A .jar file does not run after building it - jar

Actually, I'm trying to add new language to Streama Media Server. I downloaded source code, added new language file (as guided here). After that, I want to build a jar with that project, I build it with IntelliJ Idea 2021.1 (here is how I did). So, When I run that jar file (in Ubunt 20.04), it fails and gives this error: Screenshot

When you have made adjustments to the source code, it is likely that you will want to create a new .jar file and deploy it on your server. For this, you can use a simple command:
# for unix based systems
**./gradlew assemble**
# for windows
**./gradlew.bat assemble**
This will create 2 new .jar files under build/libs,
all you will need is the streama-{version}.jar.
This file is an executable, so you can just copy it into your deployment directory / your server and start it as usual.


Qt6 qt_generate_deploy_app_script plugin DLL copying

Currently I have to manually copy the platforms and imageformats plugin folders to the directory containing the .exe that MSVC compiled. This is very tedious as the output folders often get deleted if you're working on your CMakeLists.txt or changing compilation target.
Now qt_generate_deploy_app_script seems like an official Qt solution to solve this problem, but it does not work.
I have added the CMake bits to my CMakeLists.txt as stated
install(SCRIPT ${deploy_script})
I can see some generated deploy scripts appear under build\x64-RelWithDebInfo\.qt, but they do not seem to be run as no DLL folders get copied to where my .exe is.
Am I misinterpreting what qt_generate_deploy_app_script should do or is it simply broken?
If you want to Creat exe in windows From Qt project you should use windeployqt
To Deploy and create Exe output with QT in windows you should follow this way:
put your compiler path in your system path. for example, if you use mingw81_64, you should set it. something like Qt/tools/mingw81_64/bin
copy exe file that provides after building in release mode in one
folder and run mingw81_64 cmd (it has separate cmd) and cd to that
folder path
windeployqt app.exe
you are using Cmake So first create one release output and then use step 3.
This command will get all dll needs for your app and your exe will work .
if you use qml
windeployqt --qmldir (the path of its directory ) app.exe
and also see these youtube videos for more info:

CLI method to find all nested jar files containing the log4j library

I have read here that the log4j library can be "nested" within other files that are deployed with an application.
I can find files with 'log4j' in the filename but don't know how to find log4j in these "nested jars". Is there a way to do this from the command line?
This question has moved to SuperUser here.
Run the following command search for log4j jar files in an application:
dir /s /b <application_root>\*log4j*.jar
If any files are displayed, check the version number that is part of the file name. For example Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lib\log4j-core-2.15.0.jar is version 2.15.
If the version is between 2 and 2.14 (2.15 is not vulnerable), the application is vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228 and one of the following mitigations must be applied.

How to make setWindowIcon work properly in a stand-alone executable (Qt5.14 + VS2019)?

I am programming a Qt application in MS Visual Studio Community 2019. I am trying to add an icon to my application window with the following command, and I also have the corresponding file my_icon.ico mentioned in the .qrc file:
When I build and run my program in VS, everything is perfect - the icon replaces the standard one. However, when I make a release and try to run the resulting stand-alone executable, the icon is NOT shown! This is particularly weird as images which I also mention in the .qrc file (pictures for buttons) are on their places.
I have tried to put my_icon.ico alongside the .exe file, but with no result.
I give up, please give me a clue what might be happening here.
Thanks to chehrlic, I understood that it was as simple as running the windeployqt.exe on the .exe file build by the Release configuration by Visual Studio.
This will link all required libraries dynamically.
Avoid using this tool while the .exe file is inside the Release folder as it will create many other files & folders near .exe file. I have copied my_app.exe to a fresh directory and ran the following command from it:
C:\Qt\5.14.1\msvc2017_64\bin\windeployqt.exe my_app.exe --release
See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-deployment.html for more details.

Qt renaming path of the project

sometimes when I rename the path to a qt project, it cannot be run even though I clean qmake and rebuild it!!! the path does not contain any space. and the project is completely correct and I know that the error is for path renaming , for example when I rename :
it cannot be build and says that some include file is missing(but the file is there!).
what is the problem?
I work with dynamic qt5.2 on windows 7.
when I copy the project folder to a new directory( a path upper than current path) then the project can be build and run.
When you rename the path to the project, go to the project folder and delete the file with .pro.user extension. Open the project and Qt will ask you to configure the project. Choose the required kit, build and run the project.It should build successfully now
If you have changed path multiple times the .pro.user file is created multiple times delete all files with this extension and compile

jar file not found iexpress

I am using iexpress to make my .jar files into .exe files
for this I add the jar file(myjarfile.jar) and in run command box I type : java -jar myjarfile.jar
but after creating the .exe the cmd that is flashing says cannot find the jar file myjarfile.jar
can any body help me find what I am doing wrong
To test this, I built a simple HelloWorld.jar file (using these instructions) and tested it like so:
java -jar HelloWorld.jar
Then I made an IExpress package with it. The Install program was exactly the command I used above. This worked exactly as it should.
Two possible causes of the error:
In the IExpress wizard, there's a checkbox Store files using Long File Name inside Package. You should definitely select this option; ignore the warning that appears, as it applies to Windows 95/98. In the .sed file, this is:
Check that the .exe actually contains myjarfile.jar. 7-Zip will open the .exe and show you the archive contents. (IExpress .exe files are just a CAB file with a wrapper.) If the file is missing, then you'll need to check your .sed file to see what went wrong.
