Date Function for Access Query - datetime

I am pulling data from 4 tables in a combination of 3 queries. All 3 queries contain one field that is common "PurchaseOrderNo", I also have a "DateUpdated" & "TimeUpdate" field I think I might be able to use for this issue. The final query produces some filtered data and only the information needed. I am trying to figure out how to specify the query to only produce new data results since the query was last run, if that makes sense. this is my SQL, ignore the filters in place already. Date format = MM/DD/YYYY Time format = ##.####
SELECT po_detail2.PurchaseOrderNo, po_detail2.VendorNo, po_detail2.ItemCode, po_detail2.LotSerialNo, IM068_MXPUnivProdCode.UDF_UNIQUE_KEY, Right([UDF_UNIQUE_KEY],1) AS SIZE_INDEX, Left([UDF_UNIQUE_KEY],Len([UDF_UNIQUE_KEY])-1) AS INVENTORY_KEY
FROM po_detail2 LEFT JOIN IM068_MXPUnivProdCode ON po_detail2.LotSerialNo = IM068_MXPUnivProdCode.LotSerialNo
WHERE (((po_detail2.PurchaseOrderNo)="0056334" Or (po_detail2.PurchaseOrderNo)>"0056334") AND ((po_detail2.ItemCode)="K500" Or (po_detail2.ItemCode)="PC55"))
ORDER BY po_detail2.PurchaseOrderNo DESC;

I ended up using a qry that would send a timestamp to a table then filtering the results since the last qry was run. This is my qry SQL.
INSERT INTO tblQueryLastRun ( dtmQueryLastRun )
VALUES (Now());


SQL in Power Query using ODBC

I have a Table with following Columns:
Account_No, Start_Date, End_Date
I downloaded this table into power query using SQL Select command through ODBC.
Now i want to get sum and count of transactions of all accounts given in the above table from Start_Date to End_Date from another Table. e.g. Transaction_Table. What should i do to get my desired results.
You probably don't need Power Query at all at this point.
Assuming your DB server is MS SQL Server 2008 or higher,
WITH t1([Account_No], StartDate, EndDate) As
SELECT [Account_No], StartDate = MIN([Start_Date]), EndDate = MAX([End_Date])
FROM Table1
GROUP BY Account_No
, Amount = SUM([Field_Transaction_Total])
, [Transaction_Count] = COUNT([Field_Transaction_ID])
FROM [Transaction_Table] t2
INNER JOIN t1 ON t2.[Account_No] = t1.Account_No
AND t2.[Field_Transaction_Date] BETWEEN t1.StartDate AND t1.EndDate
You can also use a copy of a query inside WITH block to get this table with accounts and dates to Excel, if you need it.
If you use another SQL Server, just refactor this code, I hope you've got the idea.
You could use a GROUP BY statement in the SQL you wrote, or you could filter the table based on the Start_Date to the End_Date and then right-click on the column you want to count and choose Group By.
I would start a new Query based on your Transaction_Table. Then I would add a Merge step, joining to your 1st Query on Account_No. Then I would Expand the Start_Date and End_Date from the generated NewColumn.
Next I would Add a Custom Column, and write a formula like this:
= [Transaction_Date] >= [Start_Date] and [Transaction_Date] <= [End_Date]
The resulting column will show TRUE or FALSE. Filter for TRUE.
Finally I would add a Group By step to Sum and Count as required.
I hope I've understood your requirement correctly - it wasn't really clear from your question.

Whats the best way to query DynamoDB based on date range?

As part of migrating from SQL to DynamoDB I am trying to create a DynamoDB table. The UI allows users to search based on 4 attributes start date, end date, name of event and source of event.
The table has 6 attributes and the above four are subset of it with other attributes being priority and location. The query as described above makes it mandatory to search based on the above four values. whats the best way to store the information in DynamoDB that will help me in querying based on start date and end date fairly easy.
I thought of creating a GSI with hashkey as startdate, rangekey as end date and GSI on the rest two attributes ?
My table in DynamoDB will have 6 attributes
EventName, Location, StartDate, EndDate, Priority and source.
Query will have 4 mandatory attributes
StartDate, EndDate, Source and Event Name.
Thanks for the help.
You can use greater than/less than comparison operators as part of your query
So you could try to build a table with schema:
(EventName (hashKey), "StartDate-EndDate" (sortKey), other attributes)
In this case the sort-key is basically a combination of start and end date allowing you to use >= (on the first part) and <= (on the second part)... dynamodb uses ASCII based alphabetical ordering... so lets assume your sortKey looks like the following: "73644-75223" you could use >= "73000-" AND <= "73000-76000" to get the given event.
Additionally, you could create a GSI on your table for each of your remaining attributes that need to be read via query. You then could project data into your index that you want to fetch with the query. In contrast to LSI, queries from GSI do not fetch attributes that are not projected. Be aware of the additional costs (read/write) involved by using GSI (and LSI)... and the additional memory required by data projections...
Hope it helps.

New to sqlite and database work, how do I do this query?

I have a project I am working on and I am wanting to create a query that involves two tables from my database as pictured below.
What I want from the query is if DMN_LIST_COLS on the DOMAIN data table equals 1 I want to retrieve all the values from DMV_VALUE_1 of the DOMAIN_VALUE data table. What is the correct format for this query?
I know the query below is incorrect but how do I change this?
Give this a try:
If DOMAIN.DMN_LIST_COLS contains actual numbers instead of text, you will want to remove the single quotes surrounding the 1 in the WHERE statement.

Selecting the most recent date from a table in PeopleSoft using Peoplesoft Query (Max() doesn't work)

I am building a query in people soft using Peoplesoft query manager.
I am trying to pull the most recent date from the date column. I have tried using max() as an expression, however, the query doesn't pull any records.
I have checked with another co-worker and they have never been able to pull records using max().
Is there any other way or workaround to pull the most recent record?
So I figured out why no results were returned when using Max in a subquery. It was more from a lack of understanding PeopleSoft and SQL since I am relatively new to it. When I was setting the date column in the subquery as max for the aggregate to be used as criteria to compare to the date column in the main query I didn't make any criteria in the subquery. This meant that the subquery would go through all dates for all employees except for the employee that I was specifying in a prompt and returning a value that didn't match any of the dates for the employee in the main query and returning no one. This was fixed by setting a criteria in the subquery that the employee ID that had to be searched in the subquery matched the one that was typed into the prompt in the main query
Use effective date for doing such searches while using PSQuery.
Use Effective date in order to get the most recent date, max may not work properly in PeopleSoft. Query should be effective dated
PS Query has built in filters for EFFDT tables. When you add a criteria on the EFFDT field, there are some additional drop down choices on the "condition type" field like 'Eff Date <' and 'Eff Date <=', etc. Usually, when you create a query for an Effective dated table, PS Query will automatically add the subquery based on the 'Eff Date <=' condition type.

Basic SQL count with LINQ

I have a trivial issue that I can't resolve. Currently our app uses Linq to retrieve data and get a basic integer value of the row count. I can't form a query that gives back a count without a 'select i'. I don't need the select, just the count(*) response. How do I do this? Below is a sample:
return (from io in db._Owners
where io.Id == Id && io.userId == userId
join i in db._Instances on io.Id equals i.Id **select i**).Count()
The select i is fine - it's not actually going to be fetching any data back to the client, because the Count() call will be translated into a Count(something) call at the SQL side.
When in doubt, look at the SQL that's being generated for your query, e.g. with the DataContext.Log property.
Using the LINQ query syntax requires a select statement. There's no way around that.
That being said, the statement will get transformed into a COUNT()-based query; the select i is there only to satisfy the expression system that underlies the LINQ query providers (otherwise the type of the expression would be unknown).
Including the select will not affect the performance here because the final query will get translated into SQL. At this point it will be optimized and will be like select (*) from ......
