Today, I'm asking for help from the community because I have a problem with Cesium. When I run a command to display a path I get this error. Whether it's Firefox, Chrome or even Edge, I get the same error.
Firefox 88.0.1 (64 bits)
An error occurred while rendering. Rendering has stopped.
RuntimeError: Vertex texture fetch support is required to render polylines. The maximum number of vertex texture image units must be greater than zero.
Error loading image for billboard: DeveloperError: Width must be less than or equal to the maximum texture size (0). Check maximumTextureSize.
This was happening for my team while using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in a VirtualBox VM.
The error occurred in Google Chrome browser on, for example, this page:
In our case, this resolved the issue:
Shut down your VM.
Open the Virtualbox settings for the VM
Un-check the box Display -> Enable 3D Acceleration
Once that setting is OFF then it should work for you as a CPU-only renderer.
Then, of course, start the machine back up.
It's slower using CPU-only graphics, but it helped us with this testing issue.
My app is using Firebase Analytics and I believe starting in iOS 13.2 started getting the errors described here: Why I get the console warning: [Process] kill() returned unexpected error 1 when I load a WKWebView in iOS13.2?
I guess it wasn't a big deal
Since I planned for my app to go live in January, I began bigger tests in physical devices. I noticed after a while the app started to behave erratically, specially after receiving a [general] Connection to daemon was invalidated error. This doesn't occur in the simulator
Searching the internet I found a post that describes the same problem:
In my case, only Firebase seems to be calling WKWebView, but every time I open the UIMenuController I get the error described in the console and the app appears to be missing inputs. This is specially troublesome with UIScrollViews, which my app uses a lot. The pinch gesture seems to work at will. On an iPhone 6s, the issue isn't as noticeable, on an iPad, it's like a 50% chance the pinch gesture will work properly
Outside of removing Firebase, is there a way to mitigate this issue?
1 June 2020: The console message still persists, however, I have seemed to resolve the UIScrollView issue by deactivating delaysContentTouches, now the pinch gesture seems to work most of the time
23 October 2020 If anyone notices their app starting to behave erratically with no apparent reason I HIGHLY suggest to test it on an iOS 13 physical device if possible. Seems that Apple removed the warning from iOS 14, but testing it on iOS 13 you can pin point the exact reason after the warning appears in the console
Upon further testing, I've reduced the view down to a dead-simple UI view with a single SwiftUI TextField and the 'Connection to daemon was invalidated' still appears after I type the first character into the field. Soon thereafter the app crashes with a sigAbort. (So I don't think the reason is the UITextView wrapper I was using in the previous post). Once the invalidated message appears the app is doomed to crash, not right away but soon thereafter.
I have no idea what causes the 'invalidate' message and a Google search seems to imply that no-one else does either. Some folks appear to have made (experimental?) changes to their UI that stops the message but it appears to be impossible to determine a definite cause. (and like before it only occurs on a real phone)
Same issue without using Firebase at all. What I did: Delete build folder and compile again. Issue does not appears again.
On Xcode:
Clean the Build Folder
This will delete all of the products and intermediate files in the build folder. To clean the build folder you can use the shortcut Command+Option+Shift+K or Menu Bar → Product → Hold Option Key → Clean build Folder.
On Flutter:
Just delete build folder.
We are running Selenoid Grid on a three node cluster (that is also running Kubernetes). Every so often when running some robotframework tests the same test in Chrome browser on the grid we see ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED when we open browser page and test fails. We never see this when not running in Grid.
Captured tcpdump and saw (RST, ACK) coming from docker container for chrome browser. Would appreciate any suggestions on how to debug this.
And yes, we do plan on moving the Grid to its own nodes (as there could be conflict between Kubernetes and Selenoid as we are not running the Kubernetes version).
I am working on a QT application for which I've integrated DirectX 11 into a custom widget. The application renders a scrolling display - a graphical representation of data being read from a file. The user can speed up and slow down the scrolling speed.
For the most part, this is working great. The DirectX 11 rendering is presented to my custom widget just as I'd expect. The problem is that the graphics driver randomly hangs and crashes my program. I say "random" because I have been testing this with the same data file and it never seems to crash at the same point in the file, after a specific amount of time, or at a specific scrolling speed (the faster the scrolling speed, the more work being done by the GPU per frame).
When the application hangs, my screen freezes for a moment, goes black, then returns with a nice message from NVidia that it has recovered from a driver crash. The Debug Output in Visual Studio contains the following:
D3D11: Removing Device.
D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11Device::RemoveDevice:
Device removal has been triggered for the following reason
(DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG: The Device took an unreasonable amount of
time to execute its commands, or the hardware crashed/hung. As a
result, the TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery) mechanism has been
triggered. The current Device Context was executing commands when the
hang occurred. The application may want to respawn and fallback to
less aggressive use of the display hardware). [ EXECUTION ERROR #378:
I have discovered that by simply commenting out the IDXGISwapChain1::Present call, the application will run through the file at blazing speed. Graphics-wise it is still pushing data to the GPU and drawing to render targets, it just never gets displayed to my window.
What I'm hoping for is help with ideas of what types of things cause driver hangs. My shaders are incredibly simple - basically just positioning my vertices using a projection matrix. And considering what I described in the above paragraph, shaders should still be cranking through vertices and pixels even when Present isn't being called, yes?
I was suspicious that this could be a compatibility issue with Qt - I know DirectX isn't officially supported by Qt. So I tried creating a separate window using CreateWindowEx and using that for my swap chain instead of the custom Qt widget. It rendered to that window but also hung the driver just like before.
I was also suspicious of a driver bug in my laptop, so I tried running the application on a beefier desktop PC that regularly runs another DirectX 11 application (non-Qt) without a hitch (worth mentioning that this other application renders similar data in a scrolling display as well, using shaders that are a lot more complex). But my QT application hangs the driver on that PC as well.
Anyone know of a way I can get a more detailed description of what is causing the driver to hang?
Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.
UPDATE: 2013-08-01 17:16 CST
I am currently investigating a possible thread syncing issue that may be the culprit. Will continue tomorrow morning and post if I solve this on my own.
After some testing today, it appears to have been a threading issue. I have run several times today with no graphics crash. So my problem must be fixed, unless I've just been getting lucky with my tests today (or unlucky, rather - if this shows its ugly face again in a day or two).
I was aware that the immediate device context is not thread safe. Rather than using deferred contexts, though, I was using critical sections to sync my threads and coordinate use of the device context. What I did not realize is that it is not safe to call IDXGISwapChain1::Present while another thread is using the device context. Makes sense, but since it is not call directly from the device context itself, I overlooked it. I literally moved my Present() call a few lines up into my critical section block, and it hasn't given me a crash since.
I am running several thousand https clients through chrome on one tab, I seem to be hitting a limit in the browser, when I check task manager the chrome process for that tab is using a whopping 897MB so I am assuming there is some sort of limit (900MB~).
Are there any chrome wizards around that could explain this? Also it would be ideal if I could increase the max limit so I am able to run more clients through a single tab.
By default v8 has a memory limit of 512MB on 32-bit systems, and 1.4GB on 64-bit systems. The limit can be raised by setting --max_old_space_size to a maximum of 1024 (1 GB) on 32-bit and 4096 (4GB) on 64-bit. You should be able to set this parameter when launching Chrome from a shell in Linux, or as an argument to the shortcut path in Windows.
Aggregated answer based on Mihai Tomescu's answer and other resources:
Maximum memory per tab seems to be about 1.8GB when running a x64 Windows OS, according to this answer
Increasing tab memory works fine by changing Chrome link address from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --max_old_space_size=4096
The difference can be quickly tested using this huge image which will crash Chrome using default memory settings (Google Chrome ran out of memory while trying to display this webpage), but will render fine after increasing the memory limit.
It seems --max_old_space_size does not work anymore.
I tested on Ubuntu 22.04 (Version 106.0.5249.119) where it did nothing, and I found this thread on Google Support saying it was removed in Chrome 104.
I don't believe electron has a hard limit of 4gb. That may be its
default, but I've been able to get to 16gb by doing the following in
const { app } = require('electron');
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('js-flags', '--max-old-space-size=16384');
Unfortunately no such switch exists for the Chrome browser.
Issue 1081316: It is time to remove the 4G/tab limitation
I would like to change the output mode of an Intel GMA450 based graphics chip to "cloned" mode.
Since the environment is a Windows Embedded Standard and only one of the connected monitors might be visible for the enduser, I would like to either permanently set the output mode to cloned or reset it continuously to cloned mode in case the actual mode differs (e.g. after a reboot, disconect/reconect of the second monitor or by other means).
Is there a way (Registrykey, API for the Intel driver, Win-Api) to change the display mode to cloned / dual output programatically?
I found the SDK for the IEDG driver it seems that I might be able to programatically set the resolution, clone mode etc.
However, I can't find the SDK or any information for the driver I am currently using: Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Windows* XP, version
This isn't a good answer, but it might get you headed in a direction to figure it out.
My last laptop had an external monitor connected, and the Intel drivers would often be confused about the orientation of the secondary after a reconnect or a reboot. I got tired of dealing with that and tried to fix it programatically because the clicks were too many in the GUI. Select this monitor, select rotation, select other monitor, select rotation, apply, arrange, apply, wait...
I spent about a day on it (ahh, the days of being an employee vs. self-employed!) and the solution I found was to use a program to compare the registry (regshot perhaps?) to discover what keys were involved in the correction (what they were before versus what they were after) and then there was an intel-provided exe that forced the driver to reset based on the registry-- the exe was essentially like pressing the "apply" button in the gui. I was running XP and if I recall, the gui management was for configuration of the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Windows XP as well. So the final solution became a cmd file on my desktop that would apply a REG without confirmation and then run an exe with some parameters.
Now, I don't have that laptop (they didn't let me walk out the door with it when I quit!) and I do not remember the specifics on the exe that was required to do the reset. Just changing registry keys didn't spontaneously cause it to take effect-- there was an api call involved, which I just handled with their exe. I know that isn't a lot to go on, but something tells me the file was in the driver package, or somewhere on the drive already, and I just found it. Running it at the command line gave options. Like /reset.
I hope that helps you a little. Be sure to post back if you figure it out.
Also post back if I'm completely mistaken and it didn't happen like this at all. But that's the way I remember it. :)