Sending attachment file via http post request - inputstream

I'm trying to send attachment file from youtrack to another system (in this example to trello) without the use of image url but its content
I cannot send it as image url in youtrack because my system is closed and accessible to only those that have vpn.
Problem is with reading inputStream from content of attachement in workflow. I symply have no idea how to do it and youtrack documentation havent touched it (as far as my research goes)
Code: (with truncated not important parts)
exports.rule = entities.Issue.onChange({
action: function(ctx) {
var link = '/1/cards/' + issue['trelloIssueId'] + '/attachments';
issue.comments.added.forEach(function(comment) {
comment.attachments.forEach(function(attachment) {
var response = connection.postSync(link, {
file: attachment.content,
mimeType: attachment.mimeType
requirements: {}
from this I got error:
TypeError: invokeMember (forEach) on jetbrains.youtrack.workflow.sandbox.InputStreamWrapper#677a561f failed due to: Unknown identifier: forEach
How do I have to prepare content to ba abble to send it with postSync method?

It looks like you tried to iterate over issue.comments.added while the loop should be executed over issue.comments as there is no added key for an issue's comments Set as per the following documentation page suggest:
Please let me know if that works.


Using Graph in Outlook addin to read email in MIME format

I am getting lost with Outlook addin development and really need some help.
I have developed an addin that sends selected email to another server via REST API and it worked fine, but there was a limitation to 1MB so I tried to develop a solution that use ewsURL + SOAP but faced with CORS issues.
Now I got a suggestion to use GRAPH approach (fine with me) but I have no idea how that suppose to work using JavaScript.
Basically I need to get an email as MIME/EML format.
I was guided to check this article:
There is endpoint that looks promissing:$value
But I do not see explanation
how to make authorization process?
I have tried to get token from getCallbackTokenAsync but that did not work
I have tried Office.context.auth.getAccessTokenAsync but getting an issue:
Error code: 13000 Error name: API Not Supported.
Error message: The identity API is not supported for this add-in.
how to get email id
I have tried to do Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId but it looks different compare to what I have seen in the examples (but hopefully that is not a problem)
Please help :-)
There are 2 solutions here. It is preferred longer term to use graph end point with and you can use$value. However this solution requires a backend / service . Transferring through backend is preferable for large content so the content can transfer directly from Exchange to the service.
Alternatively, you can get token from getCallbackTokenAsync, from this doc:
As you noted is that you will need to translate the ews id using convertToRestId. Putting together, your solution should look something like this:
Office.context.mailbox.getCallbackTokenAsync({isRest: true}, function(result){
if (result.status === "succeeded") {
let token = result.value;
var ewsItemId = Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId;
const itemId = Office.context.mailbox.convertToRestId(
// Request the message's attachment info
var getMessageUrl = Office.context.mailbox.restUrl +
'/v2.0/me/messages/' + itemId + '/$value';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', getMessageUrl);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
console.log("error occurred");

how to add attachments in email package in Meteor

It looks like the email package in Meteor now allows adding attachments similar to how MailComposer does. On my server I have:
Meteor.startup( function() {
process.env.MAIL_URL = "smtp://<my maligun info here>";
sendEmail: function (to, from, subject, text, attachment) {
// Let other method calls from the same client start running,
// without waiting for the email sending to complete.
to: to,
from: from,
subject: subject,
text: text,
attachment: attachment
Inside the app I'll have a helper like:{
'click #send-donate-email': function() {
var attachment = {
fileName: "Demographics3.numbers",
filePath: "/Users/Opal/Desktop/Demographics3.numbers"
var emailCompose = document.getElementById('compose-donate-email').value;
var emailSubject = document.getElementById('subject-donate-email').value;'sendEmail',
"", //Session.get('keyDonateEmailSendList'),
I can get emails to send, but sending but there's no attachments. And the documentation is confusing. Anyone have any more info on this? I'm missing something somewhere.
Problem solved. Two mistakes in my code. In the Email.send method, it needs to read
"attachments: <some name>" not "attachment: <some name>".
The second issue is the making sure one specifies the correct absolute path, which in my case on a Mac would be:
"Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/Users/Opal/Desktop/<filename>"
I have found that Apple .numbers files aren't openable, but they will attach. Other files should be OK.

How do I setup meteor to receive events from an external API?

I have registered my web address (let's just call it https://mywebaddress/callbacks) with this external API and it will now send me JSON when it completes an action. I don't need to initiate anything outbound to it, I just need to receive the JSON and store it.
JSON data will be receive via POST
Paul's link sent me in the right direction. (
Then I found the section titled "WebApp.connectHandlers and connect".
I used the code found there, but in my instance there was an error in the code. I had to change the first line from var connect = Npm.require('connect'); to var connect = Meteor.require('connect');
Here is the code below.
// necessary to parse POST data
var connect = Meteor.require('connect');
// necessary for Collection use and other wrapped methods
var Fiber = Npm.require('fibers');
.use(connect.urlencoded()) // these two replace
.use(connect.json()) // the old bodyParser
.use('/getUserProfile', function(req, res, next) {
// necessary for Collection use and other wrapped methods
Fiber(function() {
var userId = req.body.userId;
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
Then to test that this was working I used I changed the destination to POST and added a header of content-type - application/json. I then pasted in the body some JSON that I knew came from balanced. If you need a tool to see what is actually being posted to your server you can use

Node.JS Multipart upload to facebook graph

I'm trying to upload a photo to facebook and I can't find seem to get the multipart upload working. I can't find any documentation or libraries that do this. Has anyone else had any luck with this?
Check out the restler library for this instead. I've used it for this exact purpose, and it works great.
Here is some modified code from their examples to show how a file POST would go.
// multipart request sending a file and using https'', {
multipart: true,
data: {
'sound[message]': 'hello from restler!',
'sound[file]': rest.file('doug-e-fresh_the-show.mp3', null, null, null, 'audio/mpeg')
}).on('complete', function(data) {

In Node.JS, when I do a POST request, what is the maximum size? [duplicate]

I created an upload script in node.js using express/formidable. It basically works, but I am wondering where and when to check the uploaded file e. g. for the maximum file size or if the file´s mimetype is actually allowed.
My program looks like this:'/', function(req, res, next) {
req.form.on('progress', function(bytesReceived, bytesExpected) {
// ... do stuff
req.form.complete(function(err, fields, files) {
console.log('\nuploaded %s to %s', files.image.filename, files.image.path);
// ... do stuff
It seems to me that the only viable place for checking the mimetype/file size is the complete event where I can reliably use the filesystem functions to get the size of the uploaded file in /tmp/ – but that seems like a not so good idea because:
the possibly malicious/too large file is already uploaded on my server
the user experience is poor – you watch the upload progress just to be told that it didnt work afterwards
Whats the best practice for implementing this? I found quite a few examples for file uploads in node.js but none seemed to do the security checks I would need.
With help from some guys at the node IRC and the node mailing list, here is what I do:
I am using formidable to handle the file upload. Using the progress event I can check the maximum filesize like this:
form.on('progress', function(bytesReceived, bytesExpected) {
if (bytesReceived > MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE) {
console.log('### ERROR: FILE TOO LARGE');
Reliably checking the mimetype is much more difficult. The basic Idea is to use the progress event, then if enough of the file is uploaded use a file --mime-type call and check the output of that external command. Simplified it looks like this:
// contains the path of the uploaded file,
// is grabbed in the fileBegin event below
var tmpPath;
form.on('progress', function validateMimetype(bytesReceived, bytesExpected) {
var percent = (bytesReceived / bytesExpected * 100) | 0;
// pretty basic check if enough bytes of the file are written to disk,
// might be too naive if the file is small!
if (tmpPath && percent > 25) {
var child = exec('file --mime-type ' + tmpPath, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
var mimetype = stdout.substring(stdout.lastIndexOf(':') + 2, stdout.lastIndexOf('\n'));
console.log('### file CALL OUTPUT', err, stdout, stderr);
if (err || stderr) {
} else if (!ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES[mimetype]) {
console.log('### ERROR: INVALID MIMETYPE', mimetype);
} else {
form.removeListener('progress', validateMimetype);
form.on('fileBegin', function grabTmpPath(_, fileInfo) {
if (fileInfo.path) {
tmpPath = fileInfo.path;
form.removeListener('fileBegin', grabTmpPath);
The new version of Connect (2.x.) has this already baked into the bodyParser using the limit middleware:
I think it's much better this way as you just kill the request when it exceeds the maximum limit instead of just stopping the formidable parser (and letting the request "go on").
More about the limit middleware:
