Firebase Console delete part of Project - firebase

I am using firebase with my android and iOS app.
My android app got removed from play store once (had to be 18+, it was 16+, don't know why they deleted it, its a joke app and no nudity or brutality is shown :D). Now many users have the old version which will receive no updates anymore. We managed to get many users to change to the new app (uploaded with different package name, everything else is the same)
I want to remove the old version from firebase. It uses old code and will not receive updates.
If I remove the old app from the project, will users still be able to connect to my firebase?
My hope is that they won't be able and will remove the old app (and maybe look up the new one as a reaction)
Will it make anything unexpected? I did not find anything about it despite that I lose the analytics.
As I cannot update the old app there is probably no other way to remove it.

To connect to the Realtime Database from an Android or iOS app, all the app needs to know if the URL of that Realtime Database. So no matter if there's an app registration in the Firebase project or not, if the code has the right URL it can connect.


Error while trying to create Firebase Firestore Database

I am new to Firebase. When I am creating a new Firestore database am getting this error
Enabling Cloud Firestore will prevent you from using Cloud Datastore with this project, notably from the associated App Engine app
All solutions I found online are completely targeting experts/individual who knows their way around Firebase and Google Cloud. To me, this error is a roadblock. I tried using my other Gmail accounts, creating new projects and the same error appears. even the cancel and close buttons seen are not working I have to refresh just to get back.
Kindly help or guide me what should I do.
Based on #JoshL.Minga and #RenaudTarnec comments, the issue was narrowed down to a specific browser. After switching to Safari it didn't reproduce.
This issue has been reported to Google support.
Aside from that, you may want to try creating a Frirestore DB using a brand new project. Make sure that your new project is created via the Firebase console and not in the GCP console.

FLUTTER FIREBASE Change to new instance not working for Android

My client has recently changed their Firebase instance (meaning its under a different project, in a different google sign on). I.e. they have a new instance that they want to use for production. I created the new instance and project with a different name to avoid any confusion. So for Android i removed the old google-services.json and downloaded the new one from Firebase and copied it into the android/app directory. Then I reviewed the project level and app level gradel files. No problems there. I checked inside the new google-services.json file and can clearly see that it is pointing to the new instance of Firebase.
Here's a snippet below:
"project_info": {
"project_number": "506498949424",
"firebase_url": "",
"project_id": "lbds-aeb3d",
"storage_bucket": ""
The old name was LittleBigDeals instead of lbds.
Actually this process has worked fine for the IOS side of the project. The app is now pointing at the new database.
However when I install it on ANdroid it still retrieves data from the old database.
Is there a pointer I'm missing or that I need to refresh in the Android set up.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
I had this same issue yesterday. I had changed to a different Firebase project in my Flutter app. iOS worked fine but Android still was attempting to use the incorrect Firebase project, despite google-services.json clearly pointing to the new project. The issue appeared to be limited to my local machine but was very bizarre and annoying. Another developer suggested that I try the "flutter clean" command, and once I ran flutter clean and re-started the virtual Android device, it then used the correct Firebase instance.

Cannot upgrade Firebase apps from legacy to new console

I'm unable to upgrade a specific existing Firebase app to the new Firebase 3 console. I'm not sure why because I was able to do it before without issue.So far I've:
Logged in to Legacy console
Clicked on the upgrade option for the app I want to transfer over
The Firebase 3 console opens but app is not there
I looked around for directions on how to proceed but have only found instructions to look below the Firebase 3 project list section to see the list of my old projects at and import them from there. The problem is I don't see anything but this error message.
I have clicked the linked your account but all that does is bring me back to the legacy console with no further instruction or confirmation that the account has been linked. When I go back to the Firebase 3 console there is still nothing there.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

Where can i find the link to my newly created app in firebase?

Im trying to locate the link that is supposed to be created along with my app on Firebase(according to the udacity Firebase course).
I found many links but none of them were accepted by the "after lesson quiz" on udacity.
The content that they have is according to the old UI of Firebase so i cant follow it step by step.
Unfortunately that course is for Firebase 2.x ( and is out of date. In the legacy Firebase docs, under step 5 : Read & Write to your Firebase Database, you can see that creating a Firebase reference required the actual web address for you app. This is no longer true.
The new and correct way to setup your Firebase app does not require you to use this web address. The steps for setting up a Firebase app now are HERE.

Phonegap : What happens to my sqlite database?

I am using phonegap for my mobile application. I am creating a database from the application.
Everything is working fine and as expected.
But what happens to my database when I uninstall my application?
The database is also removed or do I have to remove the database manually?
I have created a different app to erase the database, but looking at the console.log()s it is seen that database also gets erased along with the application.
Is it true? or am I doing something wrong?
In my experience, when you deinstall the App like the user would by deleting the App on the Telephone, the Data of Database also gets deleted.
When I re-install the App for Developing, let`s say with
./adb install <packagename>
or from XCode, the Data does not get deleted.
