HOw to show woocommerc products in list view? - wordpress

Exactly like this image
How to show woocommerce products in list view with the dimension showing in the image above, and also how to dit the product category page. Please anyone help with this.

You should modify the WooCommerce template files for this one. I assume the D1, L etc. fields are custom fields. Check this custom fields generator. I prefer the modifications with hooks and actions. Here is a good starting point for the modification with hooks: WooCommerce Visual Hook Guide Remove actions what you don't need, and add new outputs from your custom fields to it. When you have all the fields you want to display, format the design with css (see CSS flex for this one). The process is the same at the Category pages. If you are not familiar with programming and WP, Woo template structure, you should study these topics at first.


Divide checkout field in woocomemrce

I need to totally customise WooCommerce checkout page. I can do a lot of things with Woocommerce programatically but this one is not an easy task since I need to divide these fields just like on the picture below.
Website is on this link: I can see that they have hidden some default Woocommerce HTML elements and created their own, but I am not sure how to do it by myself. And Wocommerce is not that easy to customise for this kind of pages.
Get into the templating documentation of WooCommerce here.
You'll probably want to use one of these template files to re-order/structure the checkout template.
You can find even more information in the Code Refference.

WooCommerce: any way to split or clone the tags mechanism inside each product?

I have some task related to WooCommerce.
I need to create a perfume shop. And the task is to create for each perfume the "Perfume Pyramid".
Each perfume made from Top Notes, Middle Notes and Base Notes.
Inside each product i want to show this notes based on the notes i will select inside admin.
Each note should be clickable. When the user will click on some note, for example "vanilla" the user will redirect to the page with all the products that have "vanilla" note.
This is similar to how tags working. But i really don't know how to split / clone the tags mechanism so i will have 3 fields inside each product that will allow me to choose the notes for Top, Middle and Base.
Also, if it is possible to upload image for each tag so i can show tag as image instead text
Maybe you can suggest another way then using tags mechanism.
You create 3 Taxonomy : base note, middle note, top note
Taxonomies are "categories", like Tags. You can link the taxonomy to one or many custom post type. In your case link the taxonomy to the "custom post type" Product created by WooCommerce.

How can I build WooCommerce products collections?

I want to build products collections similar to AliExpress,Amazon, Etsy and other collections.
I can suggest you three ways:
You could create new taxonomy called collections, each term would be a collection. You can extend it for your needs by adding custom fields to collection taxonomy terms i.e. image, relations with specific brands ( which also can be created as taxonomy ).
To make final render adjustments, you will have to override archive.php template for your collection taxonomy - i.e. taxonomy-collection.php or taxonomy-collections.php ( depending on slug you choose to use )
You could create new custom post type collections, and then create for product post type additional custom field, that would list in dropdown ( multiselect ) or multiple checkboxes all collections.
You will then need to override single.php template for single custom post type view, i.e. single-collection.php
See: for templates reference.
You could find and install some plugin ( there is a decent number of such ) that offer extending WooCommerce in terms of having brands and collections attached.
I would suggest first approach, or second if you are decent in WordPress and WooCommerce development. Third is at first easiest, but usually lacks of flexibility and customization, since it is not your code.
Wouldn't Grouped products work for you (or anyone searching here)?
Go to: WooCommerce > Products > Add New.
Enter a Title for the Grouped product, e.g., Back to School set
Scroll down to Product Data and select Grouped from the dropdown. The price and several other fields disappear. This is normal because a
Grouped Product is a collection of ‘child products’, which is where
you add this information.
The Grouped product is still an empty group. To this Grouped product,
you need to:
-Create products and add them
-Add existing child products
If you are looking to make collections like those in shopify, for example, grouping products by attributes, or a certain word contained in the title. There is a plugin called WooCommerce Collection by WooExperts. Unfortunately it is a paid plugin. I will give the link below to avoid confusion with another plugin called WooCommerce Collections.
I am not in anyway affiliated to them, I simply use it and it solved this issue for me.
Here is the link:

How To Add Custom Field In woo commerce product listing admin page in Wordpress

I am very much new to wordpress and need help. Well I need to add a custom field to woocommerce product listing page in admin and make it work.
So where do I have to make changes in code or in admin section.I need some suggestions on how to make it work.
Thanks in advance
if I'm understanding you right you want to add new fields to your woocommerce products, and you want those fields to show up in the admin panel. I am working on this right now myself and I have found a few good resources.
First of all, although I can't find any documentation on them yet directly in the woocommerce API docs, there are two hooks for extending the admin panel.
woocommerce_product_write_panel_tabs - this allows you to insert a new tab within the admin panel. from browsing the source of various free woocommerce plugins that do this it appears that the tab format should be <li>Tab Name</li>.
woocommerce_product_write_panel - this is where the insertion of your custom panel contents would go, placed within a <div id="#tab_name"></div>
These are the two hooks that I have had a great deal of difficulty locating. They allow you to hook into the actual woocommerce admin area, otherwise custom fields you might add will end up in a separate panel.
For all the details on actually adding the custom fields themselves and hooking them up to the front-end, I suggest this tutorial here, which covers the basic concepts involved in adding a new meta-data field and hooking it into the product display (in this case the single-product detail view, it sounds like you want to modify them in the list view but this will show you the basic principles).
Note: that tutorial doesn't use the woocommerce admin panel but creates its own panel, the instructions I gave above, plus this tutorial, should get you just about anywhere you need to go.

Wordpress: Using Custom Post Type for image list of Product

I have a Wordpress-blog with gift ideas where I write text based articles. I recently discovered Custom Post types which I believe is the solution to an feature I want to create.
What I want:
Be able to tag each custom post using the normal "Categories" and "Tags".
Create a 3x3 matrix with product images (custom posts) to be shown on top of each Category-view or Tag-view (followed by the typical article list in the category or tag).
Lets say I have a category "Gifts for mom" and tags "Pink", "Cheap"
In the category "Gifts for mom" I have 10 text articles (normal posts) discussing the difficulties of buying gifts for your mom
I create nine custom posts, each is a specific gift (e.g. A pink hairbrush). I want to place them in the Category "Gifts for mom" and tag them with "Pink".
When I view I want to be able to get a view:
Gifts for mom
Product Product Product
Product Product Product
Product Product Product
- This awesome article
- That awesome article
- Etc
I assume this is possible but don't really know where to begin. Could you point me in the right direction? Which Plugins do I need? Do I need to do any programming myself (or just plugin configuration)? Is this even possible?
The description is a bit broad, hence a bit broad answer.
Two things are needed:
1) A plugin to create the Custom Post Type.
It is considered best practice to let CPT's in Plugin territory. So you can swap designs and preserve your CPT functionality. In reality, you are asking for future problems letting this be handled by the theme.
Create your own plugin, which would contain a register_post_type and any extra configs.
Use an existent plugin, like Custom Content Type Manager.
Its Custom Fields features are quite handy as well.
Allows users to create custom content types (also known as post types) and standardized custom fields for each, including dropdowns, checkboxes, and images.
2) Learn how to use and customize WordPress Templates
Templates are the files which control how your WordPress site will be displayed on the Web. These files draw information from your WordPress MySQL database and generate the HTML code which is sent to the web browser. Through its powerful Theme system, WordPress allows you to define as few or as many Templates as you like all under one Theme. Each of these Template files can be configured for use under specific situations.
You can try the following:
Add a new Page for each category with the exact same name as the category.
In the Images menu attach to each of those pages the images you want.
In your script query for a page with a name identical to the current category, and pull all of its attachments
