How to disable/enable notification sound for your flutter application? [closed] - firebase

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to disable sound for incoming notification when the user turn of the notification switch in my app.
I also read official documentation but couldn't find anything helpful.
Is there any way?
I tried This package for local notifications but didn't find what I am looking for!

This should be handled by your backend service. You can mute the sound by not sending "sound" key in your Cloud Messaging API. Read more here

One of the techniques can be deleting your old notification channel with sound and recreating the channel with no sound. This package is handy for dealing with notifications in flutter.
Delete Notification Channel
Create Notification Channel


Send push notification with FCM to specific users using serverside functions with api [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I'm pretty new to firebase so I wanted to create a android app using firebase and React Native. I want to make an app that notifies me when a product is on offer. I would use a TextInput where I can write down the product and sends it to the firestore database.
Now let's say there are multiple users and they wait for different products to get on offer, how do I handle that. I know if a user logs into the app using google or email they have a userID or something like that.
My idea would be a server function that uses a api to get the product that are on offer from the website and then maybe compares it to every user if any values match with the offer.
But how do I proceed after that, how do I send the push notification to this users?
Firebase Cloud Messaging push and deliver notification to the specified devices. You can push notifications through Firebase Console or Firebase Admin SDK.
You should use Firebase Admin SDK to push notifications when there're new offers depending on your business logic.

Flutter Firebase: Should I use a server to send my users notifications? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to send my users notifications on a ToDo app that I made using Firebase Cloud Messaging. The idea is that users will store entries in Firestore that have a time field of when that entry is scheduled. At this time I want the user to get a notification.
During this time, I was wondering. Should I be running this code on a server or on the users devices? I am working on the users' device side so far but I imagine if I have a server, the server can check all users and see which ones have entries that need to be sent at a certain time.
So, should I make a server or can I use Firebase Cloud Messaging just on the app?
You should use Firebase Cloud Functions for this use case.
Cloud Functions for Firebase is a serverless framework that lets you
automatically run backend code in response to events triggered by
Firebase features and HTTPS requests.

Socket or Firebase, Which is the best approach for chat application in Flutter? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Which is the best approach for chat application in Flutter? Socket or Firebase?
I'm developing an app using Flutter. Chat is one of the add-on features in my app. I'm using Node as a backend service. And I'm using Firebase also to handle my notifications.
I would like to know which is the best approach to implement the chat in my application.
Firebase is easier to use but with socket you have more control. Firebase can become a bit expensive. So it's your choice.
If you have want to develop such chat functionality as fast as possible,Firebase is the better option as it has realtime database and as well as APIs already there but it has some pricing on terms of the usage. If you have a longer time to develop such chat functionality and have worked with socket before then you can go for socket.

How to use FCM to push notification to user device without using firestore [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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How do i push notification to a device using FCM without using Firebase as a backend
fcm it`s a independent package and you can use fcm without firebase
you can use this package (follow Readme steps)
and this tutorial
you should save fcm tokens in your database for sending notification per device or send mass notification without fcm tokens

Can Google Firebase be considered a middleware? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I read that a middleware is a software/API/Cloud service that acts abstracting the usage of some functionality, for example, if I want a message to be sent from a client to a server, I could implement all the messaging API for myself or I could use a middleware where I could just create a client and a server and send a message following its protocol and the magic would be done behind the scenes.
With Firebase, this is kind of what happens, e.g. using Firebase database, I can tell it to store a certain string (from the client's part) and retrieve it (from the server's side), so to me it seems that Firebase acts as a middleware.
Is Google Firebase a middleware? If it is not, why?
Firebase isn't middleware. It's better classified as a platform as a service, or a backend as a service. There are lots of different products that make up the Firebase platform, and each one has its own way of providing services to mobile applications via SDKs.
Whether or not Firebase is classified as a "middleware" should be mostly irrelevant to developers. You just use SDKs to access backend services, and monitor them in the Firebase console. What goes on in the middle is an implementation detail.
