Symfony 5 - Two prefix - symfony

I need do something like this:
resource: '#MyOwnBundle/Resources/config/routing/users.yaml'
prefix: '/users1'
resource: '#MyOwnBundle/Resources/config/routing/users.yaml'
prefix: '/users2'
I need defined the same resource for two diferent prefix, but it doen't works, what is a good way to do this?


Symfony2 - FOSUserBundle - Add _locale in url

I would like to overwrite default routing of FOSUserBundle for Symfony2 to get a result like this:
Thanks for your help.
Look at this link. I think it is exactly what you need.
[...] to add a prefix before the _locale string (e.g. /admin/en/dashboard), you can add the “i18n_prefix” option.
# app/config/routing.yml
options: { i18n_prefix: admin }

Symfony 2.5 SEO Friendly URLs

I'm trying to build my own CMS based on Symfony 2 since I swapped jobs and now require some symfony practice, but got stuck when trying to do something sensible with routes. In Zend it was possible with preDispatch so I hope Symfony 2 will have something similar too.
Consider this URL:
What I am trying to achieve is to have matching to some controller and getting me the content of the page that has the url_string parameter same as that portion of URL. Then should also match to the same controller but render content for the sub_page portion of URL.
The route must match n portions because I cannot know how deep the structure might go.
So I will not accept something like
/{slug1} or
/{slug1}/{slug2} or
as that is nonsense.
I am planning to make this route as last one in the routing config so should there be some matches on other routes they will be picked up instead, and this one despite it is most important route will be last resort matching kinda thing.
Using the following config will match all urls, and the entire path will be passed into the controller "slug1/slug2/slug3".
path: /{path}
defaults: { _controller: SymfonyBundle:Default:page }
path: "^.+"
Or** ou can also use regex in the requirements path. This will exclude "admin", "login", "blog", however it's much easier if you simplify things and just place the routing in the correct order like you said
path: "^(?!admin|login|blog).+"
By importing the default bundle routing last, it means any routing yml files above will take priority and therefore not match the default route which will catch any url.
resource: "#SymfonyAdminBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /admin
#import this last
resource: "#SymfonyDefaultBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function pageAction($path)
//You could split the URL and handle accordingly, also filter / escape?
$parts = explode("/", $path);

Symfony2 Routing optional parameter with trailing slash

I am trying to write my first application with Symfony2. It's a fairly simple game just to get used to working with Symfony2, but the Routing is bugging me.
I use YAML for my routing and have the following routes:
path: /{_locale}/upload/{currentGameType}/
defaults: { _controller: BaseAcmeBundle:Default:upload, currentGameType: gameName, _locale: nl }
_locale: nl|en
The currentGameType is optional, and always is 'gameName', a default game if it is not set.
So when going to en/upload the route upload: is ignored and I get the message that the route is not found
When for example I go to the en/upload/gameName the route does work and the gametype is set to gameName. Why does this parameter not want to be optional?
So.. I am completely lost the pas few hours and wish for some help/pointers.
Thanks in advance.
edit: So, few minutes after posting I found out that without the trailing slashes in the routing it does work. However knowing this it is still an issue.
just create a second path:
path: /{_locale}/upload/
defaults: { _controller: BaseAcmeBundle:Default:upload, _locale: nl }
_locale: nl|en
just note that in your function you should have gameName = null by default and it should be your last argument.

What does _sonata_admin: {resource: . } do in routing.yml?

When setting up SonataAdmin, you have to add an entry like this one:
resource: .
type: sonata_admin
prefix: /admin
In this entry, what does resource: . do? It's somewhat unusual syntax and I'd like to add a footnote about it to the SonataAdmin docs.
The routing component needs a resource attribute (at least with sf2.0). The AdminPoolLoader class is in charge on loading the route and the support method only check the type attribute and not the resource name provided ....
So the dot is just a value that others RoutingLoader cannot validate and generate errors...

Cannot import resource error, FosRestBundle Throws InvalidArgumentException

Hello i have a strange problem, while using FostRestBundle.
First error is :
InvalidArgumentException: Every parent controller must have get{SINGULAR}Action($id) method
where {SINGULAR} is a singular form of associated object
And the second one :
Cannot import resource "/home/a15net/public_html/game/src/ATL/ContentBundle/Resources/config/api_routing.yml" from "/home/a15net/public_html/game/app/config/routing.yml".
I'v checked my all "YAML" files but there was no indent problems.
Tried to update composer twice nothing helped.
Edit : Config.yml >
You have to remove the 'type' from this import statement fro your routing.yml
resource: "#ATLContentBundle/Resources/config/api_routing.yml"
Inside the api_routing.yml you can specify the rest type for each controller like,
resource: Acme\UserBundle\Controller\UserRestController
prefix: /api
type: rest
this blog will help you to implement the sme
--- NOT --- SOLUTION :
If a route has a parent route, you must not put "type:rest" to it. You have to use "type:rest" only in parent routes.
Sample :
type: rest
prefix: api
resource: ATL\CatalogBundle\Controller\API\CatalogsController
expose: true
parent: catalogs
resource: ATL\CatalogBundle\Controller\API\TaxonomyController
expose: true
I will not choose this as correct answer until more comments and other solution suggestions writed.
When you remove type:rest from children route, it is not a rest route anymore.
