How do I add /lang to the Wordpress homepage url? - wordpress

How do I add a /lang to the home url of a Wordpress site? I've got a project with a special Wordpress multisite setup instead of a language plugin setup. I need to be able to set the homepage to without always having the /lang-1 in every url.
I've tried doing this via permalinks but Wordpress redirects to the link without /lang-1. Is there a way to fix this? I know how to change the home page but I want to change the link to the home page.

To set the home page with custom page
Click on Settings >> Reading in your admin dashboard.
Set Your homepage displays to A static page (2nd option)
Select the static page we created (lang-1) as the Homepage
4 .Click Save.


How to go from a worpress blog to a worpress website

I've initialize a wordpress blog, but it was an error because i'm looking for a wordpress website initialization.
How can i go from a worpress blog initializing to a wordpress website ?
They are one and the same, the only difference is setting a static home page.
After creating your home page you go to "Setting > Reading" and change the option "Your homepage displays" to static, in the dropdown under "Homepage" select the page you want to use.

Wordpress when I have set static front page then home page not working

I have created a page in admin panel. When I have set it to static front page from settings > reading the home page is totally blank. But when I removed this page as a home page and run the url like then it is working fine.
Can any one please tell me why it is happening. Is this a htaccess issue?

Wordpress main static page url

Wordpress 4.6.
I set a static page as main page. And now url of main page is url of my static page.
What I need to do to make such url: but not
If i understand correctly, you want to change the URI of your home page? Normally when your page is the home page, the page will not have any permalink like page_id=x.
I understand.
I have the plugin Polylang, that did 302 redirect to url of static page with prefix and permalink.
I change URL modifications settings - turn on checkbox "The front page url contains the language code instead of the page name or page id" and all is OK.
Go to your Wordpress admin pannel > Settings > Reading > Front page displays and select your front page name from the drop down.

WooCommerce remove parent folder from URL

I have installed wordpress and WooCommerce in folder "blog" (not root directory), so URL of this WP is
Now when visiting e-shop, I am getting URL
What I need is to rewrite URL of e-shop to (remove "blog/" from URL)
So when user clicks "blog", he will be redirected to
when "e-shop", redirect to
How to do it? Thanks for help.
You need to move Wordpress to the root directory instead.
This will solve your e-shop/ address issue; as for the blog, you can simply create a page in Wordpress, call it 'Blog', and then on the Settings -> Reading page in the Wordpress admin panel, set your new Blog page as the 'Posts Page'. This will move the blog back to for you, without affecting the address of the e-shop.
If you have Wordpress installed under the blog/ folder, everything that Wordpress does - including your blog and your Woocommerce setup - also have to be inside that folder.

Wordpress cannot find a link

I have a link in wordpress website. However, I cannot find the link to edit. I try to find it in pages and in template. I tried to edit a page but the page is empty. So where does wordpress placed my link? Is it in database or somewhere?
Homepage template can be index.php, home.php or front-page.php located in your theme's folder.
Find out which page is being loaded as your homepage in Settings -> Reading under Front page displays.
All the content in WordPress should also be accessible from within your Admin Panel. You have to find that out yourself. Only people who have access to the Admin Panel knows about that. Ask the person who was responsible for this if you must.
