Vaadin + Css formatting - css

I'm using Vaadin 14.4.4 with Gradle 6.3 and Spring Boot.
When I was creating a website in developer's mode everything was working well. Now I switched to productionMode = true and website doesn't load a single css file.
I'm trying to use one css file per class.
After switching back to developer's mode the CSS formatting is not working as it used to.
I tried vaadinClean, vaadinBuildFrontend and vaadinPrepareFrontend but that doesn't seem to fix my problem...
Do you guys have any suggestions does any of you interfered with the same problem as I ?

From the docs of the gradle plugin for
./gradlew clean build -Pvaadin.productionMode - will compile Vaadin
in production mode, then packages everything into the war/jar archive.
Automatically calls the vaadinPrepareFrontend and
vaadinBuildFrontend tasks.
Note the explicit passing of -Pvaadin.productionMode. It might seem
a bit counter intuitive to have to pass that explicitly to a task like
vaadinBuildFrontend, which sole purpose usually is to build the
production stage.


Can Deno be used to bundle a Lit website?

I'm trying to create a simple proof-of-concept of using Deno to bundle a browser application which is using Lit. Basic functionality (e.g., initial component rendering) is functional, but I'm unable to get simple DOM manipulations to trigger the reactive property changes.
My simple example can be seen working at this Lit Playground example. An example which does not work is this Deno bundle version. These 2 versions have the exact same source code (i.e., index.html and main.ts).
You can view all of the code and the build process for creating the Deno bundle here.
Is Deno capable of producing bundles which behave in the expected manner?
Deno 1.17.2 is able to successfully create a bundle. See for background. As #jsejcksn said, SWC is most likely the culprit for the original issue.
try which is using esbuild to bundle js for browser.
here's a demo with lit (with locales), material design web and three.js

Can't add a breakpoint to Twig files in VS Code

I am trying to debug a Twig template in my Drupal 9 site. I am using VSCode as my IDE and using Xdebug for debugging. I have setup/configured the installation based on the instructions outlined here -
I am able to set breakpoints in PHP files (step thru and watch variables successfully) however I just can't seem to do the same for Twig template files (just so I can see what variables I have access to in that template). What I mean by when I say I am unable to add the breakpoint is that clicking on the gutters of a Twig file within VSCode does not result in addition of any breakpoint.
I'd like to take advantage of Xdebug instead of using debugging functions like breakpoint() and dump() offered by the Devel and Twig_xdebug modules within Drupal. I am pretty sure I am doing something wrong or have missed a step but I can't seem to figure out what it is.
Some more details on my env:
a local Drupal 9 setup on a Mac OS that uses PHP 7.4 and nginx as its webserver.
Xdebug (v3.1.1) is installed and enabled (verified via phpinfo() output)
VSCode (1.63.0) installed with all of the supporting Drupal and PHP extensions outlined in the above article (specifically php-debug) have been installed.
I am using the default launch configuration to Run my debug session in VSCode.
I'd appreciate any pointers on what I am doing wrong and/or what I can try. Also, I hope I provided enough info on my use case.
Twig compiles the template files into PHP files. You need to set breakpoints in these Twig generated PHP files in order to debug them.
On this page, I also see that there is caching involved, which you will need to disable. That documentation seems to be quite comprehensive.
Came here looking for an answer to this very question.
You may be interested to know that there are a couple of ways to achieve this. You can either use a built-in feature of the devel.module (see: or there is also a contrib module called twig_xdebug, which lives here:
I think the mechanism behind both of these is probably very similar, to be honest. The latter of those links provides further links to several guides on the subject matter. HTH! :)

Include SASS compiler in build definition in Visual Studio? (and avoid merging the CSS files when using TFS)

We plan on using SASS instead of plain CSS for our SharePoint project very soon. While testing and trying to set everything up, I ran into some problems:
We're using Visual Studio 2015 and on my developer machine I installed the Web Compiler Extension to compile the .scss-files and partial files to a regular .css-file.
That worked very nicely but the problem is, that there will be a few developers working simultaneously on the styles. I want to avoid merging the resulting css-file each time someone tries to check in something into source control (we're using Team Foundation Server).
Since there is a build running every time someone is checking in their changes, and to deploy the resulting solution to the nightly build machine, the idea was to somehow include the SASS compiler in the build definition. This way the more readable scss-files get merged and the build creates the resulting css-file to include it in the solution.
Maybe I'm thinking too complicated, but I just couldn't get that to work so far.
Any ideas how I can achieve that?
(Maybe I should also mention that none of the dev machines got any internet connection)
If you're building an MVC app, you can use MVC's bundling feature along with the SASS NuGet package. And, be sure to enable minification. There's a UseNativeMinification property on SassAndScssSettings. That way you don't need to deal with merging the css file when you get latest or check in. Reference this thread: SASS/TFS best practice
Another way is running a script (e.g with PowerShell task) on the server that to install the gulp components and then call the sass compile task to compile the SASS. Refer to Powershell build - compiling SASS for details.

Using basscss installed via NPM/Webpack

I'm trying to install Basscss CSS framework in my webpack/react app, I'm fairly new to this workflow.
When I run 'npm i basscss' I'm able to add:
To my app entrypoint. However, I now need to add basscss-addons for further styling - so is the correct approach to add a require line for every single file in basscss-addons? Each addon is a separate file, and each addon's folder structure seems to be different.
It seems like there must be an easier way.
There is a method in this article that works, but it relies on cssnext and it throws warnings saying it's deprecated and that you need to upgrade to postcss instead.
So you would need to use postcss, postcss-basscss and postcss-import, I guess, but I couldn't make it work efficiently. I'd love to hear from someone who has a valid implementation with postcss...

What is the best way to put a Flex3 project under source control (subversion)

Setting up Flex project for group development can be a bit tricky. There are lots of little local settings that might need to be tweaked in order to have a project that can be easily checked out.
I've had limited success using the built-in import/export flex project utilities. I seem to wind up editing by hand a lot and I think I might be missing something.
I neglected to mention originally that my goal is to make it possible to checkout a project from subversion and get up and running with as little fuss as possible. The biggest problems that I have run into all revolve around managing the "dot" files and how to make them flexible enough to deal with different developer environments.
For example, even with just me, I would like to have this ability: at work, I use a Vista machine and at home I use a Mac. There are certainly differences in the way certain paths are described, but they really are quite similar. On Vista, the flex root is c:/ColdFusion8/wwwroot, on OS X, it is /Applications/ColdFusion8. I have been able to set up a linked resource path variable for both CF_FLEX_SERVER and WEBSERVER that I then reference using the ${WEBSERVER}/myProject syntax.
So far, it seems to work pretty well, but I find there are a few places that it still has issues. Specifically, in the .project file you find something like:
Unfortunately, if I try to change the location entity to ${WEBSERVER}/wwwroot/myProject-debug, flex throws a compiler error. That's a shame, because pretty much everything else works.
I have worked through this problem before and generally set my projects up as such:
Application/trunk/source/ <-- workspace is here (can also be in 'trunk')
Application/trunk/source/Application <-- Application here
I DO keep my project (.actionScriptProperties, .flexProperties, .project, .settings) in SVN, but NOT my workspace (.metadata) because it's too big.
I find that importing projects via Import -> Flex Project enforces alot of restrictions. For example, if your workspace was in the 'trunk' directory above then importing as a Flex Project will cause the project to be copies into trunk/Application or simply complain about the location.
The better way to go about it is to create the workspace and then Import -> [General] Existing Projects into Workspace. The only difference is that you will have to manually add the Flex Development perspective.
Edit: I'd also recommend setting your compiler options to "Use default SDK" and then setting the appropriate SDK as default. This will prevent commit-tennis when each developer names his SDK differently.
Since Flex Builder is written on top of Eclipse, it can integrate with Subclipse. This allows you to pretty easily tag files as 'SVN ignore' to avoid project-specific settings. I've used this to add my Flex projects to an existing SVN repository, which I've checked out to multiple sites. I have noticed a few issues here and there (some checkins get errors, but they're relatively rare), but it generally works.
