Corda - RedeemFungibleTokens giving "Insufficient spendable states" even using the same query that finds tokens via QuerybyAccount - corda

The following flow:
SignedTransaction stx =subFlow(new RedeemFungibleTokens(amt, issuer, new LinkedList(), criteria)); giving me "InsufficientBalanceException: Insufficient spendable states identified for 1 TokenType(tokenIdentifier='ABC', fractionDigits=0) issued by Node1."
This even though I am using identical "criteria" to a call to QuerybyAccount which returns a state with 30 of these tokens. And actually, even if I take out the "criteria" entirely, it still gives the same exception.
What could be wrong?

The trick was mentioned here:
Simply to use TokenType rather than IssuedTokenType. who knew? :)


Is there a way with Hasura to do a mutation based on the result of a query, within the same GraphQL call (Hasura transaction)?

I tried to search for an example but, I presume it's not doable. I am looking to hopefully be proven wrong or to find an official confirmation that it's not doable.
Before using Hasura, I was doing transactional SQL queries that ensured that data was kept consistent.
For example, I would like to create a password reset token if a user requests it, only if the user can be found using an email address. Right now, I have to do 2 queries:
Try to find a user with the specified email address
Insert and assign the token to this user id
In that case, it's not too bad, but now if I want to consume that token, I have to do 3 queries:
Find the valid token
Change the password to the user associated with that token
Delete the token
Obviously, if something goes wrong and the token is not deleted, this could be an issue - so I would be curious to see if there would be ways to merge these queries/mutations into transactions.
Sounds like supporting nested updates would solve this problem for you with the least amount of effort. We are working on a rfc for the feature and hope to start development soon. Please follow this Github issue on our community for future updates.
This comment outlines the current scope of the proposed feature. The rfc will provide a more complete explanation.
You can apply changes to rows that you filter by certain criteria. Here is a sample mutation:
mutation PasswordUpdate($id: uuid!, $token: String!, $new_password: String!) {
where: {id: {_eq: $id}, token: {_eq: $token}}
_set: {token: null, password: $new_password}
) {
That query deletes the token and sets a password for all users (hopefully just one) that have the token assigned.
After some research here is what I found:
For the first example:
Try to find a user with the specified email address
Insert and assign the token to this user id
There are no solutions for this today and as answered by #damel, there is an ongoing RFC to support nested mutations:
Hopefully, this feature will be out soon, but in the meantime, for most cases, it's not such a big deal to have multiple queries as it is possible to catch errors on the first query.
For the second example:
Find the valid token
Change the password to the user associated with that token
Delete the token
When sending multiple mutations in the same query, Hasura treats them as a transaction as announced in 2020.
Of course, it would be nice to do this in the same query (similar to the first example) but since there is a transaction on the mutation, for this case it's still not a problem.
I am sure there are probably cases where this can become a problem but I am not exposed to them right now. Nevertheless, it would be great if the RFC makes it to production, giving more options to Hasura users.

Evernote IOS SDK fetchResourceByHashWith throws exception

Working with Evernote IOS SDK 3.0
I would like to retrieve a specific resource from note using
This is how I am using it. Just for this example, to be 100% sure about the hash being correct I first download the note with a single resource using fetchNote and then request this resource using its unique hash using fetchResourceByHashWith (hash looks correct when I print it)
ENSession.shared.primaryNoteStore()?.fetchNote(withGuid: guid, includingContent: true, resourceOptions: ENResourceFetchOption.includeData, completion: { note, error in
if error != nil {
} else {
let hash = note?.resources[0].data.bodyHash
ENSession.shared.primaryNoteStore()?.fetchResourceByHashWith(guid: guid, contentHash: hash, options: ENResourceFetchOption.includeData, completion: { res, error in
if error != nil {
} else {
Call to fetchResourceByHashWith fails with
Optional(Error Domain=ENErrorDomain Code=0 "Unknown error" UserInfo={EDAMErrorCode=0, NSLocalizedDescription=Unknown error})
The equivalent setup works on Android SDK.
Everything else works so far in IOS SDK (chunkSync, auth, getting notebooks etc.. so this is not an issue with auth tokens)
would be great to know if this is an sdk bug or I am still doing something wrong.
This is a bug in the SDK's "EDAM" Thrift client stub code. First the analysis and then your workarounds.
Evernote's underlying API transport uses a Thrift protocol with a documented schema. The SDK framework includes a layer of autogenerated stub code that is supposed to marshal input and output params correctly for each request and response. You are invoking the underlying getResourceByHash API method on the note store, which is defined per the docs to accept a string type for the contentHash argument. But it turns out the client is sending the hash value as a purely binary field. The service is failing to parse the request, so you're seeing a generic error on the client. This could reflect evolution in the API definition, but more likely this has always been broken in the iOS SDK (getResourceByHash probably doesn't see a lot of usage). If you dig into the more recent Python version of the SDK, or indeed also the Java/Android version, you can see a different pattern for this method: it says it's going to write a string-type field, and then actually emits a binary one. Weirdly, this works. And if you hack up the iOS SDK to do the same thing, it will work, too.
Best advice is to report the bug and just avoid this method on the note store. You can get resource data in different ways: First of all, you actually got all the data you needed in the response to your fetchNote call, i.e. let resourceData = note?.resources[0].data.body and you're good! You can also pull individual resources by their own guid (not their hash), using fetchResource (use note?.resources[0].guid as the param). Of course, you may really want to use the access-by-hash pattern. In that case...
You can hack in the correct protocol behavior. In the SDK files, which you'll need to build as part of your project, find the ObjC file called ENTProtocol.m. Find the method +sendMessage:toProtocol:withArguments.
It has one line like this:
[outProtocol type:field.type fieldID:field.index];
Replace that line with:
[outProtocol type:(field.type == TType_BINARY ? TType_STRING : field.type) fieldID:field.index];
Rebuild the project and you should find that your code snippet works as expected. This is a massive hack however and although I don't think any other note store methods will be impacted adversely by it, it's possible that other internal user store or other calls will suddenly start acting funny. Also you'd have to maintain the hack through updates. Probably better to report the bug and don't use the method until Evernote publishes a proper fix.

How do I have my Bot respond with arguments?

So I've built a Telegram bot, which can receive the following commands:
/info 123
This works great, as I can catch /info and pass the additional arguments as ints. But, sadly, the Telegram clients don't see /info 123 as a complete command, but just the /info part. Is there a way to make it recognize the entirety of the command as the command?
I've tried Markdown-ing it: [/info 123](/info 123), but no joy. Is this possible?
I've reached out to #BotSupport with the same question, and he/they/it responded swiftly with the following answer:
Hi, at the moment it is not possible to highlight parameters of a command. I any case, you may can find a workaround if you use correct custom keyboards ;)
— #BotSupport
Custom keyboards may be an option for someone, but not for me. The solution I've gone for is to give the command as /info123. As the bot receives all / commands, I check if the received command starts with info, and if so, I remove the info part. I convert the remaining string/int to arguments, and pass that along to the relevant command.
If you mean to pass the 123 as an argument for your command info and if you happen to use the python-telegram-bot, then here's how you do it:
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('hello', SayHello, pass_args=True))
According to the documentation: pass_args Determines whether the handler should be passed the arguments passed to the command as a keyword argument called args. It will contain a list of strings, which is the text following the command split on single or consecutive whitespace characters. Default is False.
you can use RegexHandler() to do this.
Here is an example
def info(bot, update):
id = update.message.text.replace('/info_', '')
update.message.reply_text(id, parse_mode='Markdown')
def main():
updater = Updater(TOKEN)
updater.dispatcher.add_handler(RegexHandler('^(/info_[\d]+)$', info))
The command /info_120 will return 120
and /info_007 will return 007
for newer versions, you may use this method instead!
MessageHandler(filters.Regex(r'^(/info_[\d]+)$'), info)
To get the argument of command you don't even need to use pass_args as said Moein you can simply get it from context.args look at Github page. So you can pass as many arguments as you want and you will get a list of arguments! Here is an example from Github.
def start_callback(update, context):
user_says = " ".join(context.args)
update.message.reply_text("You said: " + user_says)
dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start_callback))
Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will display a reply interface to the user (act as if the user has selected the bot's message and tapped 'Reply'). This can be extremely useful if you want to create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces without having to sacrifice privacy mode.
a simple shot
In this case, a user should send a valid number with /audio command (e.g. /audio 3, if they forgot it, we can inform and force them to do so.
This is a fairly rudimentary way of creating kwargs from user input.
Unfortunately, it does require the user to be aware of the fields that can be used as parameters, but if you can provide informative response when the user doesnt provide any detectable kwarg style messages then you could probably make a better experience.
As I say, extremely rudimentary idea, and would probably be achieved faster with the regex filters available. And this would be much more reliable when checking input from the user of the "pesky" variety.
The script relies on || delimiter preceeding the command and as is shown will trim any extra characters like new lines and spaces
You can remove the extra check for commit as this is provided in order to tell the bot that you want to save your input to the database explicitly.
def parse_kwargs(update):
commit = False
kwargs = {}
if update.message:
for args in update.message.text.split('||')[1:]:
for kw_pair in args.split(','):
key, value = kw_pair.split('=')
if key.strip() != 'commit':
kwargs[key.strip()] = value.strip()
elif key.strip() == 'commit' and value.strip().lower() == 'true':
commit = True
return kwargs, commit

LinkedIn Network Updates returns null

The following query returns null for me in the brwoser. However, just removing the &count=250, I start seeing some results. Though, it is still not the entire set of results, still.
Note that this happens only with few access tokens. Other users within my app are fine.

Count messages in an msmq sub-queue

Is there any way (C# or native) of counting the messages in a message queue (sub queue).
Using a queue name of "DIRECT=OS:slc11555001\private$\file-queue;retry"
I want to know how many messages are in the sub queue. At the moment I can see using the management console that there are in fact messages in that queue. If the OS can do it, so should I.
MQMgmtGetInfo returns 0xc00e0020 (which is not a documented error code).
I am therefore confused.
I am using code from here:
The error is as follows (from
MQMgmtGetInfo won't understand the subqueue format name.
The retry subqueue only really exists as a logical division of private$\file-queue queue.
You can call a count on the file-queue but not subqueues within it.
From the MSDN page on subqueues:
Subqueues are created implicitly, so only the following APIs can be
used with subqueues: MQOpenQueue, MQCloseQueue, MQCreateCursor,
MQReceiveMessage, MQReceiveMessageByLookupId, MQHandleToFormatName,
MQMoveMessage, and MQPathNameToFormatName. Calling any of the other
Message Queuing APIs returns an error
