How do I create a URL that points to a specific BMC Trackit ticket? - issue-tracking

Our IT group uses BMC Track-It! I'd like to create a URL that takes me directly to a specific ticket (#13239).
Here's the URL to the Track-It system:
The URL that Track-It! emails to "...view the request here" just takes me a generic TrackIt page -- not the specific item:
I used Firefox dev tools to watch what the server does when I click on "my tickets" then on the specific ticket. It sends these POST URLS, but they just return JSON data:
Is it possible to format a URL that will take me directly to my ticket?
I want the format of a URL that I can put into an email or a JIRA ticket. Clicking in that link should take the user to our existing TrackIt system and display a known Ticket / Issue / Item / Case.


Hide URL parameters in Spring

How to Hide query String URL in Spring MVC
We are using third party URL, when we hit the URL it open a PDF, we want to hide some parameters in query string URL. In the URL there pass invoice number and Date both parameter we want to hide, when we hit URL in any ways.
If we cannot hide the using query string while using URL tag? What is the alternative for the above scenario.
URL: http://abcxyz/GetDocument?DocumentClass=INV&invno=098765546&invdt=11/01/2016
You may be able to use a POST request rather than a GET, that way the parameters do not appear in the url, but this will depend on whether the third party will support a POST request.
A GET request will always show the params in the url. If you leave out the parameters, the request probably can't be completed properly.
A user would still be able to see what was sent even if using a POST request or javascript to fetch the document. Their browser's development tools will show the requests and the parameters. This makes sense since it's their browser that is making the request and you can't stop them from checking what data they are sending out or receiving.
One way I can think of is to have your server request the page from the third party and serve that to the user's browser. That way your user will be requesting the data from your server and doesn't need to know about the third party at all, you will have control over the url that serves the pdf.
One caveat I would add is that you might want to check the third party's terms of service to see if this would violate them.

How to link from browser to

I am using the Paw app for testing API calls to many different endpoints. We have our own admin web app where we can lookup endpoints that I want to test. Now I am copying the URL and pasting it into Paw and then copying the username or API key separately.
It would be awesome if I could add a custom "Open in Paw" link, that prefills the endpoint and auth details. Paw itself uses a "paw://" link for their new serial number registration.
Is it possible to use that schema to do this?
I could not found any documentation on this.
It is possible to use paw:// schema for the custom link.
It should start with either paw://current.document/open? or paw://new.document/open?
Then you can choose to open text or URL and give it a url-encoded value like
Then choose one of our importers from for importing the format of your text/url-resource and include the identifier in the link &importer=com.luckymarmot.PawExtensions.cURLImporter
So the full link can look like this paw://current.document/open? login to website is failed in jmeter 2.9

First I have added HTTP proxy server and recorded whole login and logout action.
after running script in view result tree, i have selected HTTP(downloaded) but in response data it is displaying an error message to enter your email address and enter your password error.
Please help me to solve this problem.....
Note: Username and password fields are in home page. So, i have to login through home page.
First of all try adding a HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan which should be smart enough to deal with sessions and cookies.
I also recall that ASP.NET powered websites require dynamic parameter called VIEWSTATE or something like that. You'll additionally need to add some correlation to your tests, t.w.
Open Home Page
Obtain VIEWSTATE value via Regular Expression Extractor Post Processor and store it to a JMeter Variable, i.e. ASPNET_VIEWSTATE
Add a corresponding parameter to next request in "Parameters" stanza as VIEWSTATE = ${ASPNET_VIEWSTATE}

Sample rest url to retrieve content from alfresco

I want to retrieve content of sample.html inside catalog folder in alfresco using restful.
From alfresco document i got the following rest url to retrieve content of a document. But i dont know exactly what is property, stor_type, store_id,id and attach.
GET /alfresco/service/api/node/content{property}/{store_type}/{store_id}/{id}?a={attach?}
It would be grateful if someone explains me the above rest url properties and provide me a example.
The CMIS Web Scripts Reference and the Repository RESTful API Reference give a little more information (but no examples).
property is the property of the node to follow in order to obtain the content - this will default to cm:content so can generally be omitted
store_type will normally be "workspace" for live application data - see this forum discussion on store types etc
store_id will be "SpacesStore" for normal files - see this forum discussion on other stores
id is the unique identifier for the node (within a given store), e.g. 986b162e-0867-4a7b-9f4f-0e3837cdc97b
attach - if true, force download of content as attachment (defaults to false) - I think this is to trigger "Save as..." in a browser rather than directly streaming the content?
Example GET URL (untested - and of course you'd need to use a valid host, port and id)
Together, the store_type, store_id and id form a NodeRef which uniquely identifies a node, e.g.
There are a couple of examples (though not of this exact API call) on Jeff Potts' tutorial on Curl and web scripts.
If you want to download a file by name and path (without already knowing the node ID) then you will need to use another API, as the one you are using requires you to know the node ID.
This page mentions a direct download URL that accepts a path and filename, e.g.
Depending on access controls, you may need to add the login ticket parameter to this URL, e.g. &alf_ticket=1234567890, where 1234567890 is the security ticket provided by the login URL.
Note: although I refer to the CMIS Web Scripts Reference above, see also this posting and Jira ticket that state that CMIS web script URLs are deprecated, i.e. ( /alfresco/service/cmis and /alfresco/cmis)

Submitting a form to a different server in Alfresco

I am very new to Alfresco and was trying to ascertain if it's possible to create a web form that submits to a different server. The form would exist in Alfresco but we need a different server to process the submitted form, which in this case would be a file upload.
The following assumes you are trying to post to a second Alfresco server from the first one. Yes it is possible to do this. You would need to do the following
Get a valid authentication to the remote Alfresco server (eg. grab a ticket using the login webscript)
Wrap you form data into a JSON object
Post the JSON object to the remote Alfresco server and handle the response appropriately.
On the remote Alfresco server you will need a WebScript or servlet to handle the POST and send the appropriate JSON response.
If you're using alfresco share, here's an idea of how I solved a similar problem:
First, we have 1 dashlet with the original form. This forms action is another alfresco dashlet. The user puts the desired data here and submits the form.
Now, the form, upon submit calls another of our dashlets.
The other dashlet executes a server side script first. It goes something like this:
var url = '
var connector = remote.connect("http");
var result =;
Then the other dashlet gets rendered - you can either inject the response html in the original dashlet, open this new dashlet as a "You're fine" popup window or whatever you need, I suppose.
(late answer)
Depending a little on how your form is called in Share, page definition, Javascript or Share-Config; you can set the submission URL for the form
