How to conduct parametric bootstrapping in R? - r

I am working with the orings data set in the faraway package in R. I have written the following grouped binomial model:
orings_model <- glm(cbind(damage, 6-damage) ~ temp, family = binomial, data = orings)
I then constructed the Chi-Square test statistic and calculated the p-value:
pchisq(orings_model$null.deviance, orings_model$df.null,lower=FALSE)
First, I would like to generate data under the null distribution for this test statistic using rbinom with the average proportion of damaged o-rings (i.e., the variable "damage"). Second, I would like to recompute the above test statistic with this new data. I am not sure how to do this.
And second, I want to the process above 1000 times, saving the test statistic
each time. I am also not sure how to do this. My inclination is to use a for loop, but I am not sure how to set it up. Any help would be really appreciated!

It is not completely clear what you're looking to do here, but we can at least show some quick principles of how we can achieve this, and then hopefully you can get to your goal.
1) Simulating the null model
It is not entirely clear that you would like to simulate the null model here. It seems more like you're interested in simulating the actual model fit. Note that the null model is the model with form cbind(damage, 6-damage) ~ 1, and the null deviance and df are from this model. Either way, we can simulate data from the model using the simulate function in base R.
sims <- simulate(orings_model, 1000)
If you want to go the manual way estimate the mean vector of your model and use this for the probabilities in your call to rbinom
nsim <- 1000 * nrow(orings)
probs <- predict(orings_model, type = 'response')
sims_man <- matrix(rbinom(nsim, 6, probs),
ncol = 1000)
# Check they are equal:
# rowMeans(sims_man) - probs
In the first version we get a data.frame with 1000 columns each with a n times 2 matrix (damage vs not damage). In the latter we just summon the damage outcome.
2) Perform the bootstrapping
You could do this manually with the data above.
# Data from simulate
statfun <- function(x){
data <- orings_model$data
data$damage <- if(length(dim(x)) > 1)
x[, 1]
newmod <- update(orings_model, data = data)
pchisq(newmod$null.deviance, newmod$df.null, lower=FALSE)
sapply(sims, statfun)
# data from manual method
apply(sims_man, 2, statfun)
or alternatively one could take a bit of time with the boot function, allowing for a standardized way to perform the bootstrap:
# See help("boot")
ran_gen <- function(data, mle){
data$damage <- simulate(orings_model)[[1]][,1]
boot_metric <- function(data, w){
model <- glm(cbind(damage = damage, not_damage = 6 - damage) ~ temp,
family = binomial, data = data)
boots <- boot(orings, boot_metric,
R = 1000,
sim = 'parametric',
ran.gen = ran_gen,
mle = pchisq(orings_model$null.deviance,
At which point we have the statistic in boots$t and the null statistic in boots$t0, so a simple statistic can be estimated using sum(boots$t > boots$t0) / boots$R (R being the number of replication).


Bootstrapping regression coefficients from random subsets of data

I’m attempting to perform a regression calibration on two variables using the yorkfit() function in the IsoplotR package. I would like to estimate the confidence interval of the bootstrapped slope coefficient from this model; however, instead of using the typical bootstrap method below, I’d like to only perform the iterations on 75% of the data (randomly selected) at a time. So far, using the following sample data, I managed to bootstrap the slope coefficient result of the yorkfit() function:
X <- c(9.105,8.987,8.974,8.994,8.996,8.966,9.035,9.215,9.239,
9.307,9.227,9.17, 9.102)
Y <- c(28.1,28.9,29.6,29.5,29.0,28.8,28.5,27.3,27.1,26.5,
n <- length(X)
sX <- X*0.02
sY <- Y*0.05
rXY <- rep(0.8,n)
dat <- cbind(X,sX,Y,sY,rXY)
fit <- york(dat)
boot.test <- function(data,indices){
sample = data[indices,]
mod = york(sample)
return (mod$b)
result <- boot(data=dat, statistic = boot.test, R=1000), type = 'bca')
...but I'm not really sure where to go from here. Any help to move me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. I’m new to R so I apologize if question is ambiguous. Thanks.
Based on the package documentation, you should be able to use the ran.gen argument, with sim="parametric", to sample using a custom function. In this case, the sample is a certain percent of the total observations, chosen at random. Something like the following should accomplish what you want:
result <- boot(
statistic =boot.test,
ran.gen=function(data, percent){
data[rank(indic, ties.method="random")<=round(n*percent,0),]

How to find an optimal adstock decay factor for an independent variable in panel analysis in R?

I'm working with a panel dataset (24 months of data for 210 DMAs). I'm trying to optimize the adstock decay factor for an independent variable by minimizing the standard error of a fixed effects model.
In this particular case, I want to get a decay factor that minimizes the SE of the adstock-transformed variable "SEM_Br_act_norm" in the model "Mkt_TRx_norm = b0 + b1*Mkt_TRx_norm_prev + b2*SEM+Br_act_norm_adstock".
So far, I've loaded the dataset in panel formal using plm and created a function to generate the adstock values. The function also runs a fixed effects model on the adstock values and returns the SE. I then use optimize() to find the best decay value within the bounds (0,1). While my code is returning an optimal value, I am worried something is wrong because it returns the same optimum (close to 1) on all other variables.
I've attached a sample of my data, as well as key parts of my code. I'd greatly appreciate if someone could take a look and see what is wrong.
Sample Data
# Set panel data structure
alldata <- (alldata, index = c("DMA", "Month_Num"))
alldata$var <- alldata$SEM_Br_act_norm +0
# Create 1 month time lag for TRx
alldata <- ddply(
alldata, .(DMA), transform,
# This assumes that the data is sorted
Mkt_TRx_norm_prev = c(NA,Mkt_TRx_norm[-length(Mkt_TRx_norm)])
# Create adstock function and obtain SE of regression
adstockreg <-function(decay, period, data_vector, pool_vector=0){
data_vector <-alldata$var
pool_vector <- alldata$DMA
#if no pool apply zero to vector
#outer loop: extract data to decay from observation i
for( i in 1:l){
#inner loop: apply decay onto following observations after i
for(j in 1:min(period,l)){
#constrain decay to same pool (if data is pooled)
if( pool_vector[i]==pool_vector[min(i+j,l)]){data2[(i+j)]<- data2[(i+j)]+(x*(decay)^j)}
#reduce length of edited data to equal length of initial data
#regression - excludes NA values
alldata <- (alldata, index = c("DMA", "Month_Num"))
var_fe <- plm(alldata$Mkt_TRx_norm ~ alldata$Mkt_TRx_norm_prev + data2, data = alldata , model = "within", na.action = na.exclude)
se <- summary(var_fe)$coefficients["data2","Std. Error"]
# Optimize decay for adstock variable
result <- optimize(adstockreg, interval=c(0,1), period = 6)

Implementing the bootstrap method for resampling the data set. Assuming that log prices follow random walk but using ARMA model

getSymbols("SNE",src="yahoo",from = as.Date("2011-04-20"), to =as.Date("2015-04-22"))
SNElog <- diff( log( Cl( SNE ) ) )
SNElog <- SNElog[-1,]
SNElogT <- as.ts( tail(SNElog, 1000))
SNElogTimeArma <- armaFit( formula=~arima(0,1,0), data=SNElogT )
SNE.Adjusted.boot.sum <- numeric(1000)
for(i in 1:1000)
this.samp <- SNElog [ sample(1000,1000,replace=T, prob=??? )]
SNE.Adjusted.boot.sum[i] <- sum(this.samp)
This is my code.
My professor requirement: Implement the bootstrap method for resampling the data set, assuming that log prices follow random walk using an ARMA model.
Random walk just reminds my of ARIMA(0,1,0), But I have no idea how to combine the bootstrap with ARMA model.
Simply put, bootstrap is just recursively generating samples with replacement so as to fit a model. Then their performance is aggregated.
Below is a quick trial to obtain bootstrap coefficients, assuming ARIMA(1, 0, 1). As it is not specified clearly, I'm not sure the actual requirement.
price <- diff(sample(log(100:120), 101, replace = TRUE))
# bootstrap
boot <- function(trial, formula, data) {
mod <- armaFit(formula, sample(data, trial, replace = TRUE))
coef <-, lapply(rep(length(price), 2), boot, formula = ~ arima(1,0,1), data = price))
apply(coef, 2, mean)
ar1 ma1 intercept
-0.66724275 0.67331811 -0.00551791
Note that I only made 2 random samples (rep(length(price), 2)) and your result will be different with a different setup or even with the same setup - recall that bootstrap generates random samples.
The key idea of bootstrap is in armaFit(formula, sample(data, trial, replace = TRUE)) where the model is fit to bootstrap sample, not the actual data.
I hope it is helpful.

Using anova() on gamma distributions gives seemingly random p-values

I am trying to determine whether there is a significant difference between two Gamm distributions. One distribution has (shape, scale)=(shapeRef,scaleRef) while the other has (shape, scale)=(shapeTarget,scaleTarget). I try to do analysis of variance with the following code
x=rgamma(n, shape=shapeRef, scale=scaleRef)
y=rgamma(n, shape=shapeTarget, scale=scaleTarget)
glmm1 <- gam(y~x,family=Gamma(link=log))
The resulting p values keep changing and can be anywhere from <0.1 to >0.9.
Am I going about this the wrong way?
Edit: I use the following code instead
f <- gl(2, n)
x=rgamma(n, shape=shapeRef, scale=scaleRef)
y=rgamma(n, shape=shapeTarget, scale=scaleTarget)
xy <- c(x, y)
anova(glm(xy ~ f, family = Gamma(link = log)),test="F")
But, every time I run it I get a different p-value.
You will indeed get a different p-value every time you run this, if you pick different realizations every time. Just like your data values are random variables, which you'd expect to vary each time you ran an experiment, so is the p-value. If the null hypothesis is true (which was the case in your initial attempts), then the p-values will be uniformly distributed between 0 and 1.
Function to generate simulated data:
simfun <- function(n=100,shapeRef=2,shapeTarget=2,
scaleRef=1,scaleTarget=2) {
f <- gl(2, n)
x=rgamma(n, shape=shapeRef, scale=scaleRef)
y=rgamma(n, shape=shapeTarget, scale=scaleTarget)
xy <- c(x, y)
Function to run anova() and extract the p-value:
sumfun <- function(d) {
aa <- anova(glm(xy ~ f, family = Gamma(link = log),data=d),test="F")
Try it out, 500 times:
r <- replicate(500,sumfun(simfun()))
The p-values are always very small (the difference in scale parameters is easily distinguishable), but they do vary:
par(las=1,bty="l") ## cosmetic

Cross validation for glm() models

I'm trying to do a 10-fold cross validation for some glm models that I have built earlier in R. I'm a little confused about the cv.glm() function in the boot package, although I've read a lot of help files. When I provide the following formula:
cv.glm(data, glmfit, K=10)
Does the "data" argument here refer to the whole dataset or only to the test set?
The examples I have seen so far provide the "data" argument as the test set but that did not really make sense, such as why do 10-folds on the same test set? They are all going to give exactly the same result (I assume!).
Unfortunately ?cv.glm explains it in a foggy way:
data: A matrix or data frame containing the data. The rows should be
cases and the columns correspond to variables, one of which is the
My other question would be about the $delta[1] result. Is this the average prediction error over the 10 trials? What if I want to get the error for each fold?
Here's what my script looks like:
##data partitioning
sub <- sample(nrow(data), floor(nrow(x) * 0.9))
training <- data[sub, ]
testing <- data[-sub, ]
##model building
model <- glm(formula = groupcol ~ var1 + var2 + var3,
family = "binomial", data = training)
cv.glm(testing, model, K=10)
I am always a little cautious about using various packages 10-fold cross validation methods. I have my own simple script to create the test and training partitions manually for any machine learning package:
#Randomly shuffle the data
#Create 10 equally size folds
folds <- cut(seq(1,nrow(yourData)),breaks=10,labels=FALSE)
#Perform 10 fold cross validation
for(i in 1:10){
#Segement your data by fold using the which() function
testIndexes <- which(folds==i,arr.ind=TRUE)
testData <- yourData[testIndexes, ]
trainData <- yourData[-testIndexes, ]
#Use test and train data partitions however you desire...
#Roman provided some answers in his comments, however, the answer to your questions is provided by inspecting the code with cv.glm:
I believe this bit of code splits the data set up randomly into the K-folds, arranging rounding as necessary if K does not divide n:
if ((K > n) || (K <= 1))
stop("'K' outside allowable range")
K.o <- K
K <- round(K)
kvals <- unique(round(n/(1L:floor(n/2))))
temp <- abs(kvals - K)
if (!any(temp == 0))
K <- kvals[temp == min(temp)][1L]
if (K != K.o)
warning(gettextf("'K' has been set to %f", K), domain = NA)
f <- ceiling(n/K)
s <- sample0(rep(1L:K, f), n)
This bit here shows that the delta value is NOT the root mean square error. It is, as the helpfile says The default is the average squared error function. What does this mean? We can see this by inspecting the function declaration:
function (data, glmfit, cost = function(y, yhat) mean((y - yhat)^2),
K = n)
which shows that within each fold, we calculate the average of the error squared, where error is in the usual sense between predicted response vs actual response.
delta[1] is simply the weighted average of the SUM of all of these terms for each fold, see my inline comments in the code of cv.glm:
for (i in seq_len(ms)) {
j.out <- seq_len(n)[(s == i)] <- seq_len(n)[(s != i)]
Call$data <- data[, , drop = FALSE]
d.glm <- eval.parent(Call)
p.alpha <- n.s[i]/n #create weighted average for later
cost.i <- cost(glm.y[j.out], predict(d.glm, data[j.out,
, drop = FALSE], type = "response"))
CV <- CV + p.alpha * cost.i # add weighted average error to running total
cost.0 <- cost.0 - p.alpha * cost(glm.y, predict(d.glm,
data, type = "response"))
