We currently busy with a property web scrape and trying to scrape multiple pages without manually getting the page range (There are 5 pages)
for num in range(0,5):
url = "https://www.property24.com/for-sale/woodland-hills-wildlife-estate/bloemfontein/free-state/10467/p" + str(num)
How do you output a URL of all pages without manually typing the page range?
Maybe using the ul class="pagination" in order to count the page number?
you can use pagination class to fetch the last a tag and from that you can fetch data-pagenumber and then use it get all the links. Follow the below code to get it done.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
for i in range(1,int(noofpages)+1):
Let me know if you have any questions :)
I've been trying to scrape the search result of the AlphaFold
Protein Structure Database and couldn't find the desired information in the scraping result.
So my idea is that, e.g., if I put the search key word "Alpha-elapitoxin-Oh2b" in the search bar and click the search button, it will generate a new page with the URL:
In google chrome, I used "inspect" to check the code for this page and found my desired search result, i.e. the I.D. for this protein: P82662.
However, when I used requests and bs4 to scrape this page. I couldn't find the desired "P82662" in the returned information, also not even the search words "Alpha-elapitoxin-Oh2b"
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
response = requests.get('https://alphafold.ebi.ac.uk/search/text/Alpha-elapitoxin-Oh2b')
html = response.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
I searched StackOverflow and tried to find a solution of not being able to find the result with BS4 and requests and found someone said that it is because the page of the search result was wrapped with JavaScript. So is it true? How can I solve this problem?
The desired search data is loaded dynamically from external source via API as json format as get method. So bs4 getting empty ResultSet.
import requests
res= requests.get('https://alphafold.ebi.ac.uk/api/search?q=%28text%3A%2aAlpha%5C-elapitoxin%5C-Oh2b%20OR%20text%3AAlpha%5C-elapitoxin%5C-Oh2b%2a%29&type=main&start=0&rows=20')
for item in res.json()['docs']:
id_num =item['uniprotAccession']
I have written the following code and it works fine. I really enjoyed because I am quite new in python requests or even python3 but at the following day I noticed that the price variable is not updated. And it does not update any time I run the code for a week (709.49 if does it matter). I think it is not a secret so I pasted the whole code below with link to the website.
So I want to ask whether I wrote something in wrong way or the web page is not that simple to make a request. Could you tell me what happened?
Here is the original code:
import requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
pattern = '\d+\.?\d*'
site_doc = requests.get('https://bitbay.net/pl/kurs-walut/kurs-ethereum-pln').text
soup = BeautifulSoup(site_doc, 'html.parser')
price = str(soup.select('title'))
price = re.findall(pattern, price)
Thanks in advance!
The reason this doesn't work is that the content you are trying to get is JavaScript rendered. For this, I'd recommend using Selenium in order to get JavaScript rendered content.
Looking for advice please on methods to scrape the gender of clothing items on a website that doesn't specify the gender on the product page.
The website I'm crawling is www.very.co.uk and an example of a product page would be this - https://www.very.co.uk/berghaus-combust-reflect-long-jacket-red/1600352465.prd
Looking at that page, there looks to be no easy way to create a script that could identify this item as womenswear. Other websites might have breadcrumbs to use, or the gender might be in the title / URL but this has nothing.
As I'm using scrapy, with the crawl template and Rules to build a hierarchy of links to scrape, I was wondering if it's possible to pass a variable in one of the rules or the starting_URL to identify all items scraped following this rule / starting URL would have a variable as womenswear? I can then feed this variable into a method / loader statement to tag the item as womenswear before putting it into a database.
If not, would anyone have any other ideas on how to categorise this item as womenswear. I saw an example where you could use an excel spreadsheet to create the start_urls and in that excel spreadsheet tag each row as womenswear, mens etc. However, I feel this method might cause issues further down the line and would prefer to avoid it if possible. I'll spare the details of why I think this would be problematic unless anyone asks.
Thanks in advance
There does seem to be a breadcrumb in your example, however for an alternative you can usually check the page source by simply searching your term - maybe there's some embedded javascript/json that can be extract?
Here you can see some javascript for subcategory that indicates that it's a "womens_everyday_sports_jacket".
You can parse it quite easily with some regex:
re.findall('subcategory: "(.+?)"', response.body_as_unicode())
# womens_everyday_sports_jacket
I could really use some help regarding a problem I'm facing. I have a project where I'm supposed to fetch the names and prices of some products. I must retrieve data from the first 5 pages of a given category.I'm trying to implement it using R, the rvest package and the SelectorGadget extension to choose the appropriate css selectors. I've written a function to do that:
url<-readline(prompt="Enter url: ")
nameTags<-readline(prompt="Enter name tags: ")
priceTags<-readline(prompt="Enter price tags: ")
and here's the page anesishome.gr. From this specific page I can go to the next etc to fetch a total of...240 products. But even when I provide the url for the next page, second page, I keep getting the data of the first page. Needless to say that choosing the option to present 240 in one single page didn't do any good. Can anybody point me to what I'm doing wrong?
I am trying to write a program which reads articles (posts) of any website that could range from Blogspot or Wordpress blogs / any other website. As to write code which is compatible with almost all websites which might have been written in HTML5/XHTML etc.. I thought of using RSS/ Atom feeds as ground from extracting content.
However, as RSS/ Atom feeds usually might not contain entire articles of websites, I thought to gather all "posts" links from the feed using feedparser and then want to extract the article content from the respective URL.
I could get URL's of all articles in website (including summary. i.e., article content shown in feed) but I want to access the entire article data for which I have to use the respective URL.
I came across various libraries like BeautifulSoup, lxml etc.. (various HTML/XML Parsers) but I really don't know how to get the "exact" content of the article (I assume "exact" means the data with all hyperlinks, iframes, slides shows etc still exist; I don't want CSS part).
So, can anyone help me on it?
Fetching the HTML code of all linked pages is quite easy.
The hard part is to extract exactly the content you are looking for. If you simply need all code inside of the <body> tag, this shouldn't be a big problem either; extracting all text is equally simple. But if you want a more specific subset, you have more work to do.
I suggest that you download the requests and BeautifulSoup module (both avaible via easy_install requests/bs4 or better pip install requests/bs4). The requests module makes fetching your page really easy.
The following example fetches a rss feed and returns three lists:
linksoups is a list of the BeautifulSoup instances of each page linked from the feed
linktexts is a list of the visible text of each page linked from the feed
linkimageurls is a list of lists with the src-urls of all the images embedded in each page linked from the feed
e.g. [['/pageone/img1.jpg', '/pageone/img2.png'], ['/pagetwo/img1.gif', 'logo.bmp']]
import requests, bs4
# request the content of the feed an create a BeautifulSoup object from its content
response = requests.get('http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot')
responsesoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text)
linksoups = []
linktexts = []
linkimageurls = []
# iterate over all <link>…</link> tags and fill three lists: one with the soups of the
# linked pages, one with all their visible text and one with the urls of all embedded
# images
for link in responsesoup.find_all('link'):
url = link.text
linkresponse = requests.get(url) # add support for relative urls with urlparse
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(linkresponse.text)
# Append all text between tags inside of the body tag to the second list
images = soup.find_all('img')
imageurls = []
# get the src attribute of each <img> tag and append it to imageurls
for image in images:
# now somehow merge the retrieved information.
That might be a rough starting point for your project.