Kusto result column name, bin value from request_parameters - azure-data-explorer

Using query_parameters, how can I:
specify a result column name (ex: summarize ResultColumnName = count())
specify the value of a bin, when value is actually the name of a column in the table
This is easiest to summarize with an example:
let myTable = datatable (Timestamp:datetime)
let UntrustedUserInput_ColumnName = "MyCount"; // actually from query_parameters
let UntrustedUserInput_BinValue = "Timestamp"; // actually from query_parameters
let UntrustedUserInput_BinRoundTo = "365d"; // actually from query_parameters
// the query I really want to perform
| summarize MyCount=count() by bin(todatetime(Timestamp), totimespan(365d));
// what the query looks like if I use query_parameters
| summarize UntrustedUserInput_ColumnName=count() by bin(todatetime(UntrustedUserInput_BinValue), totimespan(UntrustedUserInput_BinRoundTo));
Timestamp MyCount
--------- -------
1909-09-26T00:00:00Z 1
1929-09-21T00:00:00Z 1
1996-09-04T00:00:00Z 2
Column1 UntrustedUserInput_ColumnName
------- -----------------------------
I can't find a solution to #1.
It appears #2 can almost be solved by using column_ifexists, but I don't have a "default" to fall back on, I'd rather just fail if the column doesn't exist.

Treating column names as variables is not possible since columns names are part of the result schema coming out of each operator (with the exception of the "evaluate" operator, see specifically the pivot plugin).

There actually is a way to set variable names to a column, using a hacky trick:
let VariableColumnName = "TestColumn"; // the new column name that you want
range i from 1 to 5 step 1 // this is just a sample query
| project pack(VariableColumnName, i) // this created a JSON
| evaluate bag_unpack(Column1) // unpacking the JSON creates a column with a dynamic name
This will return a column named TestColumn, which is set in VariableColumnName.


Kusto Query Dynamic sort Order

I have started working on Azure Data Explorer( Kusto) recently.
My requirement to make sorting order of Kusto table in dynamic way.
// Variable declaration
let SortColumn ="run_date";
let OrderBy="desc";
// Actual Code
| take 10
|distinct column1,column2,column3,run_date
|order by SortColumn OrderBy
Here My code working fine till Sortcolumn but when I tried to add [OrderBy] after [SortColumn] kusto gives me error .
My requirement here is to pass Asc/desc value from Variable [OrderBy].
Kindly assist here with workarounds and solutions which help me .
The sort column and order cannot be an expression, it must be a literal ("asc" or "desc"). If you want to pass the sort column and sort order as a variable, create a union instead where the filter on the variables results with the desired outcome. Here is an example:
let OrderBy = "desc";
let sortColumn = "run_date";
let Query = tblOleMeasurments | take 10 |distinct column1,column2,column3,run_date;
(Query | where OrderBy == "desc" and sortColumn == "run_date" | order by run_date desc),
(Query | where OrderBy == "asc" and sortColumn == "run_date" | order by run_date asc)
The number of union legs would be the product of the number of candidate sort columns times two (the two sort order options).
An alternative would be sorting by a calculated column, which is based on your sort_order and sort_column. The example below works for numeric columns
let T = range x from 1 to 5 step 1 | extend y = -10 * x;
let sort_order = "asc";
let sort_column = "y";
| order by column_ifexists(sort_column, "") * case(sort_order == "asc", -1, 1)

Kusto Query Language: How to save column of results into a variable?

Lets say I have a query like:
| distinct * // distinct combinations of data
| take 5 // take 5
How do I save the values from a column in the results output to a pack_array variable.
I want to use this pack_array variable for follow on queries like:
| where ColumnofInterest in (pack_array_var from above)
| take 5 // take 5
Provide the "*" argument to the function and use the "let" statement. Here is an example:
let ValuesFromTheOtherCluster = cluster('cluster1').database('db2').Table3
| extend tempArray = pack_array(*)
| summarize filters = make_set(tempArray);
| where ColumnofInterest in (ValuesFromTheOtherCluster)

Can I use tabular parameters in Kusto user-defined functions

Basically I'd like to pass in a set of field values to a function so I can use in/!in operators. I'd prefer to be able to use the result of a previous query rather than having to construct a set manually.
As in:
let today = exception | where EventInfo_Time > ago(1d) | project exceptionMessage;
What is then the signature of MyAnalyzeFunction?
See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/kusto/query/functions/user-defined-functions
For instance, the following will return a table with a single column (y) with the values 2 and 3:
let someTable = range x from 2 to 10 step 1
let F = (T:(x:long))
range y from 1 to 3 step 1
| where y in (T)

sqlite - how do I get a one row result back? (luaSQLite3)

How can I get a single row result (e.g. in form of a table/array) back from a sql statement. Using Lua Sqlite (LuaSQLite3). For example this one:
SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE name ='myTable';
So far I note:
using "nrows"/"rows" it gives an iterator back
using "exec" it doesn't seem to give a result back(?)
Specific questions are then:
Q1 - How to get a single row (say first row) result back?
Q2 - How to get row count? (e.g. num_rows_returned = db:XXXX(sql))
In order to get a single row use the db:first_row method. Like so.
row = db:first_row("SELECT `id` FROM `table`")
In order to get the row count use the SQL COUNT statement. Like so.
row = db:first_row("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS count FROM `table`")
EDIT: Ah, sorry for that. Here are some methods that should work.
You can also use db:nrows. Like so.
rows = db:nrows("SELECT `id` FROM `table`")
row = rows[1]
We can also modify this to get the number of rows.
rows = db:nrows("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS count FROM `table`")
row = rows[1]
Here is a demo of getting the returned count:
> require "lsqlite3"
> db = sqlite3.open":memory:"
> db:exec "create table foo (x,y,z);"
> for x in db:urows "select count(*) from foo" do print(x) end
> db:exec "insert into foo values (10,11,12);"
> for x in db:urows "select count(*) from foo" do print(x) end
Just loop over the iterator you get back from the rows or whichever function you use. Except you put a break at the end, so you only iterate once.
Getting the count is all about using SQL. You compute it with the SELECT statement:
SELECT count(*) FROM ...
This will return one row containing a single value: the number of rows in the query.
This is similar to what I'm using in my project and works well for me.
local query = "SELECT content FROM playerData WHERE name = 'myTable' LIMIT 1"
local queryResultTable = {}
local queryFunction = function(userData, numberOfColumns, columnValues, columnTitles)
for i = 1, numberOfColumns do
queryResultTable[columnTitles[i]] = columnValues[i]
db:exec(query, queryFunction)
for k,v in pairs(queryResultTable) do
You can even concatenate values into the query to place inside a generic method/function.
local query = "SELECT * FROM ZQuestionTable WHERE ConceptNumber = "..conceptNumber.." AND QuestionNumber = "..questionNumber.." LIMIT 1"

sqlite returns 0 rows

SELECT skill_name, character_name, cb_id, cb_id2 FROM characterbasics, characterskills WHERE characterbasics.character_name = 'Joe' & characterbasics.cb_id = characterskills.cb_id2
This, for some reason, returns 0 rows
The character name is in there (as well as 2 other dummy names).. and both cbid and cbid2 are the same.
When i try the query without the & cbid=cbid2 i get the name with the other data.. now when i check for JUST cbid=cbid2 i get 3 different dummy characters i created...
im trying to pull all "skills" associated with one character by matching the id of the character name in table 1 with the character id in table 2
Where have I erred?
cn = character name
cn cbid cbid2
Joe 2 2
This is what it SHOULD look like..
You cant use & as logical AND operator (& is binary operator), so sql should look like :
SELECT skill_name, character_name, cb_id, cb_id2
FROM characterbasics, characterskills
WHERE characterbasics.character_name = 'Joe' AND characterbasics.cb_id = characterskills.cb_id2
