I'm trying to do a pathfinding algorithm visualizer and I want that by pressing the S key you will put a start node depending on where your mouse is located but I want the player to only be able to do it once until he chooses to clear the board and he can put another start node since the board is empty so that he doesn't have multiple start nodes on a single grid and I tried doing it with keeping track of a count variable but it didn't work it still allowed to press multiple times(I'm not talking about KEYDOWN and KEYUP, I want the player to press it only once and not be able to do it more times). If possible can someone tell me how to allow to put only one start node at each board but when board is cleared and empty you can put once again but also only one start node.
snippet of my code attempt:
start_count = 0
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_s and start_count < 1:
for node in nodes_list:
start_count += 1
You need to initialize start_count once before the application loop, instead of continuously in the application loop:
start_count = 0
while True:
# [...]
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_s and start_count < 1:
for node in nodes_list:
start_count += 1
# [...]
I would like to start a julia script by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+H.
When the script starts, the keys Ctrl and Shift may still be pressed (depending on how quickly I remove my fingers).
I would like to be sure that these two keys are released before executing the rest of the script. To do that I need to test if the key are pressed.
Note that triggering an event when the key are released would not be enough as the keys may not be pressed when the script starts.
I found several references to detect when a key is pressed in Julia but I did not find one to test if a key is currently pressed.
Do you know how I could do that?
Here is a minimal example of why I would like to do that.
You can find here a file in the cnee format which enables to write "azerty" in the window which has the focus. If you type the following command in a terminal, "azerty" is typed in it as expected:
cnee --replay -sp 0 -f ./recorded_macro.xnl
In order to write "azerty" in any window (not just terminals), I create a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+H which executes this command. If I use the shortcut, the keys Ctrl and Shift are likely to be pressed when the command is executed (except if I use the shortcut very quickly) and instead of typing "azerty", the window with the focus will get Ctrl+Shift+a, Ctrl+Shift+z, Ctrl+Shift+e, Ctrl+Shift+r, Ctrl+Shift+t and Ctrl+Shift+y which will trigger actions in the window but will not write "azerty".
So, I would like instead to start a python script with this shortcut which waits for Ctrl and Shift to be non-pressed before executing the cnee command. Note again that waiting for the keys to be released with a listener is not a solution as the keys Ctrl and Shift may not be pressed at the start of the python script if I use the shortcut quickly (and so I will have to press again Ctrl and Shift before executing the cnee command which I do not want).
The following Gtk program will detect the release of shift, control, and alt that are already pressed before the program starts or gets the focus. Note that my keyboard at least seems to not always detect multiple keystrokes, so perhaps depending on your keyboard you may have to just detect one of those releases.
using Gtk
function keypresswindow()
txt = "Press and Release a Key"
state = ""
win = GtkWindow("Key Release Test", 500, 30) |> (GtkFrame() |> ((vbox = GtkBox(:v)) |> (lab = GtkLabel(txt))))
function keyreleasecall(w, event)
event.keyval == 65505 && (state *= "SHIFT ")
event.keyval == 65507 && (state *= "CONTROL ")
event.keyval == 65513 && (state *= "ALT ")
set_gtk_property!(lab, :label, "You have released: $state")
signal_connect(keyreleasecall, win, "key-release-event")
cond = Condition()
endit(w) = notify(cond)
signal_connect(endit, win, :destroy)
I'm working on a problem requiring me to create a GUI (in Tkinter) which shows a different word in the label (referencing from a list) each time the button is pressed.
I've tried researching and have found similar problems but haven't found a working solution yet. I have tried 'for each' and 'while' loops, and 'if' statements, but haven't been able to get the code working correctly.
the_window.counter = 0
if the_window.counter == 0:
top_label['text'] = words [0]
the_window.counter + 1
elif the_window.counter == 1:
top_label['text'] = words [1]
the_window.counter + 1
the code shown above produces the first word in the list only, and multiple clicks don't have any effect. does anyone have any ideas?
You need need to keep a global counter, and update it each time it is clicked.
The following code illustrates the technique:
# initialized to -1, so that the first time it is called
# it gets set to zero
the_window_counter = -1
def handle_click():
global the_window_counter
the_window_counter += 1
except IndexError:
top_label.configure(text="no more words")
I want to access text values from a List BOX (pywinauto uia wrapper)that is nested inside LIST view inside the application used.
code snippet:
#upper window
#after this enforcement window opens and i need to select the third tab which is performed below and its working fine.
enfwin = guilib.get_window('Enforcement', backend='uia')
# guilib is user defined library which will retun the window handle
if enf_win.TabControl.get_selected_tab() != 2:
log.debug("Clicking on 'Targets' tab in Enforcement window")
enf_win.TabControl`enter code here`.wait('enabled', timeout=60).select(2)
list_rows = enf_win.ListBox.wait('ready', timeout=60).texts()
enf_win = guilib.get_window('Enforcement', backend='uia')
if enf_win.TabControl.get_selected_tab() != 2:
log.debug("Clicking on 'Targets' tab in Enforcement window")
enf_win.TabControl.wait('enabled', timeout=60).select(2)
list_rows = enf_win.ListBox.wait('ready', timeout=60).texts()
The problem here is, when I am calling this function two times from script, 1 st run its fetching the list_rows whereas in second run its returning blank. It seems like it needed some time in between. But increasing time is not helping.
Please suggest if any modification I need to do to fetch list box value each time.
I have a script that I'd like to use to automate processes in Audacity. I have it set up so that all the functions I want to do in Audacity are keyboard shortcuts (since I don't think Audacity uses standard window menus like is required for WinMenuSelectItem()) In other words, my whole code consists of multiple instances of the Send() command. The problem is, AutoIT executes the code too fast. I've tried using WinWait(), but the processes take variable amounts of time. I've also tried ShellExecuteWait() and RunWait()Is there a way to get it to wait until the program isn't doing something, and then execute my send commands? Here's some of my code
Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Audacity\audacity.exe")
; wait until it's active
; get the dialogue box to go away
; open files
; open the certain file & press enter
; select left boundary of silence period
; select right boundary of silence period
; Use for debugging issues. Systray icon show current line.
Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1)
; Delay default: 250s
Opt('WinWaitDelay', 400)
; Delay default: 5s
Opt('SendKeyDelay', 100)
; Path of the wav file.
$sInFile = #WorkingDir & '\test.wav'
; Optional permanent change of splash screen setting.
; Run Audacity and argument of the wav file.
$iPid = Run('"C:\Program Files (x86)\Audacity\audacity.exe" "' & $sInFile & '"')
; Check if Run Audacity failed.
If #error Then
MsgBox(0x40030, #ScriptName, 'Failed to run Audacity')
Exit 1
; Wait for main window to get handle. Title is the filename with no extension.
$hMainWindow = WinWait('[TITLE:test; CLASS:wxWindowNR]', '', 10)
; Check allowed timeout of window.
If Not $hMainWindow Then
MsgBox(0x40030, #ScriptName, 'Audacity window not detected.')
Exit 1
; If splash screen setting not 0 then handle the window.
If _SplashScreen() Then
WinWait('Welcome to Audacity', '', 3)
; Send '[' to main window to trigger Left Boundary window.
ControlSend($hMainWindow, '', '', '[')
; Get handle of Left Boundary window.
$hMsgWindow = WinWait('Set Left Selection Boundary', '', 5)
; Check allowed timeout of window.
If Not $hMsgWindow Then
MsgBox(0x40030, #ScriptName, 'Selection Boundary window not detected.')
Exit 1
; Activate window, set time and click OK.
If WinActivate($hMsgWindow) Then
ControlSend($hMsgWindow, '', 'wxWindowNR1', '{LEFT 3}1'); 1000
ControlClick($hMsgWindow, '', 'Button2'); OK
; Send ']' to main window to trigger Right Boundary window.
ControlSend($hMainWindow, '', '', ']')
; Get handle of Right Boundary window.
$hMsgWindow = WinWait('Set Right Selection Boundary', '', 5)
; Check allowed timeout of window.
If Not $hMsgWindow Then
MsgBox(0x40030, #ScriptName, 'Selection Boundary window not detected.')
Exit 1
; Activate window, set time and click OK.
If WinActivate($hMsgWindow) Then
; Audacity shows 1000 and focus is on the 1st non zero digit which is 1.
ControlSend($hMsgWindow, '', 'wxWindowNR1', '2'); 2000
ControlClick($hMsgWindow, '', 'Button2'); OK
; More code to do.
MsgBox(0x40040, #ScriptName, 'End of automation.' & #CRLF & #CRLF & _
'You can close Audacity to finish.')
; Wait for Audacity process to close.
Func _WelcomeWindow()
; Used by AdlibRegister to handle the Welcome window.
; Welcome window hides if closed so need to check if exist and is visible (2).
If WinExists('Welcome to Audacity') Then
If BitAND(WinGetState('Welcome to Audacity'), 2) Then
WinClose('Welcome to Audacity')
Func _SplashScreen($bDisable = False)
; Write to audacity.cfg to disable splash screen.
Local $sIniFile = #AppDataDir & '\Audacity\audacity.cfg'
If IniRead($sIniFile, 'GUI', 'ShowSplashScreen', '1') = '1' Then
If $bDisable Then
; Return 1 if ini file change is success.
If IniWrite($sIniFile, 'GUI', 'ShowSplashScreen', '0') Then
Return 1
; Return 1 if check for splash screen is enabled.
Return 1
Opt() is used to slow down the wait of windows and the sends.
Also added Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) for debugging though if
the script is considered good then you can remove that Opt().
ControlSend() is used instead of Send() as ControlSend()
targets windows and controls based of title, text, etc.
The Opt() delays are not required though was added to
demonstrate the usage, though perhaps Audacity may struggle
to keep with the speed that AutoIt can automate.
If possible, suggest use of Control*() functions for automation.
Storing window handles in a variable can help save retyping titles
in the code. WinWait() returns a window handle which is ideal and
if the timeout parameter is used, then 0 indicates the window not
found so automation can be aborted.
The Classname of the main window is not enough on its own as
Audacity creates many invisible windows with the same Classname.
So, the title may need to be used as well. The title could be
used alone though titled by filename may not be unique at times.
See Window Titles and Text Advanced for usage.
WinActivate() is used on the Boundary windows although it
may not be needed as control*() usually do not need active
windows. Standard Msgboxes in comparison may require to be
active to accept messages sent to them.
ShellExecuteWait() and RunWait() are no good for automation
as they block the script from continuing until the executed
process has finished.
So use ShellExecute() or Run() instead.
The repetitive use of RunWait("Audacity") seems like
desperation to correct the behavior perhaps, though flawed.
Waiting for windows to appear is how to control flow and then
functions such as ControlCommand() can detect state of controls.
ControlClick() is used on the buttons.
CtrlID of Classname Button2 is used though if the script
is always for English users then you can use the text which
would be OK for the OK button.
The ProcessWaitClose($iPid) is optional.
It is sometimes useful to wait for the program
being automated to exit before the script exits.
You comment "get the dialogue box to go away" in you code
after starting Audacity. You can change the setting on the
dialogue box or Preferences -> Interface options. Advice
disabling as it is a future problem to keep handling.
I added some code to disable the setting in the
audacity.cfg file. If not preferred to disable with
_SplashScreen(True) or done manually then
the AdLibRegister('_WelcomeWindow') call will handle
closing the window. Note that the Welcome window does
not close but rather hides.
_SplashScreen(True) changes splash setting to 0 to disable the splash.
_SplashScreen(False) or _SplashScreen() does no change of settings.
The call returns 1 if splash is enabled else 0.
I would like to ask some suggestions to solve this particular deadlock:
3 operators, each is given 2 of 3 different materials at random: 1, 2, 3
3 tools, each material needs a different tool to process by an operator.
material 1 needs tool 1
material 2 needs tool 2
material 3 needs tool 3
Each operator needs to wait for the proper tools to process the materials.
i.e. If an operator has taken material 1,2, he needs tool 1,2
A deadlock may happen:
operator 1 has taken material 1,2, waiting for tool 1,2
operator 2 has taken material 2,3, waiting for tool 2,3
operator 3 has taken material 3,1, waiting for tool 3,1
None of the operator can acquire both tools, what should the operator do?
Create a global variable to record the recent 6 materials taken by the operators. If each material appeared twice (example [1,3,1,2,2,3]), then the last operator should keep abandoning the last material until no all materials appear twice (example [1,3,1,2,2,1])?
Will this work? what if I have 10 operators with 3 tools and 3 materials. Any suggestion will help.
So how it works is that an operator would take one of the tools, and then the second one. if the second one wasn't available. then it would let the first one go too ( it will put the first tool back and make it free and available for other operators). This way, the other operator that is waiting for that tool would take it and the deadlock won't happen.
int toolx=0; // operator has no tool x
int tooly=0; // operator has no tool y
// loop if toolx and tooly are not aquired
while ((toolx + tooly)!=2){
//drop tool x
if (toolx == 1) {
toolbox[mat_x] ++;
toolx -- ;
// drop tool y
if (tooly == 1) {
toolbox[mat_y] ++;
tooly -- ;
// wait on tool x
while (toolbox[mat_x] == 0) {
pthread_cond_wait (&cond_tool,&tool_mutex); // wait
// wait complete and take tool x
toolbox[mat_x] --;
toolx ++ ;
//try take tool y
while (toolbox[mat_y]== 0) { // if other is taking tool y
if (toolx == 1) { //if operator is holding toolx.
toolbox[mat_x] ++;
toolx -- ; // put back tool x
pthread_cond_wait (&cond_tool,&tool_mutex); // wait on tools
// take tool y
toolbox[mat_y] --;
tooly ++;