In LightningChart-JS how to reverse the x-axis numbers from ascending to descending - lightningchart

I have a lineseries chart using LightningChart-JS, I need the x-axis numbers to be in descending order. The order of how the x,y points were added we're in descending order. Please help.
test lineseries

To invert the Axis, you can use Axis.setInterval.
chart.getDefaultAxisX().setInterval(1, -1)
As long as automatic fitting is enabled, the actual values don't matter.
Rather the key part is that the start value is higher than end value, resulting in inverted axis.


How to account for outliers in a histogram? - R/Matlab

I am wondering if there is a way to account for outlier in a histogram plot. I want to plot the frequencies of a random variable, which is very small and distributed around zero. However, in most of the cases I am considering I also have an outlier that complicates things. Is there a way to adjust the scale of the x axis in R/Matlab so that I can capture the distribution of the random variable I am considering and also show the outlier? Because normal ways to obtain the plot result in such a scale that all values are considered to be zero, and I want to show how they are distributed around zero. So ideally I would like to have the scales around zero accounting for very small numbers and than after a gap (which does not necessarily have to be proportional to the actual distance from zero) a bin to indicate the value of the outlier. And I do not want to remove the outlier from the sample.
Is such a thing possible in R/Matlab? Any other suggestions would be welcome.
Edit: The problem is not in identifying the outliers and using a different color for them. The problem is in adjusting the scales on the x-axis so I can observe the distribution of the variable as well as have the outlier included in the plot.
The next code will do the job, but you need to change the Xticklabels of the axes in order to make them show the real value of the outliers.
% modify the data for plotting pourposes. Get the outliers closer
expected_maximum_value=1; % You can compute this useg 3*sigma maybe?
% plot
%% trick the X axis
ax.XTickLabel{end-1}=[ax.XTickLabel{end-1} '//'];
ax.XTickLabel{end}=['//' num2str(outlier_mean)];

Is there a way to plot a frequency histogram from a continuous variable?

I have DNA segment lengths (relative to chromosome arm, 251296 entries), as such:
The range goes from 0 to 2, and I would like to make a continuous relative frequency plot. I know that I could bin the values and use a histogram, but I would like to show continuity. Is there a simple strategy? If not, I'll use binning. Thank you!
I have created a binning vector with 40 equally spaced values between 0 and 2 (both included). For simplicity's sake, is there a way to round each of the 251296 entries to the closest value within the binning vector? Thank you!
Given that most of your values are not duplicated and thus don't have an easy way to derive a value for plotting on the y-axis, I'd probably go for a density plot. This will highlight dense segment lengths i.e. where you have lots of segment lengths occurring near each other.
d <- c(0.24592963, 0.08555043, 0.02128725)
plot(density(d), xlab="DNA Segment Length", xlim=c(0,2))

Creating a 2-D plot using three parameters in IDL

I am able to create a 2-D plot using two parameters in IDL, i.e., star formation rate (y-axis) vs. time (x-axis).
But I would like to include the redshift (another variable) corresponding to each data point, say, as the top x-axis. It didn't work when I tried adding the third variable to PLOT procedure, and I have not been able to find any discussion on how to accomplish this online. Any help is appreciated.
First run PLOT.PRO with the NODATA keyword set and XAXIS=4 and YAXIS=4 to suppress each axis. Then you can use the AXIS.PRO program to define each axis. Then you can use OPLOT.PRO to draw the points of Z vs. X and Z vs. Y, where Z = star formation rate, X = time, and Y = redshift. Look up details on the [XYZ]AXIS keywords to determine which axis to draw at each time. You can even color each axis using the COLOR keyword with the AXIS.PRO program.
The only trick is that you will have to scale the Y data points to the X-axis scale prior to plotting because you will explicitly define the [XYZ]RANGE when calling PLOT.PRO (well you could do the converse and scale it to Y and redefine X, it's your choice). You need to do this scaling because OPLOT.PRO and, say, PLOTS.PRO use the original [XYZ]RANGE defined when calling PLOT.PRO to convert device coordinates to data coordinates.
Does that make sense?
first call PLOT, TIME, SFR with XSTYLE=9 to force exact range and suppress the top x-axis
then use the AXIS procedure to create the top x-axis
be careful with the ticks of that axis, which you want to correspond to a REDSHIFT that you compute from the TIME variable
example with a bottom x-axis in velocity and a top y-axis in frequency:
> plot, vel, spec, xsty=9, xtick_get=xtick, xtit='Velocity (km/s)', ytit='Antenna Temperature (K)'
> axis, !x.crange[0], !y.crange[1], xaxis=1, xtickv=((ref_freq - ref_freq/299792.458*xtick)), xtickformat='(F8.3)', xticks=n_elements(xtick)-1, xrange=(ref_freq - ref_freq/299792.458*minmax(!x.crange)), chars=1.5
You could always set the color to be the third dimension (ie. color or size).

Bar plot with broken y-axis and log x-axis

I am looking to present a variable as a bar plot with the caveat that the groups I am trying to plot (the size of an object) vary over several orders of magnitude. The other complication of the data is that the variable y also varies over several orders of magnitude when positive as well as having negative values. I usually think in pictures so I have sketched something along the lines that I am looking for below (the colour would simply be a function of the distance from zero, i.e. white zero, dark blue very negative, dark red very positive etc):
Here is a real case of the data if required:
x <- c(1.100e-08, 1.200e-08, 1.300e-08, 1.400e-08, 1.600e-08, 1.700e-08, 1.900e-08, 2.100e-08, 2.300e-08, 2.600e-08, 3.100e-08, 3.500e-08, 4.200e-08, 4.700e-08, 5.200e-08, 5.800e-08, 6.400e-08, 7.100e-08, 7.900e-08, 8.800e-08, 9.800e-08, 1.100e-07, 1.230e-07, 1.380e-07, 1.550e-07, 1.760e-07, 3.250e-07, 3.750e-07, 4.250e-07, 4.750e-07, 5.400e-07, 6.150e-07, 6.750e-07, 7.500e-07, 9.000e-07, 1.150e-06, 1.450e-06, 1.800e-06, 2.250e-06, 2.750e-06, 3.250e-06, 3.750e-06, 4.500e-06, 5.750e-06, 7.000e-06, 8.000e-06, 9.250e-06, 1.125e-05, 1.375e-05, 1.625e-05, 1.875e-05, 2.250e-05, 2.750e-05, 3.100e-05)
y <-c(1.592140e+01, -1.493541e+01, -6.255603e+00, -2.191637e+00, -1.274086e+00, -1.343391e+00, -8.869018e-01, -7.717447e-01, -6.140710e-01, -5.637220e-01, -5.404424e-01, -3.473077e-01, -2.279666e-01, -1.945254e-01, -2.485636e-01, -2.363181e-01, -2.197054e-01, -2.119314e-01, -1.897220e-01, -1.656779e-01, -1.478176e-01, -1.364191e-01, -1.297830e-01, -1.408082e-01, -1.514742e-01, -1.311300e-01, -1.358422e-01, -2.718636e+00, -2.231532e+00, -3.479395e+00, -3.572720e+00, -2.297957e+00, -3.265428e+00, -5.449620e+00, -7.741435e+00, -1.172256e+01, 9.368365e+00, 1.078983e+02, 9.542029e+01, 1.484089e+02, 2.293383e+02, 3.678836e+02, 7.965286e+02, 1.349151e+03, 1.577808e+04, 4.554271e+05, 1.821730e+06, 8.092310e+04, 1.015619e+06, 2.113788e+06, 5.208331e+06, 4.534863e+06, 8.086026e+06, 1.577413e+07)
I could also plot this as a scatterplot with broken axis but I am currently playing with the a nice approach to display such data- important for me is highlighting at the approximate value of x that y changes sign as well as the variability and magnitude of both the positive and negative values. Any tips and advice you have plotting such data would be great.
Edit based upon comments
I realise that on my graph x and y are the wrong way around, apologies for that. Parameter x should indeed be on the x-axis and parameter y on the y-axis.
Taking on board your suggestions I would be better to plot this data as a scatterplot. Accepting that I still need to break my axis at a relevant value of y (not x as shown in the figure) and have a log scale above this value and linear scale below. Somewhere below the smallest "positive" value of y seems sensible for this break. Can this be done using base r?
I guess something like this but with the split on the y-axis rather than the x-axis and in r of course.

How to control xtics in gnuplot

As the title says, I want to control the range and the amount of xtics. I use gnuplot for plotting data files in which the horizontal axes is usually time (t) taking values in the interval [0, t_max]. OK, now let's suppose the following scenario:
The maximum value of time is 4086 and this particular value is not known beforehand. However, it can be found using
stats "data.out" u 1
set xrange [0:STATS_max]
My question is how can I round up the maximum value of t to the closest hundred (4100 in this case)? Also, is there a way to tell gnuplot to print only 5 ticks at the horizontal axes regardless of its range (rounding up the maximum value to the closest hundred, or decade it will always be divided by 5)?
Many thanks in advance!
To round up to the closest hundred, just use the ceil function:
set xrange[0: 100*ceil(STATS_max/100.0)]
Regarding the xtics, you can only set the start, increment, end, and explicit tic position of the tics, but not the number of ticks. But since you set the xrange manually, you can use this information to calculate the tic frequency:
x_lim = 100*ceil(STATS_max/100.0)
set xrange[0: x_lim]
set xtics x_lim/4.0
