Why does SteamVR forget about my OpenVR dashboard app? - openvr

I set my application to auto-launch which does not throw any error and I can see my app in SteamVR:
auto apperror = vr::VRApplications()->SetApplicationAutoLaunch(applicationKey.c_str(), true);
if (apperror != vr::VRApplicationError_None) {
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Could not set auto start: ") + std::string(vr::VRApplications()->GetApplicationsErrorNameFromEnum(apperror)));
However if I restart SteamVR it seems to "forget" about my app and it is no longer listed.
This is my VR manifest:
"source" : "builtin",
"applications": [{
"app_key": "vrphotobuddy",
"launch_type": "binary",
"binary_path_windows": "vrphotobuddy-overlay.exe",
"is_dashboard_overlay": true,
"strings": {
"en_us": {
"name": "VR Photo Buddy",
"description": "VR Photo Buddy companion desktop app."
Why does SteamVR forget about my app?


Uncaught (in promise) Error: Missing host permission for the tab

I have declared <all_urls> permission inside my manifest.json file and I'm using the tabs.insertCSS() to inject some css code inside a page when needed. I'm facing the error Uncaught (in promise) Error: Missing host permission for the tab in firefox extension debugger, how I can fix?
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "myExtension",
"description": "",
"default_locale": "en",
"permissions": [
"icons": {
"16": "icons/16.png",
"48": "icons/48.png",
"128": "icons/128.png"
"background": {
"scripts": [
"persistent": true
const checkRequest = (details) => {
var blocked = ["https://www.example.com/", "https://www.example2.com/"]
var isBlocked = blocked.includes(details.url)
return { cancel: isBlocked }
const redirectAfterBlock = (details) => {
if( details.error == "NS_ERROR_ABORT" ){
file: browser.runtime.getURL('content-replace.css')
urls: ["<all_urls>"],
types: ["main_frame"]
urls: ["<all_urls>"]
Looks like I fixed it by inserting my CSS in webRequest.onCompleted instead of onBeforeRequest:
function (details) {
{ file: "content.css" }
{ urls: ["<all_urls>"] }
Downside is there's a flash of unstyled page.

How to implement push notification in KaiOS app

I am trying to implement push notification in KaiOS app. I simply follow below links.
W3C Push API
Push API introduction
Service Worker Cookbook - Web Push Payload
After follow all links the push is working in browser but not in KaiOS app.
If anybody have any sample code or documents please share.
Any help will be appriciated.
1) First, add this permission in manifest.webapp
"permissions": {
"description": "required for handle push."
"description": "New update push."
"desktop-notification": {
"description": "New content update notification for the user."
2) service worker file sw.js code
self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {
self.registration.showNotification('My Push', {
body: 'Push Activated',
self.addEventListener('activate', e => {
3) Add service worker on app start
registerSW : function() {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('./sw.js').then(function(reg) {
console.log('Service Worker Registered!', reg);
reg.pushManager.getSubscription().then(function(sub) {
if (sub === null) {
} else {
console.log('Subscription object: ', sub);
}).catch(function(e) {
console.log('SW reg failed');
4) Call service worker by any dom element like button
registerServiceWorker: function() {
Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) {
if (permission === 'granted') {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function(reg) {
userVisibleOnly: true
}).then(function(sub) {
console.log('Endpoint URL: ', sub.endpoint);
}).catch(function(e) {
if (Notification.permission === 'denied') {
console.warn('Permission for notifications was denied');
} else {
console.error('Unable to subscribe to push', e);
That's it.
I had same problem as this, but I followed this simple web push notification method,
as well as I fixed that issue and now It work properly. please don't forget to add permissions like below into the manifest.webapp file.
"permissions": {
"serviceworker": {
"description": "Needed for assocating service worker"
"desktop-notification": {
"description": "Needed for creating system notifications."
"notifications": {},
"push": {
"description": "Required for being updated with new goals in soccer matches"
"geolocation": {
"description": "Marking out user location"
"alarms": {
"description": "Scheduling alarms"
and as well as please refer this kaios documention for run the applicaion on kaios device.

Send push notification title to its invocation intent in Actions on Google

I'm sending push notifications in Actions on Google (ref this official documentation).
So once I send the notification I'm sending title in it. So it looks like this, where A Very Happy Birthday, Jay Patel is the title that I've sent.
So once I click on the notification, it opens Google Assistant and invokes the intent (configured in this step), but it doesn't specify any contexts or other data regarding that notification so I'm not getting a person name that I've specified in title or any other data.
I want to know, is there anyway so that I can pass some data(title or any other data of notification) to the invocation intent when a
person taps on the notification?
I'm getting this json response in my webhook when a person taps on the notification
"fulfillmentText":"Latest update is here!",
"Latest update is here!"
You can supply argument data using the argument field of the push message target.
Please view the reference for more detail:

alexa - audioPlayer.Play issue displaying content on Echo Show Now Playing screen

I am having issues understanding how to display images on the Echo Show inside the audioPlayer 'Now Playing' screen.
I am currently playing an audio file and want to display an image on the 'Now Playing' screen. The closest I have been able to get is the following code which displays the image and title just before the audio starts, but then disappears immediately and the Echo Show goes to the 'Now Playing' screen with no background image and no metadata. I feel I'm close, but just cannot understand how to update the 'Now Playing' screen, rather than the screen that comes immediately before it.
This is part of the code (which works as per above):
var handlers = {
'LaunchRequest': function() {
'PlayStream': function() {
let builder = new Alexa.templateBuilders.BodyTemplate1Builder();
let template = builder.setTitle('Test Title')
.setTextContent(makePlainText('Test Text'))
I have been looking at this page https://developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/audioplayer-interface-reference.html but cannot understand how to convert the structure of what is on that page into my code. I assume that, from the code on the page :
"type": "AudioPlayer.Play",
"playBehavior": "valid playBehavior value such as ENQUEUE",
"audioItem": {
"stream": {
"url": "https://url-of-the-stream-to-play",
"token": "opaque token representing this stream",
"expectedPreviousToken": "opaque token representing the previous stream",
"offsetInMilliseconds": 0
"metadata": {
"title": "title of the track to display",
"subtitle": "subtitle of the track to display",
"art": {
"sources": [
"url": "https://url-of-the-album-art-image.png"
"backgroundImage": {
"sources": [
"url": "https://url-of-the-background-image.png"
I somehow need to get this part :
"metadata": {
"title": "title of the track to display",
"subtitle": "subtitle of the track to display",
"art": {
"sources": [
"url": "https://url-of-the-album-art-image.png"
Into this block of my code :
(and could probably lose the .renderTemplate(template); part as it only flashes up briefly before the 'Now Playing' screen loads anyway.
Any ideas on how to achieve this?
Update :
I have added the following to index.js:
var metadata = {
title: "title of the track to display",
subtitle: "subtitle of the track to display",
art: {
sources: {
url: "https://url-of-the-album-art-image.png"
And modified the audioPlayer as follows :
And modified the responseBuilder.js as indicated:
audioPlayerPlay(behavior, url, token, expectedPreviousToken, offsetInMilliseconds, metadata) {
const audioPlayerDirective = {
playBehavior: behavior,
audioItem: {
stream: {
url: url,
token: token,
expectedPreviousToken: expectedPreviousToken,
offsetInMilliseconds: offsetInMilliseconds,
metadata : metadata
return this;
But I'm still not getting anything displayed on the 'Now Playing' screen.
For some reason the Echo Show is not updating in realtime and needs to be rebooted before it will show whatever is passed in the metadata variable, which is why I wasn't seeing any results.
Simply passing a variable as such works fine. I just need to find out why the content gets stuck on the 'Now Playing' screen and requires a reboot to work.
var "metadata": {
"title": "title of the track to display",
"subtitle": "subtitle of the track to display",
"art": {
"sources": [
"url": "https://url-of-the-album-art-image.png"
Just define your metadata as below. And pass it as a 6th argument to audioPlayerPlay;
"metadata": {
"title": "title of the track to display",
"subtitle": "subtitle of the track to display",
"art": {
"sources": [
"url": "https://url-of-the-album-art-image.png"
P.S. For this to work properly, You have to modify your node modules which you ll be zipping and uploading to lambda.
steps -
Go to your node_modules\alexa-sdk\lib and open responseBuilder file in it. And modify the code as follows-
audioPlayerPlay(behavior, url, token, expectedPreviousToken, offsetInMilliseconds, **metadata**) {
const audioPlayerDirective = {
playBehavior: behavior,
audioItem: {
stream: {
url: url,
token: token,
expectedPreviousToken: expectedPreviousToken,
offsetInMilliseconds: offsetInMilliseconds
**metadata : metadata**
return this;
P.S. - The node module modifications required only if you are using alexa-sdk version 1.
I know it's been years since this question was originally posted, but for those like me who stumble upon this now, make sure you use a unique token in the play directive because metadata is cached using that token.
See the yellow Important note in the following section https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/audioplayer-interface-reference.html#images
Important: The metadata for a given audio stream is identified by the
audioItem.stream.token included in the Play directive. Note that the
metadata associated with a particular audioItem.stream.token may be
cached in the Alexa service for up to five days, so changes to the
metadata (such as a different image, or a change to the title text)
may not be reflected immediately on the device. For instance, you may
notice this when testing if you experiment with different images or
title text for the same audio stream. You can send a new Play
directive with a different audioItem.stream.token to clear the cache.
And an example payload with a token:
"type": "AudioPlayer.Play",
"playBehavior": "valid playBehavior value such as ENQUEUE",
"audioItem": {
"stream": {
"url": "https://cdn.example.com/url-of-the-stream-to-play",
"token": "opaque token representing this stream",
"expectedPreviousToken": "opaque token representing the previous stream",
"offsetInMilliseconds": 0,
"content": "WEBVTT\n\n00:00.000 --> 00:02.107\n<00:00.006>My <00:00.0192>Audio <00:01.232>Captions.\n",
"type": "WEBVTT"
"metadata": {
"title": "title of the track to display",
"subtitle": "subtitle of the track to display",
"art": {
"sources": [
"url": "https://cdn.example.com/url-of-the-album-art-image.png"
"backgroundImage": {
"sources": [
"url": "https://cdn.example.com/url-of-the-background-image.png"

Recursively get all content file names under a folder in Alfresco 5.0 (by WebScripts)

So far I found the script to show the children:
It returns me something like:
"container": "workspace:\/\/SpacesStore\/8ef98a58-18f0-4f27-9fee-709f81ca0a65",
"create": true
"name": "MyPicture.jpg",
"title": "My Awesome Picture File",
"description": "Legen - wait for it - dary!!!",
"nodeRef": "workspace://SpacesStore/54acabf9-bf6b-42f0-8b68-bbe9732b29b8",
"itemType": "",
"edit": true,
"delete": true
"name": "MyFirstLevelFolder",
"title": "FirstLevel",
"description": "",
"nodeRef": "workspace://SpacesStore/181a36df-2892-4669-aac0-d13ff90457bb",
"itemType": "",
"edit": true,
"delete": true
which is the list of the child nodes of a level down.
Is there any way to:
Show ALL nodes recursively ??
And less important:
Filter only content objects for the answer (folders looped but not
Filter all the metadata but the name, the only important thing to me?
Here is an example of webscript which may help you. Create this webscript in alfresco.
<shortname>Get Documents</shortname>
<description>Display all Documents within Folder</description>
<format default="json">argument</format>
function main()
var node = [];
var folderName = args["foldername"];
node = search.luceneSearch("PATH:\"/app:company_home/cm:"+folderName+"/*\"");
model.totalItems = node.length;
model.results = node;
} main();
"totalItems": "${totalItems}",
[<#list results as node>
"name" : "${node.properties["cm:name"]?trim}"
}<#if (node_index + 1 < results?size)>,</#if>
After creating fire this query in browser:
Note: This will fetch child details of folders in company home only. Change lucene query in javascript file according to your requirement.
you can create your custom webscript instead of above which you have specified.Customize the webscript as per your requirement.
Below link is use full for creating webscript in alfresco.
