How to add normal map to material in Qt 3D? - qt

I'm trying go apply normal map to QDiffuseSpecularMaterial or QMetalRoughMaterial. I Use QTextureImage to load the textures. When I try to apply normal material just becomes black, however, I don't have any issues with other maps (baseColor, ambientOcclusion, metalness and roughness)
What I've tried without success:
Changed direction of vertex normals, but vertex normals are correct
Swapped RGB channels in normal map texture - all the combinations. Also tried with grayscale texture
Mapped values in texture loaded in QPaintedTextureImage from (0, 255) to (0, 1) range
Thought that normal maps maybe don't work with QPointLight, so I've also added QDirectionalLight to the scene


TriangleMesh with a partially transparent material gives an unexpected result

Recently, i tried to make transparency work in JavaFX 3D as some of the animations i want to play on meshes use transforms that change the alpha of the mesh each keyframe.
However to my surprise, my TriangleMesh that uses a material which has transparent areas doesn't look as expected.
Current result(depth buffer enabled):
Result with depth buffer disabled for my TriangleMeshView: (this looks much closer to the result i was expecting)
However i don't really want to disable depth buffering because it causes other issues.
In case it matters, this is the diffuse map i used for my TriangleMesh: (1 pixel per triangle as my triangles have a color per face, 128 pixels per column).
I compute UV's for the TriangleMesh like this:
float u = (triangleIndex % width + 0.5f) / width;
float v = (triangleIndex / width + 0.5f) / (float) atlas.getHeight();
and then use these for each vertex of the triangle.
What's the proper way to render a TriangleMesh that uses a transparent material(in my case only part of the image is transparent, as some triangles are opaque)?
After a bit of research, i've found this which potentially explains my issue: however i am not sure whether this is what i should do or whether there's a better option.
Minimal reproducible example(this includes the same exact mesh i showed in my gifs): (used pastebin because it was 42k characters and the limit in stackoverflow is 30k) make sure to copy the raw data as the preview in pastebin stripped a few lines.
Update: a "fix" i found orders the triangles every time the camera moves the following way:
Take the camera's position multiplied by some scalar(5 worked for me)
Order all opaque triangles first by their centroids distance to the camera and then after that order all transparent triangles the same way.
I am not sure why multiplying the camera's position is necessary but it does work, best solution i've found so far.
I have not yet found a 'proper fix' for this problem, however this is what worked for me pretty well:
Create an ArrayList that'll store the sorted indices
Take the Camera's position multiplied by some scalar (between 5-10 worked for me), call that P
Order all opaque triangles first by their centroids distance to P and add them to the list
Order all triangles with transparency by their centroids distance to P and add them to the list
Use the sorted triangle indices when creating the TriangleMesh

How can I apply different normal map textures for different faces of a minecraft-like cubic terrain blocks in Unity?

I'm making a procedurally generated minecraft-like voxel terrain in Unity. Mesh generation and albedo channel texturing is flawless; however I need to apply different normal map textures for different cube faces regarding whether they're neighboring to another cube or not. Materials accepts only single normal map file and doesn't provide a sprite-sheet-editor kind of functionality for normal maps. So I have no idea about how to use selected slices out of normal map file as if they were albedo textures. I couldn't find any related resources about the problem. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks...
First of all, I'm not an expert in this area, though I am going to try to help you based on my limited and incomplete understanding of parts of Unity.
If there are a finite number of "normal face maps" that can exist, I suggest something like you indicated ("sprite sheet") and create a single texture (also sometimes called a texture atlas) that contains all these normal maps.
The next step, which I'm not sure whether the Standard material shader will be to handle for your situation is to generate UV/texture coordinates for the normal map and pass those along with your vertex xyz positions to the shader. The UV coordinates need to be for each vertex of each face; they are specified as a 2-D (U, V) offset into your atlas of normal maps and are floating point values with a range of [0.0, 1.0], that map to the full X and Y coordinates of the actual normal texture. For instance, if you had an atlas with a grid of textures in 4 rows and 4 columns, a face that should use the top-left texture would have UV coords of [(0,0), (0.25,0), (0.25,0.25), (0, 0.25)].
The difficulty here may depend if you are you using UV coordinates for doing other texture mapping (e.g. in the Albedo or wherever else). If this is the case, I think the Unity Standard Shader permits two sets of texture coordinates, and if you need more, you might have to roll your own shader or find a Shader asset elsewhere that allows for more UV sets. This is where my understanding of gets shaky, as I'm not exactly sure how the shader uses these two UV coordinate sets, and whether there is some existing convention for how these UV coordinate are used, as the standard shader supports secondary/detail maps, which may mean you have to share the UV0 set with all non-detail maps, so albedo, normal, height, occlusion, etc.

Using vertex colors and textures in Qt5

I am making a 2D interface in Qt5 and QML (Qt Quick 2.0) and I need to draw a guage (e.g. fuel or the like) that has different colors along it. For instance, it may be green for most of the arc, then become yellow, and finally red.
I have accomplished this by implementing a custom class derived from QQuickItem which creates a QSGGeometryNode and specifies geometry with vertex colors. The problem is that the edges are rough (aliased). FSAA seems overkill, so I want to texture my arc with a gradient that fades out at the edges to get a smooth look.
In order to get a custom material, I started with the simplematerial example:
This has texture coordinates, but no actual texturing (brilliant!). None of the "helper" material classes seem to support both vertex colors and texturing. QSGMaterial doc says nothing about texturing. How can I texture my vertex colored geometry?

GLSL - Vertex normals + normal mapping?

I'm trying to create a simple shader for my lighting system. Right now, I'm working on adding support for normal-mapping right now. Without normal-mapping, the lighting system works fine. I'm using the normals forwarded from the vertex shader, and they work perfectly fine. I'm also reading the normals from the normal map correctly. Without including the normal map, the lighting works perfectly. I've tried adding the vertex normal and the normal map's normal, and that doesn't work. Also tried multiplying. Here's how I'm reading the normal-map:
vec4 normalHeight = texture2D(m_NormalMap, texCoord);
vec3 normals = normalize(( * vec3(2.0) - vec3(1.0)));
So I have the correct vertex normals, and the normals from the normal map. How should I combine these to get the correct normals?
It depends on how you store your normal maps. If they are in world space to begin with (this is rather rare) and your scene never changes, you can look them up the way you have them. Typically, however, they are in tangent space. Tangent space is a vector space that uses the object's normal, and the rate of change in the (s,t) texture coordinates to properly transform the normals on a surface with arbitrary orientation.
Tangent space normal maps usually appear bluish to the naked eye, whereas world space normal maps are every color of the rainbow (and need to be biased and scaled because half of the colorspace is supposed to represent negative vectors) :)
If you want to understand tangent space better, complete with implementation on deriving the basis vectors, see this link.
Does your normal map not contain the adjusted normals? If yes, then you just need to read the texture in the fragment shader and you should have your normal, like so:
vec4 normalHeight = texture2D(m_NormalMap, texCoord);
vec3 normal = normalize(;
If your trying to account for negative values then you should not be multiplying by the vector but rather the scalar.
vec3 normal = normalize( ( * 2.0) - 1.0 );

Creating an rotating cone with dynamic segments using papervision

I'm trying to create a rotating cone using papervision where all the segments can be filled with a color / image separately. So just like you can use a MaterialsList to render all the sides from a Cube separately.
Also I'd like to be able to check if a specific segment is clicked.
(if you're still listening)
Easiest way I can think of is to apply texture to cone. Use some test texture with colored squares to learn how it maps to object; then you can replace patterns to your colored segments.
If you want to get perfectly sharp boundaries between segments, you should construct your cone yourself and assign material to each segment.
