't have or want to retrieve the user entity you could use a DQL query with the 'uid' as a parameter instead.

Symfony2 and Doctrine - how to insert an item from joined table

I have two tables, game and own. In own's entity I have created OneToMany relationship:
/** #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Game") */
private $game;
And in game Entity field id is also mapped:
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Own", mappedBy="game")
Now I have a problem with inserting new data in my database. I tried simply persisting objects:
$gameown = new Own();
$gameown -> setGame('3');
$gameown -> setUpdated(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
But it doesn't work. Symfony is saying that it must be an Game instance, not a string. How to solve this?
When I try this:
$gameown -> setGame($game->getId('3'));
It insert okay, but... null values.
You can do this way as well
$gameObject = $em->getRepository('YourBundle:Game')->findOneBy(array('id' => 3));
Then you can use
Actually, you have to use a game object, and doctrine will do the work for you.
Think with object, not with table.
First, you have to retrieve your objects (from the database for example) :
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
$game = $em->getRepository('AppMonBundle:Game')->find(3);
Then, you can set the relation :
