How do you access Airflow Web Interface? - airflow

Hi I am taking a datacamp class on how to use Airflow and it shows how to create dags once you have access to an Airflow Web Interface.
Is there an easy way to create an account in the Airflow Web Interface? I am very lost on how to do this or is this just an enterprise tool where they provide you access to it once you pay?

You must do this on terminal. Run these commands:
export AIRFLOW_HOME=~/airflow
PYTHON_VERSION="$(python --version | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1-2)"
pip install "apache-airflow==${AIRFLOW_VERSION}" --constraint "${CONSTRAINT_URL}"
airflow standalone
Then, in there, you can see the username and password provided.
Then, open Chrome and search for:
And write the username and password.

airflow has a web interface as well by default and default user pass is : airflow/airflow
you can run it by using :
airflow webserver --port 8080
then open the link : http://localhost:8080
if you want to make a new username by this command:
airflow create_user [-h] [-r ROLE] [-u USERNAME] [-e EMAIL] [-f FIRSTNAME]
[-l LASTNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--use_random_password]
learn more about Running Airflow locally

You should install it , it is a python package not a website to register on.
The easiest way to install Airflow is:
pip install apache-airflow
if you need extra packages with it:
pip install apache-airflow[postgres,gcp]
finally run the webserver and the scheduler in different cmd :
airflow webserver # it is by default 8080
airflow scheduler


Airflow 2.0.2 - No user yet created

we're moving from airflow 1.x to 2.0.2, and I'm noticing the below error in my terminal after i run docker-compose run --rm webserver initdb:
{{}} WARNING - No user yet created, use flask fab
command to do it.
but in my I have the below to create users:
echo "Creating airflow user: ${AIRFLOW_CREATE_USER_USER_NAME}..."
echo "Created airflow user: ${AIRFLOW_CREATE_USER_USER_NAME} done!"
Because of this error whenever I try to run airflow locally I still have to run the below to create a user manually every time I start up airflow:
docker-compose run --rm webserver bash
airflow users create \
--username name \
--firstname fname \
--lastname lname \
--password pw \
--role Admin \
Looking at the airflow docker entrypoint script file, looks like airflow will create the an admin for you when the container on boots.
By default the admin user is 'admin' without password.
If you want something diferent, set this variables: _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD and _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_USERNAME
(I'm on airflow 2.2.2)
Looks like they changed the admin creation command password from -p test to -p $DEFAULT_PASSWORD. I had to pass in this DEFAULT_PASSWORD env var to the docker-compose environment for the admin user to be created. It also looks like they now suggest using the .env.localrunner file for configuration.
Here is the commit where that change was made.
(I think you asked this question prior to that change being made, but maybe this will help someone in the future who had my same issue).

how to resolve "Error: No module named 'airflow.www'" while starting airflow websever

Getting below error while starting Airflow webserver
balajee#Balajees-MacBook-Air.local:~$ airflow webserver -p 8080
[2018-12-03 00:29:37,066] {} INFO - Using executor SequentialExecutor
[2018-12-03 00:29:38,776] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/balajee/airflow/dags
Running the Gunicorn Server with:
Workers: 4 sync
Timeout: 120
Logfiles: - -
Error: No module named 'airflow.www'
Fixed for me
pip3 uninstall -y gunicorn
pip3 install gunicorn==19.4.0
I got this problem this morning, and I found a strange solution, may it helps you. I think maybe you just need to change the command running directory.
I install airflow basic dependence in my virtualenv directory venv with PyCharm help, and I use PyCharm build-in Terminal tab to directly access my venv, and I use airflow initdb to init sqlite database to store all my logs and ops, then according to the official tutorial I use airflow webserver to start the webserver. But somehow today I use my Mac terminal, and start virtulenv, and start airflow webserver, and I encounter this problem with:
Running the Gunicorn Server with:
Workers: 4 sync
Timeout: 120
Logfiles: - -
Error: No module named 'airflow.www'
[2019-05-26 07:45:27,130] {} ERROR - No response from gunicorn master within 120 seconds
[2019-05-26 07:45:27,130] {} ERROR - Shutting down webserver
And I tried #Evgeniy Sobolev's solution by reinstall gunicorn and nothing changed, but when I still using my PyCharm Terminal, it can still running successfully. I guess maybe it is because the first directory you init your db and running webserver is critical. By default when I use PyCharm Terminal to init db and start webserver is the Project root directory, like:
(venv) root#root:~/GitHub/FakeProject$ airflow webserver
But today I check into venv to start virtualenv, and the root directory changed!
root#root:~/GitHub/FakeProject/SubDir$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) root#root:~/GitHub/FakeProject/SubDir$ airflow webserver
** Error **
So in this way it encounters Error: No module named 'airflow.www', so I check out the directory, and the webserver running successfully just like PyCharm Terminal:
(venv) root#root:~/GitHub/FakeProject/SubDir$ cd ..
(venv) root#root:~/GitHub/FakeProject$ airflow webserver
** It works **
I thought maybe airflow store some metadata (like setup a PATH, maybe) in the first time init your airflow db, so you can not change your command running directory.
I hope it may help somebody in the future. Just check your directory!
Looks like you have a problem with gunicorn.
Try to execute this two commands:
sudo -H pip3 uninstall -y gunicorn
sudo -H pip3 install gunicorn
It should resolve your problem, cause airflow show you not clear error message related to gunicorn problems
I did this steps for the problem happens:
create a separate virtualenv only for airflow (I use anaconda distribution)
activate this env with conda activate
install airflow: pip install apache-airflow
at this moment the error No module named 'airflow.www' was showed for me
To fix follow this steps:
Look for where is your gunicorn in: whereis gunicorn
gunicorn have to stay only in your virtualenv directory: /home/yourname/anaconda3/envs/airflow_env/bin/gunicorn
If it stay in two directories, let it just in your airflow enviroment. Remove it all from another.
Another way to verify if gunicorn is in another directories is printing your PATH variable: echo $PATH. Look for gunicorn in /home/yourname/.local/bin and another anaconda directories from PATH. Remove all references. Remove gunicorn from conda base env as well: pip uninstall gunicorn.
With this steps, I think your problem will be solved.
I used anaconda distribution, but I think the same process can be done without it. I used airflow 1.10.0 and python 3.6.
If you have defined a custom home directory for airflow other than default one (~/airflow) during the installation:
You need first export the custom path:
export AIRFLOW_HOME=/your/custom/path/airflow
Go to the airflow directory and then Run the webserver
airflow webserver -p 8080
Run scheduler too
airflow scheduler
please check if gunicorn is installed already in server. for me it was installed in /usr/local/bin and it was taking precedence over gunicorn version installed with airflow. uninstall earlier one or fix $PATH variable
I solved this by starting the webserver from the airflow folder itself.
I was previously trying to open the server from the home directory but the required modules could not be found which may be the case here.
Late to the party but could help others who get here.
I got the same issue using latest airflow version 2.5.0
Make sure env variable AIRFLOW_HOME is pointing to right location
Thanks all for sharing
I added sudo and it actually worked just fine.
I got the same error today and a sudo did the trick to me

Airflow dags and PYTHONPATH

I have some dags that can't seem to locate python modules. Inside of the Airflow UI, I see a ton of these message variations.
Broken DAG: [/home/airflow/source/airflow/dags/] No module named 'paramiko'
Inside of a file I can directly modify the python sys.path and that seems to mitigate my issue.
import sys
That doesn't feel right though having to set my path in my code directly. I've tried exporting PYTHONPATH in the Airflow user accounts .bashrc but doesn't seem to be read when the dag jobs are executed. What's the correct way to go about this?
----- update -----
Thanks for the responses.
below is my systemctl scripts.
Description=Airflow scheduler daemon
ExecStart=/usr/local/airflow/instances/airflow2/venv/bin/airflow scheduler
Description=Airflow webserver daemon
ExecStart=/usr/local/airflow/instances/airflow2/venv/bin/airflow webserver
this is the EnvironentFile Contents uses from above
more /usr/local/airflow/instances/airflow2/etc/envars
I had similar issue:
Python wasn't loaded from virtualenv for running airflow (this fixed airflow deps not being fetched from virtualenv)
Submodules under dags path wasn't loaded due different base path (this fixed importing own modules under dags folder
I added following strings to the environemnt file for systemd service
(/usr/local/airflow/instances/airflow2/etc/envars in your case)
source /home/ubuntu/venv/airflow/bin/activate
It looks like your python environment is degraded - you have multiple instances of python on your vm (python 3.6 and python 2.7) and multiple instances of pip. There is a pip with python3.6 that is trying to be used, but all of your modules are actually with your python 2.7.
This can be solved easily by using symbolic links to redirect to 2.7.
Type the commands and see which instance of python is used (2.7.5, 2.7.14, 3.6, etc):
or type which python to find which python instance is being used by your vm. You can also do which pip to see what pip instance is being used.
I am going to assume python and which python leads to python 3 (which you do not want to use), but python2 and python2.7 lead to the instance you do want to use.
To create a symbolic link so that /home/airflow/.local/lib/python2.7/ is used, do the following and create the following symbolic links:
cd home/airflow/.local/lib/python2.7
ln -s python2 python
ln -s /home/airflow/.local/lib/python2.7 python2
Symbolic link structure is: ln -s #PATHDIRECTED #LINKNAME
You are essentially saying when you run the command python, go to python2. When python2 is then ran, go to /home/airflow/.local/lib/python2.7. Its all being redirected.
Now re run the three commands above (python, python2, python2.7). All should lead to the python instance you want.
Hope this helps!
You can add this directly to the Airflow Dockerfile, such as the example below. If you have a .env file you can do ENV PYTHONPATH "${PYTHONPATH}:${AIRFLOW_HOME}".
FROM puckel/docker-airflow:1.10.6
RUN pip install --user psycopg2-binary
ENV AIRFLOW_HOME=/usr/local/airflow
# add persistent python path (for local imports)
ENV PYTHONPATH "/home/jovyan/work:${AIRFLOW_HOME}"
COPY ./airflow.cfg /usr/local/airflow/airflow.cfg
CMD ["airflow initdb"]
I still have the same problem when I try to trigger a dag from UI (cant locate python local modules i.e my_module.my_sub_module... etc), but when I test with :
airflow test my_dag my_task 2021-04-01
It works fine !
I also have in my .bashrc the line (where it supposed to find python local modules):
export PYTHONPATH="/home/my_user"
Sorry guys this topics is very old but i have a lot of problem for launch airflow as daemon, i share my solution
first i installed anaconda in /home/myuser/anaconda3 and i installed all library that i using in my dags, next create follow files:
Description=Airflow webserver daemon
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'source /home/myuser/anaconda3/bin/activate; airflow webserver -p 8080 --pid /home/myuser/airflow/'
same for daemon scheduler
Description=Airflow schedule daemon
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'source /home/myuser/anaconda3/bin/activate; airflow scheduler'
next exec command of systemclt:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable airflow-webserver.service
sudo systemctl enable airflow-schedule.service
sudo systemctl start airflow-webserver.service
sudo systemctl start airflow-schedule.service

Airflow installation issue on Windows 7

How to install Airflow on Windows 7? getting below error while installing it using pip install apache-airflow :
---------------------------------------- Command "c:\users\shrgupta5\appdata\local\programs\python\python36-32\python.exe
-u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='C:\\Users\\SHRGUP~1\\AppData\\Loca l\\Temp\\pip-build-_yptw7sa\\psutil\\';f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open) (__file__);'\r\n', '\n');f.close();exec(compile(code, __fi le__, 'exec'))" install
--record C:\Users\SHRGUP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-_cwm0n u7-record\install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed
--compile" fail ed with error code 1 in C:\Users\SHRGUP~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-_yptw7sa\ psutil\
I wouldn't bother trying to install Airflow on windows, even after you install it successfully you cannot run the airflow script due to a dependency on the unix-only module pwd
You can run Airflow on Windows by using the Docker setup from puckel
Use VirtualBox and Docker Toolbox(legacy) and setup a docker-machine on your Windows computer (docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-cpu-count "2" --virtualbox-memory "2048" default)
make sure to fork puckels git repo underneath c:/Users/yourusername/documents otherwise mounting of DAGS won't work
You should now be able to spin up Airflow e.g. by using the celery-executor setup with docker compose -f docker-compose-CeleryExecutor.yml up -d
I have setup a environment where I develop the DAGs on Windows, test them within the dockercontainer and then push the Dockerimage to Linux to production. I have added a more detailed tutorial here.
Airflow cannot be installed on Windows within the standard command prompt.
You need to use bash and afterwards change the config:
How to run Airflow on Windows
Download the source of airflow from pypi:
Unzip and edit setup.cfg, then go to the install_requires section and change the version of psutil with the following: 'psutil>=5.4.7',
Finally, run python install in the source directory

Openstack-Folsom keystone script fail to configure

Based on this link , I tried running these scripts but it fails despite me setting the HOST_IP & EXT HOST_IP.
Below is the error log received:-
-keystone:error:unrecognized arguments: service id of 18ea5916544429bed2c84af0303077
I have provide the information such as tenant_name, tenant_id and so on in a source file but it happens to be the script provided does not get recognized by the system. Below are the details of the OS I use.
I created VMs instead of using physical machines. Installed with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Please advice on how to tackle this issue.
I had the same problem. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. After running:
keystone help user-create tenant id appears as follows:
Optional arguments:
--service_id <service-id>
Change --service-id to --service_id with a global replace
[Using command line]
# sed -i 's/--service-id/--service_id/g' /path/to/
restart keystone & It's database entries
mysql -u root -ppassword -e "drop database keystone"
mysql -u root -ppassword -e "create database keystone"
mysql -u root -ppassword -e "grant all privileges on keystone.* TO 'keystone'#'%' identified by 'password'"
mysql -u root -ppassword -e "grant all privileges on keystone.* TO 'keystone'#'localhost' identified by 'password'"
service keystone restart
keystone-manage db_sync
