Convert a vector of tuples in an array in JULIA - julia

I'm quite new to Julia and I'm trying to convert a vector of tuples in array.
Here's an example
using Statistics
a = randn((10, 100))
q = (0.05, 0.95)
conf_intervals = [quantile(a[i,:], q) for i in 1:10]
and conf_intervals is a 10-element Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}.
The expected result should be a 10×2 Matrix{Float64}
I tried splatting conf_intervals with [conf_intervals...] but the vector doesn't change.
Thank you very much

You can use a comprehension:
mat2x10 = [tup[k] for k in 1:2, tup in conf_intervals]
mat10x2 = [tup[k] for tup in conf_intervals, k in 1:2]
Or you can just re-interpret the same memory. This is more fragile -- it won't work for all vectors of tuples, e.g. Any[(i, i^2/2) for i in 1:10]. But for Vector{Tuple{Float64, Float64}}:
if VERSION >= v"1.6"
reinterpret(reshape, Float64, conf_intervals)
reshape(reinterpret(Float64, conf_intervals), 2, :)
mat2x10 == ans # true

You need to use collect to convert tuples to vectors, and then you can combine them:
julia> hcat(collect.(conf_intervals)...)
2×10 Matrix{Float64}:
-1.59757 -2.10057 -1.4437 -1.32868 -1.10686 -1.41256 -1.5696 -1.67288 -1.51947 -1.72257
1.24604 1.61692 1.77684 1.3599 1.90853 1.30831 1.10667 1.58356 1.56811 1.70685
If you need to transpose the result, add an apostrophe ' end the end of the command


MethodError with julia: cannot `convert` an object of type Matrix{ComplexF64}

I was working with Scilab and I decide to work with Julia however there are some errors which I didn't arrive to solve. For instance, I would like to fill out a vector using values of a given function but I got this error. Here is the code that I used:
using LinearAlgebra
A = [5/12 -1/12; 3/4 1/4]; c=[1/3;1]; b=[3/4; 1/4];
N = 10; T = 4; ts = (0:N)*T/N;
dt = T/N; λ = 10^(-14/(2*N+1));
m=length(c) ;
em0=b'/A # b^t * inv(A)
em1 = 1 .-em0*ones(m,1)
γ(z) =#. z/(1.0 -z*em1)
The over-arching issue you are facing is that, coming from Scilab, you are probably not used to distinguishing scalars, vectors and matrices. Like in Matlab, Scilab scalars are really 1x1 matrices, and vectors are really Nx1 or 1xN matrices.
This is very different in Julia. A scalar is not the same as a 1x1 matrix, and a vector is not the same as a Nx1 matrix. You should therefore take care to distinguish them. In particular, you should avoid creating a matrix, zeros(M, 1), when what you really need is a vector, zeros(M).
The direct reason for the error message is that γ(im) is a matrix, because em1 is a matrix:
julia> γ(im)
1×1 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
0.0 + 1.0im
u_hat is also a matrix of ComplexF64, and you are trying to assign a matrix as one of its elements, which naturally won't work, only scalar values can be elements of a Matrix{ComplexF64}.
I took the liberty of writing a cleaned up version of your code:
A = [5/12 -1/12; 3/4 1/4]
# use commas when defining vectors (this is just about style)
b = [3/4, 1/4]
N = 10
## None of the below variables are used. Try to make your example minimal
c = [1/3, 1]
T = 4
dt = T/N;
ts = (0:N) .* dt
λ = 10^(-14/(2*N+1))
m = length(c)
############### <- not used
# prefer vectors over 1xN or Nx1 matrices
em0 = A' \ b
# dot product of a vector and a vector of ones is just a sum, but super-wasterful and slow.
em1 = 1 - sum(em0)
# don't use global variables(!!!), and remove the `#.`
γ(z, a) = z / (1 - z * a)
# use vectors, not 1xN matrices, and directly create a complex matrix instead of converting a real one.
û = zeros(ComplexF64, N+1)
# Now this works
û[1] = γ(im, em1)
I renamed u_hat to û for fun.
Also: remember to put your code in a function, always.
Just in the case of locating the root of the problem:
The problem is where you declared the em1 as em1 = 1 .-em0*ones(m,1). Since the output of the em0*ones(m,1) is expected to be a scalar, you can grasp it using the only function (I don't argue with your approach, and that's out of the interest of this answer):
julia> using LinearAlgebra
# Note that with this modification, there isn't any need for `#.` anymore.
julia> γ(z) = z/(1.0 -z*em1)
γ (generic function with 1 method)
julia> A = [5/12 -1/12; 3/4 1/4]; c=[1/3;1]; b=[3/4; 1/4];
N = 10; T = 4; ts = (0:N)*T/N;
dt = T/N; λ = 10^(-14/(2*N+1));
#This is where the problem can be solved
em1 = 1 - only(em0*ones(m,1));
0.0 + 1.0im
julia> u_hat
1×11 Matrix{ComplexF64}:
0.0+1.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im … 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im

how to perform reduce(hcat, <Vector{Vector}>) by TensorCast.jl?

Is it possible to do the following via TensorCast.jl as well?
#This is an object of type Vector{Vector{Float64}}
julia> a = [rand(5) for i=1:5];
julia> reduce(hcat, a)
5×5 Matrix{Float64}:
0.0678613 0.266194 0.183221 0.485462 0.873282
0.735101 0.925276 0.956102 0.333281 0.885147
0.323555 0.74204 0.135538 0.26123 0.261068
0.81847 0.917006 0.0118195 0.295497 0.712431
0.420139 0.0197552 0.0617039 0.157477 0.500931
I tried something super silly, I guess (😰):
julia> #reduce b := hcat(a)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching guesstarget(::Nothing, ::Vector{Any}, ::Vector{Any})
Closest candidates are:
guesstarget(::Expr, ::Any, ::Any) at C:\Users\Shayan\.julia\packages\TensorCast\mQB8h\src\macro.jl:1330
Just do:
#cast b[j,i] := a[i][j]
julia> a = [rand(3) for _ in 1:2]
2-element Vector{Vector{Float64}}:
[0.20012490537057803, 0.0365551498875093, 0.02494737196890595]
[0.6563493855249903, 0.181706254856571, 0.29210798163726615]
julia> #cast b[j,i] := a[i][j]
3×2 lazystack(::Vector{Vector{Float64}}) with eltype Float64:
0.200125 0.656349
0.0365551 0.181706
0.0249474 0.292108
julia> (#cast b[j,i] := a[i][j]) == reduce(hcat, a)
The variables i and j are used by #cast to define the matrix layout - we have a Vector of Vectors and hence on the right side you can see a[i][j], := defines a new Matrix and b[j,i] says where the corresponding i and j elements should go. Note that you do not declare i and j variables - this is handled by the macro.
Finally, note that if you want the result to be materialized to an actual matrix (rather than a lazystack) you can next do collect(b)

How to port C++ union to Julia

I am trying to port some code and now I've hit a sticky bit. The original code is in C++. I need to port a union that has two 32 bit ints (in an array) and a double.
So far I have:
I1 = UInt32(56) # arbitrary integer values for example
I2 = UInt32(1045195987)
# do transforms on I1 and I2 as per the code I'm porting
A = bits(I1)
B = bits(I2)
return parse(Float64, string(A,B))
Is this the way to do it? The string operation seems expensive. Any advice appreciated.
I also come from mostly C/C++ programming, and this is what I do to handle the problem:
First, create an immutable type with two UInt32 elements:
immutable MyType
Then you can convert a vector of Float64 to that type with reinterpret.
For example:
julia> x = [1.5, 2.3]
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> immutable MyType ; a::UInt32 ; b::UInt32 ; end
julia> y = reinterpret(MyType, x)
2-element Array{MyType,1}:
julia> x[1]
julia> y[1]
julia> y[1].a
julia> y[1].b
Note: the two vectors still point to the same memory, so you can even update elements, using either type.
julia> x[1] = 10e91
julia> y[1].a
julia> y[1].b
julia> y[1] = MyType(1,2)
julia> x[1]

Re. partitions()

Why is
julia> collect(partitions(1,2))
0-element Array{Any,1}
returned instead of
2-element Array{Any,1}:
and do I really have to
x = collect(partitions(n,m));
y = Array(Int64,length(x),length(x[1]));
for i in 1:length(x)
for j in 1:length(x[1])
y[i,j] = x[i][j];
to convert the result to a two-dimensional array?
From the wikipedia:
In number theory and combinatorics, a partition of a positive integer n, also called an integer partition, is a way of writing n as a sum of positive integers.
For array conversion, try:
julia> x = collect(partitions(5,3))
2-element Array{Any,1}:
julia> x = partitions(5,3)
julia> hcat(x...)
3x2 Array{Int64,2}:
3 2
1 2
1 1
Here's another approach to your problem that I think is a little simpler, using the Combinatorics.jl library:
multisets(n, k) = map(A -> [sum(A .== i) for i in 1:n],
with_replacement_combinations(1:n, k))
This allocates a bunch of memory, but I think your current approach does too. Maybe it would be useful to make a first-class version and add it to Combinatorics.jl.
julia> multisets(2, 1)
2-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
julia> multisets(3, 5)
21-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
The argument order is backwards from yours to match mathematical convention. If you prefer the other way, that can easily be changed.
one robust solution can be achieved using lexicographic premutations generation algorithm, originally By Donald Knuth plus classic partitions(n).
that is lexicographic premutations generator:
function lpremutations{T}(a::T)
j==0 && return(b)
The above algorithm will generates all possible unique
combinations of an array elements with repetition:
julia> lpremutations([2,2,0])
3-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
Then we will generate all integer arrays that sum to n using partitions(n) (forget the length of desired arrays m), and resize them to the lenght m using resize_!
function resize_!(x,m)
And main function looks like:
function lpartitions(n,m)
for i in partitions(n)
append!(result,lpremutations(resize_!(i, m)))
Check it
julia> lpartitions(3,4)
20-element Array{Any,1}:
The MATLAB script from actually behaves the way I need, and is what I though that partitions() would do from the description given. The Julia version is
# k - sum, n - number of non-negative integers
function nsumk(k,n)
m = binomial(k+n-1,n-1);
d1 = zeros(Int16,m,1);
d2 = collect(combinations(collect((1:(k+n-1))),n-1));
d2 = convert(Array{Int16,2},hcat(d2...)');
d3 = ones(Int16,m,1)*(k+n);
dividers = [d1 d2 d3];
return diff(dividers,2)-1;
julia> nsumk(3,2)
4x2 Array{Int16,2}:
0 3
1 2
2 1
3 0
using daycaster's lovely hcat(x...) tidbit :)
I still wish there would be a more compact way of doing this.
The the first mention of this approach seem to be, and as far as I can understand it is based on the "stars and bars" method

List comprehensions and tuples in Julia

I am trying to do in Julia what this Python code does. (Find all pairs from the two lists whose combined value is above 7.)
def sum_is_large(a, b):
return a + b > 7
l1 = [1,2,3]
l2 = [4,5,6]
l3 = [(a,b) for a in l1 for b in l2 if sum_is_large(a, b)]
There is no if for list comprehensions in Julia. And if I use filter(), I'm not sure if I can pass two arguments. So my best suggestion is this:
function sum_is_large(pair)
a, b = pair
return a + b > 7
l1 = [1,2,3]
l2 = [4,5,6]
l3 = filter(sum_is_large, [(i,j) for i in l1, j in l2])
I don't find this very appealing. So my question is, is there a better way in Julia?
Using the very popular package Iterators.jl, in Julia:
using Iterators # install using Pkg.add("Iterators")
is an iterator producing the pairs. So to get the same printout as the OP:
l3iter = filter(x->sum(x)>7,product(l1,l2))
for p in l3iter println(p); end
The iterator approach is potentially much more memory efficient. Ofcourse, one could just l3 = collect(l3iter) to get the pair vector.
#user2317519, just curious, is there an equivalent iterator form for python?
Guards (if) are now available in Julia v0.5 (currently in the release-candidate stage):
julia> v1 = [1, 2, 3];
julia> v2 = [4, 5, 6];
julia> v3 = [(a, b) for a in v1, b in v2 if a+b > 7]
3-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Int64},1}:
Note that generators are also now available:
julia> g = ( (a, b) for a in v1, b in v2 if a+b > 7 )
Another option similar to the one of #DanGetz using also Iterators.jl:
function expensive_fun(a, b)
return (a + b)
Then, if the condition is also complicated, it can be defined as a function:
condition(x) = x > 7
And last, filter the results:
>>> using Iterators
>>> result = filter(condition, imap(expensive_fun, l1, l2))
result is an iterable that is only computed when needed (inexpensive) and can be collected collect(result) if required.
The one-line if the filter condition is simple enough would be:
>>> result = filter(x->(x > 7), imap(expensive_fun, l1, l2))
Note: imap works natively for arbitrary number of parameters.
Perhaps something like this:
julia> filter(pair -> pair[1] + pair[2] > 7, [(i, j) for i in l1, j in l2])
3-element Array{Tuple{Any,Any},1}:
although I'd agree it doesn't look like it ought to be the best way...
I'm surprised nobody mentions the ternary operator to implement the conditional:
julia> l3 = [sum_is_large((i,j)) ? (i,j) : nothing for i in l1, j in l2]
3x3 Array{Tuple,2}:
nothing nothing nothing
nothing nothing (2,6)
nothing (3,5) (3,6)
or even just a normal if block within a compound statement, i.e.
[ (if sum_is_large((x,y)); (x,y); end) for x in l1, y in l2 ]
which gives the same result.
I feel this result makes a lot more sense than filter(), because in julia the a in A, b in B construct is interpreted dimensionally, and therefore the output is in fact an "array comprehension" with appropriate dimensionality, which clearly in many cases would be advantageous and presumably the desired behaviour (whether we include a conditional or not).
Whereas filter will always return a vector. Obviously, if you really want a vector result you can always collect the result; or for a conditional list comprehension like the one here, you can simply remove nothing elements from the array by doing l3 = l3[l3 .!= nothing].
Presumably this is still clearer and no less efficient than the filter() approach.
You can use the #vcomp (vector comprehension) macro in VectorizedRoutines.jl to do Python-like comprehensions:
using VectorizedRoutines
Python.#vcomp Int[i^2 for i in 1:10] when i % 2 == 0 # Int[4, 16, 36, 64, 100]
