Create Google Analytics User-Id reporting view through Management API - google-analytics

The title says it all...
While I can create a user-id reporting view through the Visual Interface in GA, I was wondering if there's anyway for me to do it from the Management API

I believe this is not possible via API, you can consider send userId as a custom dimension instead, which can be safely configured (and in my experience it provides a better result).


Google analytics API - how to create new account

Okay, some heads-ups as I feel I'm an idiot and missing some simple stuff. As far as I understand Google Analytics works with a 3 tiers system: account -> property -> view. and I should be able to manage these 3 levels via the google analytics management api.
For some context as to why I encounter this issue. I am making a CMS in which I want to register a new google analytics account per user, and a property per website this user has. (implementation and usage of views out of scope for now, I will implement those on a later date). To achieve all of this I started following Google's documentation on the Google Analytics Management API (according to Google this is what manages accounts, properties and views). Therefor I have made a service-user-account which should have enough permissions to manage GA-accounts.
However I can't seem to be able to create a new account via the API. Am I missing something obvious? Is it not possible at all this way? If so, how then? Because my goal is to have GA on every website, without the user having to config anything.
You can't do it. The management API only allows for the list operation on accounts:
The only solution would be to use the Provisioning API. It can be used to create new Google Analytics accounts and enable Google Analytics for your customers at scale:
Anyway, the Provisioning API is currently available by invitation only.

Google analytics using REST api

I want to add Google analytics manually on each pages and events in my website. Is there any ways to add Google analytics using REST api or any library in PHP. so i can track specific events of my website.
There is no REST API for Google Analytics. You will have to use one of the available libraries provided by Google.
To track particular events, you can use tag manager or simply use custom dimensions.
TL;DR, Google Analytics is great if all you ever use is their GUI dashboard. If you need API access, go with another service.
If you need to access analytics data programmatically, especially if you are using NodeJS, I suggest you use some other service besides Google. Their documentation is incredibly lacking, they try to pigeon-hole you into using a client library rather than steering you in the direction of a REST API, and authenticating is a nightmare. The new v4 API purportedly consists of a single endpoint that you need to query with a complex combination of HTTP body and query params. Again, documentation is nearly non-existent.

Is it possible to integrate google analytics dashboard to our own website?

I want to show google analytics dashboard to my users. It is not possible to give access of "google analytics dashboard" to all users. So I want to integrate it on my own website. Will it be possible to integrate google analytics dashboard on a particular website?
This question gets asked quite a bit. It is important to understand the security model for the API. All Google APIs use OAuth2.0 to authenticate the user. This is designed to make it easy to use the API to access the Users's data on behalf of the user. In contrast you will need to do work to show Your data to your users.
With that said, an example of what you are looking for is the Server side Auth example provided by the Analytics API team.
The simplest answer is to query the API on the server side, with a service account and serve that data as you serve any other data to your users. Read the scenarios in detail, and pick one that best suits your end goals. Understand how the API views the following entities.
A User uses an application.
A Developer develops Application.
An Application has a project id and its associated credentials.
A user authorizes an application to access their data via the API.
You are breaking this paradigm because you are the user and developer from the API's perspective. You want to share your data with people who are not authorized to view it, so you will need to use a service account to access that data and share it directly with your users.
Also remember to add the service account to Analytics View you wish it to access.
Check out EmbeddedAnalytics if you prefer not to get bogged down learning oAuth2, the CoreReporting API, and lastly a charting tool. We simplify the process. All you do is create your chart and embed a snippet of code in your site where you want the chart/dashboard to show.

Allowing user access to analytics

I would like to enable (some) of my users to view my website's analytics data.
Our website has a bunch of groups where users can add content. I would like to enable certain users (group admins), to view usage statistics for that specific group. Ofcourse the data should only be accessable to those users with the VIEW_ANALYTICS right, not to any others.
Is there any way to do this in Google Analytics, or is there some other platform I could use to easily achieve this goal (we use AWS for our hosting)?
The Google Embed API allows you to display analytics data in your own pages. Pages that are only accessible to the members of your VIEW_ANALYTICS group.
You can create a service account and give it the appropriate access in the analytics user management for the property.
You also authorize the service account to use the embed API in the developers API console. (I don't have enough points to include more than two links in an answer.) In the API console you can generate a private key (p12 or json format) which you then use on your server to authenticate the request for analytics data.
You don't say which technologies you are using, but they show Java and Python examples of how to set up the authentication by the Service Account. I've also seen some node.js and php libraries.
This way you don't have to manage who has access through the google anayltics admin system, you just need to control who has access to your "dashboard" page.
I have done this all with client-side javascript and it works. Of course the client-side nature means that anybody who knows how to use browser debug tools can get our private-key, but in our particular case I'm not worried about it. On the other had it seem like you need to keep some security around this so I wouldn't recommend the client-side solution.

Google Analytics API: Create a new profile

Is it possible to create a new profile via the Google Analytics API?
This way we can automatically register the tracking when we have new landingpages created.
I am curious if anyone is working with an automated way of automatically setting up GA tracking.
Yes! The Google Analytics Management API has changed... As you can see from the documentation, available methods for profiles are delete, get, insert, list, patch and update.
You can even insert new Web Properties, but beware of the 20 properties per account limit.
No - the Google Analytics Management API is read-only. As you can see from the documentation, the only available method for accounts, properties, and profiles is list.
