Label group of plots - r

I merged nine plots together and I would like to group them based on different characteristics (A,B,C). Is there a simple way to add labels or annotations at the bottom of plots? When using cowplot or GridExtra i receive the following error:
In as_grob.default(plot) :
Cannot convert object of class list into a grob.
Sample data
list(list(stats = structure(c(43, 96.5, 297.5, 707.5, 778), .Dim = c(5L,
1L)), n = 36, conf = structure(c(136.603333333333, 458.396666666667
), .Dim = 2:1), out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(2, 10.5, 55.5, 102, 128), .Dim = c(5L,
1L)), n = 36, conf = structure(c(31.405, 79.595), .Dim = 2:1),
out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(1, 3, 5.5, 77, 88), .Dim = c(5L,
1L)), n = 36, conf = structure(c(-13.9866666666667, 24.9866666666667
), .Dim = 2:1), out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(531, 632.5, 701, 726.5, 786), .Dim = c(5L,
1L)), n = 36, conf = structure(c(676.246666666667, 725.753333333333
), .Dim = 2:1), out = c(485, 464, 446), group = c(1, 1, 1
), names = ""), list(stats = structure(c(104,
109.5, 113.5, 121, 125), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)), n = 36, conf = structure(c(110.471666666667,
116.528333333333), .Dim = 2:1), out = c(91, 91, 88, 84, 84,
79), group = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(28, 53.5, 83.5, 88, 91), .Dim = c(5L,
1L)), n = 36, conf = structure(c(74.415, 92.585), .Dim = 2:1),
out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(80, 89, 102.5, 153, 236), .Dim = c(5L,
1L)), n = 36, conf = structure(c(85.6466666666667, 119.353333333333
), .Dim = 2:1), out = c(343, 318, 299, 257), group = c(1,
1, 1, 1), names = """"), list(stats = structure(c(7,
12, 22.5, 44, 72), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)), n = 36, conf = structure(c(14.0733333333333,
30.9266666666667), .Dim = 2:1), out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0),
names = ""), list(stats = structure(c(5,
5, 6, 12.5, 21), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)), n = 36, conf = structure(c(4.025,
7.975), .Dim = 2:1), out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0),
names = ""))
Many thanks

I agree with the idea of using ggplot2 graphics with facets, but given your plot objects, you could do something like this (to get you started). I used ggplotify instead of cowplot because I ran into trouble with the figure margins, but you might be able to fix that by changing the null device (not tested).
Added individual labels and y axis labels, as well as outer margins. You might have to adjust some of that depending on the output size of your composite plot. This may show you how you could adjust those settings for individual plots. Still, using ggplot2 to generate the plots would make things quite a bit easier.
sdt <- list(list(stats = structure(c(43, 96.5, 297.5, 707.5, 778), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)),
n = 36, conf = structure(c(136.603333333333, 458.396666666667), .Dim = 2:1),
out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(2, 10.5, 55.5, 102, 128), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)),
n = 36, conf = structure(c(31.405, 79.595), .Dim = 2:1),
out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(1, 3, 5.5, 77, 88), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)),
n = 36, conf = structure(c(-13.9866666666667, 24.9866666666667), .Dim = 2:1),
out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(531, 632.5, 701, 726.5, 786), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)),
n = 36, conf = structure(c(676.246666666667, 725.753333333333), .Dim = 2:1),
out = c(485, 464, 446), group = c(1, 1, 1), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(104, 109.5, 113.5, 121, 125), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)),
n = 36, conf = structure(c(110.471666666667, 116.528333333333), .Dim = 2:1),
out = c(91, 91, 88, 84, 84, 79), group = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(28, 53.5, 83.5, 88, 91), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)),
n = 36, conf = structure(c(74.415, 92.585), .Dim = 2:1),
out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(80, 89, 102.5, 153, 236), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)),
n = 36, conf = structure(c(85.6466666666667, 119.353333333333), .Dim = 2:1),
out = c(343, 318, 299, 257), group = c(1,1, 1, 1), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(7, 12, 22.5, 44, 72), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)),
n = 36, conf = structure(c(14.0733333333333, 30.9266666666667), .Dim = 2:1),
out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""),
list(stats = structure(c(5, 5, 6, 12.5, 21), .Dim = c(5L, 1L)),
n = 36, conf = structure(c(4.025, 7.975), .Dim = 2:1),
out = numeric(0), group = numeric(0), names = ""))
sublabels <- paste0(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each=3), 1:3)
gplts <- lapply(1:9, function(x) as.grob(function(y=sdt[[x]]) {
bxp(y, ylab="values", main=sublabels[x])}))
grid.arrange(rectGrob(gp=gpar(col="red")), rectGrob(gp=gpar(col="green")),
rectGrob(gp=gpar(col="yellow")), nrow=1, newpage =T)
vp <- viewport(.33/2,0.45, gp = gpar(col="red"))
grid.text("Group A",
y = .1, just = c("center", "bottom"),
gp = gpar(fontsize=20), vp = vp)
vp <- viewport(.5,.45, gp = gpar(col="green"))
grid.text("Group B",
y = .1, just = c("center", "bottom"),
gp = gpar(fontsize=20), vp = vp)
vp <- viewport(1-(.33/2),.45, gp = gpar(col="yellow"))
grid.text("Group C",
y = .1, just = c("center", "bottom"),
gp = gpar(fontsize=20), vp = vp)
grid.arrange(grobs=gplts, nrow=1, newpage=F)
Created on 2021-03-25 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)


Create mean value plot without missing values count to total

Using a dataframe with missing values:
structure(list(id = c("id1", "test", "rew", "ewt"), total_frq_1 = c(54, 87, 10, 36), total_frq_2 = c(45, 24, 202, 43), total_frq_3 = c(24, NA, 25, 8), total_frq_4 = c(36, NA, 104, NA)), row.names = c(NA, 4L), class = "data.frame")
How is is possible to create a bar plot with the mean for every column, excluding the id column, but without filling the missing values with 0 but leaving out the row with missing values example for total_frq_3 24+25+8 = 57/3 = 19
You can use colMeans function and pass it the appropriate argument to ignore NA.
xy <- structure(list(id = c("id1", "test", "rew", "ewt"),
total_frq_1 = c(54, 87, 10, 36), total_frq_2 = c(45, 24, 202, 43), total_frq_3 = c(24, NA, 25, 8),
total_frq_4 = c(36, NA, 104, NA)),
row.names = c(NA, 4L),
class = "data.frame")
xy.means <- colMeans(x = xy[, 2:ncol(xy)], na.rm = TRUE)
xy.means <-
xy.means$total <- rownames(xy.means)
ggplot(xy.means, aes(x = total, y = xy.means)) +
theme_bw() +
Or just use base image graphic
barplot(height = colMeans(x = xy[, 2:ncol(xy)], na.rm = TRUE))

How to change the y-axis scale in plot for a forecast object?

I have the following graph made with plot. I basically plotted the outcome of an arima model. The problem, as you can see, is the y-axis. I want to rescale it so that it shows values as integers and not in scientific notation. I already tried with ylim = c(a,b) but it didn't work.
This is the data to plot:
structure(list(method = "ARIMA(1,2,0)", model = structure(list(
coef = c(ar1 = 0.165440211592995), sigma2 = 314372.871343033,
var.coef = structure(0.0387588365491072, .Dim = c(1L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(
"ar1", "ar1")), mask = TRUE, loglik = -201.464633423226,
aic = 406.929266846451, arma = c(1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 2L,
0L), residuals = structure(c(0.144002762945477, -0.257594259049227,
169.62992413163, -40.455716409227, 3.98528254071288, 325.669119576814,
-277.933508979317, 161.058607396831, 100.485413762468, 161.981734397248,
-21.1101185099251, 467.511038095663, 167.408540762885, 264.467148159716,
-870.459264535865, 1471.66097350626, 116.971877311758, -159.918791518434,
967.205782005673, -64.1682010133445, -372.385939678148, 352.062155538701,
632.526018003249, 1002.33521590517, 479.534164073812, 461.147699502253,
-1091.4663608196, -614.056109041783), .Tsp = c(1, 28, 1), class = "ts"),
call = arima(x = corona_total$Total_Cases, order = c(1, 2,
0)), series = "corona_total$Total_Cases", code = 0L,
n.cond = 0L, nobs = 26L, model = list(phi = 0.165440211592995,
theta = numeric(0), Delta = c(2, -1), Z = c(1, 2, -1),
a = c(-779, 59138, 53578), P = structure(c(-2.22044604925031e-16,
2.86887593857152e-17, -5.56124814802562e-17, 2.86887593857152e-17,
-3.31423141286073e-17, -1.61722928090181e-32, -5.56124814802562e-17,
-3.75958688714994e-17, -5.56124814802562e-17), .Dim = c(3L,
3L)), T = structure(c(0.165440211592995, 1, 0, 0, 2,
1, 0, -1, 0), .Dim = c(3L, 3L)), V = structure(c(1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), .Dim = c(3L, 3L)), h = 0, Pn = structure(c(1,
-5.4830714621183e-18, 1.21812129054869e-17, -5.48307146211831e-18,
-3.31423141286073e-17, -1.84889274661175e-32, 1.21812129054869e-17,
-3.75958688714994e-17, -5.56124814802562e-17), .Dim = c(3L,
3L))), x = structure(c(322, 400, 650, 888, 1128, 1694,
2036, 2502, 3089, 3858, 4636, 5883, 7375, 9172, 10149, 12462,
15113, 17660, 21157, 24747, 27980, 31506, 35713, 41035, 47021,
53578, 59138, 63919), .Tsp = c(1, 28, 1), class = "ts")), class = "Arima"),
level = c(80, 95), mean = structure(c(68571.1220751691, 73201.9225591844,
77829.1955946478, 82455.8850482763, 87082.4779540027, 91709.0548868236,
96335.6291770837, 100962.203030158, 105588.776810904, 110215.350579684,
114841.924346485, 119468.498112958, 124095.071879377, 128721.645645786,
133348.219412195, 137974.793178603, 142601.366945011, 147227.940711419,
151854.514477827, 156481.088244235, 161107.662010643, 165734.235777051,
170360.80954346, 174987.383309868, 179613.957076276, 184240.530842684,
188867.104609092, 193493.6783755, 198120.252141908, 202746.825908316,
207373.399674724, 211999.973441132, 216626.54720754, 221253.120973948,
225879.694740356, 230506.268506765, 235132.842273173, 239759.416039581,
244385.989805989, 249012.563572397, 253639.137338805, 258265.711105213,
262892.284871621, 267518.858638029, 272145.432404437, 276772.006170845,
281398.579937253, 286025.153703662, 290651.72747007, 295278.301236478,
299904.875002886, 304531.448769294, 309158.022535702, 313784.59630211,
318411.170068518, 323037.743834926, 327664.317601334, 332290.891367742,
336917.46513415, 341544.038900558), .Tsp = c(29, 88, 1), class = "ts"),
lower = structure(c(67852.5693904542, 71488.0378850631, 74869.4056219101,
78042.7559156995, 81035.3037876344, 83865.5016552685, 86546.988586515,
89090.4113186268, 91504.3946218833, 93796.1160212266, 95971.6728237902,
98036.3298321095, 99994.6937502293, 101850.840164951, 103608.408563905,
105270.675078771, 106840.60926587, 108320.919172912, 109714.087632186,
111022.401864165, 112247.977899771, 113392.780933102, 114458.642437768,
115447.274680314, 116360.283118863, 117199.177067588, 117965.378927058,
118660.232219392, 119285.008620154, 119840.914142592, 120329.094601246,
120750.640459457, 121106.591147333, 121397.938922313, 121625.632332819,
121790.579335963, 121893.650112513, 121935.679615911, 121917.46988679,
121839.792160025, 121703.388787634, 121508.974997728, 121257.240507039,
120948.851002351, 120584.449504222, 120164.657624752, 119690.076729762,
119161.289014511, 118578.858501069, 117943.331964511, 117255.239794357,
116515.096796942, 115723.402943843, 114880.644070922, 113987.29253211,
113043.807811626, 112050.637097962, 111008.215822666, 109916.968166633,
108777.307536393, 67472.1905761175, 70580.7621429779, 73302.5874546909,
75706.5864702675, 77834.1231526988, 79713.3753855171, 81365.1952663977,
82805.8644073931, 84048.5730632326, 85104.2982790952, 85982.3650762524,
86690.8252744766, 87236.7242194817, 87626.2949833746, 87865.1036821527,
87958.1607268483, 87910.0076619409, 87724.7860890043, 87406.2931723477,
86958.0269138267, 86383.2235034666, 85684.8884462828, 84865.8227394482,
83928.6450686659, 82875.8107702521, 81709.6281410368, 80432.2725549711,
79045.7987518185, 77552.151591525, 75953.1755121868, 74250.6228859222,
72446.1614324952, 70541.3808230744, 68537.798584461, 66436.8653962784,
64239.9698590982, 61948.4427995644, 59563.561168772, 57086.5515820169,
54518.5935412548, 51860.8223759273, 49114.3319330342, 46280.1770432903,
43359.3757867774, 40352.9115785747, 37261.7350923526, 34086.7660377659,
30828.8948056289, 27488.983993257, 24067.8698209688, 20566.3634495346,
16985.2522073028, 13325.3007348137, 9587.25205390016, 5771.82856756041,
1879.73299626436, -2088.35074420535, -6131.75671876397, -10249.8361987147,
-14441.9569333302), .Dim = c(60L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(NULL,
c("80%", "95%")), .Tsp = c(29, 88, 1), class = c("mts",
"ts", "matrix")), upper = structure(c(69289.674759884, 74915.8072333057,
80788.9855673855, 86869.0141808532, 93129.6521203709, 99552.6081183786,
106124.269767652, 112833.994741689, 119673.158999925, 126634.585138142,
133712.175869179, 140900.666393806, 148195.450008524, 155592.451126622,
163088.030260485, 170678.911278435, 178362.124624152, 186134.962249926,
193994.941323469, 201939.774624305, 209967.346121516, 218075.690621001,
226262.976649151, 234527.491939421, 242867.631033688, 251281.88461778,
259768.830291125, 268327.124531608, 276955.495663662, 285652.73767404,
294417.704748202, 303249.306422807, 312146.503267748, 321108.303025584,
330133.757147894, 339221.957677567, 348372.034433833, 357583.15246325,
366854.509725187, 376185.334984769, 385574.885889976, 395022.447212698,
404527.329236203, 414088.866273707, 423706.415304653, 433379.354716939,
443107.083144745, 452889.018392812, 462724.59643907, 472613.270508444,
482554.510211415, 492547.800741645, 502592.64212756, 512688.548533298,
522835.047604926, 533031.679858227, 543277.998104707, 553573.566912819,
563917.962101668, 574310.770264724, 69670.0535742206, 75823.0829753909,
82355.8037346047, 89205.1836262851, 96330.8327553065, 103704.73438813,
111306.06308777, 119118.541652923, 127128.980558576, 135326.402880273,
143701.483616717, 152246.170951439, 160953.419539271, 169816.996308198,
178831.335142237, 187991.425630358, 197292.726228081, 206731.095333834,
216302.735783307, 226004.149574644, 235832.10051782, 245783.58310782,
255855.796347471, 266046.121551069, 276352.103382299, 286771.433544331,
297301.936663213, 307941.557999181, 318688.352692291, 329540.476304445,
340496.176463526, 351553.785449769, 362711.713592006, 373968.443363436,
385322.524084435, 396772.567154431, 408317.241746781, 419955.270910389,
431685.428029961, 443506.533603539, 455417.452301683, 467417.090277392,
479504.392699952, 491678.341489281, 503937.9532303, 516282.277249338,
528710.393836741, 541221.412601694, 553814.470946882, 566488.732651987,
579243.386556237, 592077.645331285, 604990.74433659, 617981.94055032,
631050.511569476, 644195.754673588, 657416.985946874, 670713.539454249,
684084.766467015, 697530.034734447), .Dim = c(60L, 2L), .Dimnames = list(
NULL, c("80%", "95%")), .Tsp = c(29, 88, 1), class = c("mts",
"ts", "matrix")), x = structure(c(322, 400, 650, 888, 1128,
1694, 2036, 2502, 3089, 3858, 4636, 5883, 7375, 9172, 10149,
12462, 15113, 17660, 21157, 24747, 27980, 31506, 35713, 41035,
47021, 53578, 59138, 63919), .Tsp = c(1, 28, 1), class = "ts"),
series = "corona_total$Total_Cases", fitted = structure(c(321.855997237055,
400.257594259049, 480.37007586837, 928.455716409227, 1124.01471745929,
1368.33088042319, 2313.93350897932, 2340.94139260317, 2988.51458623753,
3696.01826560275, 4657.11011850993, 5415.48896190434, 7207.59145923711,
8907.53285184028, 11019.4592645359, 10990.3390264937, 14996.0281226882,
17819.9187915184, 20189.7942179943, 24811.1682010133, 28352.3859396781,
31153.9378444613, 35080.4739819968, 40032.6647840948, 46541.4658359262,
53116.8523004977, 60229.4663608196, 64533.0561090418), .Tsp = c(1,
28, 1), class = "ts"), residuals = structure(c(0.144002762945477,
-0.257594259049227, 169.62992413163, -40.455716409227, 3.98528254071288,
325.669119576814, -277.933508979317, 161.058607396831, 100.485413762468,
161.981734397248, -21.1101185099251, 467.511038095663, 167.408540762885,
264.467148159716, -870.459264535865, 1471.66097350626, 116.971877311758,
-159.918791518434, 967.205782005673, -64.1682010133445, -372.385939678148,
352.062155538701, 632.526018003249, 1002.33521590517, 479.534164073812,
461.147699502253, -1091.4663608196, -614.056109041783), .Tsp = c(1,
28, 1), class = "ts")), class = "forecast")
This is the code I used to make the plot (ignore the dotted exponential curve):
plot(forecast, shaded = TRUE, shadecols=NULL, lambda = NULL, col = 1, fcol = 4, pi.col=1,
pi.lty=2, ylim = NULL, main = "Out-of-Sample Forecast", ylab = "Number of Cases",
xlab = "Days (since 23/03/2020)") + abline(v = 28:29, col= "#FF000033", lty=1, lwd=5)
Can anyone please help me with this?
I couldn't load your object in my R session, so I'm assuming your plot works like a regular one.
You have 2 options.
Either you set options(scipen = 10) (or some high value), which is a quick fix, but if you need some plots with scientific notation and others without on the same graphics window, this will not work.
You define the axis yourself, with the format you need.
You can use axTicks(2) to get the position of default ticks and then format the labels as you need.
I recommend option 2. Here's a quick example :
x <- seq(1,10, l = 100)
y <- x*1e5
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(x, y, main = "custom axis", yaxt = "n")
ticks <- axTicks(2) # get axis ticks
axis(2, at = ticks, labels = formatC(ticks, format = 'd')) # make axis
plot(x, y, main = "default axis")
Outputs :
You can take a look at other potential options in the answers to this post

How to summarise (dplyr) user specified variables reactively in flexdashboard/shiny?

I am trying to develop a shiny dashboard app that is able to produce a bar graph for different outcome variables that can be selected by the user. To do so, I need to subset my data reactively to generate aggregate data frames. I am able to have the code below successfully filter my data reactively, but I am running into trouble when I try to use dplyr::summarise() reactively.
Here is my data
geoid = c(
state = c(
county = c(
"Autauga County",
"Autauga County",
"Autauga County",
"Autauga County",
"Autauga County",
"Autauga County"
ozzone = structure(
c(1L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 1L),
.Label = c("non.oz", "oz"),
class = "factor"
tract_type = c(
investment_score_1_low_10_high = c(4,
6, 9, 10, 5, 6),
socioeconomic_change_flag_1_yes_blank_no = c(0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
fips_county = c("01001", "01001", "01001", "01001",
"01001", "01001"),
total_empl = c(51809L, 51809L, 51809L, 51809L,
51809L, 51809L),
total_payroll = c(338395L, 338395L, 338395L,
338395L, 338395L, 338395L),
total_establishments = c(5090L, 5090L,
5090L, 5090L, 5090L, 5090L),
largest_employer = c(72L, 72L, 72L,
72L, 72L, 72L),
largest_employer_bypayroll = c(44L, 44L, 44L,
44L, 44L, 44L),
trend_employee_change = c(
trend_payroll_change = c(
trend_establishment_change = c(
damage_cost_weather_total = c(20000, 20000, 20000, 20000,
20000, 20000),
deaths_weather_total = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L),
medianrent = c(537, 633, 525, 680, 409, 303),
vacancyrate = c(
total_pop = c(503, 827, 900, 2989, 740, 813),
undertwo_percent = c(
mobility_rate = c(
unemploy_rate = c(
median_income = c(41287, 46806, 41250, 64439,
46607, 36450),
renter_percent = c(
blackaa_percent = c(
hispanic_percent = c(
transit_score_mean = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
life_expectancy = c(75.67, 75.67, 75.67, 75.67, 75.67, 75.67),
trend_life_expectancy = c(5.1, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1, 5.1),
median_monthly_housing_costs = c(885,
885, 885, 885, 885, 885),
pestilence_2018 = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
total_pop_county = c(6772, 6772, 6772, 6772, 6772, 6772),
deaths_weather_pop = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
cost_weather_pop = c(
Male_HSgrad = c(75, 68, 211, 189, 97,
Male_SomeCollege = c(28, 18, 51, 111, 74, 38),
Male_AssocDeg = c(4,
6, 0, 63, 0, 21),
Male_BachDeg = c(7, 9, 0, 11, 0, 9),
Male_GradDeg = c(0,
0, 0, 29, 6, 0),
MaleEduAboveHS = c(114, 101, 262, 403, 177,
Total_Male18.24 = c(145, 123, 285, 455, 202, 110),
MaleEduHSAbove_pop = c(
Female_HSgrad = c(11, 60, 87, 156, 23, 83),
Female_SomeCollege = c(22,
25, 13, 47, 54, 65),
Female_AssocDeg = c(0, 0, 20, 82, 0,
Female_BachDeg = c(5, 26, 0, 19, 0, 11),
Female_GradDeg = c(5,
16, 0, 0, 0, 0),
FemaleEduAboveHS = c(43, 127, 120, 304,
77, 159),
Total_Female18.24 = c(53, 127, 192, 581, 92, 198),
FemaleEduHSAbove_pop = c(
row.names = c(NA,
class = "data.frame"
Here is my code
#List of potential outcome variables to be plotted
variables <- c("total_empl", "total_payroll", "total_establishments", "largest_employer", "largest_employer_bypayroll", "trend_employee_change", "trend_payroll_change", "trend_establishment_change", "damage_cost_weather_total", "deaths_weather_total", "medianrent", "vacancyrate", "total_pop", "undertwo_percent", "mobility_rate", "unemploy_rate", "median_income", "renter_percent", "blackaa_percent", "hispanic_percent", "median_monthly_housing_costs", "MaleEduAboveHS_pop", "FemaleEduHSAbove_pop")
# Define inputs
selectInput('state_name', label = 'Select a state', choices = lookup)
selectInput('DV', label = 'Outcome Measure', choices = variables)
#Filter data based on the State and outcome measure the user would like to investigate.
bar <- reactive({
st <- df %>%
filter(state == input$state_name)
bp <- st %>%
group_by(tract_type) %>%
summarise(Outcome = mean(st[,input$DV]))
Right now, this code successfully filters the data by the input$state_name, but there is an issue with the calculation of means. The result is this:
# A tibble: 2 x 2
tract_type Outcome
<chr> <dbl>
1 Contiguous 468296.
2 LICs 468296.
As you can see, the means that are calculated are identical. In fact, these values correspond to the grand average mean for whichever variable is chosen for input$DV. Therefore, the filtered st data is not being successfully grouped into the two levels of tract_type.
I see what you are trying to do. The difference is that in your reactive part you try to calculate the mean of a string, which won't work. What you want to do is summarise one of the columns in df by providing the name
In the following example, I specify the summarising variable manually. Note that investment_score_1_low_10_high does not have quotes. investment_score_1_low_10_high is what is called a symbol in R.
st <- df %>%
filter(state == "Alabama") %>%
group_by(tract_type) %>%
summarise(Outcome = mean(investment_score_1_low_10_high))
But I think this should work:
bar <- reactive({
# Create a symbol from string.
mean_variable <- sym(input$DV)
bp <- df %>%
filter(state == input$state_name) %>%
group_by(tract_type) %>%
summarise(Outcome = mean(!! mean_variable, na.rm = TRUE))
Extra information about the use of !! and what it does can be found here: Here
And even better with examples Here
Solution derived by #dylanvanw
bar <- reactive({
# Create a symbol from string.
mean_variable <- sym(input$DV)
bp <- df %>%
filter(state == input$state_name) %>%
group_by(tract_type) %>%
summarise(Outcome = mean(!! mean_variable, na.rm = TRUE))

How to export list of lists with different sizes in r

I researched ways to write this type of list, but I could not achieve.
Here is my data:
a<-structure(list(X2005 = structure(list(hours = list(c(0.2, 0,
4), c(0.2, 4)), maxx = structure(list(maxh2 = 4, maxh3 = 4), .Names = c("maxh2",
"maxh3"))), .Names = c("hours", "maxx")), X2006 = structure(list(
hours = list(c(1.8, 0, 1), c(1.8, 1)), maxx = structure(list(
maxh2 = 1.8, maxh3 = 1.8), .Names = c("maxh2", "maxh3"
))), .Names = c("hours", "maxx")), X2007 = structure(list(
hours = list(c(4.2, 0, 0), c(4.2, 0)), maxx = structure(list(
maxh2 = 4.2, maxh3 = 4.2), .Names = c("maxh2", "maxh3"
))), .Names = c("hours", "maxx")), X2008 = structure(list(
hours = list(c(0.1, 6, 0), c(3.1, 3)), maxx = structure(list(
maxh2 = 6, maxh3 = 3.1), .Names = c("maxh2", "maxh3"))), .Names = c("hours",
"maxx"))), .Names = c("X2005", "X2006", "X2007", "X2008"))
I need to see this list of lists in a excel sheet.
We could try this:
You could also try this and do some reshape2ing before export.
Viewing the structure these yield:
Another option as suggested by #jay.sf :

Error in rowSums(Qf) : 'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions (msm::msm2surv)

I am using function msm2surv in msm package and trying to convert longitudinal data to the format flexsurve package likes. Following is my sample called tmp.
tmp <- structure(list(id = c(89, 90, 90, 91, 91, 91, 92, 92, 93, 93,
94, 94, 94, 95, 95, 96), days = c(9157, 0, 9156, 0, 8394, 9156,
0, 9156, 0, 8079, 0, 8933, 9003, 0, 8430, 0), event = c(1, 1,
1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1)), row.names = c(NA,
-16L), class = c("grouped_df", "tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), vars = "id", drop = TRUE, indices = list(
0L, 1:2, 3:5, 6:7, 8:9, 10:12, 13:14, 15L), group_sizes = c(1L,
2L, 3L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 1L), biggest_group_size = 3L, labels = structure(list(
id = c(89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96)), row.names = c(NA,
-8L), class = "data.frame", vars = "id", drop = TRUE, .Names = "id"), .Names = c("id",
"days", "event"))
running codes:
Q <- matrix(c(
), nrow=6, ncol=6,
dat <- msm2Surv(data=tmp, subject="id", time="days", state="event", Q=Q)
It gives me the error: Error in rowSums(Qf) : 'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions.
I checked the dimension of the dataframe, it sounds ok to me. But the error is there. Does everyone know how to resolve the problem/error?
Many thanks!
We can convert the tbl_df to data.frame and it should work
out <- msm2Surv(, subject="id",
time="days", state="event", Q=Q)
#[1] 31 8
The "tmp" dataset is a grouped tbl_df and has lots of attributes. By converting to data.frame, we remove those attributes.
