Having multiple folders be "desktop" folders - directory

I have two disk drives on my PC (one SSD and one HDD) and basically what I want to do is to have files from both of these drives in my desktop.
Currently my desktop folder is in the SSD and I want to have direct access from the desktop to some of my files in the HDD. One solution may be to just create a link in the SSD folder to the HDD folder, but I should do this for every folder/file I want on the dekstop.
So, is there a better way to do this? Is there a way to create another desktop folder on the HDD (or some analogous action that brings the same result)? I'm using Windows 10.

You cannot have multiple Desktop folders, you can have just one Desktop folder at once, but you can move the whole Desktop folder to another location or drive. Just right-click the Desktop folder inside your "User folder" (eg: your name/nickname probably) and select "Properties", then in the "Location" tab "Find Target..." (choose the new location/path) and click on "Move..." button. All your Desktop files will be moved there (the entire folder actually).


Is there a way to limit directories or folders users can access from within various programs?

I have a windows server (2019) with 10 users. All the users RDP into the server to use various software applications.
Let's say users are using a program, ie. Adobe Photoshop, or Word etc (The app here does not really matter). If they want to save the document or import an image for example, a dialog comes up and it allows them to navigate the server folder structure to find the files they need.
How do I restrict them to a specific folder on a server and not allow them to navigate away from that folder using any of the file dialogs.
for example. I want to say user1 is folder1, user2 is folder2...and so on... and you cant view anything outside this folder from within the various applications? is this possible?

Is it possible to use rsync to sync all files of a given type recursively?

Every iOS device we have automatically uploads photos and videos to its own folder inside an SMB share on our Ubuntu box.
On my mac, this would be /Volumes/Ironman/familyMedia/<iosdevice>
So each device has a folder under /familyMedia
If I wanted to move all of the video files from each device's sub-folder into a single folder: /familyMedia/videos while preserving all of the meta data and date information for the file (rsync -azvp), could I do this with rsync.
Basically rsync would find all *.mov files in the familyMedia folder structure, recursively, and move them to one folder.

How do I have a Headers folder in Code::Blocks?

I am using Code::Blocks 17.12 on Windows, and would like to create a folder to house the header files.
By default, when I create a console project, a Sources folder is created virtually (there isn't such a folder on disk, but it appears as such in Code::Blocks in the Management window's Project tab.
How do I create additional folders? When I right-click on the project (in the Management window's Project tab), I don't see a way to create a folder.
After Googling around for a bit, I came across this post, although dated 2009:
Combining that answer with mine, these are the steps for creating a folder in Code::Blocks:
On your disk (i.e. outside of Code::Blocks), create your folders and add any existing files that you need to it. In my case I created an Includes folder and copied existing .h files into it.
Right-click on the project name in the Management windows' Project tab, and choose Project tree. Tick the Display folders as disk option.
Right-click on the project name again, and choose Add files recursively....
A dialog box appears. Navigate to your subfolder and click OK. Another dialog box appears asking you to select the files to add to the project. By default all the files in the subfolder are selected, so click OK.
The folder will appear in Code::Blocks, under a folder called Headers.
You will also need to add the folder(s) that you created outside of Code::Blocks to the compiler's search directories by clicking on Settings -> Compiler.... Then click on the Search directories tab, select the Compiler tab, then click Add.
In the dialog box that appears, click on the folder icon and navigate to your folder. Then click OK.

How to change the default Open File... (folder) in Netbeans 8.2?

How can I change the default Open File... directory in Netbeans 8.2 for Java SE\ME\EE?
I've edited my projectui.properties file line projectsFolder=DIRECTORY but that only works for projects. I am trying to open individual files without opening the entire project.
File was found (Windows) under "C:\Users\MYNAME\AppData\Roaming\NetBeans\8.2\config\Preferences\org\netbeans\modules"
Unlike setting the default project directory in NetBeans, you can't modify the default Open File... directory because there is no such "default directory" to change.
NetBeans behavior when you select Open File... from the File menu (on Windows 10 at least) is as follows:
[1] On the first occasion within a NetBeans session the Documents icon will be pre-selected in the Open dialog window, and your Documents directory will be opened. That's just the way NetBeans works, and cannot be modified. Although you can change the Documents folder that will be opened, you probably shouldn't. See below for details**.
[2] Within the Open dialog you can obviously navigate to any alternative folder to open a file. Thereafter, within that NetBeans session only, that alternative folder will be opened by default on the subsequent File -> Open File... selections, until an alternative directory is selected.
** To change the Documents folder in Windows (which will also change the folder that NetBeans opens on the initial use of File -> Open File..):
In Windows File Explorer select Desktop -> This PC -> Documents and right-click.
Select Properties from the drop down menu, and then select the Location tab in the Document Properties window.
Enter the name of the new folder to be used as the Documents folder and click OK.
Restart NetBeans, select File-> Open File... and the folder NetBeans opens will now be the one you specified in the previous step.
That may appear to have the desired affect, but other Windows applications also use the Documents folder, and may depend on files in that folder, so it shouldn't really be changed without good reason. If you really need to open files in NetBeans that are not within any project the cleanest approach would be to place such files in the Documents folder if possible.
One solution would be to move the NetBeansProjects in the Documents folder mentioned above to the desired place and to place a permanent symlink to the desired folder. Instructions for latter referenced here https://superuser.com/questions/1020821/how-to-create-a-symbolic-link-on-windows-10
Watch out if the secondary location could be temporary (like a network drive) that it's always in place before you launch Netbeans.

How to select location for Asp.net Website project?

Creating a new website allows you to choose the path of the website files. However, the project file itself is created under the Projects folder. How can I create it somewhere else? I would expect some field for that in the dialog, but can't find it.
(This is not a web-application.)
At least in VS 2013, there is no project file associated with web sites. There is only the .SLN file. The .SLN file is merely a simple container for all of the different websites and projects that you would like opened simultaneously in your Solution Explorer, so the location of the .SLN file on disk is not really important.
Still, if you would like to control its location, you cannot do so through the New Website dialog. You'll have to manually move the .SLN file after you've already created the website. And in doing so, you would also have to open up the .SLN in a text editor and manually adjust all the relative paths to point to your website location.
