How do you break a line of text within InDesign scripts? - break

So I'm new to InDesign CC scripting, but I really just need a very simple solution, or at least I hope that it's a simple solution. I have a script for adding a watermark to a document for export, however i'd like it to be on two lines and take up more space on the page rather than just one line. Below is the script I'm using:
var myDoc = app.activeDocument,
myPdfExportPreset = "[High Quality Print]",
myPdfFile = File(myDoc.fullName.fsName.replace(/.indd$/i, "") + ".pdf");
app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnits.INCHES
var docHeight = myDoc.documentPreferences.pageHeight
var docWidth = myDoc.documentPreferences.pageWidth
watermarkVisibility = true;
watermarkDoPrint = true;
watermarkDrawInBack = false;
watermarkText = "I would like the code to split between the word split and between";
watermarkFontFamily = "Helvetica";
watermarkFontStyle = "Bold";
watermarkFontPointSize = Math.round(docWidth * 7);
watermarkFontColor = [0, 0, 0];
watermarkOpacity = 15;
watermarkRotation = -25;
watermarkHorizontalPosition = WatermarkHorizontalPositionEnum.watermarkHCenter;
watermarkHorizontalOffset = 0;
watermarkVerticalPosition = WatermarkVerticalPositionEnum.watermarkVCenter;
watermarkVerticalOffset = 0;
If anyone has an idea on how to insert a line break, I'm not sure if it's like html where you can just <br> and be done with it, but that's kind of what I'm looking for, if that makes sense. Thanks so much in advance!

Related chart control: hide all lines (axes, etc.) except data points

I'm trying to generate sparklines for a dashboard using the Microsoft chart control on Sparklines generally have no axes or anything other than the data points showing.
I've succesfully turned off most of the lines but I'm stuck with one horizontal and one vertical line I can't figure out how to get rid of. Here's what I see:
Here's what I want:
Here's an excerpt of the code I'm using (minus the actual data):
Chart2.Width = 100;
Chart2.Height = 60;
Chart2.BorderlineWidth = 0;
var name = "Northeast Region";
ChartArea area = new ChartArea(name);
area.AxisX.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
area.AxisY.LabelStyle.Enabled = false;
area.AxisX.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
area.AxisY.MajorGrid.Enabled = false;
area.AxisY.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
area.AxisY.MinorTickMark.Enabled = false;
area.AxisX.MajorTickMark.Enabled = false;
area.AxisX.MinorTickMark.Enabled = false;
area.BorderWidth = 0;
Series s = new Series(area.Name);
s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
s.ChartArea = area.Name;
s.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
foreach (var row in Data)
s.Points.AddXY(row.StartDate, row.Sales);
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Duh. I googled every possible combination of "hide" and "axis" and "line" but didn't Google " chart control sparklines" until after I posted this.
Answer is here:
I was missing setting the LineWidth property on the ChartArea:
area.AxisX.LineWidth = 0;
area.AxisY.LineWidth = 0;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines.Add(new StripLine());
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines[0].BackColor = Color.FromArgb(80, 252, 180, 65);
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines[0].StripWidth = 40;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines[0].Interval = 10000;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.StripLines[0].IntervalOffset = 20;

How can I find the last labelId in AX2009?

I'd like to insert all Labels from a labelModuleId in an AX2009 table.
I have this job, that does nearly everything I need. But I have to enter the max Id (toLabel = 1000):
static void OcShowAllLabel(Args _args)
xInfo xinfo;
LanguageId currentLanguageId;
LabelModuleId labelModuleId = 'OCM'; // hier evt eine Eingabe durch Benutzer zur Auswahl
LabelIdNum frLabel;
LabelIdNum toLabel = 1000;
LabelId labelId;
OcShowAllLabels_RS tab;
Label blub = new Label();
str label;
xInfo = new xInfo();
currentLanguageId = xInfo.language();
delete_from tab
where tab.LanguageId == currentLanguageId
&& tab.LabelModuleId == labelModuleId;
for (frLabel = 1; frLabel <= toLabel; frLabel++)
labelId = strfmt('#%1%2', labelModuleId, frLabel);
label = SysLabel::labelId2String(labelId, currentLanguageId);
if (labelId != label)
tab.LabelId = labelId;
tab.Label = label;
tab.LanguageId = currentLanguageId;
tab.LabelModuleId = labelModuleId;
If this is a one-time job, you can just stop the AOS and open the label file in notepad. It's in your application folder called axXXXen-us.ald, where XXX is your label file name and en-us is your language.
Look at classes\Tutorial_ThreadWork\doTheWork to see where they use a while(sLabel) instead of a for loop like you have.
container doTheWork(Thread t,LabelType searchFor)
container retVal;
SysLabel sysLabel = new SysLabel(LanguageTable::defaultLanguage());
str slabel;
slabel = sysLabel.searchFirst(searchFor);
while (slabel)
retVal += sLabel;
slabel = sysLabel.searchNext();
return retVal;
Since the label file is a text file, it would make sense that you can't just select the last one, but you have to iterate through the file. AX caches the labels however, but I don't believe you can just readily access the label cache as far as I know.
Lastly, hopefully you won't try this, but don't try to just read in the label text file, because AX sometimes has labels that it hasn't flushed to that file from the cache. I think Label::Flush(...) will flush them, but I'm not sure.
Here is another option I suppose. You can insert a label to get the next label number and then just immediately delete it:
static void Job32(Args _args)
SysLabel sysLabel = new SysLabel(LanguageTable::defaultLanguage());
SysLabelEdit sysLabelEdit = new SysLabeLEdit();
LabelId labelid;
labelId = syslabel.insert('alextest', '', 'OCM');
info(strfmt("%1", labelId));
sysLabelEdit.labelDelete(labelId, false);
It does seem to consume the number from the number sequence though. You could just do a Label::Flush(...) and then check the text file via code. Look at Classes\SysLabel* to see some of how the system deals with labels. It doesn't look very simple by any means.
Here is another option that might work for you. This will identify missing labels too. Change 'en-us' to your language. This is a "dirty" alternative I suppose. You might need to add something to say "if we find 5 labels in a row where they're like '#OCM'".
for (i=1; i<999; i++)
labelId = strfmt("#%1%2", 'OCM', i);
s = SysLabel::labelId2String(labelId, 'en-us');
if (s like '#OCM*')
info (strfmt("%1: Last is %2", i, s));
info(strfmt("%1: %2", i, s));

flex actionscript LatLngBounds can not get it to work

My question is at the very end of the post.
I have tried everything from setting a timer for all the markers to be set to all kinds of calculations of the four corners, but nothing seems to be working.
Each time that I add a marker to the markermanager, I call this function below
public function markerSetBounds(someLat , someLng):void{
var bounds:LatLngBounds = new LatLngBounds();
for(var i:int = 0; i < myMarkers.length; i++)
var currentLatLon:LatLng = new LatLng(someLat , someLng);
I believe I know why this does not work. I am only sending one set of lat, lng at a time.
However, when I tried the following, flex told me that it did not know what myMarkers[i].lat meant.
The following is how I fill myMarkers array
var someMarker:Marker = new Marker(new LatLng(someLat , someLng), new MarkerOptions({tooltip:someAddress, hasShadow: true}));
This is how I want to traverse through the array, but flex does not understand what .lat means.
for(var i:int = 0; i < myMarkers.length; i++)
var currentLatLon:LatLng = new LatLng(myMarkers[i].lat , myMarkers[i].lng);
My question is how do I traverse through the myMarkers array to set currentLatLon. I have also tried a for each(var someObj:Marker in myMarkers) but it finds nothing. The markers are showing up on the map, but the bounds are not working.
Have you tried doing something like:
(myMarkers[i] as Marker).lat
Is this a problem at run time or compile time?
OK, I figured out was what the issue and it was that I had to place things in the correct order.
First, declare the LatLngBounds.
Second, make the markers.
Third, set the zoom
Forth, extend the bounds.
bounds = new LatLngBounds();
covToXML = new XML(event.result);
xmlToList = new XMLList(covToXML);
listToCol = new XMLListCollection(xmlToList);
someLat = Number(listToCol.children().child("geometry").child("location").child("lat").text());
someLng = Number(listToCol.children().child("geometry").child("location").child("lng").text());
someAddress = String(listToCol.children().child("formatted_address").text());
var markerOptions:MarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions();
markerOptions.icon = new (whichIcon(GlobalVars.randomIcon));
markerOptions.tooltip = someAddress;
markerOptions.hasShadow = true;
someMarker = new Marker(new LatLng(someLat , someLng), markerOptions);
for each(someMarker in myMarkers)
var newLatLng:LatLng = someMarker.getLatLng();
Thanks for all the suggestions and questions, which helped me to the solution.

Scaling with BitmapData

I am working on an application that will allow a user to scale an image. The issue that I am having with the method below is that the scaling is always taking place on the previous scale point.
For example: If I scale the image up one and then scale the image down one. I have to scale down twice to get it back to the point I want it to be.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Here is my current code:
private var sourceBMD:BitmapData = testImage.source as BitmapData
private var matrixScaleX:Number = 1;
private var matrixScaleY:Number = 1;
private var baseScaleX:Number = .05;
private var baseScaleY:Number = .05;
private function sourceZoom(zoomType:Boolean = false):void{
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
var matriximage:BitmapData;
matrixScaleX = matrixScaleX + baseScaleX;
matrixScaleY = matrixScaleY + baseScaleY;
matrix.a = matrixScaleX;
matrix.d = matrixScaleY
matrixScaleX = matrixScaleX - baseScaleX;
matrixScaleY = matrixScaleY - baseScaleY;
matrix.a = matrixScaleX;
matrix.d = matrixScaleY;
matriximage = new BitmapData(sourceBMD.width, sourceBMD.height, false, 0x0000000);
trace('MatrixScaleX: ' + matrixScaleX);
trace('MatrixScaleY: ' + matrixScaleY);
trace('BaseScaleX: ' + baseScaleX);
trace('BaseScaleY: ' + baseScaleY);
trace('Matrix: ' + ObjectUtil.toString(matrix));
matriximage.draw(sourceBMD, matrix);
testImage.source = matriximage;
That looks fine, I'd suspect that the problem lies with your input or the place this is getting called.
In order for it to work, events need to happen like this in your code:
capture input -> scale image -> draw image.
Since you appear to be setting the image to draw at the end of this function, I would check that this function is being called after the input has finished processing.
Can you confirm that's what's happening?

How to automatically set TextField()'s width

I'm trying to set the width of a Textfield() object based on it's string content that I have set-
Is there a way to dynamically set this once the string has been sent to the object?
I have:
var t1:TextField = new TextField()
t1.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
t1.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
t1.text = "some string that i would want to render";
t1.textColor = 0x000000;
t1.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Thanks for any suggestions...
You should read the documentation correctly, it's a member variable that actually needs to be set. I'll give you a quick example on how this works:
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.text = 'Some text.';
tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf.x = ( stage.stageWidth - tf.width ) / 2;
tf.y = ( stage.stageHeight - tf.height ) / 2;
Alternatively you can also align the text field first and use TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER to keep it aligned in the center.
t1.text = "Some text";
t1.width = t1.textWidth + 5;
t1.height = t1.textHeight + 5;
Why the + 5? Because Adobe sucks and adds an internal gutter around your stuff. Per the docs this is supposed to be 2px per side, but it's actually slightly more, so you add another +1 for good measure.
you could try using the getCharBoundaries() method (it returns a rectangle surrounding a character at a specified index). Use that to get the rectangle from the first and last chars and set the width to the difference of those rectangles.
Pretty convoluted, there's got to be a better way, but if not this should work.
