Corda Example Application - Springboost server not showing APIs - corda

I've set up the example app and I have 3 nodes running (tutorial says I should have 4; notary,A,B,and C) lacking node C is not my issues though. I run ./gradlew runPartyAServer and it starts the SpringBoost Server and I get a CordaApp template page a localhost:50005 but there are no APIs or the example landing page.

I tried this and it worked:
checked out
built and ran nodes ./gradlew clean deployNodes && ./build/nodes/runnodes
started the server ./gradlew runPartyAServer
connect to localhost:50005 and I see this
Check out the logs in /client/logs to see if anything strange happened, maybe something like this (which could be caused by something wrong going on with the connection to the node):
Caused by: net.corda.client.rpc.RPCException: Cannot connect to
server(s). Tried with all available servers. at


How to unblock IPAM Access in Windows Server 2022?

I'm using Windows Server 2022 where I'm stucked in completing my IPAM Server Task after step 4 - "Start server discovery". When I proceed to step 5 - "Select or add servers to manage and verify IPAM Access".
When I tried to "Edit Server". I encountered this error as you can see on the screenshot below.
I encountered those errors. I have already ran these commands below in the powershell.
Invoke-IPAMGPOProvisioning –Domain -GPOPrefixName DCSGROUP -IPAMServerFQDN -DelegatedGPOUser DEPEDDUMASCHOOL\Administrator
gpupdate /force
I can't still manage to unblock the IPAM Access and I have thoroughly followed the steps in these two articles below.
As you can see on my Group Policy Management below
I was able to update the group policy on our domain controller. Is there anything else that I still missed on my setting and configuration along the way? Please advice. Thanks

Google Cloud Composer (Apache Airflow) cannot access log files

I'm running a DAG in Google Cloud Composer (hosted Airflow) which runs fine in Airflow locally. All it does is print "Hello World". However, when I run it through Cloud Composer I receive the error:
*** Log file does not exist: /home/airflow/gcs/logs/matts_custom_dag/main_test/2020-04-20T23:46:53.652833+00:00/2.log
*** Fetching from: http://airflow-worker-d775d7cdd-tmzj9:8793/log/matts_custom_dag/main_test/2020-04-20T23:46:53.652833+00:00/2.log
*** Failed to fetch log file from worker. HTTPConnectionPool(host='airflow-worker-d775d7cdd-tmzj9', port=8793): Max retries exceeded with url: /log/matts_custom_dag/main_test/2020-04-20T23:46:53.652833+00:00/2.log (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f8825920160>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))
I've also tried making the DAG add data into a database and it actually succeeds 50% of the time. However, it always returns this error message (and no other print statements or logs). Any help much appreciated on why this might be happening.
We also faced the same issue then raised a support ticket to GCP and got the following reply.
The message is related to the latency of syncing logs from Airflow workers to WebServer, it takes at least some minutes (depending on the number of objects and their size)
The total log size seems not large but it’s enough to noticeably slow down synchronization, hence, we recommend cleanup/archive the logs
Basically we recommend relying on Stackdriver logs instead, because of latency due to the design of this sync
I hope this will help you solve the problem.
I have the same problem after upgrading from 1.10.3 to 1.10.6 of Google Composer.
I can see in my logs that airflow is trying to get the logs from a bucket with a name ended with -tenant while the bucket in my account ends with -bucket
In the configuration, I can see something weird too.
## airflow.cfg
remote_base_log_folder = gs://us-east1-dada-airflow-xxxxx-bucket/logs
## also in the running configuration says
core remote_base_log_folder gs://us-east1-dada-airflow-xxxxx-tenant/logs env var
I wrote to google support and they said the team is working on a fix.
I've been accessing my logs with gsutil and replacing the bucket name suffix to -bucket
gsutil cat gs://us-east1-dada-airflow-xxxxx-bucket/logs/...../5.logs
I faced the same situation in multiple occasions.
As soon as when the job finished when I take a look at the log on Airflow Web UI, it used to give me the same error. Although when I check back the same logs on UI after a min or 2, I could see the logs properly.
As per the above answers, its a sync issue between the webserver and the Worker node.
In general, the issue describe here should be more like a sporadic issue.
In certain situations, what could help is setting default-task-retries to a value that allows for retrying a task at least 1.
This issue is resolved at least since Airflow version: 1.10.10+composer.

ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method in shiny app

When I load my docker shiny app domain name in the browser, it crashes (greys out) and I get this "ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method".
I have developed an web application that consists of a shiny app (has a login feature connected to an RMySQL database), a website and a mariadb database. I put them together in a docker-compose file and tested it on my local computer and it works fine. I then proceeded to deploy them in a Kubernetes cluster in GCE and that was also successful. I used cloudflare to install a ssl certificate for the shiny app domain (i.e. Now when I load the shiny app domain in the browser it appends the https and loads the app successfully but after about a minute it crashes (greys out). I loaded the shiny app external ip with http and this doesn’t crash.
The closest solution I have come to is but there doesn't seem to be any other solution to my problem. I would be grateful if anyone help me resolve this problem.
This is the error message I get when I check with kubectl log [app pod name], I get this error:
ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method
ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method
ERROR: [_parse_http_data] invalid HTTP method
I expect the app not to crash when the shiny app domain ( is appended with the https.
Let's start with the analysis of the error message, it says:
So we know that your app is receiving something, but it doesn't understand what it is (it may be a malformed HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 or even binary data) then we have an
invalid HTTP method
Now we are sure it is not a HTTP/1.X call but a stream of (non recognized) data.
We now know is not the instance since it "deploys" and "delivers" the service, but something inside that is just breaking.
There are a few things that may be happening, since it runs in your local machine (where I am assuming it has access to more resources, especially memory) it may be an issue of resource allocation and that once ran in a container, it could be possible that it empties its allocated amount of resources and breaks (perhaps a library that is called in real time that uses a chunk of memory?) but we won't be sure unless we can debug it inside a container, so could it be possible for you to add a debug library that records your requests to see if it parses all of those and at some point in time it stops and why? I know a person from R-Studio created a httpuv that logs every request this can be done as in:
And after that, maybe share the output and see why the application is behaving like that and killing its own service.
I really thank you in advance, hopefully with those logs we may be able to shed more light into this matter.
Thanks once again!

Google Cloud Composer The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request

After running for a couple of days Google Cloud Composer web UI returns the 502 Server Error indefinitely:
Error: Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.
The only way to fix it is to recreate the Composer environment. Though after running for a couple of days the new environment crashes with the same error.
Image version: composer-1.4.0-airflow-1.10.0
Python version: 3
Anyone knows what's the root cause?
I don't run Cloud Composer but I suspect that there's a case where the webserver has exited from all the web worker threads. This can sometimes happen when airflow has an extended timeout reading or writing to the database; either due to a held lock, or network connection issues. It probably is configured to restart if it fully exits, but there are some cases were the airflow webserver command will still hold on without exiting even though all web workers have exited.
Alternatively the 502 is about the identity provider implemented for GCP. If that's the case you might find you need to sign out of your Google login and use the sign in flow provided by Airflow (if it responds to a private browser session or a signed out session).
I was facing the same 502 error and it turned out to be an issue with the DAG itself. As mentioned:
"The web server parses the DAG definition files, and a 502 gateway timeout can occur if there are errors in the DAG."
Visible in Composer / Monitoring
Web server was affected by an issue with the DAG itself. We solved it by deleting the recently added DAGs, after couple of minutes the Airflow UI was up.

.net output in Docker logs

I''m trying to get log output (Console.WriteLine(..)) in my Docker logs, but I'm getting zero avail.
I've tried:
Flushing the console, flushing the trace.
I can see these outputs in a VS output window when I'm debugging, so they go somoewhere.
I'm on windows Container, using microsoft/aspnet:4.7.1-windowsservercore-1709 and net4.7
These are the logs I get on container start
docker logs -f exportapi
ERROR ( message:Cannot find requested collection element. )
Applied configuration changes to section "system.applicationHost/applicationPools" for "MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST" at configuration commit path "MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST"
You have many good lateral options, like self-contained/server-contained executables (eg. Dotnet Core using microsoft/dotnet:runtime would proxy Console.WriteLine by default off the dotnet new web scaffold). Zero-configuration STDOUT logging has never been a common approach on IIS, but these modern options adopt it as best practice (logging should be a transparent backing service).
If you want or need a chain of three programs/assemblies to get your web service up (ServiceMonitor, W3SVC, and finally your assembly), then you need something like this:
Overriding the entrypoint to tail more logs than the image does by default is unfortunately a common hack (not just in Microsoft land). So, in your case, I believe you need at least a trace listener config to emit Trace.WriteLine, and then the above approach to emit it:
