Change opacity of glb 3D model with aframe - aframe

I am trying to make a web app where I can use world tracking to view a 3D model. I am trying to change the opacity of the model using the material property of the a-entity tag, however it does not seem to be working. any idea on how to change the opacity of my 3D object in order to make it translucent?
geometry="primitive: box"
scale="0.5 0.5 0.5"
material="transparent: true; opacity 0.1"
animation-mixer="clip: idle; loop: repeat"
hold-drag two-finger-spin pinch-scale>

GLTF models come with their own materials included in the model file. These are handled by THREE.js rather than AFrame, so in order to access their properties you have to search through the elements object3D, using something like this:
this.el.object3D.traverse((child) => {
if (child.type === 'Mesh') {
const material = child.material;
// Do stuff with the material
material.opacity = 0.1;
See the THREE.js documentation on Materials and Object3D for more detail.
Also, I noticed you have both a geometry primitive and a gltf-model on that entity. Not sure how well those two things can co-exist, if you want both a box and the model you should probably make one a child of the other.

E Purwanto's answer above works for me with an addition of setting transparency true:
this.el.object3D.traverse((child) => {
if (child.type === 'Mesh') {
const material = child.material;
// Do stuff with the material
material.transparent = true; // enable to modify opacity correctly
material.opacity = 0.1;


Animate Opacity of Aframe Shadow

So, I've been messing around with opacity fade-in/fade-outs of glTF models in Aframe, and have achieved good results using Piotr Adam Milewski's model-opacity script (from here), and have looped my daisy-chained animation sequences using Tired Eyes' animation-manager script (from here).
However, I'm having difficulties trying to work out how to also animate the opacity of the model's shadow, as at the moment its shadow still remains visible after the model is no longer visible.
Demo Link 👇
I've remixed a Glitch (of Ada Rose Cannon's AR Starter Kit) which you can find here to show what I mean (see line 204 in the Glitch for the model fade-in/out).
I'd be really grateful if anyone can shed any light on whether it's possible to animate the Aframe shadow to match the model's opacity. Many thanks, in advance, for any advice 🙂
I'm afraid a built-in solution is not yet ready (issue / PR)
For a single object, you could just use a ShadowMaterial, which has a opacity property, which could be animated along with the objects opacity:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
AFRAME.registerComponent("relative-shadow", {
schema: {
target: { type: "selector" }
init: function() {
const mesh = this.el.getObject3D("mesh"); // grab the mesh
const oldMaterial = mesh.material; // store the old material
mesh.material = this.material = new THREE.ShadowMaterial(); // apply a shadow material
oldMaterial.dispose(); // dispose the old material
update: function() {
this.opacitySource =["model-opacity"]; // react to the target being set
tick: function() {
if (!this.opacitySource) return; // wait until we can access the opacity value
// update the opacity using the t-rex material opacity from the component
this.material.opacity =;
<a-asset-item id="spino" src=""></a-asset-item>
<a-gltf-model id="trex" position="0 1 -4" shadow="cast: true" scale="0.5 0.5 0.5" src="#spino" model-opacity
animation="property: model-opacity.opacity; to: 0; dur: 1000; dir: alternate; loop: true;"></a-gltf-model>
<a-plane rotation="-90 0 0" scale="40 40 40"
relative-shadow="target: #trex" shadow="receive: true"></a-plane>
<a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky>
For multiple objects, a simple yet effective solution would be faking shadows - have transparent radial gradient images below the objects like in the threejs fundamentals example. You could control the opacity of each one of them:
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" src=""></iframe>

Aframe gltf-model demo with envmap

It's very convenient to load GLTF- model in aframe, but no case is found that contains envmap texture. I'd like to see that the official can provide the same case as three official. pmremGenerator.fromEquirectangular(texture) function is used to make gltf model produce real reflection effect
One way would be creating a custom component, which will:
wait until the model is loaded
traverse through the object's children
if they have a material property - apply the envMap
The envmap needs to be a CubeTexture - which adds another level of complication, when you want to use a panorama. You can use a the WebGLRenderTargetCube - It's an object which provides a texture from a Cube Camera 'watching' the panorama.
Overall The component code could look like this:
// create the 'cubecamera' objct
var targetCube = new THREE.WebGLRenderTargetCube(512, 512);
var renderer = this.el.sceneEl.renderer;
// wait until the model is loaded
this.el.addEventListener("model-loaded", e => {
let mesh = this.el.getObject3D("mesh");
// load the texture
var texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( URL,
function() {
// create a cube texture from the panorama
var cubeTex = targetCube.fromEquirectangularTexture(renderer, texture);
mesh.traverse(function(node) {
// if a node has a material attribute - it can have a envMap
if (node.material) {
node.material.envMap = cubeTex.texture;
node.material.envMap.intensity = 3;
node.material.needsUpdate = true;
Check it out in this glitch.
I was having the same issue and i found that cube-env-map from a-frame-extras works like a charm.
View component on GitHub
Its docs describe it as:
Applies a CubeTexture as the envMap of an entity, without otherwise
modifying the preset materials
And the code is super simple:
yarn add aframe-extras
import 'aframe-extras'
gltf-model="src: url('/path/to/file.glb')"
cube-env-map="path: /cubeMapFolder/;
extension: jpg;
reflectivity: 0.9;">
In THREE demo, I remember that WebGLRenderTargetCube was used to produce envmap, but recently it was found thatPMREMGenerator was basically used to generate envmap texture with mipmap. It also supports HDR image format, making gltf model better than JPG texture.
I don't know how these JS modules PMREMGenerator and RGBELoader are used together with the components of Aframe. Can someone provide such an example in Aframe ,Thanks
That's the same High dynamic range (RGBE) Image-based Lighting (IBL) using run-time generated pre-filtered roughness mipmaps (PMREM)

animating a custom attribute in a custom component

I am attempting to animate a material property that is buried inside of a gltf-model (that has many objects). I can find the parameter and animate it with a tick event, and it looks like this
It almost works, but animating with formulas is a nightmare. Instead I want to control it with the animation component. Unfortunately, exposing the parameter directly seems impossible, as I have to use getObject3D.traverse() just to locate the object, and then get the parameter.
Instead I have made a custom attribute (in schema) and and animating that attribute. And in the update function, I'm using that attribute to drive the buried parameter. It should work, but I can't seem to get a response in the update function. Iow, my custom attribute is not animating.
AFRAME.registerComponent('matclipplane', { // attached to gltf-model tree
clipHeightA:{type: 'number', default: 0}
init: function () {
let el = this.el;
let comp = this;
comp.treeModels = [];
el.addEventListener('model-loaded', function(ev){
let mesh = el.getObject3D('mesh');
if (node.isMesh){
comp.modelLoaded = true;
update: function(){
console.log("update"); // returns nothing. no update from
animating attributes clipHeightA
let comp = this;
if (comp.modelLoaded){
comp.treeModels[1] =;
AFRAME.registerComponent("click-listener", { // attached to box button
dir:{type:"boolean", default: false}
init: function(){
let el=this.el;
let data =;
el.addEventListener("click", function(evt){
let tree = document.querySelector('#tree');
data.dir = !data.dir;
el.setAttribute("material",'color', 'orange');
} else {
<a-entity id="tree" gltf-model="#tree" scale="5 5 5"
animation__grow="property: clipHeightA; from: 0; to: 1;
startEvents: grow; dur: 500"
<a-entity id="button" geometry="primitive: box" material="color:orange;
metalness: 0.5" scale="0.2 0.2 0.2" class="clickable" click-listener></a-
<a-entity id="mouseCursor" cursor="rayOrigin: mouse" raycaster="objects:
here is the glitch in progress
Clicking on the orange cube should launch the uv reveal animation. I expect that calling a custom component attribute should trigger an update event, but the update does not log in the console.
Not sure how to animate a parameter inside a gltf.
Do I have to implement the animejs component directly inside my custom component?
Or can this be done with the animate component?
According to the docs you can animate properties through
object3D like animation="property: object3D.x"
components like animation="property: components.myComp.myProp"
I don't see it mentioned (although it's used in the docs) but it also works when you provide the property as the components attribute:
animation__grow="property: matclipplane.clipHeightA;"
glitch here. You can see update is being called.
Also tree was an id of both the asset and the component, therefore grow was emitted on the asset item.

How do I use the setting "Park (Day)" for the environment under Lighting from the gltf viewer to A-Frame?

I'm trying to load a gltf model (link) to A-frame, but it appears dark, I've checked it using the link and the difference is that in the gltf viewer, under lighting, there's a field called environment which is set to "Park (Day)".
with environment set to: None
with environment set to: Park (Day)
How do I apply this setting to my model in A-Frame?
The other difference is the gammeOutput property which I have already fixed with "colorManagement: true" in the a-scene renderer.
Currently using version 0.9.0 of A-Frame
If you see an image being reflected by the model, it's an environment map. Its used when you want your object to reflect its surroundings or any other environment.
You can set it on primitives with either envMap (cubemap) or sphericalEnvMap (360 image) property:
<a-sphere material="roughness:0; sphericalEnvMap: #myImage>
Check it out in this fiddle.
With models, you'd need to dig in a bit deeper. You'd need to traverse the model, and set each mesh envMap property:
let texture = THREE.TextureLoader()
const mesh = element.getObject3D('mesh');
const envMap = texture;
if (!mesh) return;
mesh.traverse(function (node) {
if (node.material && 'envMap' in node.material) {
node.material.envMap = envMap;
node.material.needsUpdate = true;

Using superhands component in a-frame, is it possible to rotate grabbed objects without using physics?

I am using the updated super-hands component in a-frame. I have replicated the basic example from the docs (see below).
<title>Most Basic Super-Hands Example</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<a-entity sphere-collider="objects: a-box" super-hands hand-controls="left"></a-entity>
<a-entity sphere-collider="objects: a-box" super-hands hand-controls="right"></a-entity>
<!-- hover & drag-drop won't have any obvious effect without some additional event handlers or components. See the examples page for more -->
<a-box hoverable grabbable stretchable draggable dropppable color="blue" position="0 0 -1"></a-box>
Which works well out of the box when it comes to grabbing objects and being able to affect their position, but not their rotation. I wondered if it was possible, (without using physics and adding a static body to the controller) to affect the rotation of the targeted objects?
I have been able to get the rotation working by adding the relevant mixin and phase-shift component from this example but given it seems possible to grab objects affecting their position I wondered if I could modify the basic example to change the rotation instead of the position (ideally I would be able to choose whether to affect position, rotation or both). I guess I'm imagining perhaps creating another component like rotatable or maybe a build on the grabbable component like grabbable="property: rotation" that I could add to the target objects.
I would like to know if this is possible in general as I would like to understand the component better so as to have more control. To give some context for this particular question however, I have a situation where the super-hands controllers are children of a dynamic-body and once a static-body is added, it causes problems with the behaviour of the parent dynamic-body.
Any advice appreciated as ever, if you need any more info, please let me know.
If you want the rotation without physics, you'll need to implement your own version of grabbable that does the matrix math. It would go something like this:
tick: (function () {
const grabeeMatrix = new window.THREE.Matrix4()
const ignoreScale = new window.THREE.Vector3()
return function () {
if (this.grabber) {
grabeeMatrix.multiplyMatrices(this.parentOffsetMatrix, grabeeMatrix)
// using decomp over direct Object3D.matrix manipulation
// keeps in sync with other A-Frame components
// let stretchable manage scale
resetGrabber: function () {
if (!this.grabber) {
return false
// save difference between grabber world matrix and grabee world matrix
// save difference between grabee world and local matrices
return true
