Nest Device Access not publishing to pub/sub - nest-device-access

This topic has appeared before with no answers and for some reason been de-listed (not a valid question). The Nest Device Access Console states to ask questions on this forum so I will try again:
I have followed all the steps to get a Nest Doorbell to publish events/messages to Google pub/sub (i.e. and yet nothing is being pushed to the topic (i.e. flat line in pub/sub subscription window). Is there something obvious I'm missing, not read, regarding support for the Nest doorbell and pub/sub?
In short, it would be nice if a Google representative/expert could weigh in on this topic and provide some insight.

Probably something on Google's part. At my home the doorbell is working again as well :-) So you probably didn't misread anything and were just part of some sort of glitch.


Gamelift Matchmaking times out after match found

Hoping to get some insight into the behavior I am seeing while trying to use GameLift Matchmaking.
I have my configuration setup as such that it does not require player acceptance, as such:
Type: AWS::GameLift::MatchmakingConfiguration
AcceptanceRequired: false
When I go to the GameLift console and into the configuration I see that it was correctly set as well that it does not require acceptance.
This is where I am confused, because now I have it working where it places 2 users in PotentialMatchCreated and I get this event from GameLift. Then 30 seconds later, I get more events stating that these placements timed out and searching again.
The configuration documentation states that AcceptanceTimeoutSeconds is only required if AcceptanceRequired is true, which it is not for me.
the acceptance documentation states that you only call this When FlexMatch builds a match, all the matchmaking tickets involved in the proposed match are placed into status REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE
Which its not, its in PotentialMatchCreated.
So my question is, what do I have to do to confirm a placement once GameLift places 2 users into a match? I am a bit surprised because I thought that the fact that it doesn't have to be accepted would mean that its automatically accepted match.
Also theres very little documentation I found regarding what to do in this situation, given the nature of this service not being as known as others I totally expected that but really hoping someone can help me on what to do next.
Any insight or help is greatly appreciated.
Additional information: I do not need to utilize GameLift fleets or builds at all. We have a browser game we are building and just want to utilize the matchmaking feature. So we dont have any game servers or anything like that, its just on our website where they would play the game and use our api's/websockets that puts the matchmaking on the server and notify the client when a match has been found with all the subsequent details.
To confirm my suspicions I decided to actually try to use the accept match endpoint and see what happens. Just as the documentation states, you can only accept a match if it requires acceptance. I get an error stating that I cannot accept a match that is not in REQUIRE_ACCEPTANCE state. Guessing this is a bug on AWS's side, I don't see any other endpoints that I can hit for being in state PotentialMatchCreated.
Figured out the issue. It has to do with the FlexModeMatch on the GameLiftMatchmakingConfiguration. For my use case, just needing matchmaking, STANDALONE is the correct implementation because we aren't having GameLift actually create game servers/sessions for us. I had mine using WITH_QUEUE which is why I believe I was having issues. Seemingly working correctly now.

How to specify gender in Google Cloud Translation API

I am using Google Cloud Translation API in one of my projects. I want to specify the gender for the translation. I am unable to find about this in Google Cloud Translation. I have also searched a lot on the Internet but not found any way to do this. I know how to specify the gender in Google Text to Speech API using the SSML, but I need it for the translation. Any help will be highly appreciated.
After much searching I have discovered that there is currently no way to do this.
I have made a feature request along these lines at the invitation of GCP support.
The documentation indicates that feature requests are prioritised by how often an issue is starred, so for now my best answer is to star the issue here so that they know how many people are interested in this.
Looking for the same...
As it is NMT (Neural Machine Translation), it reacts to context.
I tried many combinations and found that this works well so far (says, not 'to', not 'talk').
Examples are EN > ES
However, sometimes its effect doesn't reach far in the translation.
So you have to stick the 'prefix' before each sentence.
Sometimes you get irregular behavior (see lower case "estoy"). And when you change something irrelevant (to you, but not to the model) ... buala!
So the final version (for now) is:
I guess the point is:
Understanding how it works (Machine Learning Language Models)
The Model (Algorithm) they use is evolving, so you need to keep an eye, as what works today may break tomorrow.
Once you get the response you will have to filter out you 'prefix', but that is not too difficult.
Please comment if you find better ways (or the API gets updated).
Related info:

LinkedIn share count API (/countserv/count/share) always returns "0"

Easily seen in the JSON result from this:
Which currently returns:
Apparently it affects most of the LinkedIn Share buttons/counters out there on the web, including WordPress and other blogs. This has been "broken" since late last week (13 Jan 2018).
I opened a ticket with LinkedIn support. Response was to post here, as this is where the LinkedIn Developers support resides. Hoping for a response that says "Oops, we'll fix this." Or, if deliberately crippled, an announcement that says so. (Twitter made a similar move a few years ago. It was unpopular among developers, but we've moved on.)
Further to Chris Hemedingers response, this feature has now been entirely deprecated
Deprecating the inShare Counter
As you can see they have deprecated this saying:
The share count on its own doesn’t fully reflect the impact that a piece of content delivers, and we encourage publishers and other content creators to leverage the inShare plugin as a way to drive conversation and engage with members on LinkedIn.
They then link to the Documentation saying:
Share on LinkedIn plugin will no longer return share count.
This is massively inconvenient for my company as we have just finished construction of a suite of tools powered by this.
The share count service is back in operation, working as it was before. The outage was deliberate (apparently) but temporary.
As far as I know this is an undocumented API, but it's integral to the "LinkedIn Share" buttons that are used in countless websites/blogs around the world. As such, LinkedIn has no contract/obligation to keep that service consumers of the service in non-LinkedIn components should beware.
Thank you for the update! That was quite frustrating to track this down. I had to research the code, request from the API itself with multiple URLs, submitted a ticket to LinkedIn... and ultimately found myself here and read this. Just a recommendation, I think it would be better to return some kind of error code than a 0. Many people actually display the count on their sites.

"Selling" trac/buildbot/etc to upper management

My team works mostly w/ Flex-based applications. That being said, there are nearly no conventions at all (even getting them to refactor is a miracle in itself) and the like.
Coming from a .NET + CruiseControl.NET background, I've been aching to getting everyone to use some decent tracking software (we're using a todo list coded in PHP now) and CI; I figured trac+BuildBot would be a nice option.
How would you convince upper management that this is the way to go, as well as some of the rules mentioned in this post? One of my main issues is that everyone codes without thinking (You'd be amazed at the type of "logic" this spawns...)
Is there anything you could do now that wouldn't require permission from anyone else? Could you start by just using trac/buildbot/etc for just your own work, then add in others as they are interested?
In my experience you can get quite far by doing w/out asking.
Tell the management that they'll be better able to keep their eye on progress with such a tool.
Are there specific benefits to the route that you're suggesting that you could show them without them having to buy in?
I had an experience with getting my team to accept a maven + cruisecontrol CI setup. Basically I tried to get them to go along with it for a few days and they kept balking because it was unfamiliar. Then I just did it on my own and had all broken builds emailed to the mailing list. That night the project lead made a check in that broke the build (he just forgot a file) and, of course, everybody was emailed with his screw up.
The next day he came over to me and said, "I get it now."
It required no effort from him to get involved and got to see the benefits for free.

How do you keep track of temporary threads of conversation online

Often when I post a comment or answer on a site I like to keep an eye out for additional responses from other people, possibly replying again if appropriate. Sometimes I'll bookmark a page for a while, other times I'll end up re-googling keywords to locate the post again. I've always thought there should be something better than my memory for keeping track of pages I care about for a few days to a week.
Does anyone any clever ideas for this type of thing? Is there a micro-delicious type of online app with a bookmarklet for very short term followup?
Update I think I should clarify. I wasn't asking about Stack Overflow specifically - on the "read/write web" in general I add comments to blog posts, respond to google group threads, etc. It's that sort of mish-mash of individual pages on random sites that I would care to keep track of for seven-to-ten days.
For stackoverflow, I put together a little bookmarklet thing at I use it to keep track of posts that I might want to come back to later, for reference or to answer if nobody else did, or whatever. The backend automatically retrieves updates from the SO server and updates your list of bookmarklets.
In my head mostly. I occasionally forget things, but it works well enough.
That's a very interesting question you asked here.
I do th efollowing:
temp bookmarks in browser
just a tab in Firefox left opened for weeks :)
subscription to email\rss when possible. When email notification comes I often put it into special folder in my email tree.
Different logins, notification types etc are complicating following info in the web :(
Other interesting questions:
how to organize information storage (notes, saved web pages, forum threads etc) for current usage and as a read-only library, sync it between different PCs and USB disks, how to label (tag) it and search it
how to store old mails, conversations, chats,..?
store digital photos for future: make hard-copy printouts or just regulary rewrite it from CD to a new one
Click on your username, then Responses.
