Heterocesdastic model of mixed effects via lmer function - r

I am adjusting a mixed effects model which, due to the observed heteroscedasticity, it was necessary to include an effect to accommodate it. Therefore, using the lme function of the nlme package, this was easy to be solved, see the code below:
Model1 <- lme(log(Var1)~log(Var2)+log(Var3)+
random = ~1|Var6, Data1, method="REML",
weights = varIdent(form=~1|Var7))
#Var6: It is a factor with several levels.
#Var7: It is a Dummy variable.
However, I need to readjust the model described above using the lme4 package, that is, using the lmer function. It is known and many are the materials that inform some limitations existing in the lme4, such as, for example, modeling heteroscedasticity. What motivated me to readjust this model is the fact that I have an interest in using a specific package that in cases of mixed models it only accepts if they are adjusted through the lmer function. How could I resolve this situation? Below is a good part of the model adjusted using the lmer function, however, this model is not considering the effect to model the observed heteroscedasticity.
Model2 <- lmer(log(Var1)~log(Var2)+log(Var3)+
Data1, REML=T)
Regarding the choice of the random effect (Var6) and the inclusion of the effect to consider the heterogeneity by levels of the variable (Var7), these were carefully analyzed, however, I will not put here the whole procedure so as not to be an extensive post and to be more objective .

This is hackable. You need to add an observation-level random effect that is only applied to the group with the larger residual variance (you need to know this in advance!), via (0+dummy(Var7,"1")|obs); this has the effect of multiplying each observation-level random effect value by 1 if the observation is in group "1" of Var7, 0 otherwise. You also need to use lmerControl() to override a few checks that lmer does to try to make sure you are not adding redundant random effects.
Data1$obs <- factor(seq(nrow(Data1)))
Model2 <- lmer(log(Var1)~log(Var2)+log(Var3)+
(Var4)+(Var5) + (1|Var6) +
all.equal(REMLcrit(Model2), c(-2*logLik(Model1))) ## TRUE
all.equal(fixef(Model1), fixef(Model2), tolerance=1e-7)
If you want to use this model with hnp you need to work around the fact that hnp doesn't pass the lmerControl option properly.
d <- function(obj) resid(obj, type="pearson")
s <- function(n, obj) simulate(obj)[[1]]
f <- function(y.) refit(Model2, y.)
hnp(Model2, newclass=TRUE, diagfun=d, simfun=s, fitfun=f)
You might also be interested in the DHARMa package, which does similar simulation-based diagnostics.


GAM with only Categorical/Logical

I'm currently trying to use a GAM to calculate a rough estimation of expected goals model based purely on the commentary data from ESPN. However, all the data is either a categorical variable or a logical vector, so I'm not sure if there's a way to smooth, or if I should just use the factor names.
Here are my variables:
shot_where (factor): shot location (e.g. right side of the box)
assist_class (factor): type of assist (cross, through ball, pass)
follow_corner (logical): whether the shot follows a corner
shot_with (factor): right foot, left food, header
follow_set_piece (logical): whether the shot follows a set piece
I think I should just use the formula as just the variable names.
model <- bam(is_goal ~ shot_where + assist_class + follow_set_piece + shot_where + follow_corner + shot_where:shot_with, family = "binomial", method = "REML")
The shot_where and shot_with would incorporate any interactions between these two varaibles.
However, I was told I could smooth factor variables as well using the below structure.
model <- bam(is_goal ~ s(shot_where, bs = 'fs') + s(assist_class, bs = 'fs') + as.logical(follow_set_piece) +
as.logical(follow_corner) + s(shot_with, bs = 'fs'), data = model_data, family = "binomial", method = "REML")
This worked for creating a model, but I want to make sure this is a correct method of building the model. I've yet to see any information on using only factor/logical variables in a GAM model, so I thought it was worth asking.
If you only have categorical covariates then you aren't fitting a GAM, whether you fit the model with gam(), bam(), or something else.
What you are doing when you pass factor variables to s() using the fs basis like this
s(f, bs = 'fs')`
is creating a random intercept for each level of the factor f.
There's no smoothing going on here at all; the model is simply exploiting the equivalence of the Bayesian view of smoothing with random effects.
Given that none of your covariates could reasonably be considered random in the sense of a mixed effects model then the only justification for doing what you're doing might be as a computational trick.
Your first model is just a simple GLM (note the typo in the formula as shot_where is repeated twice in the formula.)
It's not clear to me why you are using bam() to fit this model; you're loosing computational efficiency that bam() provides by using method = 'REML'; it should be 'fREML' for bam() models. But as there is no smoothness selection going on in the first model you'd likely be better off using glm() to fit that model. If the issue is large sample sizes, there are several packages that can fit GLMs to large data, for example biglm and it's bigglm() function.
In the second model there is no smoothing going on but there is penalisation which is shrinking the estimates for the random intercepts toward zero. You're likely to get better performance on big data using the lme4 package or TMB and the glmmTMB package to fit what is a GLMM.
This is more of a theoretical question than about R, but let me provide a brief answer. Essentially, the most flexible model you could estimate would be one where you used the variables as factors. It also produces a model that is reasonably easily interpreted - where each coefficient gives you the expected difference in y between the reference level and the level represented by the dummy regressor.
Smoothing splines try to strike the appropriate bias-variance tradeoff. If you've got lots of data and relatively few categories in the categorical variables, there will be no real loss in efficiency for including all of the dummy regressors representing the categories and the bias will also be as small as possible. To the extent that the smoothing spline model is different from the one treating everything as factors, it is likely inducing bias without a corresponding increase in efficiency. If it were me, I would stick with a model that treats all of the categorical variables as factors.

I get an error with functions of nlme package in R

I am trying to fit a linear growth model (LGM) in R, and I understand that the primary steps would be to fit a Null model with time as a predictor of my independent variable Y (allowing for random effects) and a Null model not allowing for random effects, then compare the two and see whether the random effect is strong enough to justify the usage of the model with random intercept.
I managed to fit the model with random intercept with the lmer function of the lme4 package, but I can't find a function in that package that allows me to fit a model without random intercept.
I have tried to fit models both with random intercept (lme function) and without (gls function) with the nlme package, but neither of them have been working for me.
My original code was:
LMModel <- lme(Y~Time, random=~Time| ID, data=dataset,
and running that, I got an error saying "missing values in object" (apparently referring to my Time variable). I thus added a transformation of my dataset into a matrix with "matr <- as.matrix(dataset)" and added the missing data management part to my code, which ended up being:
LMModel <- lme(Y~Time, random=~Time| ID, data=dataset,
method="ML", na.action = na.exclude(matr))
Running this, I get the error: ' could not find function "1" '
I further tried to fit a model with no random effect with the gls function of nlme and got the exact same error.
I feel quite lost as I can't seem to figure out what that function 1 means. Any ideas of what might be happening here?
Thanks a lot in advance for the help!

Variable selection methods

I have been doing variable selection for a modeling problem.
I have used trial and error for the selection (adding / removing a variable) with a decrease in error. However, I have the challenge as the number of variables grows into the hundreds that manual variable selection can not be performed as the model takes 1/2 hour to compute, rendering the task impossible.
Would you happen to know of any other packages than the regsubsets from the leaps package (which when tested with the same trial and error variables produced a higher error, it did not include some variables which were lineraly dependant - excluding some valuable variables).
You need a better (i.e. not flawed) approach to model selection. There are plenty of options, but one that should be easy to adapt to your situation would be using some form of regularization, such as the Lasso or the elastic net. These apply shrinkage to the sizes of the coefficients; if a coefficient is shrunk from its least squares solution to zero, that variable is removed from the model. The resulting model coefficients are slightly biased but they have lower variance than the selected OLS terms.
Take a look at the lars, glmnet, and penalized packages
Try using the stepAIC function of the MASS package.
Here is a really minimal example:
lm <- lm(Fertility ~ ., data = swiss)
## (Intercept) Agriculture Examination Education Catholic
## 66.9151817 -0.1721140 -0.2580082 -0.8709401 0.1041153
## Infant.Mortality
## 1.0770481
st1 <- stepAIC(lm, direction = "both")
st2 <- stepAIC(lm, direction = "forward")
st3 <- stepAIC(lm, direction = "backward")
You should try the 3 directions and ckeck which model works better with your test data.
Read ?stepAIC and take a look at the examples.
It's true stepwise regression isn't the greatest method. As it's mentioned in GavinSimpson answer, lasso regression is a better/much more efficient method. It's much faster than stepwise regression and will work with large datasets.
Check out the glmnet package vignette:

Pseudo R squared for cumulative link function

I have an ordinal dependent variable and trying to use a number of independent variables to predict it. I use R. The function I use is clm in the ordinal package, to perform a cumulative link function with a probit link, to be precise:
I tried the function pR2 in the package pscl to get the pseudo R squared with no success.
How do I get pseudo R squareds with the clm function?
Thanks so much for your help.
There are a variety of pseudo-R^2. I don't like to use any of them because I do not see the results as having a meaning in the real world. They do not estimate effect sizes of any sort and they are not particularly good for statistical inference. Furthermore in situations like this with multiple observations per entity, I think it is debatable which value for "n" (the number of subjects) or the degrees of freedom is appropriate. Some people use McFadden's R^2 which would be relatively easy to calculate, since clm generated a list with one of its values named "logLik". You just need to know that the logLikelihood is only a multiplicative constant (-2) away from the deviance. If one had the model in the first example:
fm1 <- clm(rating ~ temp * contact, data = wine)
fm0 <- clm(rating ~ 1, data = wine)
( McF.pR2 <- 1 - fm1$logLik/fm0$logLik )
[1] 0.1668244
I had seen this question on CrossValidated and was hoping to see the more statistically sophisticated participants over there take this one on, but they saw it as a programming question and dumped it over here. Perhaps their opinion of R^2 as a worthwhile measure is as low as mine?
Recommend to use function nagelkerke from rcompanion package to get Pseudo r-squared.
When your predictor or outcome variables are categorical or ordinal, the R-Squared will typically be lower than with truly numeric data. R-squared merely a very weak indicator about model's fit, and you can't choose model based on this.

Logistic Regression Using R

I am running logistic regressions using R right now, but I cannot seem to get many useful model fit statistics. I am looking for metrics similar to SAS:
Does anyone know how (or what packages) I can use to extract these stats?
Here's a Poisson regression example:
## from ?glm:
d.AD <- data.frame(counts=c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12),
glm.D93 <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment,data = d.AD, family=poisson())
Now define a function to fit an intercept-only model with the same response, family, etc., compute summary statistics, and combine them into a table (matrix). The formula .~1 in the update command below means "refit the model with the same response variable [denoted by the dot on the LHS of the tilde] but with only an intercept term [denoted by the 1 on the RHS of the tilde]"
glmsumfun <- function(model) {
glm0 <- update(model,.~1) ## refit with intercept only
## apply built-in logLik (log-likelihood), AIC,
## BIC (Bayesian/Schwarz Information Criterion) functions
## to models with and without intercept ('model' and 'glm0');
## combine the results in a two-column matrix with appropriate
## row and column names
Now apply the function:
The results:
full intercept_only
logLik -23.38066 -26.10681
SC 57.74744 54.41085
AIC 56.76132 54.21362
anova(glm.D93,test="Chisq") gives a sequential analysis of deviance table containing df, deviance (=-2 log likelihood), residual df, residual deviance, and the likelihood ratio test (chi-squared test) p-value.
drop1(glm.D93) gives a table with the AIC values (df, deviances, etc.) for each single-term deletion; drop1(glm.D93,test="Chisq") additionally gives the LRT test p value.
Certainly glm with a family="binomial" argument is the function most commonly used for logistic regression. The default handling of contrasts of factors is different. R uses treatment contrasts and SAS (I think) uses sum contrasts. You can look these technical issues up on R-help. They have been discussed many, many times over the last ten+ years.
I see Greg Snow mentioned lrm in 'rms'. It has the advantage of being supported by several other functions in the 'rms' suite of methods. I would use it , too, but learning the rms package may take some additional time. I didn't see an option that would create SAS-like output.
If you want to compare the packages on similar problems that UCLA StatComputing pages have another resource: http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/r/dae/default.htm , where a large number of methods are exemplified in SPSS, SAS, Stata and R.
Using the lrm function in the rms package may give you the output that you are looking for.
