semantic release random branch as a release branch - semantic-release

how should semantic release be configured to produce a unique semantic versioning for each branch (set all branches as release branch).
that is, assume a random branch name - how do semantic release should be configured to make the random branch as a release branch, such that semantic release will produce a unique semantic versioning for that branch. e.g. 1.2.3-<branch name>+<ref>?


Packing and publishing NuGet packages with .NET CLI in TeamCity

I am trying to create Team City build template which requires minimum customisation, and I want it to play nicely with legacy projects and projects developed with .NET Core/Standard and .NET CLI.
I am stuck with NuGet as there were some considerable changes in how things work.
Earlier we had to create nuspec file to pack project as a NuGet package. At least in that file we could define various package-related properties.
New csproj file format allows us to define all package properties inside itself. That's fine, but how then do we know which projects should be packaged and which should not?
So far our TeamCity's build step Pack NuGet just contained **.nuspec for Specification files: field. The very fact of nuspec file presence served like a flag pack & publish this project.
However, for dotnet pack we need to specify the project. There is no simple way to distinguish 'main' projects from 'auxiliary' ones on which mains depend. (Let us ignore that project-to-project references are currently not supported.)
We either could pack all projects specifying **.*proj (yet in that case we are to know which packages to publish) or we might specify projects explicitly in a build configuration, but I don't like this approach because you must edit build configuration each time new project is added to the solution.
I also considered the option Generate package on build and omit dot net pack step as package is created on build. The only thing left is publishing the packages with dotnet nuget push specifying **/%BuildConfiguration%/*.nupkg.
Unfortunately when starting build against solution without projects with enabled Generate package on build makes TC fail complaining that
Target files not found for pattern "**/Release/*.nupkg"
Hence, I either need another recipe for achieving the required result or an advice how to make TC consider empty result just as a NOP and mark build as successful.
Yet another option is to use nuspec even for new csproj...
Since TeamCity 2017.2 will be available option to associate build configuration with multiple templates. So you will be able to create different templates to create packages for old projects and new .NET CLI projects.
To specify paths for target .NET projects, which should be packaged, you could use build configuration parameters.
To set such parameters during the build you could send in the preceding build step service message. The value of this parameter could be set to the list of target project files which could be selected via script like that:

Include sub-module artifacts in SBT multi-project build

I have a multi-project build that makes extensive use of sub-projects in order to make dependencies between them explicit (by means of dependsOn - the sub-projects act as layers).
If it comes to publishing I want to roll up all the sub-project artifacts into the artifact of the main project (jar), and collect all their libraryDependencies. In other words, I want to publish as if there would be no sub-projects, just a single root project containing all my code (i.e. no ueber-jar). The sub-projects are only there to break up the compilation into smaller scopes with enforced dependency structure, they are not supposed to be distributed separately.
What is the best way to achieve that?

In artifactory repositories, what is the difference between a file integration revision and a folder integration revision?

I'm looking at different repository layouts, and I see a distinction between folder integration revisions and file integration revisions.
Are these the same revision number (just placed on a file and/or folder) or are they different things?
Here is a link where I see both mentioned: Repository Layouts
Folder integration revision refers to the integration revision as it appears in an artifacts folder structure while file integration revision refers to the integration revision as it appears in an artifacts file name.
Consider a number of integration revision paths according to different build tool standards:
Standard Ivy:
Non-unique Maven:
Unique Maven:
So as you can see, standard Ivy and non-unique Maven have identical file and folder integration revisions (Ivy has 20111214124053 and Maven has SNAPSHOT) while the unique Maven differs (SNAPSHOT and 20111412.124253-1).
In the context of Artifactorys repository layouts, their value is a customizable regular expression which should reflect the expected value of the integration revision. Providing this information helps Artifactory identify the difference between release and integration revision artifacts and extract the information from the path.

Teamcity Weekly Release Versioning and Workflow

I'm trying to get a weekly release up and running in TeamCity and I'm having a hard time trying to comprehend how I'm going to version it. Currently versioning goes as follows
major = major release
minor = incremented on release (weekly-basis) to production
buildnumber = teamcity's autoincremented build number
svnrevision = revision number from svn
Does this mean that every week, after creating a tag, I'll have to create a separate Build Configuration for the new release just so I could increment the minor version like so?
and point the new build config from trunk to the tags\release-1.1.0 folder?
Is there no easier way to do this?
I guess I'm a little bit confused as to why you would change your build configuration from the trunk to the tag / release folder as the codebase version number changes.
If I were doing it, I would simply create one configuration that builds from the trunk. Once a week you can up the version number, say from 1.1.x.x to 1.2.x.x in the TeamCity configuration screen and keep building from trunk. Next week you up it to 1.3.x.x and you keep building from trunk.
Usually the tags are just meant to be snapshots in time, it is the exact source that was used to make a certain build back in time. I would expect your tags build folder to look more like \tags\release-, etc.
Sometimes you might have to take a specific tag and create a branch out of it. That is if you need to work on a former release to do some bugfixes before you release your next version ( from trunk ). In that case I would create a new configuration to do the branch build, the codebase would then be something like \branches\release-1.1.0
Now you have one configuration for the trunk, that one will probably be at 1.2 or 1.3 and keeps incrementing while the branch configuration will be at 1.1 or something similar. At a later time you might use the branch configuration for another version number since bugfixes are done in 1.1 like you suggested with the tags.
It seems to me from reading this over again that perhaps your using the concept of branches as tags...
In TeamCity 6 and up, you can have multiple build steps.
You could create an initial build step, before the actual build, which uses a custom MSBuild task. This would check out a global AssemblyInfo.cs file which all projects link to (see Automatic assembly version number management in VS2008) for more details), grabs the version number from the file, increments the minor revision, writes the new value back, and checks in the updated file.
Additional build steps would then run the build, and tag.
You can communicate updates to TeamCity from your build script using service messages, including reporting the build number, see

Best way to build trunk AND a branch on the same CruiseControl.Net server

We currently have a CruiseControl.Net server that is merrily building the trunk on our svn server. I have a new requirement to build the "latest" branch as well; is there a best practice in CruiseControl to handle this? What specific changes are needed to build from the trunk and a branch at the same time?
Make a second project just like the original where the source control is pointed to the proper branch.
As far as is concerned, a project is a project. It doesn't care whether it's a branch or a trunk. Simply setup another project in the ccnet.config that points to where the branch is located.
To keep things organized, i like to add the version number to the name of the branch projects like this:
ProjectX <- Trunk
ProjectX-4.0 <- Historical branch for v4.0
I generally create a new working directory named branch, set up the source control to monitor the branch and pull to the new folder. I also put in an exculusion filter on the trunk build so it does not get kicked off by a check in to the branch (our branches usually reside within the trunk realm of checking for changes). I also remember to change the labels, if we label, to reflect the branch naming convention. One very helpful thing you can do is if you will only ever have one branch active simply name it branch that way once you have your configuration all set You only have to comment or uncomment those parts in the config file as needed, instead of having to upgrade it in all the places like if one time it is branch 6.1 and next time it is 6.2, it saves a lot of cut and replace and I only have to changed the project name and the label the next time we use a branch.
