Hide a given combining character from HTML - css

I have HTML that contains text with accent marks (U+0301 - a combining character) to denote stress. I'd like to be able to show and hide the accents with a checkbox. Some of the HTML is dynamically generated.
Is there a way to do this with CSS only? (no JavaScript and no enclosing all occurrences of U+0301 in tags)
One idea I tried was to use a custom font that renders U+0301 as an empty glyph - it does hide U+0301 in isolation, but fails to hide it when it's combined with another character.


Apply CSS to the content rendered by {{expression}} in angular js 2

Let us assume the output it will give is
Now I wanted to have values after and before "-" to have different colors.
Since it is coming from an expression I don't know how to proceed. I tried building pipes for formatting but it did not work.I am not allowed to split JSON
and populate and style the divs separately.
You can't set css on expression because it is not an html element. If you want to split at '-' and set different color to each part you need to put the parts in two elements (like span or div) and set css on the elements.

Line Height in SSRS

Is there a way to adjust the line height in SSRS? I have a requirement on a legal document to have a bigger line height.
From what I have read, the Textbox.LineHeight property only affects html. I have converted the text inside the textbox to html, set the LineHeight property, but nothing changed.
I also tried adding custom CSS to the report (using old school line-height: {x} pt; inside a style tag), but to no avail - that isn't supported in the SSRS environment.
Here is an example what I need - How can I achieve this?
Does SSRS even support this?
Converting the text to an expression and adding a double VbCrLf will not be feasible as I need to only add a partial line height
You could add an expression on the Padding.Bottom property.
=IIF(IncreaseHeight, "20pt", "2pt")
If the text is already multiple lines, format the textbox to accept HTML. Replace the line breaks with a white character in a larger font followed by a <br/> tag.
<span style=""font-size=12pt; color:white;"">|</span><br/>
If your text is all on the same line, do the above for each space in your text. Using a bar "|" should be enough to represent the space between words. If not, use a thicker character.

ASP.NET drowdownlist item text preceding blank space is not rendered

I need to indent some dropdownlist item texts to right based upon a condition. For this I simply add blank space to the left of those item text, however they don't get rendered and the texts get trimmed. Here's what I've tried so far:
Left padded certain texts right in the database (the dropdown list is populated from database)
item.Text=" "+item.Text;
item.Text=" "+item.Text;
None of the above methods work. What is the proper way of doing this? I don't want to go CSS.
Here is the jsfiddle
I think this is more a HTML then ASP.NET issue. In HTML spaces are trimmed between elements. The spec determined that 'non-significant' whitespace must be removed.
You have to use to make a 'significant' whitespace which will be rendered when at the start or end of an element.

Respect space in code but ignore with CSS?

With CSS can I make a browser ignore the character but respect normal white space?
So this:
Some text More text
Is displayed like this:
Some text More text
Some text More text
UPDATE There is actually more white space in my code. I need the default behavior where extra white space doesn't get rendered on the page so I dont think I can use white-space: pre or pre-wrap
So this shouldn't be excessively indent before the initial word.
Some text More text
I don't think there's a pure CSS way of doing that, since is an actual character that is different from the whitespace created by the spacebar in a text editor (what gets ignored by HTML renderers). However, depending on how those are appearing, you may be able to use a script that searches for and removes that character wherever it sees it.

Drupal views strip HTML - Paragraphs sticking together

I'm using Drupal 6 and Views 2 to display titles and a summary of the body of some content. I wanted to strip out the HTML so that tables and images etc don't display in the node summary. It is preferable in this situation to trim the body rather than use the 'teaser'.
However, when paragraph and line break HTML is removed, the sentences get 'stuck together' - for example:
This is a paragraph. It has two sentences.
This is a second paragraph.
This is a paragraph. It has two sentences.This is a second paragraph.
There is no space after the second period. How can I strip out the HTML but somehow insert spaces in these situations (or achieve a similar result)?
Click on the field under 'Fields header' eg node:body body and there you will find 'strip HTML' right below trim option. Check that option and you will get desired result.
